Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Craft Different Dom Early Ect End Erver Exp Experience Follow Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nam Noop Open Play Ran Server Survival Multiplayer Tale Tes Testing Title Tps Trans Way Welcome

Minetale – Early Testing!

Learn more about all the different ways to play Minetale here:
Minetale is reinventing the Minecraft experience.
Welcome to the domain of the transcendent.

Auction Auctions Ban Claim Clan Clans Class Craft Dedicated Dragon Dragons Dungeon Dungeons Eco Econ Economy Event Grief Item Land Land Claim Map Market Mod: Spigot Online Prevention Pve Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Survival Top Vote War Website

Dungeons, Dragons and Space Shuttles

Server IP –

Website: | Forum:

Server address:

Server Info:
Grief Prevention land claim system.
Economy – Server Shops, Market and Auctions.
Maps on RAM drive for faster chunk load.
Daily Backups.
Random Spawn.
Daily and Vote Rewards.
Clans and PvP.
Server Live map. Link on the server
Few items banned. Link on the server
Hosted in Data Center in Germany.
Dedicated Server Online 24/7.

Restricted items list:

We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.

Aids Anything Ass Claim Class Com Content Custom Erver Game Gameplay Gar Laim Light Lit Litraids Play Raid Raids Server Survival Multiplayer Ten Tom


Server IP –

We are not a custom server nor do we claim to be anything even slightly custom. But, what we focus on is gameplay regardless of it being custom or not.

Action Ass Battle Battles Block Class Craft Creative Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Has Hunger Hunger Games Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Multi Pvp Ran Run Server Servers Sky Skyblock Smp Spleef Survival Tnt TNT Run


Performium is a server ran by RGAMinecraft and DoniBobes. It has multiple servers including factions, SMP, skyblock, creative, and tons of minigames! Minigames include spleef, tnt run, sky battles, hunger games, and more.

Ass Auto Blo Block Borkland Class Com Craft Eco Ect Erver Hag Minecraft Mod Modalidades Nam Network Pro Raft Rvival Sad Server Servidor Sky Skyblock Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Title Two Work

HagalCraft Network

Bienvenido a HagalCraft Network.
Desde aqui podras apoyarnos con tu voto
ya la vez seras recompensado dentro del servidor !!

Modalidades: Survival y SkyBlock
Pronto mas modalidades.


Active Backpack Best Build Cosmetics Craft Creative Custom Easy End Fun Going Lore Map Mine Minecraft Mod Mod: Spigot Modded Mods Multiplayer Need Parkour Play Player Plots Popular Pve Rewards Server Slimefun Spawn Survival Tpa Unique Vanilla Vote Voting War


Server IP –

RespawnMC is your stop for the most unique takes on traditional Minecraft multiplayer. We feature various game modes for you to enjoy and play, alone or with friends!

Our survival server offers the best of vanilla Minecraft with a twist. Slimefun adds modded features to the game without you needed to download any mods at all! With features like upgraded crafting, radioactive materials, jetpacks, backpacks, custom trees, custom foods, and a lot more, youre not going to get bored.

We feature multiple popular parkour maps from various map designers. Weve seamlessly converted them into a multiplayer format so its easy for you to just log in and play without needing to download any mods!

Our Creative server offers the creative game mode in very large plots for you to build in. Creative has both superflat, as well as vanilla plots, so you can either start from scratch, or build on top of a pre-existing mountain!

Vote Rewards
Our vote site is super easy to navigate with a tabbed menu, so we can help you help us by supporting the server and voting for us on various Minecraft topsites!

Lobby Cosmetics
We feature a treasure spawning system. Everything you play a game on the server or complete a parkour map, you receive coins which you can use to purchase cosmetics that are visible in all lobbies serverwide!

This is merely scratching the surface, join us at the IP above to explore more!

Action Actions Ass Class Com Core Discord Emo Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Gamemode Hard Hardcore Home Join Mini Games Mod Mode Play Pot Potpvp Pvp Sale Sit Site Store Tps Vip Website Welcome


Welcome to Viper.

We’re your home with the Hardcore Factions and the PotPvP gamemode.
We’d like you to join us for a fun experience.

Store: (65% off sale)

Articuno Awakening Charizard Charmander Entei Fun Giratina Kyurem Legendary Mega Mew Mewtwo Minecraft Modded Moltres Pikachu Pixelmon Pixelmongenerations Pixelmonreforged Pokemon Reshiram Squirtle Survival Ultra Xerneas Yveltal Zapdos Zekrom

Pixelmon Awakening

Pixelmon Awakening

A unique server that implements many new qualities to the Pixelmon Reforged Mod to provide an AMAZING experience to all players. The main way of getting money in this server is, Gyms, every week we will be adding 2 gyms, with the gyms being the main source of money players actually have to earn their money rather then being given it easily. Fight the Gym Trainers and slowly make your way towards the Gym Leader. Each gym trainer will have access to one pokemon at their disposal, defeat their pokemon and receive one rare candy and 50 Poke Coins. Defeating the gym leader will not only give you a few rare candies, but it will also provide you from anywhere between 600 to 10000 Poke Coins, and a gym badge that you can sell at /shop for some additional poke coins. In this server, there is no Auto Rank Up! You must take on gyms, find sellable ores, put rare pokemons up for auction with /gts and make yourself money to purchase a rank in game. The lowest rank starts at 5000 Poke Coins and the highest at 1000000. Why buy these ranks?!?! These ranks will provide you with very useful kits and access to purchase a few perks at the /perkshop. The perkshop includes many perks, such as flying, /pc, /pokeheal, etc. You must be a certain rank to purchase certain perks! Another great feature in the server is Pixelmon Designer, with the amazing Pixelmon Designer that we have implemented players can now edit their pokemons like never before with a variety of editing tools implemented by us. With a all new, never seen before, hand-made spawn and other builds by our wonderful staff team.

Ages Amazing Class Community Competitive Cracked Craft Easy End Explore Fac Faction Factions Friendly Games Interesting Join Kit Kitpvp Lit Lore Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Mpet Network Play Player Players Popular Pvp Simple Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival War Wars Welcoming


BattleAsya is a simple, welcoming and friendly cracked Minecraft community network originated in the Philippines. We provide quality services within Southeast Asia and, at the same time, we offer a wide variety of popular and interesting game-modes, ranging from the competitive mini-games, such as SkyWars, EggWars, and soup KitPvP, to the survival classics like Faction Survival and Skyblock Survival. We welcome rule-abiding players of all ages to join our amazing community, regardless of their cultural and religious beliefs! And here we are, to sincerely invite you to begin an exclusive journey in BattleAsya, to explore this wonderful place in which different cultures harmoniously merged……and by that you would thoroughly enjoy your time with us.

Claim Claimblocks Community Craft Crates Create Eco Econ Economy Elves End Environment Free Friendly Grief Griefing Job Jobs Lottery Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod: Spigot Need Peaceful Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Roleplay Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Spigot Survival Vanilla


Server IP –

MCFriendly prides itself on being one of the friendliest and most peaceful survival servers that has ever existed. MCFriendly was created as a place where you need not worry about PVP, griefing, or toxic environments. The server is mostly economy based but attempts to still stick closely to the vanilla roots of Minecraft. MCFriendly has been running for close to a year now. We pride ourselves on our stress-free and friendly community environment :

Plugins installed on server: Vanilla, McMMO, Spigot, Survival, Claimblocks, Peaceful, Lottery, Crates, Friendly Community, Keep Inventory, Chest Shops, Safe, NoSwear, PG, Jobs

Adult Adults Ages Class Craft Discord Duck End Fair Fun Good Grief Hack King Kit Kits Lag Mine Minecraft Mob Mod Mods Normal Old Open Play Player Players Pvp Raid Rules Safe Semivanilla Server Spawn Survival Title Tnt World


Welcome to WattWorld
a server that tries to some watt be awful wail still being playable
at the same time. Still not quite sure watt that even means my self.
  • Server IP : WattWorld.Net
  • Discord: [url=”“][/url] (Just look for the #MineCraft Tab)
  • We’re owned and operated by adults. You mite be mistreated
  • Rules:
  • No Cheating (Play fair my dude.)
  • Don’t go out of your way to make Lag for other players.
  • X-Rays Resource Packs are fine to use.
  • Mods will determine what happens if you go around breaking our very lose and, vague rules.

    server is a server, do just about all to watt you please. Someone
    built a wood shack, burn it to the ducking ground. Found a chest raid
    it or, dump off of watt in it in lava. See someone at spawn, spawn a wither to ruin their day. (There are about 4 of them at 0,0 as we speak.) Speaking of spawn it’s random
    and, full of lava, I cannot really explain it you’ll just have to see
    it yourself. Like normal world gen dose happen but, you gatta get out
    there and, find it. Mob grief is off so have fun with that info and,
    TNT only damages. The server is only about a week-old if there is
    anytime to make a name for yourself on it’s now~ In short; A neat spawn and, destructive players. Invite a friend or two and, let’s watch this world burn together~

    Once you feel that your in a safe-ish place, grab yourself a kit with the /Kits command. Good Luck my dudes~

    Ace Action Bee Block Challenging Class Craft Crate Crates Custom Customized Erver Everything Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Ill Job Jobs Kit Kits Make Old Oldschool Pvp Roleplay Rpg School Server Smp Star Start Style Survival This Title War

    LostCraft Reborn

    LostCraft Reborn is an old school style factions server. No crates. Your kits will be just enough to get you started. Jobs have been customized to make every block you place or break rewarding but challenging. This is not OP factions. You earn everything you get.

    Ace Ass Call Class Com Community Content Craft Craftmc Different Erver Eth Family Fit Full Home Hub Inecraft Land Claim Mine Minecraft Mod: Spigot Network Networks One Place Play Pve Server Servers Soul Style Survival Tmc Two Welcome World


    Server IP –

    In a world full of soulless Minecraft Networks and one-size-fits-all hub servers, SwanCraft aims to give you something different: a place to call home. Our close-knit community is ready to welcome you into our family!

    Adventure Colourful Complex Craft Create Discord Dragon Dungeons End Event Events Free Friends Hard Hardcore Mechanics Medieval Mine Minecraft Old Open Play Player Rol Role Roleplay Saga Server Servers Stories Story Tale Texture Title Website Whitelist Whitelisted World

    Chronicles of Nyrheim | Hardcore Roleplay | Dungeons and Dragons | LAUNCH JUNE 13th

    Are you a roleplay focused player? Do you enjoy the process of weaving your character’s story throughout that of several others, telling a saga of adventure, intrigue, wealth, friendship and rivalry? Does the experience of Dungeons & Dragons go beyond the dice, for you, and into the realm of an author’s playground, where the story is written by hundreds all with their own complex, personal drive?
    A world where the story is not one-note, but an intricate canvas of overlapping stories and events, inextricably linked to the broader life of your character. A vast web of loyalties and rivalries, the state of the world changing at any given moment, with you clinging on for dear life – or, perhaps, at the wheel of change.
    You may hear ‘Minecraft’ and imagine ‘colourful block game’, but this is where the platform shines. An infinite sandbox, more flexible than any other medium, with stunning representations of the world around you and the people within it powered by a highly-detailed medieval texture pack.
    Here, you can not only create your legacy, but see it.
    Nyrheim is a public closed campaign, allowing only those that meet our requirements for enthusiasm and quality. You may find more information about our application process on the website, under ‘Whitelisting Application’.
    Chronicles of Nyrheim is a whitelisted server, requiring a brief application to display your understanding of the server’s core mechanics. Check here for our application format, which you may post in this thread!
    Chronicles of Nyrheim will be releasing Saturday, June 13th at 2:00PM EST.

    Active Age Ass Class Com Community Content Economy Erver Event Features Fly Free Freefly Grief Griefprevention Insta Kit Land Claim Leplay Marriage Mod: Spigot Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Ree Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Unique


    Server IP –

    SkittleMC is a unique survival server that you wont find anywhere else!

    We have many features such as free fly, marriage, adoption, an active community, and more for you to discover!

    Plugins installed on server: Roleplay, Marriage, FreeFly, GriefPrevention

    Adventure Ass Class Com Community Content Craft Economy End Erver Friends Grief Home Hometown Ill Inecraft Land Claim Mad Mine Minecraft Minigames Mod: Spigot Play Pve Pvp Roleplay Rvival Semi Server Smp Style Surviv Surviva Survival Town Vanilla Way


    Server IP –

    We are a no grief semi-vanilla survival server with a focus on a strong community. Play minecraft the way it was made to be played – with friends!

    IP :

    Ace Ars Ass Bed Bedwar Bedwars Beta Block Blocks Class Ect End Erver Fight Free Ill Join Kit Kitpvp Mcserver Nuclear One Place Pvp Ree Run Server Sky Skyblock Title War Wars


    Skyblock Kitpvp Bedwars And more in one server! [Still in beta]
    Will you fight or run? Will you defend or attack? Will you place blocks or break them? Join NuclearMC for all of these wonderful things!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Advertising Allowed Ass Class Content Craft CTF Ect Erver Esp Grief Hack Hacking Help Helpful Ill King Legit Ming No hacking Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Respect Respectful Rules Rvival Server Staff Surviva Survival Tpa Vanilla Vanillacraft


    Server IP –

    ~ Legit vanilla
    ~ No plugins
    ~ No TPAs
    ~ Raid/Grief Allowed
    ~ Rules: No Hacking/Spamming/Advertising. Be Respectful.
    ~ Survival Only
    ~ Active/Helpful Staff

    Adventure Build Craft Custom Dragon Dungeon Dungeons End English Exploration Factions Forge Fun Going Help Magic Mine Minecraft Mod Modified Modpack Mods Need Open Pvp Quest Quests Resources Rewards Server Shop Shops Survival Tech Technic Technology Title War

    Schwifty – Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles

    in order to use this server, you will have to download the Dungeons Dragons and Space Shuttles mod pack from the twitch client or from;

    Over 20 Months of development (and still going ) have formed a wonderful and balanced Modpack around Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops.

    Almost every recipe and all configurations have been modified!

    This Pack comes with a large variety of powerful Magic and Technic mods. They are all balanced in each other.
    Use Magic Mods to give you advantages in terms of Technology and vice versa! At a certain Point you will need to follow both paths to build powerful things.
    All Machines require items from different mods and are crafted in big Workbenches. (5×5, 7×7, 9×9)
    You will need a lot of resources if you want to master everything!

    Also, there are a lot of Exploration and Adventure mods to have as much fun as possible! You will find a lot of useful stuff.. believe me, it’s worth it!

    Currently there are 1750+ Quests in English & Pусский!
    The quests are custom made to fit perfectly in with the modpack. Most of the quests have rewards which help you along with other quests. These quests guide you through the pack, helping you reach the end objective.

    Base Based Class Create Earth Eco Econ Econom Economy Experience Fun History Ill Map Nation Nations Old Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Scale Server Simple Story Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Towny Vanilla War Wars Wns World

    GlobeMC – Towny on Earth

    Server IP –

    Found a town, form a nation, conquer the world! Participate in world wide Nation Wars! Make history, the way you want it!

    On GlobeMC, players can create towns and nations while playing on a 1:1000 scale map of the Earth! Economy is simple and player ran, based off of gold ingots. Experience a vanilla like experience, with some fun towny twists. What are you waiting for? Your fate awaits!

    Plugins installed on server: Towny

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Online Server Address. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!