Family Forge Gamer Gamers Growing Lsp Mini Games Modpack Newest Pack Pixelmon Post Pve Rock Suggestions

MilSpec Pixelmon

Come join the MilSpec gamer family today! Pixelmon is the newest modpack/server added to our growing community. Dont forget to post your suggestions on our discord too! See you ingame gamers!

Classic Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

MineDagger – Survival for all Minecraft server

Description of the server Hello, now I will list the advantages of our server:

MineDagger 1.8 – 1.16.3 (Modes on the newest – 1.16.3)
– Economy
– Clan Wars
– Free cases
– Daily rewards
– Unique works and tasks
– Duels
– DaggerCoin farm
– Kind admins
– Honest donation
– No lags
– Cool server
– Netherite Armor

IP –
VK group:

The server administration is constantly working to improve the quality of the game.
We want to make the game as comfortable as possible for everyone!

And welcome to MineDagger!


Abilities Armor Cold Custom Custom Armor Custom Armors Discord Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Fin Lit Old Pvp Survival


Welcome to ColdZone server
Heres what you can find
| Custom Armors
| Custom Enchantments
| Custom Abilities
And more
you can check out our discord

Growing Live Lives Mana Manage Maps Parkour Selection Survival Survival Game Survival Games Vanilla Ves Weekly Whitelisted

Kingdom MC

Kingdom MC is part of a wider gaming community that lives in the Kingdom discord. Managed with the community in mind, join us for weekly events run by the mod team, a constantly growing selection of minigames, and simple survival fun. Join the discord to get whitelisted!

-An active survival community
-Weekly community events
-Parkour maps (Coming soon!)
-Survival Games (Coming soon!)

Artic Aus Duck Guy Launch Launched Lose Nopvp Pat Rust Smp Survival Trust Vanilla Vanillasurvival


Guys, I’m looking for people for my private Minecraft server!


Hello! I recently made a Minecraft server, and I need people for it. I already have some, but there are only 3. This is a private server, like SMP. I really want to make a close and friendly community that will help each other, and it will feel like home. We will have all kinds of events launched, after I will get people. We do not have any private on block, because I want to make sure people trust each other. So if you want to participate, here is a link: . You will just need to fill out a form, and you will be most likely in.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

1.16.3 Auction House Economy Endless Grid Hiring Islands Minecraft 1.16 Minion Minions Parkour Pve Pvp Skyblock Skygrid

Prophecy Skyblock

Minecraft 1.16.3 Skyblock Server IP!

Prophecy Skyblock is a new custom Skyblock server with endless features! Join today for the following:
– Custom Minions!
– Skygrid
– Crates
– Auction House
– Unique Shop & Economy
– Friendly Staff Team!
– Upgradeable Islands!
– The best ranks! (

Best Minecraft Server Best Minecraft Servers Discord Epicspawners Faction Factions Mcmmo Minecraft Multiplayer Minecraft Rp Minecraft Rpg New Minecraft Servers Roleplay Rpg Smp Survival

DELPHICRAFT | 1.15 | Factions | SMP Survival | mcMMO | RPG | EpicSpawners

Delphicraft is among the best minecraft servers, combining factions, survival and mcMMO for a unique minecraft multiplayer experience.

Building on SMP and survival servers, Delphicraft adds the best from minecraft factions with a simple menu-based system giving you complete protection and control over your faction server lands and members.

Delphicraft also adopts the best of mcMMO servers with integrated, well-developed skill trees and bonuses, player jobs, ranks and unique custom kits for immersive minecraft RPG and roleplay server fun!

If you’re looking for new minecraft servers, visit Delphicraft at

  • Join us in Minecraft at
  • Join the Delphicraft Discord Server
  • View the Delphicraft Live Map

  • Categories
    173generator Adult Anticheat Beta F2p Faction Factions Hard Nodonations Playereconomy Plugins Pvp Shopkeepers Survival Worldgen

    [1.16] Daily.Dose.Club | Softcore Survival PvP | 1.7.3 Worldgen | F2P | Player Trading Economy | Faction Protections

      This server is focused on survival, while still keeping the features of a general PvP themed server. It’s a bit softer than the usual faction server, as teams have higher power, and there are some restrictions in place to make raiding more difficult for the attacking team.
      The server is targeted toward adult players and those with more experience with the game. I made this because I wasn’t happy with how other servers were setup, the lack of traditional PvP servers, and how often PvP gamemodes were only made to scam children of their parents money. I’m not sure if other likeminded people exist who want this type of server, figure I’d see for myself.

    The world map is generated using the Modern Beta world generator. Which keeps most new features of the game while adding a 1.7.3 beta inspired terrain. The Nether and End are generated with the normal 1.16 settings.

    Some general things to know before playing

    – There are minimal in game rules. Just try not to cheat, intentionally spam chat or build massive lag machines. Say what you want and do what you want.
    – The world map is 20,000 to -20,000. The Nether is 2,500 to -2,500. The End is 10,000 to -10,000.
    – Faction land can be damaged by TnT, but is protected from everything else
    – Offline factions are protected from TnT. A faction is considered offline 20 minutes after their last member logs out
    – Factions can overclaim eachother if their power goes below their total land
    – Each player has 16 faction power, and loses 4 on death
    – There is no digital economy, Trader NPCs can be hired by players by giving 10 emeralds to wandering traders.
    – Trade NPCs will trade items for you with other players. You can setup shops, their storage can be raided if not protected.
    – Logging off in PvP combat will kill you. Try to avoid that
    – I will not try to sell you anything. It’s really stupid how bad microtransactions got in this game.

    Please use if the domain doesn’t work

    420 Arena Different Features Fight Galax Galaxy Hot Infernal Mob Mob Arena Mobs Pve Economy Pvp Arena Realm


    Welcome to Galaxy-Realm!

    We’re newly opened server with many different features, such as Infernals, PvP eachother in the PvP arena and fight mobs in the Mob Arena!

    Hope to see you there!

    Amazing Cool Crate Crates Data Kits Lin Link Nice Nks Noop Plane Planet Pvp Rat


    -=- KITPVPPLANET -=-
    A cool KitPvP server, join or elsee….
    A nice KitPvP server with a nice community and amazing players! Wanna be part of them? Then join!
    Ranks,Kits,Crates and more!

    Apply Ask Aus Beta Blocks Car Fun Hank Kie Kitpvp Offline Pvp Rol Roll Xin

    Lock Blocks

    Lock Blocks is still in BETA there is only KitPVP but there is more to come. We are looking for staff you can message us on discord and ask to apply.

    Thank you.
    – Lockie Carroll

    The server is offline right now because we were griefed and we are fixing that right now.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Bedrock Boss Crates Creative Customitems Custommobs Discord Economy Fly Free Freefly Freerank Friendly Friends Fun Game Games Marriage Marry Mob Mobs Needstaff New Old Parkour Prison Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Roleplay Rpg Rpgitems Runes Skyblock Slimefun Social Staff Survival Youtube

    McCaverns Network [Java & Bedrock!] [1.16]

    1. Survival
    2. 200+ Custom Enchants
    3. Custom Mobs
    4. Custom Weapons / Items
    5. Pvp
    6. Land Claiming
    7. Bank System
    8. Crates
    And much more!

    Hope to see you all there!

    Days Early Farm Farms Fly Grind Happy Island Minion Minions Near Nothing Release Upgrade Upgrades

    Lernaean Skyblock [Beta Release] – CrateAll At 15 players! – Minions

    Lernaean Skyblock is a new server that thrives to bring you the most optimal 1.16 survival experience! With minions, island upgrades and much more, you can feel that same rewarding grind

    On our server, we want you to be happy, so commands such as /fly has been given to aid your progress.

    As said in the title, I will be doing a crate all at 15 players! so hop on and have fun

    The best part of this server, or skyblock in general, is that you can make money by doing nearly nothing, tho the bigger and more efficient your farms are, the better.

    For the first few days, I am giving miner minions to all those who join

    Chestshop Disguisecraft Economy Faction Factions Fun Hardcore Hub Iconomy Inventory Keepinventory Mcmmo Mobdisguise Save Shops Survival

    ShadowBlade: Since 2011


    ShadowBlade is Survival.


    Survival Information:

    ShadowBlade is your number one server for Fun and Exciting Minecraft play!

    We have a lot to offer:

    -Mob Disguise for any rank!

    -Awesome Events


    -Thriving Economy With Shops!

    -Survival at it’s best

    -Keep Your Inventory/XP When You Die


    -Spleef Games

    -PvP Arena

    -Great atmosphere

    -Excellent Staff

    -Friendly Community

    -24/7 Play

    -And a lot more!…

    Join us Now!
    -IP: Server.McShadowBlade.Com

    Please read below about joining the server:Important Information, READ:
    When You Join, You will start out as a guest.You MUST read the rules to find the secret sign. Once you do, do the command it says, you will become a member and be able to build. NO GRIEFERS We do have Log Block and can rollback any grief instantly. Cheating Client Mods are not allowed.There are helpful Plugins to make life easier, but it is mostly survival, so do not ask for items.There are many ways to get items, mostly just play the game! Details on the website.

    ShadowBlade’s Stance on the Mojang EULA:

    ShadowBlade does not restrict Minecraft play for our regular Members. In fact our members get access to many of our unique plugins.
    We offer perks for supporting us using plugins. You can still play minecraft the way it was intended to be played (And more!) without paying money. We also have an in-game currency rank system for those who don’t wish to purchase ranks. Anything you can buy on our buycraft can also be obtained ingame normally or with game currency.
    We are NOT “Pay To Win”. we are PLAY to win! 🙂
    We Do Not sell In-Game currency in our packages in order to stay legit.



    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Arena Currency Human Humans Immersive Job Jobs Mcmmo Pve Pve Economy Pvp Relaxed Sloth Survival Vibe

    Sleepy Sloth MMO

    DISCORD : Make sure to join to see rules and report things.
    We are a small server made by friends, for friends both new and old. Our server is trying to foster a chill and relaxed vibe where people who love to Minecraft can come together and connect. We have many plugins installed to add to the immersive atmosphere like MCMMO, a job system, shops, currency, and a discord channel. We welcome any and all non toxic humans to come and play!

    2b2talternative 2b2tclone Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchypvp Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Anarchyserver Anarchysurvival Anarchysurvivalminecraft Chatting Minecraft 1.12.2 Minecraft Anarchy Nuclear Patch Ucl

    Nuclearis Anarchy Server

    Nuclearis is a Minecraft Anarchy Server on Minecraft 1.12.2, feel free to join, but you must understand the following things:

    1. It is an Anarchy server, so there are no rules and everything is allowed, no sencorship or bans!

    2. Hacked Clients, Exploits and Glitches are fully allowed, they won’t be patched as we feel it is not Anarchy if the admin patches exploits, glitches and hacks as it is Anarchy of course!
    3. If you can’t stand your bases being grieved and raided, than this is not a server for you!

    4. Do be aware that Anarchy server have no rules and nobody gets banned + everything is allowed, so also toxic messages, toxic behavior and political incorrect chatting, bases and builds are allowed!

    If you want to join the server, feel free to join, but stay alive out there and much love to 2B2T and Constantium!

    247server 420 Adventure Alicization Faction Factions Friendlystaff Mcmmo October Pve Pvp Rpg Survival Swordartonline Underworld

    Underworld Online

    Hello and welcome all to
    Underworld Online!

    We are a RPG, Faction/Raid server currently running 1.15.2. 1.16 clients are able to join as well, however they will not be able to use any 1.16 features. The IP for our server is:
    Our website can be viewed at:
    We wouldn’t be able to survive without paying for the server, so any donations are greatly appreciated. Feel free to make a donation here:

    At Underworld Online, we host a variety of different gameplay experiences, such as an economy, factions, and just basic survival with all of the different items available in Minecraft 1.15. The goal was to create an RPG of SAO Alicization, which takes place in the Underworld. Even if you do not like Sword Art Online or know what it is, you can still enjoy the server! I encourage you to read the background information, which sets the basis and my mindset for the server, at this link.

    We also have a Discord server! You can also click this link to join the Discord server! This is designed as a “free play” area for members to relax and create the community feel within the server. Here, Staff can be contacted even if they aren’t online on the Minecraft server, or you can even interact when you aren’t able to join. All main functions such as bug and player reports, suggestions, and applications are hosted on the Discord, so I encourage everyone to join!

    While the server may be open to the public, by no means is it complete. There are still many more updates and features to come, so of course stick around for even more fun features to come to the server, and some that will be unique to the Underworld!

    At this time, our current Staff and Administration includes:

    Owner: Pieguy302590
    Co-Owner: cobolt34
    Integrity Knight: Empty
    Prime Senator: InjectedFire
    Senator: leftyy26
    Trainee: Empty

    If you have any troubles at all, feel free to contact any of them and we will work as quickly as what we can to resolve any issue you may have.

    Last but not least, to celebrate the official opening of the server, there will be a sale on the entire Donation Shop, which will be discounted by 15% until 18 October and can be accessed at this link!
    Link Start!
    Underworld Online
    Owner, Pieguy302590

    116server Economia Espanol Evento Hispano Latinoamerica Newdungeons Newitems Newmobs Nopremium Plugins Premium Serversurvival Survival Tiendas

    Asgard Server Hispano

    ¡Bienvenido a Asgard Server!
    Somos Un Servidor De Survival Con Plugins Hispano
    Versión 1.16.1
    Tenemos Eventos
    Items Customizados
    Nuevos Mobs
    Nuevas Dungeons
    Nuevos Bosses
    Tiendas Creadas por los Players
    Y más
    ¡Únete a esta gran familia!

    Call Everything Fort Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Market Marketplace Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival No Launcher Place Pve Pvp Russian Minecraft Vip Minecraft server

    • ► Survival server with a minimum of plugins, everything for a comfortable game
    • ► System “Auction” or “Marketplace”. Called / ca
    • ► Have VIP, Creative

    247uptime Adventure Balanced Building Community Custom Customenchantments Dimensions Economy Events Experience Friendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Jobs Jobsreborn Mcmmo Nogriefing Nohacking Pve Pvp Runestones Survival Towns Towny Website

    AzertuMC – Towny




    Discord Link:

    Server Version: 1.12.2 / 1.15.x


    General Information:

    When we created this server, our goal was to create a unique and well balanced “custom” Towny experience. With our current team having over 3 years of Towny experience we aim to give players the best possible survival experience possible. With frequent updates and actively adding new features to the server we can ensure you that this server has a lot to offer. Whilst our server is mostly based around Towny we have added a lot of game-play features that will enhance your experience, such as:

  • Jobs: Without having an admin shop on the server, your main income of money will be by using a job. Players are able to choose from 11 different and unique jobs that will give you money for executing various different things. While you level up your job, you will unlock unique perks that will help you along the way.
  • Rankup: With 25 possible in-game rankups, which you can purchase with ingame money. You will be able to unlock various different skills and perks.
  • McMMO: well known plugin that will add skill leveling inside minecraft.
  • Auctions: Sell your precious items to other people on the server inside a fancy looking GUI menu to make life easy for you.
  • Runestones: Very similar to custom enchants. Apply runestones to your armor and/or tools to gain massive buffs such as permanent night vision, speed and fire resistance. But also stuff like dealing more damage and giving your enemies magical potion effects such as darkness, slowness and even wither effects!
  • Custom GUI menu’s
  • Crates
  • Lockable chests
  • Custom items
  • Epic particle & sound effects
  • And much much more
  • ____________________________________________________________________________


    To us the community is very important. With a basic set of rules that are listed on our website (here), we strive to keep the environment a fun and happy place for everyone! We can handle a few jokes here and there as long as they are not inappropriate. With lots of frequent both small and big events we try to keep this community together.


    What are you waiting for? Join today!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and The Pit Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!