Awesome Build Builds Cat Class Community Craft Creativity Custom Dedi Dedicated Development End Enjin Friendly Fun High Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mines Network Networks New Noop Open Parkour Plot Plotworld Prestige Prison Rank Ranks Server Staff Tea Team World

Dedi Prison

Welcome to the new opening of Dedi Prison. Unlike most Minecraft networks, were a fully dedicated prison server development team. We value community feedback with highest priority to ensure your stay at Dedi Prison is as intuitive and of course as fun as possible.

Youll find…
Friendly Community
Dedicated/Awesome Staff
Lots of ranks. (25+ and many more to come…)
Prison mines
Custom builds

More info at


Action Active Air Ars Ass Bal Class Com Craft End Exp Fac Faction Ill Inecraft Join Launch Launcher Mine Minecraft Mmu Mod Night Plus Pos Pvp Raft Rvival Serveur Sit Star Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Unch


serveur FR des Night-Trinity survival/Pvp/Faction avec économie et millénaire sans inscription obligatoire.

venez vivre cette expérience hors du commun avec nous.

plusieurs mod son mise à disposition avec notamment Mo créature et balkon weapon et plein d’autre (launcher obligatoire)

pour plus d’information rendez-vous à cette adresse et téléchargez notre launcher pour nous rejoindre.

à bientôt sur le jeu


Army Ass Boy City Class Com Country Erp Erver Follow Fun Join Jus Lmao Noop Open Poop Server Style

Poop my butt

Join if ur a country or city Folk.. idc just have some fun.

IP: 192.16.2533456

100 8.2 Active Ass Blo Block Class Com Craft Creative Eat Eng English Fun Game Games Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Pro Raft Roman Romania Rvival Sky Skyblock Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Work


Come and join us for fun!
We have:
– Creative
– Minigames
– Skyblock (Work in progress.)


1.1 1.13 Action Actions Ass Class Fac Fact Faction Factions Lmao Mcd Style Tio Town

Mc DownTown Factions

Kom nu op McDownTown


Active Arena Ass Build Class Com Craft End Erver Friend Friends Fun Mob Mob Arena Play Playing Raft Riends Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer


A fun server with a myriad of playing styles! So many things to do here. You can play survival, have fun with friends, play mob arena, build, and more!

Ark Ars Best Class Community Craft Create Donation Enjin Enjoy Good Great Ice Ill Kit Kits Lit Money Nation Need Noop Open Park Pay Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raids Real Red Server Servers Survival This Who


With all of these plugins, we can guarantee youll have a blast and truly enjoy what we have for you. Weve played many years of PVP/Survival servers, and from what we have gathered from each one, we believe we can create a great server that will have a little something for everyone to enjoy.

We have Great Donation kits that suit everyones needs at some point. They are good for the money you pay, and I believe with enough of them, we could really turn this into one of the best servers available to man-kind. But first, we need loyal members who log in everyday and give that spark to the community.


1v1 Action Actions Active Ars Ass Cat Class Com Crystal Crystals Ddos Dedi Dedicated Economy Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Good Insta Join Lottery Mcmmo Mmo Pro Protect Protection Pvp Quest Raiding Server Soup Ter War Wars

Kyuzi PvP

Why join? Good question!
Dedicated Server
DDoS protection
Faction Wars
Instant Soup
And much more!

Ass Class Com Follow Lea League Lmao Noop Opé Open Play Raven Style Survival Multiplayer Target

League Of Draven


Active Ass Auction Class Com Craft Dcraft Erver Fun Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Join Lima Maybe Ming Please Plugin Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


Please join the server and have fun!
we have auction hunger games coming up and maybe get married plugin.
And alot lot more!

Ages Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ats Ban Banner Banners Block Chestshop Class Craft Disguise Donation End Environment Friendly Friends FTB Fun Happy Help Inecraft Marriage Marriages Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Nation Noop Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Server Shop Slimefun Temples Water


We are 1.8. We have the blocks, water temples, bunnies and banners. So you can play 1.8 with your friends on a fully functional server with plugins.
Here at Unlimited Minecraft we have one main goal, to make you the player feel welcome in a happy and friendly environment. We have many plugins on our server including: Disguises, Chestshop, Marriages, McMMo, Craftbook, and Slimefun to name a few. We are open to any suggestions that you may have for us.

Check out our webpage to see whats available to a member. No donation necessary, though they are appreciated as they help keep us up and running.
Come and check out UnlimitedMinecraft we always have a space for you. 🙂


Active Adventure Build Class Craft Custom Drops Dungeon Dungeons Eco End Fac Faction Factions Friendly Infernal Lit Mob Mobs Mod Modpack Mods Old Pvp Raid Raiding Rights Server Spawn Spawns Survival Multiplayer Tech Technic Technology Top Tower Website Wns

Base 13 Reloaded

This is a CUSTOM MOD PACK Server for the Technic launcher.
Hexxit style high adventure with a little bit ‘o technology. Our mods include, but are not limited to: Better Dungeons, Battle Towers, Infernal Mobs, MoCreatures, Legend Gear, Reliquary, Twilight Forest, Forestry, Mekanism Generators, BuildCraft.

PvP is on so that we can give each other a friendly punch, and to make battling in close quarters more dangerous.
We are NOT a PvP/Factions/Raiding style server!

Make no mistake, this is a tough server! This makes plain old Hexxit look tame! Infernal MoCreatures, more spawns in Better Dungeons, Meteors are more rare, and so is the top tier loot! No more chest loads of top tier armor drops!
We recommend you bring a friend, its that tough!

Visit our website for more info, link to modpack, and a quick build rights application.

Art Ass Ations Class Craft Dom Donation Donations Erver Hey Inecraft Join Media Mine Minecraft Nation Nations No Donations One People Perk Perks Play Player Ran Random Rvival Server Star Start Style Surviv Surviva Survival Ten Ter This


The intention of this server is for anyone to join and immediately start doing what they want. Just as if you played single player, except with others. No donations, not perks, nothing. Just survival with random people from the internet.

What happens in bread kraft, stays in bread kraft.


Active Build Building Class Community Craft Creative Custom Eco Econ Economy Environment Event FTB Fun Grief Help Inecraft King Lit Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack Mods Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Server Special Survival Tech Technic Tekkit

Nanoblock Custom Modpack

NanoBlock is a custom modpack offered through Technic and Feed the Beast, and has its own survival modded server that is part of a community known as CraftBlock. NanoBlock is built with a custom modpack named after the server (NanoBlock) and is powered by Technic. Using the utilities given to us by Technic, a modpack community, we were able to bring this bundle of fun to all the players out there. Using many different plugins to help out with grief prevention and an economy, we specialize in making the server a fun and enjoyable environment for you, the player. We focus on the survival aspect of Minecraft whilst encouraging creative building with all the blocks and machines provided from the mods included in the modpack.

Want to download the modpack? Download it here!

Ass Class Com Craft Enjin Fol Follow Lmao Noop Opé Open Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Target



Active Bungee Bungeecord Class Com Eco Economy Erver Forge Game Games Gym Gyms Hoe Ill Johto Join Kanto King Level Lit Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mod Need Owner Parkour Pixelmon Region Roleplay Server Star Start Ungee

PixelGens Pixelmon Server

Join us now!
We have the Kanto and Johto region.
You start in the Kanto region and when you beat all 8 gyms, the elite-4 and the champion you will be able to continue your journey in Kanto with consecutive leveled gyms!
We are working on Hoenn and a bungeecord minigames server!

To join you need pixelmon 2.5.7
and Forge Modloader for 1.6.4


Hope to see you there!
shadoowner, MrDiver
and the PixelGens Crew!

Ass Bungee Class Craft Dio Erver Eula Follow Game Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Noop Open Pig Pigs Raft Rvival Server Stable Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ungee Vast Vip

★PigStable 1.8★

Wij zijn PigStable, Een bungee netwerk van 8 Gigabyte. Onze server is gerelateert op het minecraft kanaal PiggyStudio. Op dit moment hebben we een Survival, Minigame en VIP server (VIP Staat los van de bungee IVM de EULA.). We hopen dat je een keer een kijkje komt nemen op de server, Alvast veel plezier.


Active Ass Call Cat Class Com Craft Death Die Economy End Ender Erver Extra Free Hard Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Old Play Player Players Pvp Raiding Red Ree Rvival Serious Server Star Surviva Survival Teleport This


What are we?
ExadiaWinds is an ExtraHard survival server catered for an older generation of Minecraft players. We know you that achieved Minecraft Mastery. This server isn’t for the weak and impatient; you will die, starve, freeze, and have your leg pulled off by an enderman. Seriously, endermen can teleport you which typically results in death.

Enough about us, come test your minecraft mastery out.

Best Class Craft Crafting Custom Drops Experience Features Free Fun Game Inecraft Item Items Lag Mine Minecraft Mod Modified Mythicdrops New Noop Open Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pro Rank Ranks Server Servers Slimefun Survival Town Towny Version

DifferentCraft Towny

DifferentCraft is a Minecraft Survival server bursting with custom features, striving to be one of the best Towny servers out there. DifferentCraft runs on a custom built machine which is hosted at a Tier-1 data center to guarantee you the smoothest experience possible.

We run a bunch of custom-made plugins so youll never get bored. Youll find custom items and crafting systems at your fingertips, a rank progression system that grants you new perks while climbing the ranks. Some other things youll find are a brewing plugin that adds 60+ custom brewing recipes, a modified version of Slimefun to offer over 200 new items with lag free gameplay, MythicDrops and so much more.


Active Adventure Ban Bedrock Build Building Cells Challenge Community Create Creative Dedicated Desert Elves Event Faction Factions Good Grief Home Homes Lore Minecraft Mines New Permanent Play Pvp Rol Roleplay Safe Server Skills Small Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive War Website


Check out our website for more information and pictures!!

What’s this server like?
This is a small server with a dedicated community of players. It’s owned and maintained by cyberg and candlefire29.Cyberspace is a server built for everyone, and I’m proud to say that we have never permanently banned a player. We have superior protection against griefers, thieves, spammers, and other rule-breakers, and if someone does manage to bypass our security we’ll know exactly how they did it so we can protect against it in the future. Not only do we have tools for preventing grief, we have tools for fixing it and for ensuring that griefers get brought to justice. Your homes and buildings will always be safe here!
In addition, there are several worlds here, set up so that you can play on this server in many different ways without a lot of hassle.
New players:
As a new player, you’re given a choice of running through the infamous spawn maze or warping to Eden. The maze challenges you in several game skillsets that all good players need; in reward for conquering the test you’ll receive a set of tools and essential items, to help with your next few days on the server.Eden is a giant vertical colony; the ground level is good for growing crops and trees, while players have built new levels above it to live and work in. In Eden, much like the spawn maze, you’re being tested – but this time, it’s not a test of game skills, but of how well you can get along with others. Players can leave Eden after a few days, or after they’ve proved themselves to be reasonably good at not breaking everyone else’s stuff.
Once you’ve conquered Eden and the maze, there are more worlds to explore! We’ve got seven worlds right now. There’s a creative world for builders; a roleplay world of sky islands; a Superflat challenge world, where players must survive on resources from mineshafts floating in the sky and loot the villages and desert temples on the ground far below; a beginning world, built to test new players; a huge survival world, where players can build and explore in the classic hills and forests of Minecraft; a jail world, where bedrock cells for rulebreakers hover over an infinite sea of lava; and a world where players can adventure and explore in an area specially made to recreate a classic 8-bit game -shh, it’s a secret for VIPs only.
Additional Details
Cyberspace is for everyone – whether you like PvP, building, factions, survival, or roleplay. We’ve got 7 worlds designed to make everyone happy – there’s even a super secret VIP-exclusive world!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Skittle Minecraft Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!