100 2b2t Anarchy Anarchyminecraft Anarchyserver Anti Ass Auto Blo Block Bran Brand Cheat Class Dupe Dupes Eat Ect Erver Fitmc Heat King Near New No Anti Cheat Norules Norulesanarchy One Ran Rule Rules Server Survival Title Work

LoneArchy Anarchy

All Dupes working, no anti cheat, no rules. 100%

Also a brand new server.

116server Apply Block Cat Chat Class Community Create Discord Experience Fun Going Good Grief Griefing Has Ill Map No Griefing Noop Open Owner Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Quest Server Survival Title Toxic Update Vanilla Whitelist

MCBR Vanilla


MCBR Vanilla server is a private vanilla server open to applications for relatively experienced players to have a good time playing together in a tight knit community. There is no griefing and no toxic players, all just good vibes.

Map Created – 10/06/2020

The server has no plugins but when the official 1.16 update is out there will be chat plugins but it is going to stay a vanilla server overall.

Any questions, apply on discord and talk to the owner.

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Craft Ect Erver Exp Experience Galaxy Inecraft Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Nam Perfect Play Pvp Raft Server Servers Title

Galaxy Servers

Want the perfect Minecraft kitpvp experience?

Ass Astro Astrocraft Auto Blo Block Class Com Craft Custom Ect Enhanced Erver Exp Experience Free Ill Mall Mcp Minecraft Nam Play Playing Pro Raft Ree Server Small Sus Title Tom Vanilla Welcome


Welcome to AstroCraft.

Our goal is to sustain a free, vanilla-enhanced, playing experience for our customers!

Check out our small server!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Address Ass Block Buy Buycraft Chestshop Class Cracked Craft Discord Discordsrv Economy Ect Erver Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Griefprevention Ita Lin Link Noop Open Pixel Playershops Pro Pvp Rankup Rtp Server Skins Spigot Store Survival Title Website Webstore


Website: ( In progress… )
Server IP Address:
Discord Invitation Link:

Abilities Amazing Auction Capture Community Craft Creative Creativeplots End Faction Factions Forge Friends Home Homes Leveling Mcmmo Mmo Mod Modpack Need New Pixelmon Pixelmon Reforged Play Player Plugin Plugins Rpg Server Servers Smp Survival Title Tpa Vanilla War World

Penguin Craft SMP/McMMO

A new community with various servers, such as Vanilla 1.15.2 survival journey. with top-notch hosting software. all servers have essential plugins that render your gameplay to the max with Pixelmon Reforged modpack and in the progress of adding another mod pack within a few days. we also have a great amp 1.15.2 backward compatible survival world that has a great community which captures everyones attention by having amazing plugins such as the gift of marrying in-game players to basic commands such as tpa, homes and wild teleport and by having auction allows you to sell items and gain money to buy better more advanced items in your journey. Solo not for you? You can join friends with a group plugin allowing you to join your friends and alliances if needs be. And in the making of adding many more plugins and cool features to the server which include skill leveling up on abilities in-game, please hop on and join out amazing server at, looking forward to seeing you there! 😀

Block Claim Class Craft Cube Eco Econ Economy Essentials Has Island Keys King Mca Mcmmo Minion Minions Mmo Npc Pro Rank Ranks Rps Server Shop Sky Skyblock Spawn Survival Teleport Title Voting War Warp Warps


this server have skyblock and survival.

skyblock has economy and survival has claim
shop and minions and ranks blocks and shop and
and commands you can buy warps and mcammo
here are voting keys and aution and economy andand more welcome on the server. teleport plogin and more.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

116server Class Craft CTF Datapacks Dedicated Fair Haven Head Heads Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlikeserver Irl Join King Lit Map Mature Mission Mob Multiplayer New Open Play Player Players Quest Reset Server Simple Small Smp Sub Survival Title Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Who

CobbleSMP [Vanilla] {1.16 PRE-2} {Whitelist} {SMP} {HermitCraft Inspired} {18+ Members Only} (SEASON TWO)


Hey there, welcome to CobbleSMP! Cobblestone SMP, is a fairly new server. This server is season based, meaning after 4-5 months we will reset the map and the season will change to season 3 (I will say this once, we haven’t figured out the exact date the season will last! I just gave an example) our server as a whole decides when we feel like we’ve done all we can on the server. We will let you decide the date. Anyways, we are currently looking for mature 18+ members, which are respectful to all players and which are dedicated and won’t just leave after a week. We provide a data pack which is not a big change to the server (its just small little tweaks), as we want the server to be pretty vanilla. It includes, player heads, multiplayer sleep, more mob heads, double shulker shells, and plenty more.

Applying To Join CobbleSMP
To apply for Cobblestone SMP you must complete a quick simple form asking some questions on you and your intentions within the server, once completed the form we will get in touch with you within the next 24 hours of submission.

Apply Here :

Auction Claim Combat Craft Currency Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Event Grief Griefprevention Hard Lore Market Mine Minecraft Multiplayer Need Npcs Online Play Player Prevention Pve Pve Economy Pvp Quest Server Small Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Title War World

Luigi World

Luigi World
Economy-driven survival multiplayer

  • SUPPLY & DEMAND ECONOMY. The economy is based around our custom currency, called Monet, and, most importantly, our custom market system which features dynamic prices based on the supply and demand of each resource. This means that when people buy a lot of a particular item, the price will rise, whereas when that item is sold a lot, the price will fall. You can interact with the market through a GUI (using the NPCs at spawn) or through commands.
  • AUCTION HOUSE. For selling items between players, we have a system that lets you auction off items and have other players bid on them.
  • GRIEF PREVENTION. You just need to mark the corners of the area you want to protect with the Land Claim Tool and everything inside it will be protected. You can also grant access to your claim to your friends.
  • PVP TOGGLE. You decide if and when to engage in combat with other players. When your PvP is turned off, other players won’t be able to harm you and you won’t be able to harm them.
  • WORLD EXPANSION QUEST. The world border starts small, but players can expand it by contributing to the goal set by the World Explorer NPC. Be warned though, he drives a pretty hard bargain.
  • BRING YOUR FRIENDS. We have a referral system set up: if you invite your friends to Luigi World, you’ll both get a reward.
  • DISCORD INTEGRATION. You can continue chatting with online players even when you’re not playing, thanks to our Minecraft-Discord integration.
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Bettersleeping Bloodmoon Chairs Chatbrawl Chatgames Civs Coreprotect Crystaldreams Customdungeons Dangerouscaves Dangerousnether Diablodrops Dreams Essentials Family Familyfriendly Friendly Fun Glowing Itemsadder Lightapi Marriage Marriagemaster Mcmmo Modded Mythicdrops Mythicmobs Playerradios Playerranks Playershops Poses Resourcepack Rimworld Semivanilla Slimefun Surivival Treefeller Ultimateclaims Ultimatekits Ultimatetimber

    Crystal Dream World

    CRYSTAL DREAM WORLDSoaring Through the Sky ♥ Even Just For A Day
    Discord: Click to Join Our Dreams

    On the server, we always try to make sure that you’re having a good time. Sometimes there will be bugs and perhaps some crushes but always remember that we always try to work on the issues as soon as possible. Also here are just some of the features that you will find on the server when you do join.

    BetterSleeping: Receive buffs from sleeping. Bloodmoon: A night time that keeps you hiding, but better drops. Chairs: For those who like to roleplay, teaparty anyone? ChatGames: Many chat races to compete with other players and get rewarded. CoreProtect: If you don’t like being griefed, we can restore it. CrystalSparkle: When you die, you wont lost your stuff but you have to pick it up. Glowing: Luminous Objects glow in your hands Jobs: Get a job and make some money. Civs: Make buildings that make money and invite friends. Marriage: Form a bond with your partner and get benefits. McMMO: Gain levels on different skills Custom Dungeons: Explore new dungeons with new loot Player Radios: Broadcast a Station and listen to music TreeFeller: You cut down alot of trees already, so we make it easier Slimefun: Advance your research to discover new recipes


    We are interested in our players helping us monetize our server but we aren’t going to do it the way other servers have done it. Our server strives to be friendly to both adults and chidren. We decided to remove loot crates; it kinda feels like gambling to be honest. We might add it in future but we won’t make it such that you used actual money to roll. We want our players to have fun so we provide almost everything on a progression basis. Which means you can even earn fun cosmetics for free. Monetization is done through donation mainly and we improve the server even more for each donation goal we achieve.

    We Hope You Enjoy Your Visit On The Server ♥ Even though it might just Be For A Day

    Art Best Block Class Craft Discord Dynmap Earth Earthmap Earthmc Economy Ect Erver Exp Experience Geo Geoearth Geopol Geopolitical Inecraft Link Lit Map Mine Minecraft Noop Open Political Pro Pvp Rides Server Title Town Towny World


    We are a GeoPolitical, Earth, Towny, Minecraft Server!

    GeoEarth strides to provide the best GeoPolitical Earth experience in Minecraft.



    Amazing Ass Auto Ava Blo Block Buy Buycraft Class Craft Ect Erver Fast Lin Mc Server Mcserver Nam Nen Owner Perfect Raft Rvival Sell Selling Server Spigot Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survivor Title


    Finsurvivors on suomalainen mahtava MC palvelin.
    Mahtava survival, nopea serveri, mahtava buycraft myydään owner 10M . Mahtava server, nopea palvelin, survival palvelin. Täydellinen palvelin!

    Finsurvivors is an amazing finnish MC server.
    Amazing survival, fast server, amazing buycraft selling owner for 10M / 8.8M
    Amazing server, fast server, survival server. Perfect server!

    Acid Age Ages Application Arrow Ass Block Bran Brand Cat Class Com Craft Dcraft Discord Ect Erver Hermit Hermitcraft Hoe Images Join Link List Mage New Noop Open Rome Server Style Sub Survival Multiplayer Title Whitelist Whitelisted World


    [​img]chrome-extension://gafjimepaiecpbmbmgaefokbekhoecaj/images/right-arrow.png[​/img] A whitelisted server that is in the style of HermitCraft, come join. Its on a brand new world, Submit your application here!!!

    Auction Base Based Block Class Cloud Crate Cratekeys Economy Economyoff End Erver Fight Friends House Join Keys Mcpvp Ops Play Player Players Pvp Rank Ranks Rps Server Shop Shops Snow Title Vanilla War Warp Warps

    Snowcloud [1.8 – 1.15.2]

    Snowcloud PVP

    Welcome to Snowcloud!

    Snowcloud is a PVP based server where you can fight your friends, players, and more!

    We have warps, shops, auction house, ranks, crate keys, and more!

    We hope that you consider joining!

    Bees Community Communitydriven Craft Esssentials Friendlycommunity Friendlymembers Hermitcraft Paperspigot Shops Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist Whitelisted Wild Wilderness

    Bee Time

    Bee Time is a friendly, growing vanilla community using no cheated items or abilities such as flight, teleportation (to a certain extent /spawn /home /wild) or claims. We do have plugins to protect our players and deal with those who dare do bother. We try our best to involve our whole community and create something truly unique. We are looking for more dedicated friendly survival players to join us.

    We have a small whitelist application which all of our players have to fill. This application tries to prevent griefers, hackers, trolls from joining but also gives us a small introduction about the player.

    Please apply in our discord:

    1v1 Adventure Archery Arena Bows Castlewars Checkers Chickens Creative Fantasy Friendly Games Minecraft Minigames Mmorpg Paintball Pvp Realtimestrategy Rpg Rts Shooting Sky Snowball Survival Unique World

    Govindas Limework [1.12.2-1.15.x] Unique, High Quality and Very Friendly Server

    Hello everyone! I’m here to present you my server, Govindas Limework!

    Nearly everything on the server is custom-coded!
    High-quality minigames!
    Friendly community!
    Unique content!
    17+ gamemodes and frequent updates!
    A long development cycle.
    Over 4 years of work.


    Castle Wars: Two great armies of Artificial Intelligence battle against each other in an awesome action!
    Knockout: Really addicting and fast-paced minigame, the goal is simple: knocking players off the platform.
    Mini Sky Walls: Bedwars and skywars spin-off. Contains the best features of both gamemodes!
    The Mining Camp: Fun griding game, much like Prisons. Go through different caves and unlock more stuff!
    Friendly Survival: Modded-like feel and tons of new content, what could be better?
    Old-school Survival: Survival based on older versions of Minecraft. Nostalgia is a certainty.
    Parkour: Hard and challenging jumps, plenty of checkpoints. A couple of well-balanced parkours.
    Bomberman: Minecraft minigame based on an old arcade with the same name. Use bombs to trap and destroy your opponents.
    Govindas Survival Games: a massively-modified version of SG, with a pinch of custom loot from RPG games!
    Spleent: destroy the map with TNT and knock your opponents! A really spectacular and awesome minigame!
    Snowball: use snowballs to kill your enemies! A simplified but addicting version of CS:GO!
    Chicken Shoot: shoot chickens and compete with your friends to be the best of all!
    1v1: duel your opponents using a massive amount of modifiers!
    Elemental Archers: a unique mode of its kind. Battle solo or in teams against other people using a range of different abilities.
    Creative World: a well-known creative world minigame with a plenty of content of ease your existence. Ranging from simple armour stand creators to custom and easy-to-use programming languages!
    Realm of Almarath: a heavy-development and constantly changing gamemode based on RPG games. Explore the world and fight enemies. Level up to get stronger and enjoy the custom loot!

    A lot of other awesome features await you on the server! Feel free to join now!

    Server IP:
    Version: 1.12.2+

    Adult Combat Community Create Creative Custom Customplugins Customtexturepack Discord Eco End Events Exploration Faction Fantasy Forums Java Kingdom Kingdoms Lore Medieval Minecraft Mmo Mmorpg Pay Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Quest Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Stories Story Survival Whitelist

    Tales of Acanem – Casual Medieval Fantasy Roleplay

    For Minecraft Java 1.14.4 (due to certain restrictions)

    What is Tales of Acanem?
    Tales of Acanem is a light D&D styled Roleplay server taking influences from D&D mechanics and tossing in a few features from the Witcher- while keeping a dark and gritty theme. We’re not a MMORPG, so be prepared to bring forth your creative juices and imagination! We heavily focus on player satisfaction, veering away from any and all Pay-to-Win features whatsoever. We’re here to create beautiful story and get players invested in what we have to offer, while also allowing players to live out their character’s lives to their fullest. You don’t need to be a professional roleplayer to join us, all are welcome to join and try us out!

    General Lore:
    The World of Acanem was created many, many years ago, letting rise to the empires and kingdoms of old that came and went along with the histories that took place within them. Scholars of this day were able to find records of the now settled world which takes place 982 years ago to this day. It was created through a melding of the outside planes that the creator gods had made. However, to what age that was is long lost to time and man. The age is now dubbed the Age of Exploration or A.E.
    Our lore is vast and expansive. And we only want to improve upon it more by letting the players’ choices affect the future…
    Other Features:
    – Survival World (For when you’re bored or just up to play with friends!)
    – Plenty-o-Plugins
    – Custom World
    – Editted custom texture pack (with permission!)
    – Custom domain!
    – Plenty of lore and Gods to read up on!
    – Custom combat system (We use dice too!)
    – Personal and Global events!
    … And many more.
    For the safety of our server, we prefer a community with the age of 16+ to prevent potential lawsuits and having to deal with unhappy parents due to the content of our server. Reasons being:
    – Drugs & Alcohol use
    – Blood/Gore/Extreme Violence
    – Vulgar language
    – Horror themes

    We do not allow any sexual or adult activities on the server or on our Discord/forums.

    How to Join:
    For the safety and quality of our server, we do have a Whitelist in place. But thankfully, our application process isn’t too difficult. Just requires that you read through what you need to know and set up your first character. From there, you’re able to hop on and explore the world! To join, follow this LINK. That will take you to our Whitelist format. Copy the format and create a new thread in the Whitelist Application forum by clicking on ‘New Thread’. If you have any further questions or concerns, feel free to chat with us on the DISCORD.
    We can’t wait to potentially see you on board!

    Action Admin Admins Apply Better Big Block Build Builder Builders Cat Class Com Construction Cool Craft Erver Event Events Fac Faction Fun Lol Mine Ming Owner Play Playing Rvival Server Ship Star Start Survival Title Vanilla World

    Yeet Craft


    yeet-craft is a survival/faction world with loads of cool events and fun for everyone it is currently under construction but you can start playing it it is getting better everyday and a big event is coming out.

    Ownership: Big1by_Wolf

    Captain_Builder: Name forgotten lol

    Builders: we are currently trying to get builders so get on the server and comunicate to apply for builder

    Admin:we are currently trying to get Admins so get on the server and comunicate to apply for Admin

    Anarchy Bosses Customenchants Custommobs Customterrain Dungeons Dynmap Economy Elitemobs Exoticgarden Faction Pvp Factions Hardmonsters Kitpvp Mcmmo Mmocore Mmoitems Mobarena Mobcatcher Petblocks Radio Shop Skyblock Slimefun Survivalgames

    Nepucraft 1.15

    A new server looking for players. Several plugins, with a little something for everyone. Always active owner, and always looking forward to feedback. This server is an enhanced survival experience, with custom mobs and bosses, classes, custom items, custom biomes, massive dungeons, slimefun, more loot, mob arena, and custom enchantments. If we get enough players we will include kitpvp, hunger games, creative and skyblock at a vote. Really hope you join!

    Block Build Challenge Class Craft Crafting Creeper Difficult Empire Enchant Enchantment Erver Event Hard Help Helpful Ill Item Level Limited Mini Mining Play Player Players Pro Server Servers Star Start Survival Survive Title Top Welcome


    Welcome to the ShadowEmpire hard challenge server, There are a few changes to the way players craft and build; Most importantly is the crafting restrictions such as no pickaxe, bucket, low-level item and enchantment table crafting. players must overcome these limitations to survive in SE. and eventually thrive.

    Players will find the Creeper Quarry to be a helpful starter to blast mining, and the servers only enchantment table atop Mount Doom should prove difficult to even the most veteran of crafters.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server That Hosts Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!