Action Awesome Ball Block Buycraft Class Craft Different Exciting Fac Faction Factions FTB Game Games Kit Lms Noop Open Paintball Park Parkour Play Plot Plotworld Prison Pvp Rank Ranks Real Realm Server Sky Skyblock Survival World


Sponge Realms is a very exciting and awesome server, where you can play different games including::
You can buy ranks at our Buycraft page.
Come play on the server right now.


Ass Class Craft Eat Eng Engels Erver Follow Game Games Hun Inecraft Join Ken Land Lands Make Mine Minecraft Nederland Nederlands Nen Noop Open Play Raft Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer


Gear-MC is een van de gezelligste en mooiste minecraft servers van Nederland. Jong en oud vermaken zich door onze games te spelen of hun mooiste creaties te bouwen. Deze server is engels/nederlands,
Wil je joinen? voeg ons dan toe met:


Active Alone Ass Base Based City Class Com Dom Eam Enjin Enjoy Erver Head Ice Join King Kingdom Kingdoms One People Play Player Playing Rvival Server Speak Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Voice


Kingdomscity is a Survival based server which allows every player to join which wants to. If you like playing alone that fine but if you enjoy playing with lots of people go ahead and join in on our Teamspeak server –

Bedrock Build Builds Craft Creative Diamond Donation Donator Dropparty Free Games Home Kit Kitpvp Kits Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Network Nice Old Open Plots Pvp Rank Ranks Redstone Server Shop Shops Spawn Spleef Survival Survivalgames Tnt Tntrun World


Its a server for people that loves minecraft and there are al lot of things to do.
what to do:
1. Survival: you can survival on the world where you wil spawn there is also a shop so its really nice you start with 200 money but you can get more by selling items of win money by a Dropparty.
2. Kitpvp: I like KItpvp so i want it in my server there are a lot of kits (4 for free and the others are donation kits) The free kits are fighter, Archer, Witch and special (Special is not always).
Donator kits: Stone, Coal, Iron, LapisLazuli, Redstone, Gold, Diamond, Emerald and Bedrock
3. Plots (creative): We also have plots you can get a plot witch /plotme auto and /plotme home to get it.
4. MiniGames: We have Minigames that are: TNTRun, BowSpleef, SurvivalGames and more will come soon.
The ranks can you see on the server.


Active Amusement Ark Ass Build Building Class Com Craft Disney Dom Erver Everything Inecraft King Kingdom Life Magi Magic Mca Mine Minecraft One Park Parks Raft Real Roleplay Scale Server Theme This World

MCAmusement With Disney World

This server we are building theme parks in minecraft. So far we have done Magic Kingdom Disney World!

Everything is 1:1 scale with real life!

Active Allowed Based Block Cheat Class Create Donator Eco Econ Economy Event Events Fun Game Invite Island Join King Land Map Mod Modern Multi Multiplayer New Online Perks Play Player Players Server Sky Skyblock Special Staff Survival

Modern Skyblock

Modern Skyblock is a new skyblock server with an economy! Fun gameplay, with special donator perks! Join us today at! Modern Skyblock is based off the map created by Noobcrew. You create a skyblock island using a command. You are allowed to invite players to your island, or to join someone elses, for multiplayer gameplay. We have a variety of events to keep everyone having fun. We try to always have active staff members online to keep sure the server is working fine and nobody is cheating.

Bukkit Chill Class Community Craft End Fac Faction Factions Forge Grief Help Ill Inecraft Join Kit Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Modern Nation Noop Old Open Play Plot Raid Server Servers Shop Shops Simple Sky Staff Top Tpa Weapons

[FlansMod 4.9.0] UltimateFlans


Hey Minecrafters,

Bij deze wil ik jullie kennis maken aan een nieuwe server in de Minecraft community.
Het gaat om onze Flans mod 4.9.0 server, UltimateFlans.
De server is internationaal, veel spelers en staffleden zijn gewoon Nederlands, maar je kan ook Engels praten met ons.


Wij zijn een groep van 2 mensen die al een tijd de Flans mod erg leuk vinden om te spelen, aangezien er niet erg veel servers zijn die die mod hebben.
Dachten wij, “laten wij eens een server beginnen”, bij deze dus.


Op onze Flans server kan je vinden:
– Factions
– Standaard shops, je kan ook een plot kopen en je eigen shop maken.
– Griefen is bij ons toegestaan, aangezien het Factions is.
– Ook is het mogelijk om andere bases te gaan raiden, dit is ook toegestaan.


Het klinkt moeilijk om ons te joinen, maar dat is het niet. Er zijn verschillende mogelijkheden om ons te joinen:
Manier 1:
Je kan “Craften Terminal ” (Link: en dan vervolgens de Flans mod 4.3.0 toe voegen.

Manier 2:
Je kan de installer gebruiken. [url=]Klik hier

Manier 3:
Je kan ook los 1.7.2 Forge installeren en vervolgens de Flans mod 4.3.0 “hier” (Link: downloaden. De contentpacks die je nodig hebt:
– Modern Weapons Pack
– Nerf pack
– Simple Parts pack
– Titan pack
– WW2 pack by Potok551
– Ye Olde Pack

Manier 4:
Je kan mij ook contacteren op “Skype” (Link: http://skype:live:MeneerCookie?userinfo), en dan kan ik je helpen met het installeren van de mod.

Ik hoop dat jullie het naar je zin gaan hebben op deze server, screenshots komen nog.

Het server IP is:
Met vriendelijke groet,
Gino – iBukkit
UltimateFlans Owner



Action Active Art Big Class Com Craft Economy Erver Essential Exp Fac Faction Factions Fun Good Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Network One Online Open Play Playing Rewards Server Skyblock Skywars Star Start Two Version Vote War Welcome

Hello everyone

The minecraft server is back online! We have opened a factions
server to start off, and we are planning to expand into a bigger network
🙂 Currently the factions server is open, and anyone is
welcome to start playing since the essential layout is there. We are using minecraft version

Remember to vote in order to get rewards!

Good luck, have fun!

Action Actions Ass Class Com Enjin Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Follow Forum Join King Looking Meet Noop Open Play Player Players Pvp Rush Rushpvp Semi Server Style Ush Welcome


Welcome to RushPvP factions. A semi-op factions server. Come and join and meet other players looking for a similar experience.


Active Anti Block Cat Class Community Craft Dedi Dedicated Different Experience Fac Faction Factions Game Games Great Grief Ill Join Minigame Minigames Parkour Play Player Players Playing Pvp Raid Server Sky Skyblock Spleef Staff Survival Survival Games Wild


Hello everyone and Welcome to the DifinityCraft Community we offere a great playing experience for all our players we have
-Survival Anti Grief
-Pvp Factions Raid
-Survival Games
And more. Every server is different and all of our dedicated staff members will make your time on DifinityCraft Worth wild. Join now and find out what your missing!

Action Awesome Battle Battles Class Core Craft Custom End Enjoy Fac Faction Factions Friends Game Gameplay Hard Hardcore Innovative Item Items King Make Mob New Noop Open Overpowered Play Playing Power Red Rvival Server Servers Style Survival


ove playing on a hardcore factions servers and enjoying overpowered items and having awesome battles? Check out the TrintonCraft Survival server. You can come on and enjoy a custom mob, hardcore, overpowered survival type of gameplay with friends or even by yourself. We are always looking to implement new and innovative things to make our server one of a kind.


Active Claim Class Contests Difficulty Eco Econ Economy Edit Essentials Game Going Ill Item Items Land Lit Map Mining Mod Play Player Players Playing Rps Server Sign Simple Spawn Spigot Survival Survive Trade Vanilla War Warp Warps World Worldedit Worldguard


Viburnum map-link:
Pure survival.No goofy spawn.No silly contests. Difficulty set on 3. Survive!
Teleport / Warps / Claim and protect your land and property.
Spigot server v1.12.2 Survival mode, difficulty 3.
WorldGuard / WorldEdit / Essentials commands to get your mining going right away. Simple Economy with room to expand by giving Players have the ability to buy/sell/trade items.
Come check it out if you are into playing the game the way it was designed.

Ability Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Class Com Enjin Enjoy Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Grief Happy Ill Land Lit Mcmmo Mmo Noop Open Play Player Players Pvp Ran Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Style Time Welcome


Hello, welcome to my factions server, Griefland. We are happy to see you here and guarantee you will have a fun time. We mainly focus on the optimal experience for our players, also their enjoyment. Our server consists of things like, Double Mcmmo Rates. Also the ability to gain mcmmo from spawners and etc. There is lots to see and do, come out and have some fun.


Action Actions Active Arena Ass Bar Blo Block Blocks Class Cosmos Erver Fac Faction Factions Has Mcm Mcmmo Mew Mmo Mob Moba Mobarena Play Playing Pvp Server Smo Spleef Stuff Survival Multiplayer This Kookskolen

This server has blocks. You can pick up those blocks and move them somewhere else. It’s just like playing Lego, only now with stuff like Factions, mcMMO, MobArena, PvP, Spleef, etc.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Building Class Craft Dynmap Event Free Freedom Fun Great Join King Lore Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Premium Server Silkspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners Testing Town Towny Website World


MnemonicMC is a 1.8 Minecraft server that is open to all to play. No matter if you are a premium user or running an offline client, you are welcome here. Since we accept all players, you must register with /register upon joining and you must login with /login each time you re-join. Now that you know how to get in, lets talk about some details. 😀

Here at Mnemonic, we believe in freedom. The Mnemonic world is an open world ready to explore. Yet at the same time we have made access to every biome available to you so that you can concentrate more on getting materials and building or making money. And if exploring is more your thing, MnemonicMC has took Dynmap one step further with our Mnemonic Dynamic Map Windows Client. With our client you can access the Dynmap with faster speeds than any browser and you have no address bar or buttons to take up space. Allowing you to more easily traverse the terrains and take your voyage further and faster.
We offer several popular plugins such as Towny, McMMO, SilkSpawners and many others to keep you occupied.
We also have many features within our website/forum to make things easier and to add some fun as well. There is a great wealth of information that can be found within the site along with event information, additional features and special attractions only found at Mnemonic.
There is nothing we are lacking…. except for you. So get on board and join our forum at and log on to
** We are currently in testing, So, the server is not 24/7 at the moment**


1.20 100 200 Action Active Ass Bat Battle Class Fac Fact Faction Lmao Pvp Serveur Slots Survival Multiplayer Tim Time


Serveur PvP/Faction 100 slots 1.6.4

Active Active Staff Ass Class Com Craft Creative Day Erver Game Gameplay Help Helpful Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Noop Open Ops Play Player Purge Pvp Rvival Server Shop Shops Staff Style Surviva Survival Top Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Welcome World Worlds


Welcome to Dextopia a Minecraft server with Creative and Survival worlds.
• Purge: PVP on Saturdays
• Player shops
• Vanilla gameplay
We have a helpful and active staff.
Come check out Dextopia.


Active Ass Awesome Beast Class Com Community Craft Craftmc Donator End Ender Erver Eth Ill Inecraft Insane Kit Kits Mad Mean Mine Minecraft Ommunity People Play Rvival Semi Server Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Tmc Together Vanilla Way


A semi-vanilla Survival server that is made for people to play and be an awesome community. No insane donator kits, just people getting together to play Minecraft the way it was meant to be played

Action Actions Ass Cat Class Dedi Dedicated End Erver Euro Europe Fac Faction Factions Features Friendly Gaming Hard Host Hosted Mad Ming Noop Open Plugin Plugins Ran Riendly Rvival Server Staff Style Survival Vis War Website

madgaming is a factions survival server. We have a wide range of plugins, features and friendly staff. Our server is hosted on dedicated hardware located in Europe. Visit our website at for more information on our server.


Active Ass Build City Citybuild Class Craft Creative Die Eam Economy Erver Game Games Gun Gungame Lucky Mine Mini Games Mod Nen Owner Pie Pvp Rush Server Speak Survival Games Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Ten Ush Version


The Stance ist ein Servernetzwerk mit vielen verschiedenen Spielmodi von PVP über TroubleMine bis hin zum guten alten Citybuild.
TeamSpeak³ :
>>>>>> Version: 1.7.2 <<<<<<<<<<<<<
Unser Angebot an Games, die wir auf dem Server haben, ist sehr groß und vor allem abwechslungsreich.
– CityBuild – Marielancraft – Trouble Mine – TM – Rush – PvP – GunGame
Wir freuen uns auf Dich. Viel Spass und Freude wünscht dir das Team
P.S. der eigentliche Owner ist Luckyh20 ( info(at) )

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Pixelmon Server ip And Port. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!