
👑 Hermit servers season 9

As our server goes into our 9th season we are looking for committed and experienced players to join our annual season of our amazing SMP server, with years of experience in SMPs we offer an unbeatable Hermitcraft/SMP experience

🐚 Hermitcraft inspired gameplay

🤝 Supports both Java and Bedrock

🛍️shopping district, business district and more

👵mob/player heads

➕visual/fun add ons

🎥Major player events all the time

🎩Elected positions including king and ministers

🏘️Tribal towns where players work together

🌆Player made mega bases

🏳️whitelisted server

🎙️Weekly events

👨‍👩‍👧‍👧active community that helps each other


For more information look at hermitservers on socials or for joining, join the discord server linked below!

We really hope to see you there !

Discord –


Simply LifeSteal

We are Looking for competitive life steal lovers who would like to compete to be the greatest in our server and get the most hearts we have been working hard to make it as enjoyable as possible and crystal pvp is banned, we have a history of creating servers and would like to make this one a great experience for many players you are guaranteed to enjoy play on this server due to our very well thought out rules that makes pvp a way better experience this server is mostly vanilla with a voice chat mod and plugins that helps with balancing the game this server is only for java and only works on 1.21 this server is not p2w simple and limited members so join quickly

here's our discord server if ur interested:


Dwarfs and dragons

Allright so I've made another post on this before but it's changed dramatically. It's no longer even semi-vanilla. It's a ten person realm, I currently have two active players on it, and Two inactive as far as I know. There's alot of diffrent add ons. I have a base built into a mansion that you can use or you can build your own. I just want to share what me and my brother have made and have some fun with others. The invite code is 5YNPiGMkbCk. Don't demo the base, and if you grief other people you will be removed.


Lego World

Why Choose LegoWelt?

  • With years of experience as a Minecraft community, we’ve built a fun, friendly, and safe place for everyone. Whether you enjoy building, redstone, exploring, minigames, or map art, there's something for you here!

  • Whitelisted Community: Our application process ensures that all players are a great fit for our friendly environment.

  • International Player Base: Hosted in Europe, with members from the Americas, Middle East, Africa, and Oceania.

  • Player Economy: Trade in our diamond-based economy, with player-run shops offering a variety of items and services.

Want to avoid the scourge that p2w servers are? Look no further.

  • Completely Free-to-Play: No pay-to-win or pay-to-play mechanics.

Tired of wasting time flying on the Nether roof? We got you.

  • Warp Portals: Travel long distances easily with our custom warp portals.

Want to show off your progress? You can do so with our custom cosmetics!

  • Cosmetic Items: A wide range of community-submitted cosmetic armor designs, elytras, food and tools.

Don't want to randomly get killed and lose your totem or the xp you spent all night afk grinding for?

  • Respectful PvP: PvP is only allowed with mutual consent from all parties.

We also offer three additional worlds for all your potential needs.

  • Resource World: Monthly resets for easy access to fresh chunks. (There are plans to implement custom structures and loot at a later date to spice things up.)

  • Tech World: A common place for all the large farms that could potentially cause lag in the main world. (Small starter farms are still allowed to be built on the survival server.)


  • Creative World: Plan and test your builds alone or with friends in our integrated creative world.

Smooth and Secure Gameplay

  • Our server runs on a custom fork of Paper highly-optimized for a stable and redstone friendlylag-free experience. We use moderation plugins to prevent griefing and cheating, with inventory restoration and rollback features to fix any issues that might arise.
    (Nobody has ever lost progress permanently, the system works really well)

  • Chat reporting is also disabled for a more relaxed atmosphere. (The chat is still actively moderated by staff members.)

For technical players

  • Our custom Paper fork has reverted many of the technical changes from Paper to make it more like vanilla, pretty much every build should work even though the server runs on Paper.

  • We allow the usage of Litematica and support accurate block placement for easier easy place building.

If you are still undecided, maybe this trailer of our old world will seal the deal!

Join the discord to join in the fun!

Have any questions? Please feel free to leave them down in the comments or in the pending members channel in the discord.

Cpm Customplayermodels Discord Discordlink Fun Home Nomoney Simplevoicechat Smp Survival Tpa Trickytrials Updated Voicechat Welcoming

ReFresh SMP

Welcome to the Planet Minecraft page for ReFresh SMP.

ReFresh SMP is a non-whitelist, mostly vanilla Survival 1.21 Minecraft Server.


The server’s IP is subject to change in the future, so please be wary and join the discord server for updates and the ability to update the server’s IP in your list! (The world does not reset.)

On this server, unclaimed land is free game.
Claim your land to protect it from grief.

If you end up dying outside the worldborder,
Your items will not be retrieved.

Be sure to look into installing the recommended mods!
Custom Player Models, &rand &lSimple Voice Chat.
This is a list of the server’s rules.
Read this carefully please!§r
Rule 1: Do not use any mods that provide an unfair advantage.
Rule 2: Do not Xray. Do not use Kill Aura
Rule 3: Please refrain from any racism, or sexism, or anti-lgbtqia+.
Rule 4: This server has a player run economy. DON’T RUIN IT.

Thank you for reading the server rules!

There are no donations, nor any donation perks, every player has the same opportunities.

Many aspect of this server are subject to change and adapt, moderation habits, plugins, and gamerules.

Events are being thought of and planned to be planned. (?)

There is /back for now. Potentially adding graves or another decision to be made in the future.


🌟Misfit Craft🌟

🌟Misfit Craft🌟


🔥Introducing Misfit Gaming🔥

I've decided to spend the past couple of days creating ~THE PERFECT~ lightweight(ish), Create focused mod pack for Minecraft 1.20.1.

This mod pack is inspired by “Create: Perfect world” by the popular youtuber, Mr.Beardstone.

**🛠️ Create Mod Awesomeness: Dive into the world of gears, pulleys, and automation. This pack is heavily focused around the Create mod and its many addons. **

⚔️ Enhanced Difficulty: By implementing mods such as difficult cave’s, Alex’s mobs, end remastered, and Mowzies mobs. Life is tougher, and survival is grittier. Brace yourself!

🎨 Stunning Graphics: I’ve even cranked up the visual magic for yah. Prepare to be amazed by….. bocks!

🔧Features: Lastly, Several quality of life mods are added because sometimes, things are just needed. -This includes: inventory management, storage, archaeology, food and more, all while maintaining a vanilla style of gameplay.

🚀All is welcome to join! I'd like to shoot for 18+, but beggars can't be choosers, and I don't  want to have to go through applications, Its a video game…. All I ask is you bring your common sense with yah

🔥Anyways…… come on down! The only thing we're missing is YOU!

**🎨 This is my ~FIRST ~time running a server so don't bully me. **

🌟World started: 01 AUG 2024.🌟

**🔗 Discord Link 🔗  **



Welcome to Veridax! 🌍

Veridax is a brand new server with the goal of making every player feel at home with some extra features.

Server Type: Java/Bedrock 1.21 SMP
IP Address:
Location: Europe

Join now!


  • Custom Terrain: Explore stunning and unique landscapes with the Terralith datapack.
  • Job Opportunities: Take on various jobs to earn rewards and resources.
  • Marketplace: Buy and sell items through shops and auctions.
  • AuraSkills: Level up skills and abilities.
  • Set Homes: Save your favorite locations and teleport back with ease.
  • Teleportation: Use tps and rtps to quickly travel across the server.
  • Spawn Protection: 100×100 blocks, after that you are free as a bird.
  • Live Map: A map is available for the Veridax world, link in our discord server.

Stay Secure:

  • Land Protection: Use claims to safeguard your builds from griefers.

Connect With Us:

  • Join Our Discord: Get the Bedrock port and stay updated on all server happenings.

Ready for an epic journey? Dive into Veridax now and become part of our community!


✨Cobbleton Forever✨

Launched on 06/14/2024!

A classic-style Minecraft server with a modern touch.

ℹ️ Quick Info

We have a graylist, so feel free to join now and check us out.

When you are ready to gain full access, apply using the link below.

🔗 Links

📖 About Us

Cobbleton is a community-oriented server where cooperation and collaboration are strongly encouraged. We aim for a positive and friendly atmosphere where players can enjoy building close to others without the need to worry about destruction. Our goal is to deliver the Minecraft experience you know, but also to supplement it with extra elements that we hope will make the multiplayer experience more enjoyable for everyone who wants to play. Some of these extra additions include:

  • Pouches and backpacks
  • Portal Scrolls: Craftable, limited-use items that allow teleportation to the world spawn point, the player's bed, lodestones, and previous locations. An inventory replacement for /home, /spawnand /back commands.
  • Tons of quality of life changes like paths applying speed, crops giving XP, stonecutter recipes being expanded to include wood and other blocks, and many more.
  • Proximity voice chat with the client-side Simple Voice Chat mod
  • Fortnite style pinging with the client-side Ping Wheel mod
  • Quality over quantity mindset. No P2W mechanics.
  • A client-side modpack to enhance your gameplay experience!

✨ Join Today

If you like what you're hearing, join us at to start your Cobbleton journey!


With UneasyVan


Version: 1.20.6

Welcome to UneasyVanilla, the vanilla Minecraft server you're looking for. A server where you can unleash your creativity in a tight knit, relaxed community. Our server offers a blend of anarchy and survival gameplay while still having some rules.

Here at UneasyVanilla we put an emphasis on authenticity. Staying true to Minecrafts original vision. You'll find a 4+ year old world where your and other players' imaginations have no limits. Your first time spawning, you'll be stuck in a maze of lavacasts, as spawn has been griefed completely. Once you escape it, you'll be able to build bases and explore!

While we embrace a sense of lawlessness, we believe in maintaining an environment for everyone. Our rules are straightforward, ensuring that all players can enjoy their time without compromising the integrity of our server (performance). Our dedicated staff actively work to ensure fairness, swiftly banning cheaters and keeping operations running.

Join our community today. Experience the excitement of survival in a world where surprise encounters await you at every turn. Whether you're seeking alliances, testing your skills or taking on massive building projects, UneasyVanilla is the place for you! Also join our community on Discord!

You can find us at

Additionally feel free to explore our website at or the server wiki to discover more about our server.

Experience the opportunities awaiting you on our vanilla Minecraft server available at
Join us now, you won't regret it!



AethreSMP is a new With Semi-Van server that offers an enhanced vanilla experience. We focus on maintaining the essence of vanilla gameplay while adding small features to enrich the multiplayer experience. At AethreSMP, we highly value community input. Every player has a voice in decisions about new additions and ongoing developments.

For nearly a year, our community has been dedicated to crafting a server inspired by Hermitcraft. As we continue to grow in experience, we maintain excellent performance and deliver finely tuned features. We’re always excited to expand our close-knit, welcoming community and share the enjoyment!

Community: At AethreSMP, we believe in giving every player a say in our decisions. We take all suggestions and feedback seriously, keeping our community informed and involved in our choices.

Welcoming: Our community embraces diversity, ensuring everyone feels accepted and valued. Whether you're into Redstone, farming, building, or community activities like town-building, you'll find a home at AethreSMP.

Updates: We're committed to staying current with the latest Minecraft versions, and delivering new features as needed.

Our Features:

  • No Command Based Claim System – While not an addition we believe a rigid claim system is an obstacle and that our community can be trusted to build how they want and respect each other's work.
  • Vanilla Tweaks – Armour Stands, Double Shulker Shells, Player Heads and Mini Blocks Villager Trades.
  • Toggle PVP – we allow players to opt in to PVP letting people fight when they want but keep opted out players safe.
  • Discord Linking – Chat from Discord to online players and vice versa.
  • Pl3xmap – See a top down view of the whole world directly from your browser.
  • Player Run Shops and Economy – Our Spawn area is exclusively for player made shops and activities/minigames. We have no formal economy system or plugin letting players run their shops as they see fit.


  • Full Rules on Website
  • Treat players how you want to be treated. We do not tolerate harassment by any means.
  • While mods are not outright banned we disallow Hacking and cheating such as X-ray, Aura, Flight, etc.
  • Stealing from players is not allowed.
  • Most Exploits are banned. TNT Duping is allowed for farms along with breaking bedrock to access the roof.

~Apply on Discord!~



I am thrilled to announce the launch of a brand-new Survival Minecraft Server that promises to deliver an unparalleled gaming experience. This server is packed with the incredible Create mods, along with a plethora of special addons that are designed to enhance and expand your gameplay in exciting new ways. Whether you're a veteran Minecraft player or just starting out, this server offers something for everyone, from intricate machinery and automation to immersive world-building and survival challenges.

On our server, you'll find a supportive and friendly community of players who are eager to explore, build, and survive together. The Create mods introduce innovative mechanics that allow for complex engineering projects and creative constructions, transforming the way you interact with the Minecraft world. Alongside these mods, our curated selection of addons provides unique tools, features, and enhancements that add depth and variety to your adventures.

Join us as we embark on this exciting journey, where you can collaborate with others on grand building projects, face challenging survival scenarios, and unleash your creativity in ways you never imagined. Our server is designed to foster collaboration and fun, ensuring that every player, regardless of experience level, can find enjoyment and satisfaction.

If you're interested in becoming a part of this dynamic and engaging community, and ready to dive into a Minecraft experience like no other, click the link provided to get started. We can't wait to welcome you to our server and see the amazing things you'll create and achieve. See you in the game!

Anarchy Creative Fun Pvp Rules Survive

RetWave – True Anarchy Minecraft Server

Welcome to the RetWave server, where true anarchy reigns! Here you will find complete chaos and carefree fun with a minimum of rules and restrictions. PvP battles occur almost at every turn, so it will be difficult for newcomers to adapt to the harsh realities of this server.

Our build is created specifically for those who crave complete freedom of action and are not afraid to challenge the most experienced players. Here you can fully unleash your creative potential, building incredible structures or organizing large-scale raids on other people's possessions.

Be prepared for unpredictable situations, unexpected alliances and betrayals. Only the most cunning and brave will survive in this world of chaos and anarchy. Join us to become part of the legendary history of RetWave!


The Bagelverse

Would you like to get straight to it? Get access to the Cisco's RPG Ultimate server here:

The Bagelverse now offers a Cisco's RPG Ultimate server! Level up your skill tree, wield powerful weaponry, and face dozens of bosses in this modpack!

Modpack and Server features:

  • Pack version V5bRe (Latest) on Forge 1.19.2
  • Over 250 mods which include tons of weapon mods such as Celestisynth and Simply Swords, magic mods like Iron's Spells and Ars Nouveauand mods that add mighty bosses like Mowzie's Mobs and Cataclysm.
  • Choose your Originsblessing, and class upon joining the server.
  • The modpack has been modified for the best possible multiplayer experience! Bring a friend or make some here 🙂
  • /back, /homeand /tpa is available to all players, immediately.
  • In-game chat is accessible through Discord! You can talk to other players without even joining the game.
  • Proximity voice chat with Simple Voice Chat.
  • NO pay-to-win! We only do donations
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! The best community ever 😀

Interested? Get started by joining the Bagelverse Discord server:

see you there ʕっ• ᴥ • ʔっ


GreenCraft SMP

[SMP] [Semi-vanilla] {Cross-Play} {1.21} {Dynmap} Welcome to Green Craft SMP a Nations survival server for Bedrock and Java. We have Quests, Crates, Minigames and so much more. The server has just started last week so you wont have to catch up to anyone.

  • New in weekly content update
    2 new maps
    4 new quests
    4 new ruins
    9 updates in crates


You and 2 other players can create a nation up to 750×750 blocks in size. Nations can have wars in between each other and become allied or take part in a Union. Being a part of a nation is not necessary.


We have Weekly and permanent quests where you need to complete a task for a reward


We will have frequent events (about every 2 weeks) where you can win rewards like crate keys, money and collectable maps of yourself


By warping to the minigame world you will have access to plenty of PVP, racing, parkour and other minigames


We also have Collectable Maps, Ruins, Crates, Dynmap and much more, we cant wait to see you here

***GreenCraft SMP***

  • Java


  • Bedrock


Port: 27049

  • Discord


Infinity Horizons

🌟 Discover the Ultimate Gaming Community at Infinity Horizons! 🌟

🔐 Fortified Security: Play with peace of mind in our secure gaming environment, backed by a robust anti-cheat system and constant vigilance against threats.

🌐 Thriving Player Base: Join a community of enthusiastic gamers! Connect, share, and create with fellow adventurers and help shape the future with your feedback.

🌈 Exclusive Minecraft Servers:

Arcana Automata
Big Chad Guys
Vault hunters 3
Steampunk LPS
Medieval MC
Prominence II

Other games offered as well!

✨ Custom Mods Teaser: Stay tuned for groundbreaking custom mods that will redefine your gaming experience!

Embark on your quest today and Expand, Connect, and Conquer!

🔗 Epic Minecraft Adventures Await:



GeodeCraft is a friendly semi-survival server! GeodeCraft combines vanilla game play with an economy, player shops, custom items and many quality of life features for interesting game play!

Our mission:

  • Game play: We strive to give players the freedom to play as they wish while still maintaining a stable economy, friendly community, and lag free experience.
  • Community: We are dedicated to maintaining a friendly and welcoming environment with no tolerance for offensive, aggressive or unkind behavior.
  • Updates: We work hard to add more features and content while still staying true to the majority of the original minecraft mechanics
  • Engagement: We value player feedback tremendously and highly encourage discussions between players on changes and additions they feel would improve their experience.


  • Land Claims
  • Custom crate tools, armor and items
  • Player Shops
  • Player Warps
  • McMMO
  • Resource Worlds
  • Custom Economy plugin
  • Entity/Spawner/Items stacking



Come join us if this sounds like the place for you!


🏔️ Highworlds SMP Season Two 🏔️

📹 Content Creators ONLY 📹

📚 Highworlds is a Hermitcraft like content creator Hybrid Survival SMP 📚

📍 Highworlds is what we have opted to call a Hybrid Survival SMP, which we are aware might sound a bit strange, all Hybrid entails is that most aspects are in Survival, others in Creative (building).

🗺️ Collaborate with a community that is still slowly developing, our community is welcoming and fully ready to bring new talents into it.

💾 Our community is built to be streamed and recorded.

📚 From weekly group sessions to free rein through out the week there is tons of fun to be had in the Highworlds community.

⚒️ Our group is slowly coming together, our very first season is getting ready to wrap up, for us to start a brand new season in September with some new members.

📑 We are willing to let anyone Craft their own story in the world.

⚓ Anchor yourself in a brand new world with fellow creators.

💡In Highworlds we encourage our members to engage with each other and create their own events or join other member or Admin sanctioned events.

♦️ At this very moment we are unsure as to what mods we will have for next season, besides the Simple Voice Chat mod.

🌐 To let us know that you are interested in joining our community, connect with our server admin team and current members on discord-

🗓️ Our Second season is getting set to begin this September, now is the time to join our Community.



Storyfortune is a brand new survival experience based on the latest versions of Minecraft: Java Edition, with a focus on bringing players together unlike ever before while providing a top player experience!

Our server is a grief-free and safe area where anyone and everyone can come and play with others. We strive to provide a unique and engaging experience while maintaining the core survival gameplay.

We have player warps and shops, land claiming, marriage, an auction house and so much more! What are you waiting for?

Version: 1.21

Our Discord server:

Our rules can be found at:

Server release trailer:

GriefPrevention: Easily protect your builds to make them grief-proof!

Chest Shops: Buy or sell any item you want from player Chest Shops! Easily create and manage them!

Auction House: List items on the auction house for others players to buy/bid on!

Player Warps: Set your own player warp, whether that be for a shop or an epic base you made, anyone on the server will be able to teleport! Players can also upvote warps that they like the most so more people can see them.

/sit: Make yourself sit anywhere!

Marriage: Request to marry another player – meant to cater towards those who like to roleplay. Adds a small red heart next to your name when married with your partner's name.

Toggle PvP: Toggle your PvP, or leave it disabled!

Head Merchant: Access over 50k+ custom decorative heads!

Quests: Complete quests to earn money with the option to pick easy or hard challenges!

Jobs: Join jobs to earn money and unlock various special features!

ChatGames: A fun way to earn a bit of money and interact with others in a friendly way!

mcMMO: Earn special abilities by leveling up 15 different skills!____________________________________________________________________________


United Lands

Welcome to United Lands, a unique Towny-based Earth SMP experience! Discover our immersive features:
📸 Video Trailer: Watch our exciting trailer showcasing war, masterwork gear, and vibrant towns on the server. Watch here:
🌎 Explore the World: Delve into our 1:500 Earth-based map! Nations can claim unlimited lands with low upkeep costs, shaping borders as needed. Discounts available for larger groups.
⚒️ Gameplay: Engage in town building, land claiming, and immersive RP. Collect custom items like new swords and unique food, such as mangoes, rice, croissants, and sushi!
⬆️ Progression: Forge your path through diverse avenues:
Choose from 7 unique jobs with skill trees for enhanced abilities.
Unlock powerful components of Masterwork Armor through skill progression.
Access player upgrades for increased convenience, like extra storage and additional /sethomes.
💰 Thriving Economy: Experience a player-driven marketplace (accessed via /mp) for buying, selling, and trading items. Utilize currency for upgrades, skills, and upkeep. No forced prices or admin shops!
💸 Non-P2W Environment: United Lands takes a stand against pay-to-win schemes. All store items are purely cosmetic, ensuring fairness and balance. Donations solely support the server without providing unfair advantages.

Join us at United Lands and embark on an unforgettable adventure!
📑 IP┋ 📑
💬 Discord ┋ 💬
🗺 Map┋ 🗺

Lookingforplayers Lookingforstaff Notpaytowin Smallcommunity Smallserver Smp Smpsurvivalserver Survival

a simple smp

nothing fancy, small whitelisted smp for friends and people who want to become friends

not pay to win but i accept donations, no store/tebex (never plan to make one), small community as server just made yesterday

looking for staff or regular players

no fancy plugins just basic essential plugins to make our lives easier, join discord and apply if you want to play the interview process is like 4 questions

any questions can be reached out to my personal discord cyborian23 or join the server discord

a simple smp discord:

a simple smp ip: (wont work if not whitelisted)

thanks guys

hope 2 see u around

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Mmorpg Game. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!