Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Citizens Cityworld Creativity Ftp Hunting Mobhunt Mobhunting Plugins Pvp Quickshop Sex Survival Trail Trails


New server with staff in place, looking for mature players for survival MC with server PVP games coming soon. Multi-World support, and VIP perks. We encourage creativity, make claiming lands easy, and rewards for loyalty and play time are plentiful. Featuring MobHunting, and Funland3 map by SuperPish, with new features and worlds coming soon. Plugins:: Essentials, Dynmap, Citizens, CityWorld, PermissionsEx, GriefPrevention, Multiverse-Core, PhatLoots, Quests, QuickShop, SuperTrails, Vault, WorldGuard, EnjinForumLink, EnjinMinecraftPlugin. MCMMO coming soon.


Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Apocalypse Citizens Clearlag Coreprotect Custom Factions Fun Gods Plugins Pvp Races Raiding Silkspawner Zombieapocalypse


Ever wanted a small factions pvp server to play on? Well look no futher. Velaria may have a player capacity of 25 slots, but its jam packed with all kinds of plugins. So why not join?

The plugins include (but are not limited to):
Gods – The go to plugin for all your religious needs.
Beheaded – Trophy of a kill? Yes sir.
Citizens – A fun, RPG like plugin.
Clearlag – Keeps the server nice and clean.
CoreProtect – Server safety comes first, Folks. (Raiding, however, IS allowed.)
Essentials – Because its essential.
Custom Enchants – CE, implemented along normal enchants in the Enchanting Table.
McMMo – For all them leveling needs.
Silkspawners – Blow one up and have a 30% drop chance, or be able to mine one as a donator.
RacesAndClasses – Diffrent races like orc, elf, human etc.
ZombieApocalypse – Spices things up at night.
Worldborder – To keep the raiding possibilities Fun.
The only catch? Youll have to join the community to find out if you like us. πŸ˜› See you soon.


Ability Cities Citizens Classes Development Exclusive Experienced Experiment Race Races Raiders Ranks Rime Unlock Zen

Citywars Minecraft


Started in 2010, Citywars is still considered to be one of the most unique servers to date. Begin with joining a city and defending it until you can create your very own. Cities are able to unlock more classes for their citizens and provide protected plots from raiders. You can also select one of various races to gain a unique ability to help you take the offense and war against a rival city. Citywars is best for those who are experienced and/or experimenting with Minecraft. We have great and exclusive donator ranks, special in-game events, and continuous development towards our server to make it more appealing for you. Join now .


Aco Citizens Diamonds Fighting Flag Free Fun Official Older Pride Rides Sell Shops Towny Zen

Official Raconia 24/7

Our server is a towny server that prides itself on having fun. The builders of the server have been working very hard to make sure that Legendholder will be the best experience for the player that it can be. In the halls you can fight other players to get their items, and their is a shop to sell items to. The admins love to help the citizens of the server and play with them in our War gamemode, so when you get spare time come check us out. See you there.

Once you join try our fun and unique game, War. In war there are two teams fighting for the highest number of kills, or to get the enemies flag. Its really something, just ask our users.

When you join the server you get 10 diamonds FREE…


Brewery Cannon Cannons Citizens Crackshot Dice Economy Furniture Greifprevention Mcmmo Movecraft Political Pvp Survival Towny


Survival | Towny | Economy | Thu’um |
ModanCraft is a Survival Towny Server that is all about making nations, towns, and empires. You can build a town or nation. Establish trade routes. Conquer your enemies. Rule your town or nation with an iron fist. You can expand your trade. Discuss the political issues of your town/nation on the forums. We highly recommend registering your town and or nation on our forums at Enjin. Extra details are located on our Enjin. We also boast CrackShot, Cannons, MoveCraft, DiceFurniture Plugin, GreifPrevention (For advanced setting up of plots in Towny), Quests, Brewery, Smoking Pipes, and Citizens. We also use Dynmap which can be accessed via our Enjin. As with everything here more details can be found on our Enjin. If you have questions you are more than welcome to ask any member of our staff.

Citizens Country England Escape Euro Europe Founder Hut Medieval Powerful Pve Recreate Survival Tools Zen

Royal Rebels

Hello rebels!

Welcome to a new era. We hope you are all very excited for what lies ahead.

The setting is medieval Europe. Four highly motivated and highly powerful individuals are upset with their regime. They decide that it is time to seceed. Their escape from England’s regime has led them to a new, undiscovered expanse of land. They decide to name this new land New Hampton.

Now, they need help setting up a brand new country, starting with a few tools, and a small amount of rations. That is where you come in! We are shuttling citizens of England who aspirefor a new chance at life out to New Hampton at no cost to you. All we ask if that you help us recreate a thriving regime that will one day overthrow England.


New Hampton Founders

Citizens Denizen Dragons Economy Guards Infernal Mobarenas Mypet Npcs Playershop Playershops Pvparena Roleplay Survival Towny

Minevolt Network

A Unique Towny Server with many fun plugins! Good family server with friendly staff thats always there to help Donation ranks with awesome perks! we have Towny, Jobs, McMMO and awesome stuff that will provide you with an awesome time!

Battle monsters in various MobArenas set up throughout the world, challenge others in open world PvP, Battle others in PvP minigames, ride EnderDragons, Set up Mob-free, PvP-Free Towns with Towny commands, Catch Mobs with Chicken Eggs and turn them into spawn eggs, Catch Mobs with Leashes and Train them to become awesome bodyguards, Create NPCs in your towns, open up Playershops, and MORE! Theres so much to do at MyekaanCraft youll find something new everyday.

All of this crammed into a Survival server, able to access with a Vanilla Minecraft Client!

Hope to see you soon!

Plugins installed on server: Essentials, Dynmap, Towny, McMMO, McJobs, InfernalMobs, MobArena, PvPArena, DragonTravel, EchoPet, MyPet, Citizens, Denizen, HyperConomy, MORE

1.7.10 Animal Animals Bases Citizens Client Economy Hestshop Humour Minecraft Gaming Pretty Pvp Sites Survival Towny

World8-4 – Towny

World8-4 is a Minecraft gaming community and we love to have fun! We have an awesome dedicated server set-up and we serve all of our own servers, websites, databases…pretty much anything. Basically, we know Minecraft. We always have a good time and the staff have a great sense of humour and dedication to the community! Don’t believe me? come check us out!!

Team Speak:
1.8 Towny Server: or
1.8 Vanilla Server:

– Running 1.7.10 with 90% of the 1.8 features including animals / Mobs / Blocks / Enchants / Crafting – You must use a 1.8 Client

– Towny – McMMO – Mob Arena – Epic Enchants – Chestshop
– Citizens – Time is Money – iConomy – Lotteries – Silk Spawners
– PvP Manager – PvP Arena – Repair Shops – Mobs Drop Money

Cells Citizens Custom Dimension Dungeons Exploration Ic2 Npcs Plugins Portals React Rey Ships Survival Tweaks

Saints Gaming: Modded Survival

Advanced Generators by bdew
Advanced Machines by AtomicStryker
AE2 Stuff by bdew
Agricraft by nimODota
Another One Bites The Dust by ganymedes01
Applied Energistics 2 by Cisien
Archimedes Ships Plus by darkevilmac
Armourers Workshop by RiskyKen
Artifice by Shukaro
Aura Cascade by pixlepix
Automagy by Tuhljin
Mine & Blade: Battlegear 2 by Nerd_Boy
Baubles by azanor
bdlib by bdew
Better Loading Screen by AlexIIL
Better Rain by Wirsbo
BetterFps by Guichaguri
Bibliocraft by JDSinclair
Bibliowoods BOP by JDSinclair
Big Reactors by Erogenous Beef
Big Trees by Karob
Biomes O Plenty by Glitchfiend
Blood Magic by WayofTime
Botania by Vazkii
Bspkrs Core by Bspkrs
buildcraft by Asie
Buildcraft Compact by Asie
Carpenters Blocks by Syntaxial
Chicken Chunks by ChickenBones
Chisel by TheCricket26
Chiseltones by TehNut
Chococraft by clienthax
codechickencore by ChickenBones
CoFH Core by Team CoFH
Compact Machines by Davenonymous
Computercraft by DanTwoHundred
Custom Main Menu by Lumien231
Custom NPCS by Noppes
Decocraft by RazzleberryFox
Dimensional Doors Port by CannibalVox, Stevenrs11
Doomlike Dungeons by BlackJar72
Draconic Evolution by GreatOrator
Emotes by Vazkii
Enchiridion by Joshiejack
Ender IO by tterrag
Ender Storage by chicken_bones
Enhanced Portals by Alz454
Extra Cells by DrummerMC
Extra TiC by Glassmaker
Extra Utilities by RWTema
Factorization by neptunepink
Farseek by delvr
Fastcraft by Player
Flat Signs by Myrathi
Forbidden Magic by SpitefulFox
Forestry by SirSengir
Forge by Forge Team
Forge Multipart by Forge Team
Galacticraft by Micdoodle8
Gendustry by BDew
Glibys Voice Chat by Gliby
Gravity Gun by IChun
Guide-API by TehNut
Hardcore Ender Expansion by chylex
Hat Stand by iChun
Hats by iChun
Help Fixer by matthewprenger
ic2 by IC2 Dev Team
ic2-nc by xbony2
iChun Util by IChun
In-Game NBTEdit by Davidee
Inpure Core by denoflions
Inventory Tweaks by Kobata
Inventory Pets by Purplicious_Cow
Iron Chests by Progwml6
ivtoolkit by Ivorforce
Jabba by ProfMobius
JourneyMap by techbrew
Jumppad++ by MegaT145
LiteLoader by Mumfrey
Logic Pipes by theZorro266
Lunatrius Core by Lunatrius
Malisis Advert by Ordinastie
Malisis Core by Ordinastie
MalisisDoors by Ordinastie
Mantle by mDiyo
Mariculture by joshiejack
Minefactory Reloaded by skyboy026
MineMenu by dmillerw
MineTweaker by StanH
MineTweaker Recipe Maker by DoubleDoorDevelopment
Model Citizens by FyberOptic
Mod Tweaker by jaredlll08
Morph by iChun
Mouse Tweaks by YaLTeR97
Moving World by darkevilmac
MrCrayfishFurnitureMod by Mr_Crayfish
Mr_TJP Core by Mr_TJP
Necromancy by AtomicStryker
NEI by ChickenBones
NEi Addons by bdew
NEI Integration by tonius111
Not Enough Resources by Way2muchnoise
Nether Ores by Team CoFH
No More Recipe Conflict by GotoLink
Open Blocks by OpenMods
Open Mods Lib by OpenMods
Open Peripheral All in One by OpenMods
Optifine by sp614x
Ore Dictionary Converter by EXTER7
Pams Harvest Craft by MatrexsVigil
Pandoras Box by Ivorforce
Planet Guy Lib by Planetguy
PneumaticCraft by MineMaarten
Portal Gun by iChun
Practicalities by jotato
Project Red by Mr_TJP
Project Bench by rickbau5
Railcraft by CovertJaguar
Random Things by lumien
Randomite by TheCricket26
Recurrent Complex by Ivorforce
Redstone Arsenal by Team CoFH
Remain in Motion by Planetguy
Resource Loader by lumien231
Roguelike Dungeons by Greymerk
Runic Dungeons by MrComputerGhost
Saints Gaming Configs by GioGimic
Saints Gaming Resources by GioGimic
Super Crafting Frames by EdgarAllen
Server by Saints Gaming Server
Shatter by iChun
Simply Jetpacks by tonius111
Special Mobs by docrobb
Stackie by Lunatrius
Starting Inventory by DaftPVF
Steves Carts by Vswe
Steves Workshop by Vswe
Streams by delvr
Sync by iChun
Tinkers Construct by boni
Thaumcraft by Azanor
Thaumcraft Mob Aspects by Parker8283
Thaumcraft NEI by DjGiannuzz
Thaumcraft Node Tracker by Dyonovan
Thaumic Exploration by Flaxbeard
Thaumic Horizons by TheKentington
Thaumic Infusion by DrunkMafia
Thaumic Tinkerer by pixlepix
Thermal Dynamics by Team CoFH
Thermal Expansion by Team CoFH
Thermal Foundation by Team CoFH
Trade Booth by aeroc
Travellers Gear by BluSunrize
Treecapitator by DaftPVF
Tropicraft by Cojo
TT Core by tterrag1098
Twilight Forest by Benimatic
Voxel Cam by Thatapplefreak
Voxel Lib by Thatapplefreak
What Am I Looking At? by ProfMobius
WAILA Harvestability by squeek502
WAILA Plugins by tterrag1098
What Are We Looking At? by darkh4x
Witchery by Emoniph
Witching Gadgets by BluSunrize
Wood Stuff by Wood Stuff
WorldEdit CUI by sk89q
Wireless Redstone ChickenBones Edition by ChickenBones
zTones by riciJak


2.11 Citizens Construction Default Details Economy Etho Method Oce Pmc Pvp Roleplay Shopkeeper Shopkeepers Switch


Player will be able to choose jobs such as shopkeeper, supplier, mayor, or citizen (default).

Mayors: Can start towns. Must advertise and govern effectively in order to increase number of residents (Citizens, Shopkeepers, Suppliers). Must have knowledge of world-guard plugin commands for claiming town as well as setting up shops and homes to rent out to player residents. Must build their own town. May hire Construction players to help with building process. Mayors may expand town size multiple times for a fee. A mayor may not be inactive for more than 10 days in a row – results in a demotion (method for obtaining a replacement mayor has not yet been determined) Mayors may also switch jobs, but must pay a fine determined by the number of residents in their town. (The exact details on the fine have not yet been determined)

Autominer Backpacks Charms Crates Custom Enchantments Events Farming Freeranks Gangs Mines Opprison Payouts Pets Prestiges Prison Privatemines Ranks Tokens

SoulcoreMC – SEASON 2

SoulcoreMC Prison SEASON 2

We offer a wide variety of features including Gangs, Auto-Mining, Backpacks, Pets, Charms, Custom Enchants & Much more you can explore by joining today!

Some of the content we offer:

– Gangs
– Auto-Miner
– Backpacks
– 40+ Pets

– Payouts
– Player Owned Shops
– Unique Enchants
– Unlimited Prestiging
– Pickaxe Charms
– Pickaxe Perks
– Item Forging
– Multipliers
– Mystery Boxes
– Multiplier Stash
– Fortune Teller

117survival 117x American Customitems Custommobs Customterrain Dragoncraft Incendium Models Morph Nonpay2win null Nullscape Sandy Survival

Dragoncraft [BETA] – providing a modded experience without mods | Custom blocks, items, mobs, and armor without optifine! | 1.17.1

The goal of this server is to provide a modded experience, without mods. It accomplishes this through a variety of plugins, a custom world generator, and datapacks like incendium and nullscape to enhance the nether and end, and overworld. We also have custom mobs, some of which even have their own custom models. The wither boss fight has been completely redesigned, and the server has craftable guns and custom armor and items to balance the mobs. We have implemented custom mobs, items, weapons, world generation, blocks, furniture, plants, and even custom armors without the need for optifine. Upon server release I plan to start work on more custom structures, custom dimensions, along with a server website, and non-P2W store for cosmetics so people can support the server, allowing me to add new features much faster, and upgrade server performance.

Gifs showing some of the custom mobs:

Building Claiming Claims Creative Freebuild Funiverse Geyser Geysermc Historic Historical Maine Smallcommunity Smallserver X 3 Xbox

Funiverse Nations Maps | 1.17.1 | Free Build | Dynmap | Small Community

Welcome To Funiverse!
A Group of Creative Builders!
Starting as a small group on Xbox 360 back in 2015 Funiverse has had building at it’s core. Ever since the beginning Funiverse has remained relatively private but with innovations and updates with Minecraft it was decided the best course for Funiverse was as a server. Our server offers newcomers a place to build with fellow builders who find enjoyment in improving their own building skills.

Our Maps:
Free Build World
Everyone who joins immediately gets access to our Free Build World. Here you can claim land for building which also serves to protect your builds. Everyone starts off with 500 blocks to claim and earns 250 every hour played. Those who show interest and trustworthiness towards the server will earn the opportunity to advance towards the next maps listed!

New Funiverse & Vehicle Plots (WIP)
These maps are the next step for Funiverse itself! The goal of Funiverse is to create nations via semi-realistic builds and roleplay. Compete or Cooperate with fellow players working to build the biggest nations in Funiverse!

Legacy Maps
These maps are around for *mostly* historical purpose. Funiverse: Classic is where we started back in 2015 while Funiverse: Alter was our answer to an update on Bedrock Edition which prevented us from playing Classic. Legacy Build World served as a map for us to find potential people to play on the two maps. We keep these three worlds around as a monument to how we got here!

We also have a Dynamic Map for map viewing! It can be found here: Dynmap

1.17.1 2021 Auction House Grief Prevention Landclaim Mcmmo Minecraft Npc Rift Server Ip Staffneeded Survival Towny Tpa Tradesystem

Hollow Rift [1.17.1] SMP | Grief Prevention | Economy | Land Claiming | Vote Rewards | AUCTION HOUSE | Community | TRADE SYSTEM | ACTIVE DISCORD

Hollow Rift  [1.17.1]  SMP | Grief Prevention | Economy | Land Claiming | Vote Rewards | AUCTION HOUSE | Community | TRADE SYSTEM | ACTIVE DISCORD Minecraft Server

1.17.1 server with some plugins to improve quality of life in game. Great community server with lots of improvements to come.

-Anti griefing
-land claim
-auction house
-npc shops and player shops

Server IP:

Custom Customenchants Customenemies Customplugins Forestry Harvestmc Island Islands Levels Modded Ranching Rides Rpg Skyblock Survival

KraxiaMC – Skyblock RPG (Leveling/Talents/Prestige)

KraxiaMC - Skyblock RPG (Leveling/Talents/Prestige) Minecraft Server


  • Kraxia is a Skyblock server with a twist… Between the various quests, open world inspired town (spawn), dungeons, leveling, talents and prestige systems, we’re sure that you’ve never seen a server quite like this. Kraxia prides itself on being a community-driven environment and is constantly evolving based on the needs and interests of the community.

  • Kraxia is a traditional Skyblock server with many RPG elements, including a full 1-60 leveling system (xp is gained from farming, forestry, ranching, mining and fishing), featuring a dynamic quest line and various daily quests and challenges. Throughout the server you will find yourself immersed in a traditional RPG setting all based around your island and your experience. We respect that everyone is unique and based on that we’ve created a unique talents system that allows you to play how you want to play!
  • KraxiaMC - Skyblock RPG (Leveling/Talents/Prestige) Minecraft Server


  • Kraxia has been in development for over four years prior to release. The progress has been slow and steady and the final product is something we are very excited to share with the Minecraft audience! Our small development team have created unique systems exclusive to our community and never seen before content to the larger Minecraft community. We are pleased to share our work with you and invite you to explore our uniquely crafted server!

  • Kraxia has a dedicated Discord and Twitter where you can stay up-to-date with the latest features and changes to our community server. Our helpful staff and community members are just a quick message away from answering your questions!

  • Categories
    2021 Communitybased Communitydriven Fun Holiday Lore Mus Plugins Roleplay Roleplaysurvival Sleep Smp Survival Whitelist Whitelisted


    Hello! Welcome to the Darth mp! This SMP’s is new of Saturday, May 15th, 2021! Community based! We do lots of lore on this server. We decorate for each holiday and do fun games! There is a whitelist on this server however, we accept everyone! You must join the discord to get whitelisted! Just join the discord, click #whitelist💛 , and type your IGN!

    You will get a notification when you have been whitelisted!

    The plugins we use are, set home, one sleep, warp, and core protect.


    1.17.1 Anarchy Car Destroy Full Hacking Hacksallowed Hate Mus Music Pretty Smp Steam Survival Vanilla

    Music4lity’s Anarchy Server | SMP | NO RULES

    Pretty much what the title says. FULL ANARCHY server. Come do whatever you want, we don’t care. Build something cool, blow off some steam, destroy something cool that someone made and will probably piss them off, grief, whatever. Just do it to it.
    1.12 – 1.17.1

    Earth Mc Geopol Geopolitical Login Pete Political Register Roleplay Secure Smp Survival Terramc Trust War Waste

    Earth MC

    Hi! Welcome to Terra MC!

    We are a Geopolitical SMP server where you are free to join or create cities, interact with other players, mine and craft as you please and have a peace of mind that your time spent here will never go to waste.
    There is no need to register and login as this is a premium-only server!
    Terra MC is run by highly competent admins, moderators and developers who have valuable experience running trustworthy, secure and efficient Minecraft servers, especially this one.
    Delays, downtime and corruption are a thing of the past, and that’s a promise.
    This server is run 100% by donations and my own money and your contributions are and will be greatly appreciated.
    Terra MC is and will always be open 24/7/365 for everyone.

    And most importantly, enjoy your stay and have a great time!

    Auto Emb Faction Pvp Factions Server Host Lec Member Nam Name Secure Servers Tim Time Title Way

    Olympus Pvp

    welcome to Olympus Pvp .
    We are a new Factions server .
    Planning on Joining a network of servers as we grow in time
    remember to always have fun πŸ™‚

    Abusing Creative Duplication Economy Engaging Fun Lands Minecraft 1.17 Minimap Nogrief Pve Ranks Spleef Survival Waypoint

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.17.1 | Survival | Ranks | Lands | mcMMO | Custom Enchants | Economy | Quests

    Bucketry Minecraft is a fun and very active survival server! We are looking for more friendly players to join us for a fun no-grief survival experience! If you’re looking for a new survival server to call your home, or perhaps looking to make some new friends, come check us out!

    Auction House & Player Driven Economy
    Custom enchantments to deck out your gear
    No big spawn to learn. Jump right into survival!
    Ranks that unlock Features and Rewards!
    Engaging and fun Quests, plenty to do when you’re feeling bored! Huge fresh World
    Fun minigames such as Mob Arena, Parkour, Hide and Seek, and Spleef
    Unique Land Claim System with a lot of options!
    No Grief Experience
    Active Community & Discord
    Very Friendly, Experienced Admins
    1) No griefing other player’s belongings.
    Destroying blocks, placing lava, water, etc. Any form of modifying someone’s belongings is prohibited.
    Stealing from your own land and then leaving it is also not allowed.

    2) No advertising servers and irrelevant links.
    Do not talk about other servers or products. Self promotion in general.

    3) No spamming, cheating and abusing bugs/glitches.
    If you find an exploit, report it ASAP.
    Prolonging a report when you’ve obviously already taken advantage of it is bannable.
    This includes but is not limited to duplication glitches, money glitches, any form of exploits that gives you an absurd amount of items and/or currency within a short amount of time.
    Any form of clients that give you an advantage over a player.

    4) Modified clients that give you an advantage over other players.
    Such as x-ray, blinking, reach hacks, etc. Examples include but are not limited to If you can kill players easily, or find diamonds without even making an effort, it’s a no go. Minimap and waypoint modifications are allowed.

    5) Be respectful towards others.
    No racism, bigotry, sexism, or slandering of others.
    Treat others the way you expect to be treated.
    Even the slightest toxicity in mannerisms or in a sense perceived as rude- gradually building, CAN get you banned. Watch your tone, realize this is just a game, and play nice.

    6) No massive farms that can potentially lag the server.
    Having a large amount of anything that lowers TPS (Mobs, items, etc.)

    7) Do not ask for staff positions on the server.
    We will decide when to ask the playerbase for staff applications when necessary.

    8) No deliberately TP trapping players, or unfair PVP tactics in general.
    This includes but is not limited to: player warps, land spawns, and combat logging.

    Afk Aus Ban Banned Box Building Creative Lab Minecraft Build Minecraft Building Sand Sandbox Starting Tip Together

    Minecraft Building Sandbox

    I am starting a building server, because I want to see what will happen when multiple players collaborate and build things together!

    If you grief, you WILL get banned.


    Acres Chairs Doctor Geek Marriage Music Pixel Spigot Survival Tardis Tut Tuto Tutorial Tutorials Youtube

    Pixel Acres

    Welcome to Pixel Acres!
    We are a small community, with the sole purpose of bringing you some fun during your Minecraft experience! Come join us at on the most recent update.

    So what is Pixel Acres?

    Pixel Acres is a Semi-Vanilla server, with 3 game-modes – Survival, Skyblock and Creative Plots. We have been running since June 2015, and have a professional staff team and build team.

    What else can you tell us?
    Our server is built as a friendly community with no griefing in the Survival, Skyblock and Creative worlds. Staff are always near if anyone is causing trouble or needs help, and there are plenty of tutorials and commands. We have marriage, in game custom music, custom ranks, usable chairs, and custom achievements so you can enjoy your time here! We also have a TARDIS plugin that you can travel the server with in your very own Doctor Who TARDIS!
    How can we contact you?

    Just e-mail us here or visit our website:

    We can’t wait to have you online! An adventure awaits on Pixel Acres!

    Affiliates: Soporo Aqua, Rewheim, Pixel Playground

    Bedrock Edition Commuity Crossplay Discord Discordsrv Edition Friendly Hanks Pat Pvp Smp Ssp Survival Thanks Unknown

    unknown smp (bedrock crossplay compatible)

    join unknown smp today!
    we are an active server with a friendly commuity we also have a minigames server!
    we have a friendly staff team too!

    the unknown smp staff team

    bedrock edition port: 8079

    1.17.1 Egg Flash Fru Lobby London Massive No Griefing Obby Play Minecraft Sand Signs Simply Survival Usa

    Shattered SMP

    Shattered SMP is a friendly light touch community server. We are there so you can play minecraft survival with others, with no micropayments, begging for donations, voting requests and no massive lobby with thousands of flashing signs. Simply come and build and survive with others on our server with active discord and community suggestions.

    ​Server Name: Shattered SMP

    Server Location: London

    Server Address:

    Version: 1.17.1

    Rules: Be Nice, No Griefing, no Hacking, Use Common Sense, Only Consensual PVP, No Theft

    Owners: Bjarni_ and Thrudran


    2b2tclone Anarchic Anarquia Clans Edit Edition Imple Java Edition Opening Pig Spigot Super Survival Villa Vis

    Villa Anarchy (Opening)

    Anarchic Minecraft server where there are no rules, the server has a Staff team for simple supervision of the server’s operation.

    Version: Java Edition Spigot 1.16.5

    Companions Duty Economy Economysurvival Faction Faction Pvp Factions Kitpvp Mcmmo Pve Economy Pvp Skyblock Smp Survival Survivalgames

    RomanMC (1.17.1) | SMP + Factions + Skyblock | OP Dungeons + McMMO | 1000+ Joins | Updates Daily

    RomanMC is a small Factions + SMP + Skyblock server that we started with an aim to add our own twist to Minecraft. We wanted to create a server where there is so much content that one will find it hard to catch up with all the things that are doable. Not just that, with daily updates, there is no room for getting bored with us! We are a small server, only a few months old and would love to have new players play with us and help us grow! We have the potential to be one of the best out there, and all we desire is a playerbase that helps us get there! With one of the most versatile servers, don’t take our word for it, come check us out yourself!

    What we offer

  • Land Claiming + Claim Flags (SMP): We offer land claiming so you can prevent your precious loot and progress from being raided by other players! Also special perks allow you to set claim flags like Keeping Inventory, No Hunger, etc. whilst being in your own claim! You can safeguard your progress and be carefree of ever getting looted by other players!
  • Overclaiming (Factions): With more power comes… more Overclaiming! If you see a faction with more land claimed than their power, overclaim it and loot their stuff! This could get you Chunk Collectors, Custom Enchants, and various kits! Protect your base from being Overclaimed, and raid others for more power!
  • Custom Mobs (SMP): Exploring the world, and tired of the same pesky creepers all day? Well how about a charged slime that blows you up sky high, or a skeleton knight that patrols the grasslands? Yes, we got them all! With an RPG-esk feel to our server, it was only natural to have such mobs!
  • McMMO: We have our own hit of RPG to the server! Yes, we got McMMO that opens up so many skills for players to experience, like super breaker that allows you to mine faster, blast mining that allows you to mine down chunks easily, and so much more!
  • 450+ Custom Enchants: Our server offers 450+ Custom Enchantments that you can add to your armor, to your weaponry and tools! This allows you to feel like you are in a totally different game! Whether it is smiting down mobs with lightning, lifestealing in combat, poisoning enemies, jumping up 5 blocks, getting fire resistance, it has it all! Not only does this helps against mobs, it makes PvP better, and not just that.. it helps you in dungeons!
  • Dungeons: The bread and better of our server, dungeon allows you to fight OP Mobs that have their own special ability, powers, and are so dangerous that you would barely stand a chance even with the best armour! They can hit you with thunder, teleport to you, toss you up in the sky, shower you with arrows, ignite you on fire at will, it is not at all an easy fight! They also however have the potential to drop the best items on the server! Its a high risk vs high reward! With so many Custom Enchants, the battle is so epic that it cannot simply be put into words! Regarded as the most fun part of our server, you should try us just to play our dungeons alone!!
  • Jobs (SMP) : Jobs allow you to earn starter money when you join the server! As you progress, jobs start paying you more and more! It is a great way to earn starter money, and with more levels to earn later in the game as well! From simple tasks such as mining or woodcutting, to making big farms and harvesting em down, jobs always have your back for paying you money!
  • Chest Shops: The most fun part of an economy is to dictate it! You can dictate economy as you seem fit with selling tons of items that you gather through your expedition throughout the worlds. You can sell any item you like, gather resources and sell to other players for money, you have it all!
  • PVP: With over 450+ Custom Enchants, PvP is the way to go on our server! On SMP, PvP is toggle-able, and on Skyblock we got an amazing arena setup for it! On Factions we have en inescapable warzone for it! Summoning zombies, launching your enemy 15 blocks up in the sky, and so much more, and McMMO added to it, PvP is always so much fun!
  • Playing with Spawners: Spawners are the back bone of our economy, and they work differently on SMP as well as Skyblock! On SMP you can obtain spawn eggs through Vote Crates, or through the dungeons. Then you can change any spawner type to the type of your egg simply by right clicking them! On your journey across the nether, or across various mineshafts, you can easily silk any spawner that you find! Not only that, spawners, items and entities stack as well! This reduces lag immensely. The hunt for spawn eggs is real, and makes SMP so much fun, but Skyblock has its own way of spawners too! With a custom coded plugin, all spawners are locked when you start your skyblock journey. You unlock them with money, and with each spawner is very cheap in the beginning, but the prices rise as you buy more. This ensures that beginners can buy spawners for cheap, and as they make more money from spawners that they purchased, the price of spawners keep going up so the rich dont exploit the spawners! This helps balancing the economy well!
  • Pets: Everyone can get their own companions through the game! Almost any mob can be made into a pet! These pets can cross the seas with you! Not just that, they can fight beside you, carry items for you, you can ride on them, fly on them! Isn’t that fun? Not only that, they can act as beacons as well! Insane right? There is more!
  • Custom Warps (SMP): You can create your big shops, big builds, redstone machines to flex on other players, and to make sure that thy can visit them anytime, you can set your own custom warps that other players can visit!
  • Island Upgrades (Skyblock): There are so many island upgrades to choose from! From upgrading your island size, generators to upgrading the members of your island can have, there will always be money to spend! These upgrades do not come cheap so you will have to grind! Better generators give better ore drop chances! You can also upgrade island size so you have more space to expand your empire! With 350×350 as max island size, its already bigger than what most Skyblocks offer! You get so much space and freedom to build, you wouldnt be able to see the other side of your island haha!
  • Minions (Skyblock): Minions are tiny robots that work for you! The automatically mine ores for you, gather food and crops for you, sell things from chests for you, and can do anything that you wouldn’t be able to when away from your PC! They also become more powerful as you upgrade them! Slayers can get Looting on their swords, seller minions sell for more! There is so much to upgrade that you would always be enjoying yourself trying to get more eco!
  • Custom Kits: With OP Enchanted custom kits that can only be purchased using in game money. These kits usually are always above 20+ Enchant level! Insanely powerful, they can dictate your gameplay! This adds to the RPG feel of our server!
  • Cosmetics: There are cosmetics as well like tags, beautiful chat coloring, custom colored glow, unrealistic 100+ player particle combinations that you didn’t think were possible! Although more towards the donor ranks, but with cheap ranks you can get so much out of the box!
  • NO Pay 2 Win: Although donor ranks do get some additional perks, almost all perks that donors have are easily obtainable from the crates itself! We all realize the need for players to enjoy the server without spending a dime, and that is what we have gone for here. We try to keep it as less of a P2W as we can!
  • Balanced Eco: We always have an eye out for how the economy is being steered, and make sure to bring balance to it. This ensures that no player with a certain advantage get insanely ahead of other players in the game! due to exploits! We have various ways of earning setup, all tested! We keep bringing sinkholes, upgrades for money to go into so players always have a goal to strive for!
  • Custom Coded Plugins: As an experienced developer, I can easily code the most complicated plugins! With this, the player suggestions are always heard and I can always bring out plugins that help players immerse in the experiences further! This also means that you get to experience what you cannot on any other server! Adhere, there is a new custom coded plugin every week to keep things fresh! You would never know what plugin comes out the very next week and that is what keeps it fun!
  • Daily Updates: We believe in keeping the experience fresh and new for our players. For this very reason, we bring out updates everyday! Whether it be minor tweaks or a new plugin, we introduce what we can to make sure the server is lag free, at an optimal state as well as giving the best gameplay experience to our players!
  • Active Staff: We also have active staff that moderate the server, and make sure that the experience stays the best for all our players! The staff are also players themselves, and overly kind. They are always ready to help, and love doing their duty properly! If you have any problems, we would jump in to help you out!
  • Overfriendly: We do not believe in punishing players for the smallest of mistakes. Yes griefing, harassing or anything out of the rules is punishable, but we are still a very lenient server that prefers enjoying the game with each other. We create a kind and overfriendly, and a welcoming environment. You would love the atmosphere we bring ^^
  • For a fun, lighthearted yet content-full server, don’t let yourself miss the opportunity to play with us, a server that you can call home! We would love to have you play with us!


    1.11 Cities Data Engaging Fol Leplay Proximity Proximity Chat Raze Roleplay Server Seri Sèrie Series Survival Zen

    Brazen SMP | Youtube Series, Economy, Roleplay, Friendly Community, Proximity Chat

    Brazen SMP is a Roleplay Server with a small community and a Youtube Series. We’re looking for players who want to be part of an engaging community with shops and cities!

    To apply, send your username in the form below:

    Creative Gta Gtainminecraft Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Minigames Network Parkour Prison Pvp Roleplay Rpg Skyblock Skypvp Smp Survival Vanilla

    πŸš€ Quantum Galaxies πŸš€ Network | 1.8-1.17 | SMP, Vanilla, Bedwars, SkyPvP, Prison, Skyblock, Parkour, Creative, GTA/RPG

    If you’re looking for a friendly community and updated server, Quantum Galaxies is the place to be.
    We are currently offering the following gamemodes:
  • Creative
  • SkyPvp
  • Skyblock
  • Prison
  • Parkour
  • Semi-Vanilla
  • 1.17 Survival
  • GTA/RPG CityLife Survival
  • We will be adding updated gamemodes regularly. Join from 1.8 – 1.17

    Server IP:

    Auctionhouse Collecting Crossplay Flat Male Mcmmo Nofap Oldcombatmechanics Quote Redprotect Redstone Riot Superflat Survival Trio

    No Fap Nation

    Looking for a place to blow off steam with your fellow male compatriots? No Fap Nation is the place for you! Channel your masculine energy and mental clarity towards building Redstone Machines on our brand new server! Stock up on redstone supplies immediately using /kit redstone. A motivational quote is given to you every time you join. A superflat survival world is available for easy building, as well as a default world for collecting additional resources. Use RedProtect to guard your builds. Hard difficulty and Keep Inventory are enabled. Attack cooldown is disabled. Join No Fap Nation today and help us build our Utopia!

    Bedrock Crossplay is enabled! Have your Bedrock friends join using the following information:

      Bedrock IP:
      Bedrock Port: 25584

    If you have any issues or suggestions for the server, please let us know in our Discord server:

    Beta Better Bug Envoys Full Hey Koth Mean Mechanics Nda Newserver Pve Pvp Smp Survival


    Hello, my name is imbetterthanu61, I am the owner of FBGM. Id like to mention that currently this is an open beta of the server meaning there will be bugs and lots more to add. Anyways FBGM is an op survival that has lot of fun mechanics added to make playing that much more fun. If you want to know what they might be, you’ll just have to join and find out ;D. Although we do want to keep making our server more fun so recommendation are always welcome. Anyways in the mean time enjoy playing , hopefully we see you on πŸ˜€

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!