116server Animals Auctionhouse Booty Casino Chairstairs Community Events Friendly Griefprevention Love Marriage Marry Playershops Silkspawners Spigot Survival

Booty Blaster’s In Space

  Booty Blasters in space is an Survival, open-world server with plenty to do whether it be solo or co-op. This community thrives off of Jolly cooperation and the passion of our staff. Booty Blasters In Space is the best place to meet new friends and relax after a long day of work or school. With plugins like marriage, grief prevention, casinos, and many more you’re sure to have a good time. We are ready to welcome you and help guide you on your journey to be the best booty blaster in the universe. So come join us and we’re sure you won’t regret it!

Dungeons Events Factions Hard Lag Minecraft Modded Moddedserver Prefixes Pvp Races Roleplay Rpg Survival World

Before there was dungeons… there was war [FantasyDungeons]


Hello Everyone! My name is Chris, otherwise known as Swash. I welcome you to my first modded Minecraft server. This modded server features a way to level up your many attributes, face RougeLike Dungeons, PvP with players, Lycanite’s Mobs (in non-overworld) and Tinker’s (very limited forge) with many addons. As well, we focus on a roleplay aspect, involving different races with the factions mod. With over 138 mods, item blacklist, and quest you’ll be able to go on a modded adventure and level up your sword, and gain unimaginable power.

You can join any faction, but the difficulty increases the further you are from spawn. Multiple dimensions in which you can live exist

Players must respect the beginners of this modded world, they will be completing the tutorial quest that will guide them and hopefully get them started. Punishing newer players will result in a dying server playerbase

There are multiple dimensions where you may fight. However, be wary that we have a mods that spawn difficult mobs in all dimensions, making each one increasingly more difficult than normal. With the further you make it away from spawn, the even more difficult mobs progressively get.

How to join:
Or you can just install the modpack the war before dungeons!

First, you must join our discord server! It’s free, easy, and you get to communicate to the owner (me) and all of the fellow players! We also have a large fun community!

Link to our Discord:

Next, to get the modpack you will need to have the Technic launcher. After installing it, you can follow the video guide on our Discord to get it downloaded and ready.

Things You Probably Want to Hear:

– We hand select a small trustable group to act as staff. Anyone caught cheating will suffer a major ban across many discords.
– There are no pay to win mechanics nor purchasable cosmetics with real money.
– The staff and I listens to players! If you have an idea feel free to message me at any time!
– We don’t have annoying chat colors. No annoying rank prefixes that hurt the eyes.
– Extensive configuration to make the modded experience more difficult, but fun.


Use common sense.
Please vote for the server if you believe it meets your approval. If you think it is awesome, throw that baby a diamond!

Anarchy Classic Classicsurvival Grief Griefing Griefingallowed Hacking Hacks Norules Old Oldpvp Oldschool Pvp Survival Survivalpvp Vanilla

Vintage Anarchy

A server I made for my favourite version of Minecraft. I am a very hands off owner and will never spawn stuff in or enable duplication glitches, but I will remove all lag machines and will never reset the world unless absolutely necessary.

Based Curse Cursed Economy Fall Forever Ign Kingdom Kingdoms Rise Survival Together Town Towny Towny Server


ForeverCursed is a Economy based Towny server. Join and become apart of the community. We can watch together the rise and fall of Kingdoms.

Ate Bed Wars Cool Coolest Donate End Ends Friend Friends Les Mcd Riends Server Minecraft Top Wit

HelloCraft server Minecraft

The coolest server for survival with friends!

18pvp Dominixal Enz Ita Italia Italian Italiano Kitbattle Kits Minecraft Pvp Rare Soos Telegram Tut

Dominixal Network

Dominixal è un Network italiano dove si ha la possibilità di giocare a diversi mini-games. Grazie ai vostri consigli, che potete scrivere nel forum, o sul gruppo telegram, o sul server discord, aiutate a supportare e migliorare il server mettendo in evidenza aspetti che potremmo considerare. Stiamo lavorando veramente duro sui nostri Progetti. Vogliamo offrire a tutti voi la miglior esperienza di gioco mai vista su Minecraft! Ricordatevi di divertirvi! GG!

– KitBattle


Comunidad Dedi Discord Eggwars Fru Ios Mom Para Prision Prison Pvp Skyblock Survival Twitter Vis

LotusMain (1.8 – 1.16)

La comunidad de LotusMain nació para que pases momentos agradables disfrutando de nuestros servicios, día a día, trabajamos con un gran esfuerzo y dedicación para ello, ¡Si realmente estas convencido, no dudes en visitarnos! ¡Te esperamos!


10slots 116server 247server 247uptime Beta Creative Discord Discordchat Family Flatworld Freinds Friendly Fun Griefprotection Love Mcmmo Newserver Newworld Nogrief Peacefull Simple Skyblock Smallcommunity Smallserver Survival

The Basics – MC Server **BETA**

The Basics server is a place where you can be you and play with your friends and family. This is a new server with a small community. We keep the server at a max 10 players to prevent crazy chat spam and lag.

If you have a plugin that you would like added, you can ask Thunder and the community will vote.

That’s It!

Better Fit Gamer Gamers Host Isa Meet Non Owny People Survival Town Towny Towny Minecraft Towny Minecraft Server

The ZA Gamery

We are a non profit organisation that provides gamers with platforms to have a fun time or meet new people. We also host servers, such as this Towny Minecraft server to make the experience so much better.

Account Add Added Cent Com Gon Has Let Magi Magic Minecraft Thaumcraft Owner Rip This Twilight Forest

-Magic- Minecraft server

The owner of the “-Magic-” server has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Citymc Family Friendly Floating Kansas City Land Claims Lobby Network No PvP Peaceful Prison Pvp Relaxed Skyblock Sounds Survival

Kansas City MC Network | Survival – PvP – SkyBlock – Prison

Welcome To Kansas City MC Network!
A Brand New Network By Players For Players


  • Family Friendly Relaxed Survival
  • PvP Survival
  • SkyBlock
  • Prison
  • Looking for a small, new network, where you can build and craft in a peaceful and relaxed survival mode without someone trying to kill you every 5 seconds? Looking to mine to your heart’s content in a prison server? Or maybe you’re having one of those days where you have the urge to kill in PvP or one of those days where you wish you were on your own island, away from everyone, floating in the sky, tired of getting stick bugged. Well look no further! Kansas City Minecraft is the perfect server network for you! We offer Relaxed Survival, featuring land claims, jobs, shops and no PvP; PvP Survival, where griefing, raiding and PvP is allowed; Prison and Skyblock servers all in one place with a beautifully designed lobby that allows easy access to all servers. New to the game? No problem! Find everything you need to get started at spawn or ask for help from our friendly staff. If this network sounds like the one for you, with something for everyone, then come join us at!

    Buycraft Crates End Envoy Faction Pvp Factions Fps Ftop Ftopprize Genbuckets Koth Nether Pvp Raid Raiding Rpg Spawn

    ❄ GraphicsCraft ❄ Factions ✳ PvP ✳ Raiding ✳ and much more!

    Former known as ImperiorCraft!
    Our IP: Play.GraphicsCraft.Net

    Were GraphicsCraft, a server that is growing! We make sure that many people have a fine gaming experience. We have a 24/7 uptime server turned on 8GB of ram and cannot be hacked therefore makes our server good quality server! In addition, we have set up all the plugins for the convenience of our players and maintaining good quality server! The server has Factions PvP addition, we have some things set so that there is good and fun gaming experience with this category! For example, you can buy in the shop spawners! The server you also offer to vote for the server and then get extra good stuff that you can make your first start for the server and approach the ultimate experience! The server also has a custom world that we offer you for the beautiful grounds and something different than normal Minecraft! Furthermore, the server also have custom plugins that we use to make the server just Slightly different from other serversen. And therefore, the server would be very nice for you!plugins:
    The server uses good quality plugins put on good manners in the server and properly set up the server to be 24/7 uptime ! We want to bring you an anti lagg experience and for that we have taken action on the server. We make a few plugins and we make sure that the server is made 24/7 ! We can give you an example of the quality plugins that we have: Crate Loaded premium , MoneyMobs , StackedMobs . These plugins will make you nice and fine charge, can play on the server and may thereby have a nice good start raiding of mobs and the voten.How to begin:

    You start with a starting balance of 5,000, this amount you can /shop or spend more on keeping your couch! Youre there yourself very free ! The server also offers you immediately to buy a spawner so you have something nice to start with . You also start with 10/10 power , That means that you can start faction and many can claim on the server ! You can invite friends to have more faction power and therefore more land! Furthermore, you can try to find other factions and trying to raid ! Thus, you get more stuff to do and make overpowered greater your faction, you get the real feeling factions on our server!

    Bar Beta Bounties Community Cosmetics Crates Customenchants Economy Friendly Gamemodes Gangs Guns Gunspvp Hub Indevelopment Kits Menusystem Mines Needstaff Network Networkserverneedstaff New Newserver Opprison Opskyblock Parkour Pets Plots Prestiges Prison Prisonserver Pvping Ranksystem Shops Skyblock Skyblockerver Survivornation Tokens


    ✦ SURVIVOR NATION ✦ Is a new network in beta, we currently have PRISON and SKYBLOCK, available on 1.9 – 1.16!

    We welcome all players to join us and help grow this new community. We plan on making loads of new improvements and adding new features soon!

    We are also now looking for helpers and staff, depending on the roles and experience.

    We also have a discord server where you can chat with other players and give advice, opinions and suggestions on things like bugs and future updates e.t.c.

    We look forward to seeing this community grow 🙂

    Join us on discord @

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Auto-mine Crystal Crystals Dungeon Dungeons Fish Fishing Gang Gangs Lucky Lucky Block Lucky Blocks Mining Prison Pvp

    ByteMC 1.8 – 1.16.2

    ByteMC is a unique prison server with multiple different ways to rank up besides mining!

    Some of the unique features:
    – Auto-Miner
    – Custom Gangs
    – Custom Enchants
    – Dungeons
    – Lucky Blocks
    – Crystals
    – Re-Roll Crates
    – Fishing

    And much more!

    Economy Factions Happy Ken Love Mcmmo Party Pve Pvp Quests Stable Survival Twist Uests Wild

    EldrCraft Survival – Quests – Shops – Mcmmo & More

    Welcome to eldrcraft survival, we are a survival server with a twist.
    We have mmo asepcts whilst trying not to add to many game changing aspects. we aim to make our players as happy as we can and have taken months of customising plugins to make the server as stable as we can. So we welcome you to come play on our server and if you need help join our discord for help from staff.

    Love Eldrcraft Team.

    Alcohol Drinks Geopol Geopolitical Global Gun Guns Initial Learn Mechanics null Politic Political Supportive Survival

    GRIMM – geopolitical towny war server.


    note from vividly,
    “grimm is a community project that i develop in my free time. i’m thankful to the folks that became interested in the server’s initial concept, they’ve been incredibly supportive and have kept a warm presence with it’ progress since the day it was made public. i couldn’t have made so much progress without the support of my friends.”

    GRIMM is a geopolitical towny war server. Create your town, and develop your nation into a global superpower. Take the time to learn the custom mechanics of the server, including an arsenal of guns, alcohol and drinks, and much more to come.

    The server is barely two weeks old now but has a strong community interested in its development. Join the beta now and be apart of the making of GRIMM.

    Accounts Bal Balance Balanced Fast Imple Light Perfect Perfectly Balanced Protect Simplecraft Starting Survival Multiplayer Terra Terrain


    A simple minecraft server.
    I dont have much to say, the server is really simple.
    the kits are perfectly balanced.
    the starting point is light and simple.
    the way to protect terrain is simple.
    the connection is fast.
    the system of accounts is simple.

    IP: simplecraft-server

    Amplified Aserver Difficult Difficulty Emivanilla Isa Loot Nopvp Perk Perks Sable Semivanill Semivanilla Vanilla Vanillaserver

    My Vanilla Server [SemiVanilla] {Amplified} {NoPVP}

    We are committed to providing the most pure survival experience possible. There are no ranks, loot crates, perks, or any other P2W items. The world is amplified and the game difficulty is set to hard. PvP is disabled and griefing is not allowed.

    Chunk Echo Enz Kit Menu Proteccion Rase Register Remo Render Rime Survival Tienda Trabajos Warps


    Bienvenido seas cuando entres al servidor pon /register ejemplo /register 12345 12345.

    Es un servidor creado el 30-08-2020 con 0% lagg y cuando salgas del survival recuerda dejar tu inventario vacio, ya que tenemos un pequeño bug y puedes llegar a perder las cosas que tenias en el inventario, asi que dejalas mejor.

    Cuando entres por primera vez podras poner /jobs browse y mira los trabajos, puedes presionar click derecho al trabajo y te uniras, comienzas a laborarlo y cuando ganes dinero y llegues a $100 pesos podras proteger tu casa poniendo /chunk claim, tambien puedes poner un kit poniendo el comando /kit, no te contaremos màs sorpresas y mejor entra _D si quieres aprender màs pon el comando /shop. o /menu.

    Economy Fly Free To Play Grandpa Incredible Monster Plots Plotworld Pve Pvp Server Survival Texturepack Towny Vpv

    Play free 17 worlds, Can build all worlds 1.16.2

    Play free 17 worlds (plugin gun) [1.16.2]
    9 Open world
    2 Survival world
    2 PVP world
    1 Plotworld
    1 Nether world
    1 THe End world
    1 spawn world

    Can break and place block all world *except spawn world, vpv world
    Items not dropping on death all world
    Can use cmd /xpfly,/tp,/tpa,/spawn,/home all world

    New player get 10,000$
    Kill Monster get 2$
    EXP use fly all world ( /xpfly )

    Version Of Minecraft: 1.16.2
    -Totally free to play / join the game for free / No additional cost
    -Take care by an incredible staff team.
    -Enjoyable of Minecraft experience.

    **plugin Guns** Please press “Yes” botton in game to install texturepack

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Java Servers Prison. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!