Couple Dollar Dollars Eco Evolved Friendly Jobs Mature Modifications Pvp Roleplay Semi Vanilla Simplistic Survival Towny

Blocks Evolved

Welcome to Blocks Evolved. This is a semi vanilla towny server with very minimal plugins or modifications. We designed our server in this simplistic way so that we can build the server around the wants and needs of the community we build with it. We have a very small community so we encourage you to bring your friends along with you. You and your friends will be the pioneers of Blocks Evolved. We understand that a small community may not have much to offer, but we want to assure you that we will work hard to grow this community, even if it means spending a couple dollars. That being said, we do have a couple features that you may like. These include but are not limited to Towny, a 100% player run economy with the ability to make money through certain jobs, personal spawn shops for anyone looking to sell their materials to other players, and a friendly and open-minded staff team. Come join us and see what we have to offer, and bring your friends too!

Artifact Artifacts Chisel Computers Fairy Futuremc Harvestcraft Mekanism Opencomputers Shiny Tektopia Trainers Waystones Wings Wizardry

SSPixelmon / Custom Modpack – Shiny Starters – Wizardry – OpenComputers – Backpacks – Artifacts – Random Things – Mekanism – HarvestCraft – Wings – SecurityCraft – BoP – Chisel – Waystones – Bonsai

We host a custom Pixelmon modpack focusing around magic, exploration, technology, and base-building!

We also have CUSTOM gym badges you can earn from player gyms, free treadmills for egg hatching, and public blissey trainers. You can rank up from battling the gyms.

Key mods:

  • Pixelmon + addons
  • TekTopia + addons
  • Pam’s HarvestCraft
  • Wings
  • SecurityCraft
  • Artifacts
  • Backpacks
  • Biomes O’ Plenty
  • Bonsai Trees
  • Chisel
  • Electroblob’s Wizardry
  • Fairy Lights
  • Furniture
  • FutureMC
  • Open Computers
  • Random Things
  • Mechanism
  • Recurrent Complex
  • Waystones
  • Torchmaster
  • Quark

  • Categories
    Account Add Added Ate Aternos Cent Class Des Lin Offline Rip Survival Multiplayer This You Your

    Offline Minecraft server

    The “Offline” server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Bukkit Capture Craft Creative Edit Flag Insomniac Minecraft Minecraft Creative Miners Mwc Servers Sniper Voxel World

    Insomniac Servers Minecraft Creative

    Check out our survival server

    About Insomniac Servers
    We got our start in MineCraft as PowerKrew Servers hosting three classic servers and 2 beta servers. During a reorganization we changed our name and decided to focus on building community. We welcome all players looking to have a good time building and playing along side friends.

    This server is home to our film guys at Miners Who Craft Studios (MWC) They have made some really decent MineCraft machinima. Check out their work here:

    – Server uses Spigot 1.18.2
    – Players need 1.18.2
    – Live map: (Temporarily Disabled)
    – Players can join and build in plot worlds.
    – More info can be found at:,74.0.html

    Anyone can join but to cut down on grief only those who apply on the forums have access to build. Apply for Builder rights here.

    – Default (can’t build)
    – Builder(can build)
    – VIP (WorldEdit)Additional NotesThis is one of two minecraft retail servers hosted by our community, the other being a creative server. We are a friendly community that is always ready to welcome new people.

    Apa Atapacks Data Data Pack Data Packs Datapack Datapacks How To Know Pack Server Ip Setup Survival Texture Texture Pack

    alot of datapcakcs

    this server use multiple data packs instead of mods

    SOME DATAPCKS USE A TEXTURE PACK this server doesn’t though 1 i dont know how to setup links… tis all

    also my other server ip does not work anyeomre

    Bukkit Craft Duke Economy Insomniac Krew Minecraft Miners Mwc Notes Overview Rights Servers Survival Texas

    Insomniac Servers Minecraft Survival

    More info can be found here:,1288.0.html

    About Insomniac Servers
    We got our start in MineCraft as PowerKrew Servers hosting three classic servers and 2 beta servers. During a reorganization we changed our name and decided to focus on building community. We welcome all players looking to have a good time building and playing along side friends.

    General Overview

    Survival server hosted on a dedicated machine. Moderate internet connection. Located in Texas.

    – Address:
    – Server uses Paper 1.18.2
    – Players need 1.18.2

    The server is not whitelisted – anyone can join and anyone can build.
    Applying for Member rights grants you benefits to make life easier. Apply here.

    – Exile (Banned) (cannot build)
    – Peasant (Default) (Guest rank, can set 1 home and can place up to 4 protection stones)
    – Freeman (This is the first member rank. Set 3 homes, and can build inside the member zone. Can place 5 protection stones)
    – Knight (2nd member rank. Set 5 homes and place 6 protection stones) Earned after 2 months of active play on our servers.
    – Baron (This is the donation rank. Donating gives you 7 homes, custom name, and cash bonus in-game.)(See below how to donate)
    – Architect (Creative Mode and basic WorldEdit abilities [​This is for build days])
    – Count (Moderator, Staff rank. Can fly, ban, and rollback grief
    – Duke (Admin, Staff rank. rank players, unlimited money, creative mode, worldedit, and most commands)
    – King (Owner, All Commands)

    The help system is pretty good for info on commands. Typing /help will list all available commands to you. There will be several pages so “/help 2”, etc. will get subsequent pages. You can also do a full text search of all commands and command descriptions, e.g. “/help tp” will list all commands that contain the letters “tp”.Additional NotesThis is one of two minecraft retail servers hosted by our community, the other being a creative server. We are a friendly community that is always ready to welcome new people.

    Banking Caves And Cliffs Claimshovel Cross-Play Economy Java Version Javabedrockcrossplay Merchant Misc Network Pve Smpve Survival Thread Traditional


    Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come.

    Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players start off with 2,000 blocks they can claim, and accrue 120 every hour of playtime. These claims cannot be destroyed or built upon by anyone other than the Owner of the claim, or Trusted players. Plus your pets are also protected in the same fashion! If for some reason there’s ever a problem, our Admin team will investigate and assist whenever necessary.

    With us focusing on your security, you can focus on enjoying the features on our server that add to your survival chances should you choose to use them, completely free without pay-to-win! Such as our banking system that gives interest for every hour you play. This lets you save up some cash to spend at the Market set up at the Survival Spawn, where our new Merchants offer a small variety of goods, like fish, potions, wood, and other miscellaneous goodies you might be looking for.

    Bit bored traveling over the same old Minecraft landscape? Our server isn’t just the one traditional Survival world, it’s actually linked to another realm giving you more to explore! Find Zedmun at the Survival Spawn for the opportunity to be transported to our new Amplified World! Added in 1.18, it has all of the new caves and cliffs you could want with the added craziness of being amplified. Additionally, we’re working on adding an Event World and a Creative Plot World that would be accessed via our Hub so you will have even more places to enjoy. We would love to see you here when they launch!

    Our server now allows cross-play between the Bedrock and Java versions! Anyone can play on our servers regardless of if they play on console or PC, provided they have a paid Java account of course. That means you get to play with friends you might not of been able to before due to platform restrictions! Plus, with more people able to play on our servers the more fun can be had by all as our community grows. So we are looking forward to seeing you and your friends join us at Davidscloud!

    Got questions? Join our Discord to learn whatever you might like to know about our Minecraft servers such as commands, admin support, community rules, and more.

    Vanilla (Latest Version) IP:
    Bedrock Crossplay Port: 19132. For connection tutorial, visit:

    Bored Cked Cracké Factions Kitpvp Login Mom Ored Pass Pvp Random Register Sword Tend Yes


    You bored and want to play on a random server?
    Well lowernetwork is the place to come (yes it’s named after me) we have a small community at the moment and we intend on growing it. Feel free to look at our variety of games to play
    Cracked support
    On first join /register

    Then when u login next /login

    (shouldn’t have to be your Minecraft password)

    Amplified Banking Caves And Cliffs Cliffs Console Cross-Play Economy Iffs Java Version Landscape Merchant Misc Potions Pve Traditional

    Davidscloud Latest Version

    Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that believes in creating a place for all gamers to get together and enjoy playing various games together without worry of pay-to-win spoiling the enjoyment. Our community is friendly and works together to achieve a place everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server, specifically, has been around since 1.7.10 and plans on staying around for a long time to come.

    Our Minecraft server has variety of features for our members to enjoy. Key to keeping your experience enjoyable is our grief prevention system and friendly admin team. Players start off with 2,000 blocks they can claim, and accrue 120 every hour of playtime. These claims cannot be destroyed or built upon by anyone other than the Owner of the claim, or Trusted players. Plus your pets are also protected in the same fashion! If for some reason there’s ever a problem, our Admin team will investigate and assist whenever necessary.

    With us focusing on your security, you can focus on enjoying the features on our server that add to your survival chances should you choose to use them, completely free without pay-to-win! Such as our banking system that gives interest for every hour you play. This lets you save up some cash to spend at the Market set up at the Survival Spawn, where our new Merchants offer a small variety of goods, like fish, potions, wood, and other miscellaneous goodies you might be looking for.

    Bit bored traveling over the same old Minecraft landscape? Our server isn’t just the one traditional Survival world, it’s actually linked to another realm giving you more to explore! Find Zedmun at the Survival Spawn for the opportunity to be transported to our new Amplified World! Added in 1.18, it has all of the new caves and cliffs you could want with the added craziness of being amplified. Additionally, we’re working on adding an Event World and a Creative Plot World that would be accessed via our Hub so you will have even more places to enjoy. We would love to see you here when they launch!

    Our server now allows cross-play between the Bedrock and Java versions! Anyone can play on our servers regardless of if they play on console or PC, provided they have a paid Java account of course. That means you get to play with friends you might not of been able to before due to platform restrictions! Plus, with more people able to play on our servers the more fun can be had by all as our community grows. So we are looking forward to seeing you and your friends join us at Davidscloud!

    360 Anarchy Crackshot Gun Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Lifesteal Smp Ortal Portal Raiding Shot Survival Whitelist

    destroyed smp

    a new small whitelisted lifesteal smp .
    the plugins used are : lifesteal, Crackshot(gun mod) and portal gun.

    there is no claims and you can be griefed and have you stuff stolen at any time.

    to apply you just ask in discord

    Creativity Curse Curseforge Fabric Guild Modded Modded Survival Modpacks Origins Plus Rare Rings Structure Structures Survival

    Genesis Plus

    Welcome to Genesis Plus, a Fabric modded survival server based on Origins, and centralized around adventure, tech, and creativity.

    Go on long journeys to find a home, explore dungeons and structures for rare rings, form or join a guild, and have fun!

    Join the discord at The server uses the Genesis Plus modpack, which you can find here.

    Cross-Play Deletion Disaster Disasters Leveling Loaded Mca Mcmmo Reloaded Season2 Survival Tempe Temperature Unlock Vanilla


    Welcome To VReloaded!
    We’re a carefully crafted and a pleasant survival server consisting of friendly, passionate and dedicated players. We offer many interesting features, check out some of them below!

    Some of our server features:
    A Temperature System which affects gameplay!
    Custom Disasters!
    An Expansive Leveling System with unlockable abilities!
    Custom Items, Mechanics and Plugins!
    A Player-Based Economy System with player shops!
    No World Deletions: What You Build Stays!
    Frequently adding new exciting features!

    Abuse Bus Dead Fun Heart Ifesteal Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Mission Nen Permanent Rtp Shop Survival

    Dead Life Middle School

    This is a fun lifesteal server with a shop! If you die, you lose a PERMANENT heart. There is no /rtp, no admins with permission to admin abuse, no /home or anything like that.

    1.18.2 Challenge Chaos Dbl Hey Ifesteal Kind Lifes Lifestea Lifesteal Pvp Raiding Square Survival Votes

    BudBlock LifeSteal

    BudBlock is a brand new 1.18.2 Life Steal server. Some players on our main server have been looking for more PvP/chaos, so we decided to let them choose what kind of server they would like, and Life Steal got the most votes. We are trying to expand our community and gather some new players to add to the challenge. We have also added the Enchants Squared plugin to enhance the pvp/survival aspects of the game. Please join the discord to get more info 🙂

    Account Migration Bedwars Events Factions Ffa Fun Gadgets Kitpvp Knockout Minigames Minigameserver Minigamesserver Pvp Skywars Thepit

    FalconMC Server

    『Welcome to FalconMC community』
    FalconMC is a Minecraft server that you can play online with friends with interesting minigames and features
    have fun with more than 5 minigames

    ♕ Features ♕
    ➥ Discord & Minecraft account migration
    ➥ Special Rank features
    ➥ Updated minigames
    ➥ Fast staff support
    ➥ Cheap Ranks | Gadgets Prices
    ➥ Simple Rules

    ♕ Minigames ♕
    ➥ Bedwars
    ➥ Skywars
    ➥ ThePit
    ➥ HorseFight NEw
    ➥ KnockOut
    ➥ FFa

    ❖ we will be adding more custom minigames soon
    discord server:
    « Click Here »

    100 Arcade Bedwar Bedwars Emb Ffa Mini Games Oda Parkour Pvp Skyblock Skywars Survival Games Tmc Today


    We have lots of Minigames:
    Arcade, Skyblock, BedwarsFFA And Much More …
    We have 25+ Minigames!
    100+ Discord Members!
    Join Us Today!

    1.13 Builder Builders Creeper Galax Galaxy Hiring Idea Ideas Pac Pack Spawn Survival Texture Texture Pack

    Creeper’s Galaxy

    Enjoy playing Creeper’s Galaxy




    Adding More Games

    Adding A Custom Texture Pack

    Adding A New Spawn

    For Hire:

    We are hiring Builders

    Version: 1.13.2

    Anarchy Apply Beta Current Hardcore Lin Minecraft War Minecraftwar Pvp Raiding Skyblock Survival Test Vanilla Who


    Minecraft Wars is currently in beta.

    We Appreciate anyone who is willing to test or apply for staff.

    Atm Atmosphere Bot Builds Claiming Climb Cross-Play Engaging Exciting Explore Goal Monthly Mountain Ored Survival


    MMC/MountainMC is a Survival server filled with unique and amazing features ready to be explored. With land claiming, custom plugins, monthly events, friendly staff, stunning builds and more, we are ready to climb to the top both as a community and server. It is our goal to create not only a friendly and fun atmosphere, but also an engaging and exciting Survival experience for all players of Minecraft to enjoy and cherish for years to come. Join today!

    18pvp 247server 247uptime Canada Combat Community Competitive Factions Network Nonpay2win Prison Pvp Survival Towny Viabackwards Viaversion

    Papyrus Network

    Papyrus network is a minecraft server that is under development and hosted in canada on a dedicated server

    Gamemodes include

    Towny is a popular gamemode of multiplayer minecraft. Where players make money, build towns, and chat with friends.

    The goal is to either create or join a faction and build a base that other players can’t raid. Factions have power and claims which need to be in balance. Factions is a very PvP-based gamemode and many things that normally aren’t allowed, such as death-trapping and scamming are allowed.

    Our Social Links



    Contact us
    Baxwar#9182 Nah 😶#9218 Lawlaw#4861

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and ip Server Minecraft Survival. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!