Active Build Building Craft Datapacks Death Economy End Environment Essentials Essentialsx Event Events Faction Factions Friendly Fun Grief Griefing Job Jobs Jobsreborn Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo New Normal Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Rank Server Shop Shops Spawn Survival Vanilla


A friendly environment to make friends and have some fun in Minecraft!

This server is for people to enjoy building, exploring, and more, all while meeting new people without the worry of griefing or harassment in their Minecraft experience.

We have the classic look and feel of a vanilla server, but we have carefully selected certain plugins and datapacks which take nothing away from the core game play and instead only boost fun and security to our players. We also have PvP disabled and instead have gone with the PvE (Player vs Environment) approach. Every plugin (and datapack) we have is there to help us make sure you have an enjoyable experience playing on our server.

We have an in-game ranking system (No out-of-game requirments), player shops, a main server shop, PvE Factions, a random teleport command, gravestones spawning on death, and more!

Our main plugins that we use are EssentialsX, mcMMO, Factions3 (PvP Disabled), and JobsReborn. But we have a bunch more, too!

We even have a water park, a normal park, easter eggs, and more at our spawn!

We also have parties and events held on the server several times a year, such as Halloween, Christmas, random themed parties, building competitions, and more!

There is a server for you at FuRiouSCraft! We hope you enjoy!

Active Ass Blo Block Bro Class Craft Date Dates Economy Erver Exp Experience Features Gaming Google Inecraft Lit Mine Minecraft Ming New Oup Plugin Plugins Port Pvp Ring Server Serveur Sky Skyblock Survival Ten Time Update Updates Vanilla



StepBro is a 1.14.4 Minecraft skyblock server with lots of plugins to enhance the gaming experience
There is lots of frequent updates that bring new features every time.

StepBro est un serveur 1.14.4 Minecraft skyblock avec de nombreux plugins pour améliorer l’expérience de jeu
Il y a beaucoup de mises à jour qui apportent à chaque fois de nouvelles fonctionnalités.

why aren’t you on the server yet ?
like what are you doing stepbro ?

Active Ass Casual Class Eat Erver Game Games Google Heat Jus Mini Minigame Minigames Rat Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Wheat

Wheativity MC

Wheativity MC. Just a casual survival server at the moment. There are plans to integrate minigames etc

Active Ass Class Com Community Craft Erver Google Hermit Hermitcraft Ice Join Mmu Nice Ommunity Raft Rvival Server Sky Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla You

SkyCraftServer | Hermitcraft Survival

SkyCraftServer is a nice HermitCraft like survival server with a nice community.

You can join us!

Active Challenge Challenges Craft Create Custom Economy Farm Farming Grind Grinding Hard Maze Mazes Mini Games Mining Mob Mobs Mod Multiplayer New Parkour Play Player Plugin Puzzles Pve Pvp Quest Quests Roleplay Server Servers Smp Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Town


Welcome to PandemicCraft!

Pandemiccraft is a survival multiplayer (SMP) server with hard twists and challenges!

It is run in hard mode, which means more mobs will spawn at night and they cause much more damage!

But hey, that’s not the only CHALLENGE we have!

We have created a custom virus plugin, where you get infected with a virus, which will drastically change your gameplay, you will have to get rich (by making money from farming, grinding, mining, etc like in other smp servers), and you will have to complete various parkours, which include puzzles, mazes, and custom mobs just to find the cure!

PS: There are ways to minimize the chances of you to get infected aswell! You have to find hidden signs and information at the hospital, at the temple, and at signs in MeryVille Town!

A new virus will be added every 3 months, with different parkours, different quests, different themes, DIFFERENT EVEYRTHING!

Once you join, you will be given a leather armor, stone tools, a bit of food, and a guide to help you play! and then, you are to start your survival gameplay!

Active Ars Aus Build City Citybuild Class Craft Die Economy End Erver Farm Farmwelt Game Google Ill Inecraft Kreativ Land Mine Minecraft Nen Pie Pro Pve Pvp Rts Run Server Servers Support Survival Town Towny Wild Wirtschaft World

Alles über

Wir wollen nun unsere eigenen Vorstellungen eines Minecraft-Servers verwirklichen. Dabei achten wir vorallem auf einen freundlicher Support von unserer Seite, wie auch das informieren von Spieler über Änderungen am Server und eine schöne Atmosphäre beim Spielen erschaffen wird.

Towny Server: 1.15.2

Erbaue mit deinen Freunden eine eigende Stadt mit allem was dazu gehört, oder schließe dich einer großen Gilde an und spiele auf der Seite deiner Stadt. Handel und erwirtschafte dir dadurch ingame Geld: Ressourcen um deine Stadt auszubauen und lasse sie dadurch bekannter und größer werden. Ziehe mit deinen Freunden durch das land und erkunde die Wildnis. Benutzt die Farmwelt um viele und wichtige Ressourcen zu farmen.

Ciytbuild Server : 1.15.2

Unser Citybuild Server lässt dir viel Platz für kreativität und leidenschaft am bauen. Nutze es um viel spaß zu haben und große Projekte aufzubauen. Erbaue mit deinen Freunden deine ultimative Villa und zeige sie allen. Oder baue große Burgen und riesige Häuser im Mittelalter Stil. Es ist jeder Stil willkommen und wir freuen uns auf jeden der sein können darstellen möchte.

Active Adventure Community Craft Create Drops End Event Fac Friendly Friends Grief Hardcore Help Join King Land Latest Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs New Normal Play Player Players Prevention Pve Pvp Rpg Server Stealing Survival Team Update Vanilla

Bundok PH

Bundok PH is a Pure Survival-RPG Themed server which features a lot of Exploring. The creators would like to take Survival Minecraft gaming to the next level. Players will encounter a lot of new things to discover than a normal survival Singleplayer. It has also a Friendly Player Community, you can make friends, create parties, share your land to your friend and team up with your friends, take note that players can kill you outside your land. It also features a grief prevention to avoid stealing and we don’t tolerate that. The server feature a far different mobs from Vanilla Minecraft Mobs but of course the mobs are killable and not overpowered. It also feature mystical creatures which drops mythical artifacts, equipment, weapon and other stuffs for you to discover. If you are asking yourself where, what or when to start with ? Make sure to read the New Adventurer Guide. We will also post a guide to help you be knowledgeable about where to start your Journey, make sure to read and be update about the latest changes in the server. Thank you for joining!

Action Actions Active Ass Away Best Class Com Community Economy Event Events Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Give Giveaway Giveaways Google Join Mcmmo Mmu Mpet Nuke Ommunity Pet Prize Prizes Top Way Weekly


We here at MCNuke are all about the community, trying to give you the best factions experience around. join us for weekly events and giveaways while competing for our f-top prizes

Active Ars Cat Class Craft Creative Dedi Dedicated Enjoy Erver Game Games Google Help Kywars Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Original Owner Pvp Red Rvival Server Sky Skywars Staff Survival Survival Games This Time Tmr War Wars Welcome World

Pixel World

Hello, and welcome to Pixel World!
This server includes both Creative and PvP Survival all in one, with SkyWars and original Minigames on the way. Our staff is dedicated to helping you enjoy your time on the server.
Thank you for choosing Pixel World

Server Owner
Pixel Craft

Active Cat Class Com Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Discord Economy Ect Epic Erver Essential Essentials Google Head Heads Home Homes Inecraft Land Mine Minecraft People Play Player Pro Protect Protection Pve Pvp Quest Quests Server Survival Teleport

The Right Server

Official minecraft server of The Right Server discord, a community of over 2,700 epic people. Our minecraft server is setup with all the essentials, such as setting homes, teleport requests, land protection, player heads, and an epic dedicated community.

Arena Arenapvp Arenas Avatar Avatarlastairbender Avatarpvp Bending Bendingserver Creative Creativeplots Lands Mcmmo Mmoitems Plots Plotsquared Ranks Roleplay Rpg Survival

INDIGON | 1.15.2 Avatar/Bending Survival | mcMMO | Lands | Arenas | Creative

IP Address:


Indigon is a Minecraft server based on the Nickelodeon TV shows Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra. Players on Indigon are permitted to choose an element–water, earth, fire, air, or chiblocking–and “bend”, using the 9 hotbar slots to produce powerful attacks, defenses, and modes of transportation. Indigon also has a survival aspect with mcMMO, Lands, roleplay characters, and custom items, augmented by the ProjectKorra bending plugin. Bending survival is a fun, unique experience that you can’t miss!
Indigon’s staff are committed to introducing new players to bending survival and creating a tight-knit community of respectful people. Come join today!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Adult Adults Beast Class Community Creative Development Eco Econ Economy End Free Friendly Game Hard Ill Java Job Jobs Lag Large Mcmmo Mmo Money Nation New Play Plot Plots Pve Super Survival Uptime Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay War World


Beastville MC — Brand New! – JAVA 1.15.2 w/ 1.16 Plans!

Survival – Vanilla gameplay w/ McMMO
Creative World – Extra large plots for your imagination!
Earn money doing Jobs! Economy is still being development.
Super friendly community!
We’re owned and operated by adults. You won’t be mistreated
24/7 Uptime. Running on high-end hardware. Lag free!

Active Anarchy Ass Best Class Com Community Cool Custom Economy End Erver Friend Friendly Google Head Job Jobs Mob Mon Money Ommunity One Paw Pvp Riendly Rules Rvival Server Shop Spawn Spawner Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tom

Arctis Survival

Friendly community server! Custom shop – Cool jobs – Friendly staff – Head Shop – Mob Spawner Shop – Best custom survival – Get jobs to earn money! NO RULES

Active Bedwars Class Craft Donate End Enjin Inecraft Kit Kitpvp Latest Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mini Games Network Networks Open Paper Parkour Play Player Players Protected Protection Pvp Server Servers Shop Sky Skyblock Skywars Survival Tnt Tntrun Vanilla War Wars Website


Server have:
SkyWars, BedWars, TNTRun, KitPVP, SkyBlock…
Server websites:
Server don’t have players please share this server with your friend!
Donate on:
Server running on:
Latest papermc 1.14.4
Email: [email protected]

Active Admin Build Class Com Community Conomy Craft Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Features Game Gaming Good Google Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Ming Mod Mods Online Perms Play Player Players Pro Rvival Server Survival Tea Team Vanilla World


A gaming community. Join Today! We are proud to have our thriving Minecraft server with many daily active players.
To get build perms you must play for 2 hours with a mod online, contact mods on discord.
Low Moderation
Economy in game and on discord
100% survival world
Good admin and mod team.

Active Chest Class Company Cool Crate Create Custom Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjoy Erver Game Google Join Mad Mcmmo Ming Mmo Play Player Power Powerful Prize Prizes Rank Ranks Server Survival This Town Towny Welcome


Welcome to

This server is made for all the economy lovers
There are many ways for you to discover how to become the richest player alive.
You can own a company our create a town and becomming the most powerfull player of the server.
Our just enjoy the game and join a town and work for companies.
The server includes:
-Custom Ranks-
-Cool crate prizes-
and many more for you to discover!

Active Class Crate Crates Custom Date Discord Economy Features Forge Game Gamers Gyms Home Homes Join Lit Mini Games New Npc Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Pro Reforged Rewards Rps Server Shop Survival Tpa Trade Update Updates Vote War Warp Warps

Pixelmon Bros.

Hey, Gamers! We are a brand new Pixelmon Reforged server!
Features we provide:
– Up To Date Pixelmon Reforged V7.2.2
– Wondertrade
– /tpa, /warps, /homes
– Custom NPC Gyms (gyms constantly being added)
– Elite Four
– Server Shop
– Vote Crates
– Dex Rewards

Join our Discord for updates and more info:

Active Ass Class Craft Economy Google Kitpvp Maintenance Mini Games Network Parkour Raft Skyblock Skywars Survival Ten Two Work

Limbocraft Network

Maintenance MaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenanceMaintenance

Active Based Basic Basics Class Coded Communities Craft Custom Eco Economy Enjoy Features Good Great Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mining Network New Old Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prison Pro Pve Real Release Seasons Server Stable Staff Tea Team

Paradox Prison

We are a long term, constantly improving server network with a staff team that thrives off the activity and liveliness of our player base. We aim to become a stable running, player suggestion-based server that can adapt to changes in communities over seasons. We have not long released our prison server, that was re-vamped after its last running season to have great new features, custom coded plugins, and bring in players that enjoy the real basics of minecraft, good old mining.

Active Ass Base Based Blo Block Class Conomy Custom Eat Eco Econ Econom Economy Empire Erver Features Google Kit Kits Mission Missions Nks Permissions Pvp Ran Rank Ranks Ree Server Sky Skyblock Tom Voting

Breeze Empire

Breeze Empire is an economy based sky block server. We offer features such as custom permissions, kits, ranks, voting, and more.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Good Minecraft Server Hosting Sites. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!