1.17.1 Anarchy Awesome Bit Blood Cheating Essential Essentials Hate Loot Moon Pvp Rage Score Survival


Welcome to RageQuitCraft! A semi-anarchy server. The current version on the server is 1.17.1 and we’re currently using plugins such as Blood Moon and essentials.

– Semi-Anarchy server. Do whatever you want, as long as it isn’t hacking or cheating!

– A Blood Moon Event that will keep you on your toes, but also score you some awesome loot.

– Plugins to make life a tad bit easier or much much worse.

And so much more as time goes on!

900 Cheating Hermit Hermitcraft Maintenance Moon No Griefing No swearing Offline Resets Seasonal Sets Survival Swearing Vanilla


Endercon is a seasonal server (like Hermitcraft), that resets it’s world every year on the 15th of September.We’re trying to build a friendly community, and the best part is:
Anyone is welcome!
– no swearing
– no NFS content
– no griefing
– no cheating (hacking, x-ray…)
– be nice to every one 🙂

If server is offline, try joining and it will turn on, unless there is a problem or we are doing maintenance. Contact me on discord, if you cannot join:

8.2 Anarchy Builds Cheating Core Hacks Hardcore Offensive Pve Pvp Raiding Survival Survive Together Vanilla

Bilfen Vanilla Hardcore

Vanilla hardcore with friends. Try to survive together. Hacks aren’t allowed.

Raiding, PvP, offensive builds are allowed. Cheating is not.

You can join our Discord for more info.

Ages Anarchy Big Cheating Gamer Gamers Mcmmo Nothing Pvp Special Survival Tag Towny Vanilla Weird


Nothing special join to play some vanilla MC,, Nothing to protect yourself,, Nothing to do but build and beat the game,, Nothing to give others advantages unless you’re cheating then that would be just weird

Castle Cheating Courage Factions Mini Games Origin Prize Prizes Pvp Rage Smo Smooth Survival Upgrade Votes


Our goal is to obtain the original MC Experience and also being up to date,
By combining a cool looking castle spawn and an upgraded Factions plugin, the fun never ends,
we encourage you to tell us where we can improve and what more ideas we should add,
Each voter will get a reward when he votes from here! keep voting for more prizes and money
Our rules are simple, griefing is allowed, no cheating of course, neither hacking.
Have fun!

Almost Anarchy Bro Caught Cheating Economy Factions Guy Inde Nre Perfect Pve Pvp Raiding Survival


BrotherhoodMC is a newly made server, perfect for those who wants to have a fresh start, We also have some plugins to make the gameplay easier than it is. We want to give our players the best gameplay possible, so please visit us and don’t hesitate to suggest! We are currently in need of new players for the server to grow and improve, join us now and you won’t regret it!

Server Genre is Survival, Factions, Anarchy, etc.
Our staff is friendly, almost anything is allowed, we are open-minded, just don’t get caught cheating.
Hoping to see you guys there!

Advertising Anarchy Cheating Duping Etho Exploit Homes Minecraft Multiplayer Multiplayer No hacking Pve Pvp Sethome Sethomes Survival

TrueMC Anarchy

TrueMC is a Vanilla style Anarchy server. This aspect gives players the true Minecraft multiplayer experience. No kits, no tps, no sethomes(only beds), just Vanilla. We have 3 very simple rules…
1. No Hacking, Cheating, Duping, Or exploiting in any way
2. No lagging the server
3. No advertising other servers
Test your luck and skills on TrueMC!

Almost Anarchy Cheating Latest Lite Mean Old Minecraft Oli Paper Pol Polite Release Survival Updated Vanilla

Epolite.NET Minecraft Server

Plain old Minecraft, the way it was meant to be enjoyed. This is an almost-fully anarchy server, just don’t cause the server to lag please 🙂

I made this because the anarchy server I played on previously added anti-cheating rules.

Server will be updated to the latest version of MC once Paper releases it.

000 400 4000 Air Blocks Cheating Extra Fair Laugh Pvp Raiding Square Steal Survival Vanilla

Slaughter Fest

This server is a simple SMP with one extra rule, There are no rules! except cheating ofcourse… You will be spawned on a map wich has the size of 4000×4000 blocks! Will you team up with the others?, or betray them, Steal their goods or trade fair and square? Find out more by joining!

Cheating Duel Duels Home Kingdoms Legend Legendary Nda No swearing Pvp Server Ip Swe Swearing Ultimate Vpn

LegendaryPvP Network

Welcome to LegendaryPvPNetwork
Home of the ultimate pvp experience     
Server IP:      
What to Expect
No swearing
No Cheating
Have Fun!

Auto Bloc Cool Discord Ect Fun Hut Lec Mcserver Nam Name Rase Survival Title Wit


This is my server and its fun! with more to come!
We have /discord too!
and my phrase: Have fun!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

A Minecraft Core Emc Fin Friend Friends Hard Hardcore Mod Mods Private Rad Riends Survival Multiplayer Trade

HARDCORE | Vanilla Minecraft Server

Vanilla server without mods and no private!
You can find friends on this server!

Command Commands Epl Gameplay God Inventory License Mad Port Private Survival Multiplayer Tat Teleport Teleportation Wait

Godless Minecraft server

Godless is a vanilla Minecraft server where you won’t find any plugins that affect gameplay. Only vanilla survival. We do not have privates and teleportation commands. And you start the game with an empty inventory, like all players. The server is made for people who do not have a Minecraft license.
We are waiting for you!

620 8.2 Artic Builder Builders Faction Factions Help Lands New Newserver Starting Survival Tea Team

NewLands looking for staff and pioneering players!

We’re a team of 3 starting a new server looking for mates to help us out!
In particular we’re looking for creative architects/builders.

Also we’re looking for pioneer players!

8.3 Allowed Anarchy Server Essential Essentials Essentialsx Everything Imple Kind Moderator Moderators Raiding Sim Simp Vanilla

A Simple Minecraft Server

Kind of anarchy server
No Rules just simple minecraft where everything is allowed, griefing/raiding/pvp is allowed
I am looking for moderators right now to watch the server while i am not there
As of now the only plugin on the server is EssentialsX

Have a fun time

Content Crates Extra Faction Pvp Factions Goth Gotham Level Lookingforstaff New Nodes Normal Pvp Pvpfactions Unlock

GothamMC – Looking for staff

Welcome to GothamMC! Here you’ll find plenty of things to do with tons of ranks, kits, and extra content to unlock!
Normal survival factions can be boring so we’ve added ranks to level up and gain new content. This helps to make sure you have something to come back for! Befriend or raid, we’ll be waiting on

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Elytra Griefing Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Mcpvp Notch Parties Pog Pvp Raiding Souppvp Survival Tracker Trackers Tracking


FellerPvp is a Hardcore Soup Pvp server similar to McPvP. Heres what you can expect:
– Soup Pvp
– Old school combat / No attack cooldown / No Notch apples /
15 sec Ender Pearl cooldown / No Elytra
– Envoys, Fight for some Pogg lewt at spawn
– 10kx10k World border from spawn
– Tracking, build your own player trackers to help find bases
– Parties to group with others but no land claiming
– Hard difficulty
– Silk Spawners And stackable Spawners
– Small shop with a virtual Auction house to influence player trading
– Leaderboards, be the Richest, Deadliest, Most active feller you can be!
– Loot crates for donators and voters!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Ations Colonize Conquer Create Earth Emerald Fres Fresh Nations Pve Economy Pvp Survival Towns Towny Wns

Emerald Earth

A brand new Earth server where you can recolonize Earth and conquer other nations! This server uses Towny, and can allow you to create towns and nations alike! This server has a fresh map as well.

We are looking for staff!

Cash Deal Domina Faction Factions Freetoplay Grind Horde League Machines Maintenance Mcmmo Slimefun Unlock Xpbank


    Tired of Faction servers always being based around Pay to Play?
Come join us in Factions.IO Where nobody can use irl cash to gain an advantage! You can use experience to unlock amazing machines through slimefun, to be able to conquer your opponents, and dominate the league in factions. Make sure to grind your mcmmo skills to take a greater advantage in the server. We are still under maintenance and are open to any suggestions but we DONT need staff. The ideal server is right under your nose, you just gotta help us create it!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Craft Generators Gladiator Gladiators No Mods No swearing Nogriefing Survival Swearing Towny Undead Unfair Vampires Xerus Xeruscraft

Xerus Craft

Server IP:

Server Version: 1.16.1

Server Discord:

Server Description: Xeruscraft is a survival multiplayer server that was created back in 2013, while many players have come and gone over the years, the server continues to provide an enjoyable environment for a multitude of different play styles, whether you enjoy relaxing and building under the protection of your Towny settlement, or testing your strength against your fellow players or custom mobs ranging from undead gladiators to vampires. There are also many custom dungeons being created around the world for players to discover and conquer.

Server Rules:

1.No Griefing (This includes breaking other players blocks, breaking into houses, killing pets etc.)

2.No Scamming or Stealing From Players

3.No Mods That Give You An Unfair Perk or Advantage (Maps are fine, or health bar indicators, if theres something you’re unsure of you can ask any staff member)

4.No Swearing, Spamming, or Offensive Chat/Actions

5.No Advertising Different Servers (You can talk about different servers in conversation of course, just no full out advertising)

6.No Excessive Lag Generators/Farms

Account Add Added Best Has Hype Hyper Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer Ter This You сервер сервера

❤️ HYPERMINE – SURVIVAL ⭐ BEST SERVER ❤️ Minecraft server

Server owner “сервера HYPERMINE – SURVIVAL ⭐ BEST SERVER ❤️” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Darkness Dead Factions Launcher Nick Nickname Nicknames Pvp Roleplay Skin Skins Survival Travel Twitch Witch

Travellers of Darkness

Travellers of Darkness on Twitch Launcher!
No name on the head
Nobody can see you through the blocks
No players list
The nicknames in the players list are anonymous
No join and quit messages
Nobody can see who enter and who exit
No death messages
Who killed me? Did I kill him? Who is dead?
Nicknames and skins freely editable in game
You will receive a Book in game with all basic commands

Ark Create Dark Darkness Endless Host Pos Positive Pve Special Ssl Survival Survive Vibe Vive

Darkness Survival

I wanted to create a server for players to survive with their friends endlessly! This is a SMP server with no special ranks, no fancy plugins, just a positive vibe.

Biome Biomes Challenge Claims Creative Economy Eset Hard Survival Hardcore Land Claim Land Claims Nether Reset Survival Towny


Newly reset Nether for all those wonderful nether biomes! If you’re looking for a really hard survival challenge in a semi-vanilla survival experience with land claims, economy, shops, and a friendly community then this is the place for you!

Creative Dev Economy Gamemode Gamemodes Mcp Mcpr Multi Plots Pvp Skyblock Survival Survival Game Survival Games Tip


Welcome to BudderCraft Beta! We are a developing server with multiple gamemodes. Currently, we have Survival, Creative Plots, Skyblock, and Survival Games! Come join us!

Age Ask Big Detail Details Dog Doge Fit Ice Lea Mad Please Survival Tail Tails


if You Want The Reason For Why i Made This Server Ask me on Discord.
ID: [DMP Doge]#4225

if You Would Like The Details to This Server Also Ask me on Discord.
i Would Put it All Here But i Can’t Fit it.

oh Also This is a Discord Only Server.

Note: Please Don’t Message Baguette For Any Reason.

Anarchy Chaos Economy Let's Powerful Relationship Ship Ships Sitting Strike The End Traditional Ush Vanilla Weapon

Phyrestrike Anarchy

Experience Limitless Anarchy. A server with no rules and limitless possibilities. Let’s push the boundaries of the traditional Minecraft server rather than sitting in queue all day.

Become the KING of anarchy! Battle to the end using powerful weapons, become a notorious griefer, or flourish the server with beautifully crafted builds. Without rules, you can be who you want to be and form relationships with others just like you. Expand the possibilities of chaos.

Automatic Club Ecipes Ender Dragon Menu My Minecraft Server Pretty Recipes Respawn Signs Survival Multiplayer Teleportation The End Thor Xray

Pretty Simple Economy Minecraft server

While the server has the following plugins:
– authorization
– private using a special block
– menu
– economy
– teleportation using signs
– new crafting recipes at the workbench
– automatic respawn of the Ender dragon
– protection from xRay.
The list will expand as we develop. If you have any ideas, then contact the VK group.

Ark Bat Dark Die Hank Hanks Host Lit Lite Ops Opskyblock Skyblock Target Thanks Wait


Our server is OPSkyblock. It will improve thanks to you. We are waiting for you all. The target audience is 10-15 people. Thank you in advance

Almost Apex Dog Dogs Erp Hack In Minecraft Kill Mom Pvp Raiding Rule Rules Sts Worst


The worst smp server in Minecraft, it’s almost anarchy (not really) with two rules: Don’t kill dogs and don’t hack. Feel free to join!

Also, the server is in 1.16.2 at the moment

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!