Admin Admins Anti Autorank Ban Class Classic CTF End Event Farm Grief Griefprevention Ill Item Items Jail Kit Lag Need New Nice Old Open Play Player Players Prevention Protection Rank Ranks Rules Server Servers Shop Shops Tekkit Who


* RootAcces Tekkit Romania description:*
*- Our server is new on Tekkit Classic servers
*- We hope you will like our server
*- We have some things that you may know:
*- We have workshop, for newbies
*antic jail for offenders
*shop for all ppl
*just some banned items
*some rules that you need to knew
*griefprevention protection with golden shovel
*nice admins and respectfull players
*emc farms enable
*dont try to make an big emc farms who cause lag, cuz u will be banned from this server
* – Enjoy us, we waiting you.


1.19 Active Arena Arenapvp Ass Bar Boss Class Craft Event Evento Eventos Mascotas Mob Moba Mobarena Pvp Raft Rvival Servidor Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer


Servidor PVP – Survival – Boss – Esences Rare – Mascotas – Eventos – ArenaPVP – MobArena

Best Buycraft Cracked Craft Creative End English Faction Factions Friends Fun Help Kit Kitpvp Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Need Nice Online Open Play Player Premium Prison Pvp Safe Server Sky Skyblock Staff Store Super Tale Vote Voting Website

FearlessPVP 1.8.X – 1.12.X

Welcome to FearlessPVP

First of all this cracked server which means you can use cracked minecraft launchers, and you dont need premium account.
There is also login/register system, Its safe just like premium server, and you have nothing to worry about.
We support 1.8 – 1.12.x minecraft versions
We currently have factions,prison,skyblock,kitpvp,creative as gamemode, more is coming soon.
Server is english but also dutch we support both languages and players.
You are always welcome to server, and also invite your friends if you like it.
There is also nice staff and you will get help very quickly.
So join and have fun.

We currently have 1 server IP you can connect to it whenever you want, it will work fine 🙂
Server IP:

Best way to support server is by voting and donating.
Thats all what we have to say, we hope you enjoy server and join soon as possible.

Welkom bij FearlessPVP

Laat ons beginnen met het feit dat je de server kan joinen met gebruik van een Cracked minecraft launcher (premium account is dus niet nodig),
natuurlijk zit er daardoor wel een login/register systeem op, hierdoor hoef jij je nergens druk om te maken je account is veilig.
De benodigde minecraft versie voor de server behoud nu :1.8.8.
Op dit moment is de server een PvP/Faction server
Als we op een punt komen, waar wij de gewenste hoeveelheid spelers behalen zal hier hoogst waarschijnlijk verandering in komen.
Dit zal dan dus uitgebreid worden.
De server is momenteel Engels en Nederlands, Bijde talen mogen er dus ook gesproken worden.
Jij bent altijd welkom op de server, en nodig je vrienden uit om mee te spelen.
De toezichthouders zijn super aardige mensen, en helpen zo snel mogelijk met al je problemen

Het IP van de server is:
dit ip werkt altijd en je kan online komen wanneer je wilt.

je support laten zien kan altijd door te voten of te doneren.
Dit is alles wat wij te zeggen hebben en we hopen je snel online te zien.


Cannon Cannons Community Customworld Discord Dynmap Economy Jobs Mcmmo Mcmmohorses Movecraft Movecrafts Pvp Ship Ships Survival Towny Townydynmap Townywar Townywars War Zenith

⚔️ ZENITH ⚔️ | 🚩 TOWNY WAR 🚩

ZENITH is a Towny War server with many features! We have even have a dynamic map! We have a large community on Discord that you can check out as well! We plan to expand our server with many expansions as the community grows! Our main goal with this is to grow the community and to know more people! We put a lot of effort into this project, so we hope you will come and join us! If you need anymore information, feel free to ask on Discord! We hope we see you soon! Join today!

Active Ass Best City Class Emo Erver Euro Europe Lemon Lmao Mon Opé Server Survival Multiplayer

Lemon City

Lemon City, the best server in Europe.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Arena Buycraft Chat Combat Craft End Fac Faction Factions Games Hub Hungergames Iconomy Job Jobs Mcmmo Mine Mmo Mod Modpack New Old Online Open Parkour Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Server Sky Skywars Vanilla War Wars Weapons Whitelist

Gatecraft Reloaded

Gatecraft Reloaded è il server di XDrake99, Dummyn45, FoxChris e Monkeyrap.

Non è necessario Hamachi per entrare, non è presente una whitelist e laccesso è consentito anche agli utenti non Premium.

Contiene una Sala Portali da cui dedicedere il bioma nel quale si vuole giocare, un mercato dove comprare blocchi e oggetti di tutti i tipi, un divertente parkour, unarena PvP in cui combattere contro gli amici, una zona in cui è possibile potenziarsi le armi e molto altro.

Abbiamo anche una serie di utili plugins installati al solo scopo di far divertire di più i giocatori, tra cui:

– Factions
– mcMMO
– iConomy
– MCJobs
– PvPLevels
– HungerGames
– Gatecraft Plugin (Vanilla/HUB/altro)
– ModernWeapons
– War
– SkyWars
Inoltre, se il giocatore vuole ottenere più vantaggi, abbiamo registrato il server su Buycraft, in modo che, spendendo pochi euro, chiunque potrà ricevere armi speciali, minerali preziosi, soldi da spendere nel negozio etc.

Vieni a giocare con noi, e ti promettiamo che ti divertirai 😀

Non dimenticare di votare il server, se ti piace.


– Il nostro sito:
– BuyCraft:
– Statistiche, giocatori online, info giocatori e chat: –
– Modpack:
– News:
– Forum:


Adult Ass Ats Bro Broke Class Com Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Friendly Fun Hats Inecraft Ked List Mine Minecraft New Noop Open Owner Pack Pvp Rat Riendly Rvival Server Staff Style Surviv Surviva Survival


New minecraft server packed with fun. A owner that truly listens and values your opinion. Whats to lose?

– With economy

Adult owned and operated with friendly staff. Come check us out.


Active Ass Class Erver Fun Grief Lmao New One Real Realm Red Redstone Rvival Server Stone Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer

Redstone Realm

A fun survival no grief new server. 🙂

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Building Class Crate Crates Enjin Essentials Fac Faction Factions Grief Head Heads King Large Mcmmo Mmo Need Nocheat Noop Open Play Player Playerheads Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Server Silk Silkspawner Silkspawners Sky Spawn Spawner Spawners Who

Musk Factions

Musk Factions –
We are a factions, pvp, raid, and grief server. We have put a large amount of time into building this server and hope to see you soon. whose only goal is to make our players enjoy our server. We are working on the clock to make Musk fit to your needs.

– Factions
– NoCheat+
– Essentials
– Group Manager
– Crates
– GAListener
– SilkSpawners
– PlayerHeads


Active Best Build Class Classic Craft Creative Dwarf Edit Features Fight Game Games Great Growing Ill Inecraft Join Kill King Legacy Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Nature Play Pve Pvp Server Sign Skills Survival Games Unique War World Worldedit

Red Warfare

Looking for intense PvP action? Want to test your Minecraft skills?
Want to play a selection of the most unique minigames ever made?

Then join Red Warfare!

Here at Red Warfare we offer a collection of classic minigames with our own signature twist, as well as other addicting minigames found nowhere else!
Enjoy all the great features of 1.10, with the best legacy features (like 1.8 PvP) kept for your entertainment!
Growing weary of the fighting? Take a break with our fully fleged build server, complete with WorldEdit and VoxelSniper!

What are you waiting for? Join now at !

119 9.2 Active Active Staff Ass Class Com Ect Erver Everything Has Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Kits Lit Lite Mcp Need Pvp Server Special Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff Tes This Time Unique Uptime


This is a very well set, KitPVP server with many unique kits that have special abilites! This server has a 99% Uptime with active staff! Everything a server needs!

Connect to the server either using:


Ass Class Com Die Erver Game Games Help Ijd Join Lang Mini Minigame Minigames Mmu Nen Pvp Rvival Server Staff Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Ten


MCStorm is een server waar je vanalles kan doen. Survival, PvP, Minigames en nog Vééééééééél meer. Dus wacht niet langer en kom onze communitie joinen. Wij laten onze spelers nooit zitten, er is altijd wel staff die je helpt.
Dus tot gauw in MCStorm.


Admin Class Create Custom Discord Dungeon Dungeons Economy Enchantments Enchants Game Item Job Jobs King Money Need Open Play Player Players Quests Rank Ranks Rol Roleplay Server Shop Shops Store Survival Title Town Towny Trade Trading War Warp World

World of Crunch

Dungeons allow you to obtain relics, these relics can be used to purchase custom items in the /menu. These items are enchanted and get progressively better as the tier increases. You can access the dungeons through /warp dungeons

Custom Items and enchants

There are custom items that can be obtained through working jobs, looting dungeons and trading with players, these items can do a variety of things, from repairing an item to adding extra health to armour. There are also custom enchants.

Regular enchantments can be applied to items by dragging and dropping the book onto the item you want to enchant, you no longer need an anvil.


Jobs allow you to earn money that can be used to trade with players or admin shops, money is also required to create a town. You can earn custom items such as relics or repair scrolls while working a job.


Titles can be changed through the title menu, you can obtain titles by purchasing ranks, donating on our webstore, or purchasing the ingame ranks.

Active Anarchy Chat Class Craft Enjin FTB Game Inecraft Marriage Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Network Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pro Professional Pvp Rol Role Roleplay Roleplaying Server Small Speak Survival Tea Team Teamspeak Towny Voice

Spark Central Minecraft

Spark Central, is a small yet professionally Minecraft Server Network, built by the players, for the players.

The server is equipped with many extra plugins for enhancing gameplay: marriage, roleplaying chat, mcMMO, CraftBook, ChatReation and way way more!

Teamspeak Address:

Adventure Adventures Build Builds Crates Creative Custom Dedicated Enchantments End Environment Friendly Fun Minecraft Mod Modded Nether Network New Open Play Player Plots Prison Ranks Rewards Server Servers Sky Skyblock Slimefun Staff Survival Vanilla Vote Voting War Who Worldedit Youtube

Just Add Bacon

Just Add Bacon is about adding bacon to everything…and having fun on Minecraft 1.8. Just Add Bacon Network currently has:

Creative – 48×48 AND 128×128 plots. WorldEdit & VoxelSniper available.
“Modded” Survival – SlimeFun, Voter Crates, and Custom Enchantments.
Mostly-Vanilla Epic Survival
New Skyblock with Nether Islands
Prison with Custom Enchantments, OP Picks, and Voter Crates.

We are also adding more servers as we grow.

Just Add Bacon (or JAB as we refer to it), is a fun, friendly environment for players of all ages. We have a dedicated staff team, but are always looking for people who would like to help, be it moderating chat or making YouTube videos of your adventures or builds on the network. We also offer rewards for voting, ranging from ingame money, items, and monthly ranks for top voters.


Active Ass Awesome Class Com Craft Creative Erver Eso Factions Gaming Inecraft Join Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Ming Mini Games Plus Pot Prison Pro Raft Server Ten

PCgaming Minecraft

PcGaming On 25/7 spot the problem in that sentence plus



Ass Ations Class Com Craft Eco End Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Exp Fun Nda Play Player Players Raft Server Style Tak


Fun and enjoyable server for all, expanding rapidly and takes and recommendations from the players.


Ace Active Ark Ass Class Com Creative Dark Eat Fun Game Games Great Lmao Mmu Place Relax Survival Multiplayer


Darkriderz is a great place to relax and have fun with the communite. we have creative SG and more muti games!

Admin Admins Ats Class Community Cool Craft Event Events Fac Faction Fun Game Games Going Good Help Horde Hunger Games Inecraft Lit Mine Minecraft Money Nation Old Open Play Plugin Plugins Quest Quests Rules Server Sky Store Survive Update Updated


“” (Link:

MCrystaL | Better Host | Better Events | Everyone | Survivel | Faction | 300Slot
Little about the server:
We decided to pamper you and open you a MineCraft server, the server is stored in very good especially for you, the server is built to hold a large community and as the community grows so will increase the storage for you. The server version 1.7.10 and updated plugins Importantly experience Hsorbeibl no harm. There are only a server plugins to add fun, updated with updated plugins every time, theres a site with a neat explanation for Stdadcno server, we do not support any form of favoritism, we have a store that you can buy stuff to the game and how to help us with this very cool storage all about money we receive goes to server maintenance only. There is also a very FUN events to Bsrtino to not feel you are doing the same thing all the time, bought the SKY BLOCK experience, HUNGER GAMES and events to experience only the hook, very clear rules that must not be ripped to maintain order and pleasant server (read below)
We support and help so any questions or requests or explanation refer to the admins or game or well give you
Maximum response within 24 hours, all thats left for you to do is to enter the server to play and enjoy a quality community and quality server that is going to serve you long time.


Active Admin Adult Allowed Best Build Currency Donation Empire End Essentials Fair Good Grief Help Join King Mining Mob Mobs Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Raid Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Survival Survival Multiplayer Survive War Who World Worldguard


This is a survival and pvp server. Fight along side or against fellow players to survive and build up an empire. The server is run by adults so you can be sure that you won’t be joining a server full of admin idiocy. The rules on the server are very clear and if you have questions I even added my skype username in the server to ask questions. I am a CS major and know what I am doing so the server won’t randomly crash and purge its data every few days like some servers I have seen. Donation groups are more balanced than on my previous servers and I am always trying to improve the server when I have time. To top everything off, we are anti grief. If someone kills you in battle they can take what they want from your corpse however if they are not allowed to blow up your base and raid it. We have plugins to help identify and get rid of griefers. Additionally we have worldguarded, playerowned shops that players can buy with in game currency earned from mobs or mining. Come check us out!

I should give fair warning that some of us can be rather odd at times and the server is not the best place for people who get easily offended but if you want to have a good time then this is the server for you.

Plugins installed on server: Essentials, Venchant, Creeper Heal, mobcash, quickshop, core protect, and much more.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!