Alliances Custom Empires Factions Guilds Minecraft Network Nighthawk Offensive Pvp Races Skills Smp Souls Survival

Nighthawk Empires | 1.18.2 | Survival | Custom Guilds | Custom Races | Souls | Looking for Staff & Testers

Welcome to Nighthawk Empires!

We are a server that hopes to provide a unique playing experience for all players. We have several custom plugins, as well as many more planned as well as updates to current plugins to bring people together and have a goal to work towards.

Races: We have a custom Races plugin, that allows players to choose between 5 different races, as well as 9 overall abilities to unlock that offer offensive, defensive, and passive boosts. We plan to include multiple updates with a lot more features with every update.

Guilds: We have a custom Guilds plugin, that allows players to band together and form alliances with each other. As of now, the plugin is very minimal, but there are multiple updates planned to integrate other plugins into it, so it has fun features.

Souls: By killing players, and mobs, players are able to obtain Player Souls, that allow them to purchase items via an in-game shop.


Artmap Bedrock Crates Greylist Hermitcraft Java Learning Movement Notp2w Playereconomy Playermarketplace Semivanilla Smp Survival Vanilla

NEW Java/Bedrock 1.18.2 🌎Stormy Lagoon🌎 Vanilla-Inspired 🐴mcMMO🐴 Bluemap 💤Better Sleep💤 Land Claiming 🎨ArtMap🎨

NEW Java/Bedrock 1.18.2 🌎Stormy Lagoon🌎 Vanilla-Inspired 🐴mcMMO🐴 Bluemap 💤Better Sleep💤 Land Claiming 🎨ArtMap🎨 Minecraft Server
Server IP:
Bedrock Port: 25566 (You do not need to use a port for Java!)
Greylist: click here
Stormy Lagoon, or SL for short, is the best survival server that you can play Java or Bedrock on in 1.18.2 (and always the latest version!). Bring your friends or make new ones here in our awesome community. Stormy Lagoon offers a clean vanilla-like, tight-knit survival experience with very little interruptions on how the core aspect of the game should be enjoyed. There are a dozen quality of life improvements on the server, as well as some custom plugins, items, and mechanics. The community has been around for over 3 years! We just started a new server, which opened up just a few months after and has been in alpha for testing purposes. Today, it’s finally being released to the public.
Some of the main features our server has to offer includes…
A fully interactive live-map of the entire world, with real time updates for claims, player movement and what is built. There are multiple views for the map, including 3D. This is a superior map-plugin to Dynmap, as you’re able to control the angle and view of the map. View our Bluemap here!
Land Claiming:
On Stormy Lagoon, we use the absolute best, state of the art plugin for claim management, not to mention it’s the easiest for you to manage due to the user-friendliness of the GUIs! This plugin features endless options for the players, including handling flags for each of your claims and subclaims. On our Discord, there is a channel dedicated to learning how to create claims, manage claims (changing permissions/adding friends to them), and editing flags, check out #claiming-guide.
A complete new take on this RPG-inspired leveling plugin. Every ability, active and passive has been striped from the original mcMMO plugin, to introduce newly custom coded features and mechanics, to stay more true to the vanilla spirit of things. Double drops, triple drops, block transformations, etc are all gone. Some current abilities include Blast Miner, Tree Feller, and Miracle Grow. SL offers extremely clean and user-friendly GUIs for mcMMO, /mcstats.
Shop & Marketplace:
The spawn offers an insanely awesome player-ran marketplace! We don’t believe virtual currencies are vanilla-friendly, which is why we’ve got a custom coded shop plugin which automates purchasing items from chest-shops with physical items. The default and usual go-to currency is diamonds, but you can buy and sell with any item in the server!
Custom Items:
The most exciting feature on Stormy Lagoon would have to be the unique item set of custom coded items that you can get from voting (exclusively!). A few of the items are: Bedrock Breaker, Frame Invisifer, Wrench, Entity Silencer, Slime Checker, and a set of stormy-tools that you can level-up to get better enchantments and upgrades to the tool.
Stormy Lagoon’s rule sheet is quite intimidating at first glance, but I assure you, it’s the perfect balance of everything you want from a survival server. Here’s a TL:DR version of the rules, but if you want to read the full list, join our Discord and view the #server-rules text-channel to read everything.

We support kind and respectful behaviour. Staff quickly calms toxic acts.
Keep chat/signs/items civil and PG. Keep chat friendly and helpful for everyone playing.
Respect other players. Keep chat civil and friendly. No excessive caps or spam in chat.
Be helpful – don’t mislead or misinform other players.
No excessive swearing or offensive expressions/acronyms/jokes that can be perceived as hateful.
No debating politics, religion, or spiritual belief systems.
No talking about illegal substances and their usage.
Obscene/inappropriate/explicit material is prohibited.
No advertising of other servers not affiliated with Stormy Lagoon.
No linking/referring to material not allowed by the above mentioned rules.
Keep chat in English. Staff can not moderate what they can not understand.
Be mindful of lag. Keep mob farms and redstone fast. No AFK fish farms.
Don’t lag the server for other players! No excessive redstone/hopper or farms in one area. No chunk/perma-loaders.
Don’t abuse/exploit game mechanics. Play fair and report bugs to the staff team!
Be mindful of the FarmLimiter! 50/mobs/animals/villagers and portals per loaded area.
Redstone must have an off switch. Farms must have an item overflow trash can.
Flying machines require staff approval before building any.
Soul-sand is only allowed within guardian monument bounding box.
Maximum 4 nether portals per guardian monument.
No duping, auto-clickers, composter x-ray, or minecart entity cramming; no avoiding afk timer.
Theft & Grief is allowed in unclaimed territory. Griefing just to grief is not tolerated. Do not uglify something for fun.
Staff have final say. We follow a code of conduct and fairness.

The server is not whitelisted, but we do have a greylist to help weed out those players who join and play for just a few minutes before quitting. We don’t like having hundreds of smaller claims around the world, as it only disrupts players who do large-scale builds. This greylist is completely optional, as you have full access to the entire server without filling it out, but if you do fill it out, you gain +1,000 claim blocks, which is a lot more than what you start with when you first join! Discord is not required to play, but we use Discord as our main source of news, announcements, and displaying rules.

Click here for the greylist thread.

Added Ass Ate Aternos Cent Class Des Ops Rip Server Minecraft Stop Survival Multiplayer This Top You

gopstopw server minecraft

The server owner “gopstopw” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Bran Brand Chant Content Enchant Enchanted Improv Keep Minecraft Survival Papermc Spigot Survival System Ten Wild

Wild Survival

A brand new server of Minecraft Survival with enchanted systems.
Come have some fun and play with us.
We will keep improving the experience adding free content.

Balanced Balancedeconomy Brandnew Building Community Discord Eco Economy Economysmp Economytowny Ecosmp Fly Flyforfree Freefly Growing Growingcommunity Growingfast Guishop Jobs Medieval New Newserver Nogrief Nolag Nop2w Playerdriven Playerdriveneconomy Playershop Playershops Ranks Rowingserver Shopgui Shops Smp Survival Towny Townyeconomy Townysmp Townysurvival Townysurvivaleconomy

IP: | 1.18.2


• Experience that classic SMP feel while taking part in one of the most balanced and intuitive player-driven economies ever made. Built by real economy experts and Minecraft veterans

• Search all player shops to find exactly what you’re looking for or manage your own shop all from one visual GUI accessible from anywhere on the server. Built to eliminate inflation and provide a realistic experience

• Make money automatically doing things you enjoy in the game. This includes hundreds of actions from mining, building, hunting, farming, chopping wood, smelting items, fishing, and running your shop. All jobs pay out a balanced amount of money factoring in time and difficulty for each action

• Climb your way up the in-game ranks with your earnings or use it to grow your town/nation into a glistening empire. We could go on for days about the features and little details we have spent endless hours perfecting but instead we’d like to invite you to come experience it for yourself at:


Semi-Vanilla | Realistic Economy | Advanced Playershops | Towns/Nations | Free Fly | Ranks

Advertising Chunks Elytra Elytras Hob Homo Minecraft NSFW Public Smp Sfw Smp Survival Switch Teen Territory | Public SMP
Hop onto the server, and enjoy the survival experience. This server aims to provide a user with a good survival experience, without ruining the vanilla feel of Minecraft too heavily.

Here is what you can do on the server:

– You may claim up to fifteen chunks to protect your land from griefers. Choose who you want to access your land with the /chunk access command.

– Armor your elytras! Combine your chestplate with an elytra, and fly with protection, without having to switch between your chestplate and elytra.

– Get notified when your tools, including your pickaxe, axe, and shovel, are about to die.

– Set a home using /home, teleport to a random place with /rtp, and much more.


1. Any form of exploiting is not allowed.
This includes usage of any hacked client, usage of x-ray (we have plugins to track your block data!), or glitch that can give you an advantage over other users.

2. Don’t abuse your chat privileges.
NSFW (Not Safe for Work) content, homophobia/homophobic slurs, racial slurs, spam, and advertising is not allowed on our server. Spamming, NSFW, and advertising is a warn and homophobia and racial slurs are an instant ban. We do not tolerate any disrespect and we welcome people with open arms.

3. Don’t grief or destroy.
This includes griefing houses, and natural territory (e.g placing blocks for an unnecessary purpose). You will be banned for this.

4. Don’t bot the server.
We have strict tolerance for this. If we find that you are a danger to our server by botting (and breaking other rules along with this), your IP will be permanently blacklisted from our server.

5. Have fun.
There’s no explanation needed for this.

1.18.2 Claim Danish Economy Fat Griefprevention Homes Java Jobs Mcmmo Pve Semivanilla Survival Survival Multiplayer Tips

Sodapop – Middle School – 1.18.2

Sodapop is a Danish SMP server that is a little different.

The server is a relatively normal SMP (Survival MultiPlayer) server with finances, jobs, voting, mcmmo and everything you expect.

However, we also have a lot of custom stuff that makes the server a little fatter.

Eg. you can press your homes in the chat to tp to them, the tips that come in the chat can even be clicked on, and there is generally just thought of doing a little more of things if you can.

If you vote on the server, you get a vote key that can be used in spawn that can give you everything exciting!

Hope we meet on the server


– Team Sodapop.

Barebones Bone Bones Ebones Giant Hologram Holograms Mcmmo Noclaim Nolag Semivanilla Smp Spawns Survival Wiped

ForestSMP(No Land Claiming)

Hello everyone! We are a 2 year old survival server, map wiped 4 months ago. We aim to keep things simple and fun. I am someone who stays away from giant over decorated spawns, holograms, etc. This is barebones survival.

-Buy/Sell shops!
-Silk Spawners!
-No land claiming, it is your job to get far and hide your stuff.
-Normal survival
-PVP and griefing is allowed
-NOT ANARCHY, there are rules

Come and Join! Its just like old times.

Economy Envoy Envoys Faction Factions Gang Gangs Koth Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Rubymc Server Sruvival


I’ve joined and played on many servers where huge mistakes were made in order to “Profit a little” which annoys me alot,
So I’ve decided to create my own server for everyone to enjoy without the stupid pay to win tactics that ruins everyone’s experience on most servers
The goal is to have the most fun out of your time either alone or with your friends, This is my Server and I’ve worked hard and have put my soul into it
Feel free to join

★ Weekly Paypal prizes
★ Envoy
★ Gangs
★ Raids
★ Player Based Economy

Server IP:

Anything Creative Easy Freeadmin Freeop Freeserver Hosting Idea Ideas Limits Nre Plots Professional Server Hosting Survival

Unreach Hostings

A free server hosting with an amazing community, professional staff and more! No plugin limit and a easy to use web panel. There are no limits to your ideas on unreach hostings, create anything you would like for no cost!

Combat Cut Economy Fights Griefprevention Grind Lgbt Mcmmo Ntg Play Minecraft Sellgui Stats Survival Votereward Voterewards



We provide a safe space for members of the lgbt community to hang out and play minecraft together!

Gameplay Features:
/tpa, /sethome, /home, /shop, /jobs/, /ah, /sellgui, Custom Stats and Skills to grind, Antilog Combat, Vein Miner, StackMOB, Weekly Dragon fights, VoteRewards, Claim, GriefPrevention, Item2Chat, RepairGUI, EnchantGUI, Crates and much more! Come join us!

1000 Caveblock Earth Earth Smp Economy Forum Generator Inventory Isa Mcmmo Pve Sable Skyblock Survival Town

Coldplay Network

We want to create a warm space for people to play together, that’s why we created Coldplay Network. Join our Discord and enjoy the game!

Currently we have the following game modes:

Planet – 1:1000 Earth SMP, you can build your town or even city here, but keep in mind it has inventory disabled
Creative Land – Town server with special generator
Block Games – including Skyblock and Caveblock ,

If you have any questions, feel free to ask our admins on our forum or Discord 🙂

join our discord

1.18.2 Cracked Drop Faq Launch Launcher Register Smp Survival Sword Tla Tlauncher Vanilla Whitelist Yes

DropletMC | SMP

__**DropletMC | SMP**__

**Question:** Can we join using TLauncher/Cracked Launcher?
**Answer:** Yes you can! All you need to do is join the server and type /register

**Question:** Is this fully vanilla?
**Answer:** Yes it is!

**Question:** What version is it on?
**Answer:** 1.18.2.


Adventure Creates Dimensions Economy Fires Idle Immersion Medieval Merchant Questing Relics Resourcepack Survival Villagers Wither


Mizuriel is a roleplay/adventure map with a side of survival for idle times or chill times.

We feature awesome quests and world building, where you can be part of a growing story that our community creates!

Are you a player that enjoys building?

Our server uses Mizuno’s 16 Craft Resourcepack for the world.

Mob griefing is off, along with firespread.

We also have features to protect land using our own take on land claiming system!

Want to be a merchant in the world?

We do not allow villagers in the server in hopes of making a playerbased market!

With some items only obtainable through the market, it creates a diversity with how players want to manage selling and buying goods

The server also uses currency in physical form, so don’t expect virtual currency in game!

While we don’t have the Nether and End dimensions unlocked normally, we offer and encourage players to roleplay for immersion in the world!

Questing, dungeons, and relics await you in the world of Mizuriel!

Bug Crossplay Fou Island Islands Jai Jail Job Kind Media Rankup Survival Tag Toxic Working


Join here and have fun, we have shop, jobs, rankup and more! also bedrock users can also join here! please don’t be toxic be kind! we currently have 2 gamemodes right now Survival and Islands come and test it out! We also have a jail here for naughty players. We are still working on the server its not yet finished so if u found a bug please report it to us immediately, don’t take advantage of it!

Added Ass Aternos Class Cool Des Dupe Duper Has Server Minecraft Sup Super Survival Multiplayer This You

Super duper cool server minecraft server

Super duper cool server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Anarchy Anarchypvp Anarchysmp Anarchysurvival Anarchysurvivalminecraft Community Eam Giefing Griefingallowed Guilds Guns Modded Moddedpvp Shooting Smp Survival Teams Zombies

Destruction Anarchy Survival

Hello! So, you are probably wondering what this server is about. Let me explain
This server is an aternos-based anarchist survival pvp server. Killing and griefing are encouraged!
This server is based around the Crafting Dead mod for 1.18.2! This mod adds a range of guns, grenades and other weapons, along with a few other cool things.
Download link ==> you will need curseforge and minecraft java edition to play! This server is NOT cracked. This server has teams/factions! optionally, you can join the discord and ask to be assigned a team. This is not compulsory.
DM me on discord if you have any questions! ravenouspotato#5112
My ign is Cult1st

1.18.2 Anarchy Anarchysurvival Bots Massive Norules Norulesanarchy Seed Smp Smpsurvivalserver Survival Survivalserver Vanilla Vanillasmp Vanillasurvival

Logan’s SMP — 1.18.2 Semi-Vanilla Survival NO RULES


Logan’s SMP is just a minecraft server. no rules. no massive annoying spawn hub. no intrusive chat ui/bots.
Just vanilla minecraft.

What you expect is exactly what you will recieve. Nothing more, nothing less. :]


BTW there’s no staff, and no rules. Do what you want.

1181smp Apply Better Fabric Fabric Mods Loresmp Middle Middle School Modded Nether Origin Origins Smp Survival Uses

Neptune Middle School

This is a whitelist server, so you will need to apply via discord

This is a 1.18.1 lore server,
It uses the fabric mods like:
better nether/end
MC Cat
and chipped

Anti-grief Balance Balanced Basic Chill Community Egg Griefprevention Inventory Mature Offline Relax Supportive Survival Vol

Egg’s Chillin’ Server – Survival No Grief – Mature

A chill, no-grief server with a mature community and basic features:

– 24/7, never offline
– Supportive and chill community
– Anti-grief utility
– Keep inventory is enabled
– Balanced economy, with player/admin shops
– Constantly evolving server

Join today, relax and enjoy

Hop on our discord

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Make op. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!