Active Ass Class Com Creative Eat Emo Enviro Environment Erver Features Game Gamemode Gamemodes Gaming Iron Ming Mod Mode Multi Multiserver Pvp Server Short Sit Skyblock Skywars Survival Games Vis Win

KeiNett Gaming

KeiNett Gaming

Just visit

for more server information

Short description:
Keinett features a multiserver environment with many gamemodes to choose from. Come and swing by and see if you’ll like it here!

Active Ass Class Com Craft Gam Game God Gods Lmao Owner Raft Serv Survival Multiplayer Vega


Owner: Razorgods
Co-Owner: snod66

130 138 Ass Class Craft Elo Erver Follow Loaded Noop Open Raft Reloaded Server Style Survival Multiplayer Tat

Reloaded: Craft

Votati pentru a primi castiguri pe server.


Active Australia Australian Chill Creative Eco Economy Event Faction Factions Games Good Grief Hub Kit Kitpvp Map Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo New Paintball Parkour Plots Prevention Pvp Raid Server Sky Skywars Staff Survival Town Towny Vanilla Voting War Wars

Chilli Server

There is loads to see and do from: –

Hub – Just come and have a jump around the hub before choosing your game.
Chilli – A survival map with grief prevention, Towny, economy and mcmmo.
Factions – A brand new 1.7.4 map, come and get started and use the in game voting bonuses to raid other factions.
Vanilla – A 1.7.4 map come and see how good you are at REAL minecraft.
Creative – Plots that you can go wild on.
Mini-Games – we have our own two mini-games that you can see no-where else Bulldog and Goldrush, with other games such as
Survival games, Skywars, Teamfortress II, Paintball, a plaza full of Parkour maps, One in the Chamber and most recently Dwarfes Vs Zombies and KitPVP.

Our server is located in Germany but is operated by UK, US and Australian Staff.

Active Amazing Build Cat Chat Class Com Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Extreme Forums Game Gameplay Inecraft Join King Looking Mine Minecraft Minecrafter Play Player Pvp Rvival Speak Survival Survive Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Towny Wild Wilderness Xtreme

DuncsMC Survival

We’re looking for dedicated Minecrafters to come and join our community to build some amazing things whilst being able to survive in the wilderness!

We have:

– 24/7 Gameplay (You’ll EXTREMELY rarely see the Player Count at 0)
– 24/7 Forums
– 24/7 Chat Room
– 24/7 32 Slot TeamSpeak

Action Best Class Creative Different End Experience Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Happy Ill Legit Make Mod Money Need Play Player Plugin Plugins Quest Raid Riendly Ring Rvival Sell Server Simp Simple Style Survival Who World Worlds

Tirisfal Glades

The server with it all. Here on Tirisfal Glades we have compiled the best game modes out there. We have Factions, Creative and legit Survival all in the one server. We separate the plugins with different worlds. no need to look for one server when you can play all on the same server. Your money plays across the whole server so you can raid in factions, sell the stuff and make a living. Our goal on Tirisfal Glades is to bring the best experience we can to the player. We will be happy to answer any questions. We try to keep everything simple and user friendly. Come on down and check us out.


Active Ass Buy Capture Casino Cked Class Cmi Erver Flag Gamble Game Games Ill Ked Lag Mcm Mini Minigame Minigames Mon Money Nks One Ran Rank Ranks Sell Server Spleef Survival Multiplayer Ter Tes


McMiniGames is a server filled with minigames! These include spleef, Capture the flag and much more! You can sell the earning you get from winning and gamble and test your luck in the casino. After getting some money stocked up you can buy ranks and show off how much you have earned!

Active Ban Build Building Chestshop Craft Dark Economy End Event Events Farm Friends Grief Griefing Iconomy King Lwc Mine Minecraft New Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Protection Pve Pvp Quest Rights Server Servers Shop Survival Timber Vanilla World

Evolution of Darkness

Are you suffering from playing on Minecraft servers where you can get only settled places to build with a farm world, or you have to ask a OP to get building rights?
On EVOLUTION OF DARKNESS everything a player is building is automatically protected against changes throught other players.
You can also build with friends by adding them to your Friendlist.
On infinite worlds, you have the choice of the location for your projects, build wherever you want (with exception of the entrance hall).
– automatic griefing Protection
– Several worlds with different (weather, day / night cycle)
– LWC = (chests, doors and dispenser protection)
– Commandsigns = (command execution by clicking on signs.)
– Chestshop = (buying and selling items, simply by left / right click)
– Iconomy = (money and banking system)
– Timber plugin = (trees collapse when the strain is removed.)
– Events and Event plugins = (PvP / PvE events may vary from time to time)
– Various security plugin = (to prevent spammers and cheaters)
– and more…
New plugins can also be added at the request of a majority of players.

Active Build City Claim Community Craft Currency Death Fac Faction Factions Free Great Grief Griefing Iconomy Join Land Map Market Mine Minecraft Mines New Old Play Player Players Portals Pvp Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Survival Multiplayer Thirst War

CityCraft Servers

| CityCraft | Survival | PVP |Build | #1 UK

CityCraft – Survival:


The CityCraft Survival server allows players to satisfy their thirst for blood and work together in the form of factions to conquer their counterparts. These groups can hold more areas – claimed land is safe from griefing and theft, and factions can gain power by growing in size; however, factions will lose power if their players are killed. Survival by its nature is every man for himself, and players should be wary of griefers and murderers – we do not prohibit death and destruction, but encourage it.

CityCraft – Build:


A 24/7 City based map minecraft server. We have a great Community with new members joining daily. The map is themed around the style of a city. We have shops, portals, public mines and forests, and flats. We also have iConomy which we use as currency on the server. We have a market in which members can go to and sell/buy items with other members. The server is free build and promotions are available. Join today.

Ats Bee Cheat Class Community Craft Dank Date Edit End Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Ill Inecraft Intense Kill Mage Mine Minecraft Noop Open Owner Pro Pvp Ram Red Server Servers Sky Stand Top Update Updates Website


IP :
IP :
Exploits PvP is een nieuwe Minecraft server gemaakt om plezier te hebben
met je vrienden door samen te werken en vredig te leven met andere factions,
of om een intense oorlog te voeren met iedereen die je pad kruist.

Het concept is vrij standaard en de server is opgezet door JExploit (Jaimy).
Exploits PvP moet het dan ook hebben van de community, daarbij heb ik van jullie,
de bezoekers van, je hulp nodig )

IP :


Een server zonder regels zou snel uit de hand lopen,
daarom hebben we ontdanks al het slopen en killen toch een
aantal regels die je toch moet volgen.
[list type=decimal]
[li]Niet schelden[/li]
[li]Respecteer andere spelers[/li]
[li]Gebruik geen cheat clients/programmas die je oneerlijke voordelen geven[/li]
[li]Misbruik geen bugs, meld ze direct[/li]
[li]Flood niet (kleine woorden achter elkaar in aparte berichten sturen) maar maak je zin af voordat je op enter drukt[/li]
[li]Niet adverteren[/li]
[li]Meld bugs en geef spelers alleen aan via de website of via skype, graag niet in-game[/li]
[li]Niet spammen[/li]
[li]Maak geen onnodige kinderachtige ruzie[/li]
En de laatste en daarbij meest belangrijke regel
10. Heb plezier 🙂




Functie : Owner
Naam : Jaimy
In-game naam : JExploit


Naast dit topic hebben we ook nog een vrij simpele website waar we onder andere updates posten, videos plaatsen, fotos plaatsen en evenementen aankondigen

Dat was het wel zon beetje… als er meer te vertellen valt edit ik dit topic en de website.
Ik hoop dat je eens komt kijken en laat alsjeblieft even achter wat je van dit topic, de website en de server vind..


IP :


Active Block Build Cells Class Community Eco Econ Economy End Experience Fac Faction Factions Fast Forums Free Friends Growing Island Join Land Mcmmo Mmo Peace Play Pvp Race Rank Rankup Rankups Server Servers Sign Sky Skyblock Survival Website World

Capital MC

One of the fastest growing MC servers to grace the community. Join us to experience why. Sign up to the website for extra benefits (link below).

SURVIVAL SERVER – Build in peace – Economy
PVP SERVER – Factions – McMMO – Rankups – Cells
SKYBLOCK SERVER – Your own survival island – Play with friends – Sky is the limit


Feel free to sign up to our website and forums. We welcome anybody from anywhere.
go to:

Active Bar Best Build Bukkit Class Coded Craft Custom Experience Free Freebuild Hard Huge Ill Inecraft Join Kit Latest Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Plot Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Quests Resources Server Servers Staff Survival Multiplayer Update Website World


Most other servers are strictly PvP. Others are a freebuild zone. But here in CraftEra, we don’t make you choose. In CraftEra, play Minecraft the way YOU want to. We’re running on a server with huge specs – 3.7GHZ i7 processor, 16GB of RAM, and 1TB of hard disk space. We make regular backups to an offsite location, so your work will never be lost.

There are two main worlds – world 1 is a ‘resource world’. Here, you can embark on quests, and gather resources and materials. World 2 is the house world. Each person will receive a 40 x 40 plot on the house world to build a house. They may add players to their plot if they wish, and live together. The best part? All our plugins are custom-coded, and our staff is highly knowledgeable about Bukkit and servers. The moment an update for Minecraft comes out, we’re one of the first to update.

Our plugins will always be up-to-date, utilizing the latest advances in Jeb’s code. You won’t find this experience in any other place. Join us now at You can also visit our website at


Active Ass Better Bukkit Cheat Class Craft Eat Erver Fun Heat Help Kit Raft Rvival Server Servers Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter This


This server is Fun, and Better than a lot of other servers!!!! It is survival and u cannot cheat. It is also bukkit which also helps a lot!!!

Ats Based Best Class Craft Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fun Game Games Going Inecraft Item Items King Lit Market Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Monsters Open Original Pixelmon Play Pokemon Professional Server Staff Store Town Towns Website Wns World


PixelMonsters is a professional minecraft server based around the Pixelmon mod.
It is set in an immersive world where 8 towns from the original Pokemon games can be found. So as to make it more fun
PixelMonsters has a variety events, youre guaranteed to have at least one a week. We are very economy based so if you want
any items the marketplaces in each town at the places to look. All upgrades on your Pokemon are purchasable from the store on our website so if you want your Pokemon to be the best of them all you know where to look.
The server runs on 8gb of RAM but this only temporary as were upgrading really soon, so you can always play at the best speeds.
Staff Applications of all sorts are open so if youre looking to be an Elite 4 members or even a Moderator check out or application forum.
Our website is the first place you have to look when you want to find out whats going on so make sure to check it out:


Adventure Class Discord Empire End Enjin Force Forge Free Freedom Gods Hack Hacking Hard Hardcore Home Join King Land Law Lore Magic Open Play Player Players Rol Role Roleplay Server Small Surivial Survival Title Town Trading War World


If you like freedom this is the server for you!
The land of Veritas is a land like no other, The Gods blessed this land, although it may not seem like it. Maybe you want to start with a small town and then expand into a vast empire, set up a school for magic users or an inn for hardcore role-players, whether you wish to fight strong creatures, explore ruins or start trading. It’s all up to you. Are you ready to forge a character in the fires of life, and set out on an adventure.

But beware, for Truth is not available to all those that want it. You must prove your worth in these worlds.
Get ready to enter into Truth.

1: No hacking
The rest is up to the players to make as laws that you guys enforce
Join with your friend and get 250 bonus land!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Action Active Age Apply Class Craft End Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Friendly Fun Funny Hiring Ill Join Mature Mod Moderator New Owner Please Plugin Plugins Riendly Ring Server Servers Staff Survival Multiplayer Sword This Website


This is a fun server, we are new but have run a few servers before moving onto this one. come join our fun factions server we have over 30 plugins and very funny and friendly staff, all staff are mature and aged 16+ P.S we are currently hiring staff for the server so check out our website at and go to the recruitment tab.

We hope you join our server and remember our #1 rule is to have fun!

Current server staff
[Owner] hockeydude5454
[Co-owner] iabusesword
[Moderator] savoygrill

More Features Will Be Added Soon


Action Active Age Ass Biome Bukkit Castle Class Com Craft End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friendly Great Ice Inecraft Join Kit Mine Minecraft Plugin Plugins Riendly Rps Rvival Server Shop Spawn Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer War Warp Warps Welcome

Survival Mania 1.2.5

Welcome to the official Minecraft Forum Page for Survival Mania 1.2.5!!! We are a Bukkit Server with MANY plugins. We have Factions, also with a GREAT Castle Spawn Point with many Warps for the Biome of your Choice!! We also have a very great Shop. Last but not least, we have a VERY friendly Staff!!! Come join us at

Action Actions Ass Cell Class Com Dom Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Free Freedom Has Join King Lag Law Long Looking Make Noop Open Play Player Players Please Pvp Ree Rule Rules Server Sky Style

Freedom Factions

Freedom Factions is a 24/7 server. Its has no lag which makes it excellent for pvp. On the srever you can do what ever you want as long as you follow the rules. Please join as we are looking for players. Also add me on skype (My user is lawsy091)


Active Advanced Battle Cannon Cannons Class Diamond Diamonds Enchant Fac Faction Factions Fire Fun Has High Infinite Item Items Lit Mining Non Ored Original Pve Pvp Raiding Resource Resources Server Spawn Survival Sword Tnt War Wars Weapons

Cheesium Infinite Item Spawning Server

Cheesium Infinite Item Spawning
Spawn items with: /i [item] [amount] Advanced PVP.. now with armored horses, wolve packs, and creeper eggs!
See someone chasing you? Lay down an TNT, lava bucket them, or set them on fire. And never, ever, run out of resources!
Die? /i diamondsword 1, and get back into battle!
We are the #1 Original Item Spawning Server started in 2012.
You can also make your own EXP MACHINE so you can enchant all your weapons to the highest.
Don’t waste time mining here when you can have faction wars and make TNT cannons!
The possibilities and fun are Infinite here. IP:

Active Animal Animals Best Class Community End Experience Friends Good Great Growing Has Help Ill King Kings Land Life Monsters Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Rol Role Safe Server Special Story Survival Survival Multiplayer Time Wild World

The 10 Kings

We have many things to do on our server, tons of plugins, and a good community spirit getting built up. You play as survival and live the life in the wild. Play with friends or go at it alone. They’re many things in the wild, like monsters, animals, and even PVP. You choose the role you play, starting from scratch as a nobody. People will advance the ranks and the story will evolve. We are still growing, developing how the server will work. So with everyone’s help, we can make this experience the best. Not everything is decided or set and its a great time to get involved. Especially if you want safe land in a world that still has room for action.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Community Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!