Bots Civilization Civilizations Country Crackedsupporting Earntoplay Empires Lookingformoderation Mcc Minecraft Civilization Minecraftserver Proper Roles Smp Survival

Minecraft Civilizations

Welcome to Minecraft Civilizations!
The server is fully kitted out with bots, roles, and channels. But just enough channels, bots, and roles of course. Now, this is a
Minecraft server. But in this server, you don’t get a special map equally divided between empires that can’t go to war like on youtube. Here, it’s on! There isn’t any country yet, but You can make Your own, on #rules on the server, we have how to properly expand.
Fight today for Your kingdom, or anything else You like!
We also have strict testing for moderators, I see whether the moderator is good enough by a google form and time-testing for 3 weeks.
We strive for fun, not for power or safety, besides, that’s why i use bots aswell.
But moderation isn’t everything, see? That’s why we have special channels for fun! So, in short, this is a…
-Randomly generated
-Minecraft server. Have fun!

030 119server Advancements Expansion Hulk Java Version Particles Semivanilla Starting Survival Terralith Version 1.19 Waystones Whitelisted Worldborder


Hello and welcome to SMP.png.
A place where people can do whatever they want, we welcome players with any game skills and interests. You can build, travel between dimensions, start a shop and more.

Our admin is always there to help you with any problems. You can just dm them or tell in chat when they’re online.

> Because of server being opened recently, there will be new additions added to it which players can choose or suggest.

> At the moment server is on Java version 1.19.

> Server is online for most of the time. (exceptions may be: restarts, moving to different version, addition of new datapacks or plugins and etc.)

> List of our (main) datapacks and plugins:


The Bracken Pack,
FokaStudio’s Ender Expansion,
BlazeandCave’s advancements pack,
Waystones and smaller ones (armored elytra, more mob heads and players heads, silence mobs, etc.)


Advanced Portals,
Custom Crafting,
ShulkerBox Backpacks,
Player Particles,
Simple TPA,

(A full list of all plugins and data packs you can see on the discord)

> Worldborder is set to 100.000 blocks in each direction from spawn.

> Our server is really small but we welcome everyone here.

How can you join:

To join you can just message on this discord: tw_kaby#0304 and after short talk you will be whitelisted.

In the end we could say that we are looking for players that would like to just talk to each other and have some fun.

Different Eren Gamemode Gamemodes Item Items Lab Minigames Prize Prizes Run Sun Survival Thelab Viaversion


Welcome to SunMC! Here you can find many different gamemodes such as the lab and survival. We run community events in our discord server with prizes such as ranks, items, etc.

1.18.2 Best Way Fabric Fire Imple Media Modpack Origin Origins Pac Pack Sim Simp Simple Survival

Simple origins

The best way to enjoy origins in a simple form-factor
Modpack (fabric):
Server Version: 1.18.2 (Fabric)

Command Commands Customize Epic Exciting Hole Miz Paper Regular Rings Rmc Smp Spigot Survival Towny

AydenPlayz SMP

An active survival server, that brings new and exciting updates regularly! Including custom plugins to customize your experience, epic commands and much more! We also have a very well-set-up discord server to chat with the whole community!

Battles Characters Factions Inventions Java Landclaim Lore Mmo Mmoitems Multiplayer Norse Roleplay Semivanilla Siege Smp Survival Texturepack Towns War Whitelist Wiki

Ironforge: Warlords of Defense

Warlords of Forsvar is a norse-style roleplay server. Join or found your own settlements, fortresses, clans or nations. With more interesting combat, new weapons and armour, mythical creatures, region-dependent resources, raider parties roaming the wilderness and more, we believe we have created a more immersive roleplay experience. With less PVP emphasis and more focus on tactics, formation and siege equipment, players join a level playing field. We are open to player inventions within roleplay – items, potions, brews, siege equipment, artefacts – whatever fits the world and your story.

All players must create a character for whitelist, and all players can join in contributing to the growing lore on our wiki. With established foundational lore, players can have an idea of where to start and are free to expand upon the existing lore. All aspects of our worldbuilding – factions, cities, wars, and cultures serve the purpose of roleplay.

WoF allows pillaging and looting in battles. The wilderness (unclaimed lands) are more brutal, where murder, stealing, banditry, and pillaging are allowed.

Forsvar is a brutal land, where warlords and chiefs have dominated the warring peoples for centuries. Once the entire land was united by one Empire, The Empire of Velos. But it would not last. After a tyrannous High King was murdered by his own son, the empire collapsed. The warlords would return to rule their lands and the civilized folk would burn in the ensuing raids. Of these warlords, one was close to reunite Forsvar once again, but as history often rhymes, he was murdered by the treacherous southerners. Now, the Warlords of Forsvar seek to restore the great empire, or forge their own path of glory.

Find out more – join our Discord!

Active Adventure Cell Currency Economy Events Friendly How To Learn Mod Pack Modded Modded Server Smp Survival Twice

CelloxMC (VIP Rank Free Till The 27th!)

Cellox MC is a modded server based around the mod create. We have a economy system, player ran shops, admin shops, and even our own custom mod. We will have events once or twice a week where you can get a free rank on the server. You can also buy some of the ranks in game through the in-game currency. Come check out our server today. Join the discord to learn how to download or mod pack.

1.12 Add Cas Case Cri Donate Enter Fre Free Get His Our Ree Script Your

. – .x GET A FREE DONATE CASE – GETCASE server Minecraft

Server owner “. – .x GET A FREE DONATE CASE – GETCASE” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Baubles Dinosaurs Dragons Dwarf Dwarves Elf Elves Faction Hobbit Iceandfire Jurassic Lordoftherings Lycanitesmobs Medieval Modded Monsters Pirates Rlcraft Rlcraftmodpack Rlcraftmultiplayer Rlcraftonline Rlcraftserver Rlcraftwithfriends Survival

The RLCraft Server

The RLCraft Server —————————————————–
Welcome to The RLCraft Server, a 1.12.2 Modded Minecraft server running the RLCraft Modpack. All of the madness and possibilities on this server cannot even be explained in a simple description, but what can be said is that in this server you can tame dragons, fight dragons, become magical creatures like Elves, Fairies, Dragons, and more. Explore a new and extremely dangerous dimension and fight horrifying Creatures that’ll give you nightmares for days. This is just a tad glimpse into what the Server offers, the full extent must be experienced first-hand. Welcome to the most difficult Server you’ve ever experienced, think you have what it takes to survive the journey?

1.19 119server 119survival Backpack Backpacks Drill Drills Factions Magi Magic Plus Survival Timber Updated Warden

DopeCraft 1.19 (Factions, Magic, Drills, Backpacks, Timer, plus so much more!)

  • very good.”that suit is dope!”

    This Server is also dope! Adjective! The coolest minecraft server with awesome plugins, up to date (1.19) and a growing community! We welcome all who join 🙂 Our ip is

  • Categories
    1.19 Achievement Achievements Building Doc Eset Flat Limits Private Smp Superflat Survival Testing Ush Vanilla


    Flatcraft is a Private chill vanilla superflat survival server for java 1.19
    the aim for this server is to have around 10 players to push the limits of vanilla superflat survival
    if you feel you have what it takes to push the limits of survival Minecraft then come join the discord server to find out more.
    The server is up for testing right now as we build the 10 player…. player base? if we cant reach 10 players then once we have reached an agreed amount of players I’ll reset the world and we can start fresh and document our achievements. feel free to discuss plans and own goals in the discords general chat.

    1.18.2 Cked Comment Comments Cracké First Hacking Him Middle Middle School No hacking Racism Smp Spigot Survival

    Sheeps Middle School

    Hi I created SMP on a whim so I need new members!

    the rules:

    – no racism
    – no hacking
    – no grievance
    Have fun !


    The server is in Java 1.18.2

    712 Claim Claiming Griefers Laim Land Claim Media Offline People Shadow Start Survival Survive Together Vive

    Shadow’s SMP

    I created this SMP so people can come together, make new friends and just play with people. There is land claiming on the server so you can claim land and prevent it from griefers. just survive and have fun. If you are interested and you decide to join and the server is offline, dm me on discord ShadowMedia#4712 and ill start it up.

    260 600 Bedrock Edition Cloud Craftgames Crafting Craftingstore Edition Fur Java Edition Lifesteal Mcserver Survival Survivalgames Tga


    Our Discord Server –

    Java Edition IP –
    Bedrock Edition IP –
    For further information join our discord server
    Link to start the server will be on our discord server
    Our shop –

    Active Staff Cheating Exploit Forever Grind Jump Luna Minecraft Player Minecraft Players News Racism Sex Survival Wind Zero


    Welcome to LunaGaming!
    LunaGaming is a Survival Economy based server with active staff and a forever evolving world.
    We are a friendly community-focused server; perfect for long-term Minecraft players that are looking for a place to unwind, build, or grind.

    Jump in and lay the foundations of your fortunes.

    Join our Discord for Giveaways and Server news!

    JAVA IP:
    BEDROCK PORT: 25683

    So what are you waiting for? Join now!

    10k Economy Faction Pvp Factionpvp Factions Factionsmcmmo Factionspvp Factionsurvival Mcmmo Mcmmofactions Mcmmofactionssurvival Pvp Pvpfactions Pvpserver Pvpsurvival

    NaCl Industries

    New faction server, looking to create a new community

    1.11 119 Crafting Heart Hearts Ifesteal Irl Killing Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Lifestealsmp Smp Survival


    This is a server with the base of the original lifesteal smp with people that are constantly active and active admins!

    if you don’t know what a lifesteal smp is then you are in luck bc it is fairly simple you start off with 10 hearts and if you die you lose a heart and you can gain hearts by crafting or killing other players so you don’t have to be aggressive however you can try to take over the server however I doubt it will be easy for those looking for a challenge

    so please come and join lifesteal 3.0 join our discord of course if you wish to join

    1.19 Crossplay Custom Item Custom Items Innovative Item Nova Protect Protection Protections Skywars Ssp Survival Universe Warden



    A new and innovative server 1.19
    in which we have

    – Protections

    – custom items

    – Effective support

    – Too much fun

    – skywars

    – crossplay

    And much more

    1.17 Ask Comment Does Dont Egg Everyone Hank Know Mai Nice People Quest Som Survival

    Phil’s Vanilla Server!

    Hi thank you for checking out this server, i plan to mainly have it be vanilla so i hope that doesnt detur some people. I hope to build a really nice community and hope everyone has fun! if you have any questions be sure to comment or ask in game! i dont know what else to say so here is the word egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg egg

    Ash Cas Case Cash Cheap Donation Economy Ezz Ezzy Item Mcp Mcpe Plugins Price Quality

    BlockCraft Server Minecraft

    On our server:
    * cheap donation
    * economy
    * many quality plugins
    There is a donat case, cash and item at a cheap price!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server Net. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!