Create Insta Instagram Ios Lsp Miner Modpack Nda Pac Pack Pixelmon Pixelmon Server Ram Tag Who

Latios Pixelmon

A pixelmon server on the pixelspark modpack

We are a small community of Friends who Created this Pixelmon server for our Instagram community.

be sure to follow us at

Ace Community Feature Features Kitpv Kitpvp Lsp Mmu Place Prison Riendly Skyblock Soon Survival Unique


Welcome to RoyalsPlace Network!
We are a friendly community with unique features !
Servers that our server will feature:
– KitPvP (open’d)
– Prison (soon)
– Skyblock (soon)
– Survival (soon)

Aternos Creative Dio Lsp Mad Magi Magic Magica Magical Mini Games Park Prod Pvp Rod Survival


A server made by the production of ToonyStudio’s this is a server that will open soon and will have custom game modes free ranks ans custom event so stay tuned when we open

Afk Animal Animals Aves Caves Curse Curseforge Economy Hardcore Library Lsp Nature No swearing Respectful Swearing


We’re looking for players 16+ who can follow rules and be respectful. No swearing, no griefing, limited afk, have fun and make beautiful builds. Only looking for serious players that will take their time and be dedicated to the game they like most.

Must install the following to be able to play:

To whitelist to this server, post your IGN in the discord whitelist section.

Arena Arenas Aternos Creative Grief Protected List Lsp Please Protect Protected Skyblock Spicy Survival Wip Worlds

The Spicy Server

This server is a work in progress currently focused on grief protected survival. Please let me know what else you’d like me to add to the ‘To Do’ list.

– Grief-Protected Survival … DONE
– Grief-Protected Creative … DONE
– Skyblock Worlds … WIP
– Economy … WIP
– Rank System … WIP
– Kit PvP and Arenas … To Do

Please send me a message in the game if you have any questions.

-TRS (The Real Spicy)

Amazing Apply Basic Call Elf Grind Kitpv Kitpvp Lsp Mad Mobs Ortal Pve Pvp Twist


This Server is all about KitPvP!!!! it’s an amazing server to start doing kitpvp! But, their is a plot twist! We made a system called KitPvE. This is basically KitPvP but against Mobs! You grind out to get yourself a server in-game rank! to be the best pvper on our server! I hope to see you around! ALSO looking for some minor staff members to apply and also to play along too!

Abba Aden Adminshop Aktiv Bauen Freundlich Kreativ Lsp Minecraftserver Spring Survival Tda Tik Unendlich X 3

UpSkiller Survival

Willkommen zu UpSkiller Survival! ///

Der Server ist aktuell auf der 1.15.2!

UpSkiller Suvival kann dir jetzt schon vieles bieten, auch wenn der Server noch im Aufbau ist.
Daher sind wir fรผr Ideen und Kritik immer offen. Dass heiรŸt, du kannst uns bei dem Aufbau des Server unterstรผtzen und UpSkiller Survival zu einem noch besseren Ort machen!
Verwirkliche dein Traumgrundstรผck und werde durch den Verkauf von Items reich!
Wir bieten dir auf UpSkiller Survival viele aufregende Stunden, in denen du deine Kreativitรคt und deine PvP-Skills forderst!

Das steht auf dem Programm:

Unser Server!
– ein freundliches und kompetentes Admin-Team
– erweiterter DDoS-Schutz um deinen SpielspaรŸ nicht zu gefรคhrden
– spielerfreundliches Umfeld- die neusten Plugins, die kontinuierlich optimiert werden
– viele spannende und interessante Events
– Job-System- Player Shops und Adminshop mit eigenem GUI

Die Events!
Wir geben dir die Mรถglichkeit, bei unseren Events wertvolle Items zu gewinnen und dabei eine menge SpaรŸ zuhaben!
– monatlich suchen wird ein Grundstรผck, dass besonders schรถn ist
– Zufรคllige Events von unserem TeamUnser

– Lass deiner Kreativitรคt freien lauf, aber Vorsicht! Hier kann jeder alles Abbauen!
– LWC damit deine Truhen gesichert sind
– Vorsicht! Hier ist PvP Aktiv
– Du kannst dich zufรคllig Teleportieren lassen um dich vor “Campern” zu schรผtzen

Unser Citybuild!
Hier kannst du deiner Kreativitรคt freien lauf lassen und deine hart erarbeiteten Items aufbewahren!
– Grundstรผcke kรถnnen durch Ingamewรคhrung gekauft werden
– ein Grundstรผck ist 32 x 32 Blรถcke groรŸ
– zwei aneinander grenzenden Grundstรผcken, kรถnnen zu einem groรŸen Grundstรผck zusammengefรผgt werden
– jeder Spieler darf unendlich Grundstรผcke besitzen

Citybuild fรผr eure Shops!
Baue deinen eigenen Laden und verkaufe deine Items!
– Shop-Grundstรผcke kรถnnen durch Ingamewรคhrung gekauft werden
– ein Shop-Grundstรผck ist 16 x 16 Blรถcke groรŸ
– personalisierte VerkaufskistenUnsere

MiniGames! (im Aufbau)
Kรคmpf um dein รœberleben, Springe um ein Parkour zu รผberwinden, werde der aller beste Spieler auf UpSkiller Survival!
– Survival Games
– Spleef
– PvP-Arena

Also, falls du einen Server suchst:
– wo noch alles mรถglich ist
– bei dem du einer der ersten Spieler sein kannst
– der einen Ort zum Abschalten und zum Skill trainieren bietetDann bist du bei uns genau richtig.

Sei ein teil unserer Community und gestallte unseren Server mit!Die Community und unser Team freuen sich schon auf dich!

Cell Cells Custom Minecraft Detailed Economy Interaction Lsp Mcmmo Mcpr Politic Politics Pyre Seed Tebex Towny


Cellspyre is a 1.13.2 Minecraft server that has many preferable plugins that include but are not limited to, Towny, mcMMO, and Dynmap. Cellspyre’s Minecraft server has a custom Minecraft seed that forms the entire World! In said world, you may create/join towns and create/join nations!!! Check out our dynmap:

Our Official Cellspyre Discord server is dedicated to politics/social interactions. However, it is also used for the Cellspyre Minecraft Server!

A detailed list of server information may be found here:

Alliance Alliances Castles Corn Factions Hardcore Lsp Outpost Outposts Pvp Raiding Spirit Survival Unforgiving Villages

Medieval Spirit

Medieval Spirit is a server hosted in the UK, featuring, as the name suggests, a medieval approach to this game, with castles and villages, raids and war at every corner.

Disclaimer: This server is meant to be hard and unforgiving

Explore the world in hard difficulty, running away or facing direct PVP combat. Medieval spirit runs on a factions system, where the main goal is to create the biggest, strongest faction, over-claim other factions to make outposts, and reach wealth through selling whichever resources you have raided. Grief, overcome and obliterate your enemies, or form strong alliances to become even stronger.

Do you have what is needed to rule surpass all other factions?

Anarchie Bald Bauen Chop Citybuild Freebuild German International Kreativ Lsp Skyblock Stadt Survival Tren Zia

[ohboii] Survival Server

Der [ohboii] Survival-Server stellt sich gegen den Trend der PvP und Minispiel-Server. Wir bieten eine Reihe Spielmodi, welche vorwiegend auf dem klassischen Survival-Prinzip aufbauen, wie man es im Jahre 2011 noch von vielen groรŸen Servern gewohnt war. Und es ist fรผr jeden etwas dabei:


Ein Klassiker der spรคten Beta-Zeit, welcher sich bis Heute bewรคhrt: Schnapp’ die ein Grundstรผck in der Stadt (keine Plotwelt!), verdiene Geld mittels Berufen oder dem Handel von Items mit anderen Spielern. Investiere deine Verdienste in neue Grundstรผcke oder Haustiere, oder hoffe auf den groรŸen Gewinn in der Lotterie! Als Entwicklungsstรคrkster Teil des Servers erfรคhrst du hier auch die meisten Neuerungen und kannst natรผrlich auch gerne deinen eigenen Senf dazugeben!


Keine Lust auf festgelegte Grundstรผcke? Dann auf zum Freebuild, dort bestimmst du selbst die Grenzen deines Grund und Bodens. Natรผrlich ist dieser dann auch vor anderen Spielern geschรผtzt. Du kannst dich am Spawn auch an einen zufรคlligen Ort auf der Karte teleportieren, um ein freies Stรผck Land zu finden.


Eine winzige Insel, der massives Potenzial entlockt werden kann, sofern man seine Kreativitรคt gรคnzlich ausschรถpft! Schon Tausende von Spielern hatten viel SpaรŸ in der reinsten Ausgabe dieses Formates, doch wir legen noch eine Schippe drauf: Du kannst zwischen drei Start-Inseln wรคhlen, auf Challenges hinzuarbeiten und dafรผr grรผndlich entlohnt werden! Ob alleine oder im Team – Viele Stunden SpielspaรŸ sind vorprogrammiert!


(ehem. Anarchie / kommt bald) International ist Fraktionen (oder Factions) einer der beliebtesten Spielmodi, jetzt mรถchen Wir euch dieses Spielerlebnis auch bieten. Grรผnde eine Fraktion mit deinen Freunden, sichert euch Land und schlieรŸt Bรผndnisse mit anderen Fraktionen. Auch das Farmen in der Wildnis kann gefรคhrlich sein, ein Trupp Gegner kรถnnte euch auflauern und ausnehmen wollen!

Das Serverteam fokussiert seine Arbeit รผberwiegend auf den Citybuild-Server, um euch dort eine mรถglichst abwechslungsreiche Welt mit vielen spannenden und spaรŸigen Funktionen prรคsentieren zu kรถnnen.
Haben wir dich รผberzeugen kรถnnen? Dann besuche uns noch Heute in Minecraft oder auf unserer Website und werde Teil einer stetig wachsenden Community, deiner Community! [ohboii]

Aus Competitive Emo Extra Follow Gamemode Gamemodes Gio Minecraft Server Network Mode Mpet Pet Region Unch Vanilla



**What is it?**
**DaVanilla** is a minecraft server network with a bunch of competitive gamemodes, will you be the best? because anyone can be the best

**Really new server**

**Extra info**
region: me

Accepting Bully Dclaim Economy Gems Knight Landclaim Prank Sale Survie Survival Vanilla Viking Vote Voteparty


  • KNIGHTWORLD is a survival server with different Warps (survival, spawn, pvp, nether, casino, farm), an attentive staff. In your adventures, you will notice an economy system, claims, spawner in addition to a PvP event at each VoteParty. Join us!

    Lien discord = site =
    ๐Ÿ›ก๏ธ – LandClaim (2000 Blocks of claim at the start)
    โ›๏ธ – Spawner (Pioche ร  spawner + Spawner shop)
    ๐Ÿ’ฒ – Economy (2500 Coins at the start)
    ๐Ÿ“ฅ – Shop (Buy items for coins)
    ๐Ÿ“ – HDV (Sale between players)
    ๐Ÿ“ค – Sale (Sell items for coins)
    ๐ŸŽ‰ – UPRANK (a random player gains a random rank once a month)
    ๐Ÿ† – VoteParty (Event PVP + PerteStuffOff + DropItem + VoteBox)
    ๐ŸŽ – VoteBox (Spawner, Minerais, Coins, Gems, Blocs de claim, Key…)
    ๐Ÿ’ธ – Casino (Crate/Loterie/BoxKey/CoinsKey)
    ๐ŸŒ – Warp (Casino Event Farm Nether Rtp)
    ๐Ÿ“ฃ – Warp Farm (example of Farm/Sorter accepting limits)
    โš”๏ธ – PVP 1.8 (In survival ON between 10h and 22h/Always ON in nether)
    ๐Ÿ”ฑ – Grade (Youtube Twitch Mythique Hero Elite Guide Sponsor)
    โš’๏ธ – Kit (Mythic Hero Elite Guide Survival Claim)
    โš ๏ธ – Staff (Admin Membre.Staff Helper)
    ๐Ÿ’ฐ – DeliverymanChest (automatic seller)
    ๐Ÿ’ณ – Store (Spawner rare, Skill, Key, LivreurChest, CommandeBonus)
    ๐Ÿ’ณ – Boutique (Grade, ClaimBonus, Gems)

    ๐Ÿ“› To know! Any advantage purchasable at the Boutique or the Store can be obtained without paying. Gems, ClaimBonus obtainable in VoteBoxes and Grade obtainable during events in addition to one UPRANK per month. ๐Ÿ“›

  • Categories
    Additional Difficult Extra Greg GregTech Horizon Maps Master Official Resource Resources Routine Space Survive Tech

    GT New Horizons server Minecraft

    This is a difficult server to both survive and develop. The main focus is on the GregTech 5 Unofficial mod, which additional mods help to master. For a variety of routine maps, there is a Galactiะกraft mod that will allow you to go into space to extract more valuable resources.


    Access April Crafting Customcraftingrecipes Customitems Gadgets How To How To Get Massa Mcpe Moddedsmp Smp Survival Telegram Thanks

    AVMB_SMP(modded smp)

    Minecraft best modded smp. Java+Be/pe. Custom crafting things and gadgets. Not 24/7 but you can get access to start the server. Join now. Check my yt chhanle AV MINECRAFT BROTHERS. (After 4 April)(1st mcpe modded smp)
    How to get access for start the server?
    1. Go to
    2. Create account and note your username!
    3. Go to telegram and search ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ”” AVMB_SMP”
    4. Join and massage your noted username !
    5. When i reply your massage go to your servers in aternos you will got it!!

    Arenapvp Arenas Community Creative Dedicatedstaff Eco Econemy Events Freindly Minigames Pve Pve Economy Pvp Rewardvoting Semivanilla Skyblock

    RanderCraft PvE Non-Grief Community

    RanderCraft Minecraft Server// Skyblock // Non-grief Survival // Arenas // Economy

    We strive to provide the best community atmosphere possible, with our thriving chat and frequent server events! What makes us different from other servers?

    For one, we are strictly against pay-to-play. ALL donor perks such as fly, speed, nick are available to all players to purchase with in game money.

    We understand how much time and effort you put into your builds and how devastating it can be to lose them. Rest assured, with our anti-grief plugins any grief or raiding will be undone and PvP is disabled! Alongside that, chests are automatically protected on placement. Alongside Relaxed Survival, we have multiple worlds for Creative & Mini-games! Here at RanderCraft- we ensure our staff members know exactly what they are doing, and have knowledgeable experience of our server. You will rank up in accordance to your helpfulness and general vibe towards your fellow players. We know that all of our staff are fair, consistent, friendly and responsible at all times.

    You can ask any staff member for help anytime. RanderCraft does not tolerate any form of staff abuse or ignorance towards players. That said, items are not spawned in and all of our staff (Including admins) play in survival. What are you waiting for? Join now!! IP:๏ปฟ

    Awesome Custom Mob Custom Mobs Dun Dungeon Dungeons Landclaim Loaded Mmorpg Reloaded Steampunk Surival Survival Suvival Twist

    MineHub Reloaded

    Minehub Reloaded Suvival Gameplay with a twist of MMORPG. Come play with us and explore the world of Minehub! Friendly Staff and Awesome community! Added with dungeons and Custom Mobs. What are you waiting for? Join Us

    Content East Ftc Join A Server Medium Meet Meetings Mus Proximity Smp Stand Survival Uptime Voice Weekly

    SwiftCraft SMP

    SwiftCraft SMP

    Want to join in with others in a small to medium size SMP? Want to join a server where players help each other thrive? Want to join a server where new content and features are constantly being added?
    SwiftCraft SMP IS FOR YOU!

    SwiftCraft SMP Features

  • 99% Uptime
  • Weekly townhall meetings
  • Frequent Updates
  • Frequent Events
  • Active Support
  • Discord Connection
  • Proximity Voice Chat through Discord!
  • Why not join us now, at!

    You are REQUIRED to be at least 13 years old, and you must be in Our Discord to join! Than you for your understanding!

    Conflict Diplomacy Discord Economy Forging Mcmmo Metro Metropolis Pvp Siegewar Supportive Survival Towny Towny Minecraft Towny Minecraft Server


    Are you tired of the same old Minecraft experience? Look no further than Mega-Earth, a towny Minecraft server where players can build their own towns, form nations, and work together to create a thriving community.

    Mega-Earth is a unique and exciting Minecraft server that offers players a chance to immerse themselves in a world of diplomacy, politics, and community building. Whether you’re looking to create a bustling metropolis or a quaint village, our server offers a range of opportunities to flex your creative muscles and build your dream town.

    But Mega-Earth is more than just a collection of towns. Players can also work together to form nations, forging alliances and treaties to create a powerful and prosperous community.

    And if you’re looking for a challenge, Mega-Earth offers plenty of opportunities for conflict and competition. Players can engage in wars powered by the SiegeWar plugin to assert their dominance over other nations.

    But at the heart of Mega-Earth is a community of players who are dedicated to building a vibrant and supportive community. Our server offers a range of social events and activities, from festivals to competitions, so players can connect and build friendships with others from around the world.

    So why settle for a boring Minecraft experience when you can join the thriving community on Mega-Earth? Come join us today and start building your dream town and nation!

    Advertising Country Economy Lover Lovers Nameless Plugins Points Regions Roles Russia Security Ssia Survival Vanilla

    Well-Craft ru server Minecraft

    Server for lovers of lamp vanilla survival. There is an economy (built on the players), some plugins for convenience and security such as regions, / home and a couple more for comfortable survival among other players. Griffering is also there, however, with some nuances.

    General information:

    The country of the Well-Craft project is Russia.

    The project has an ip address

    The server runs on the latest version of minecraft.

    A few points for clarification:

    *) We do not distribute roles to the nameless.

    *) For advertising with a result, you can get VIP or VIP+.

    Battles Biome Biomes Challenges Challenging Corn Hidden Mini-games Need Staff Oasis Seasonal Survival Treasure Treasures Vast

    Oasis MC – Need Staff – Apply Now

    Welcome to “The Oasis”! Our server is a Minecraft survival community where players can explore a vast, custom-generated world filled with unique biomes and hidden treasures.

    Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, you’ll find plenty to do on our server. Build a cozy home, gather resources, or team up with others to tackle challenging dungeons and bosses. We also have a variety of mini-games and events, including parkour challenges, PvP battles, and seasonal festivities.

    Join us and immerse yourself in a friendly, welcoming community where adventure awaits around every corner.

    2023 Competitions Creations Creative Mode Cross-Play Crossplay Minecraft Player Minecraft Players Minecraftbedrock Minecraftjava Norules Pvp Rare Items Smp Survival

    Shytz Server | Survival | PVP | Crates | 1.19.7

    Welcome to Shytz! Get ready for an adventure like no other, with a thriving community, a huge survival world and endless opportunities for creativity. Whether you’re an experienced player or new to the game, there’s something for everyone on our server. Join us now and let the fun begin!

    Our server is compatible with the latest version of the game and features a survival world, a creative mode and various crates and rewards.

    Shytz Server | Survival | PVP | Crates | 1.19.7 Minecraft Server

    In our survival world, you can fight with other players to survive, gather resources and build your own structures. You can also take part in competitions and challenges to earn special rewards.

    Shytz Server | Survival | PVP | Crates | 1.19.7 Minecraft Server

    If you prefer Creative Mode, you can let your imagination run wild and build amazing creations without having to worry about the restrictions of the Survival world. We also have a variety of crates that you can open for rare items, resources and other rewards.

    Shytz Server | Survival | PVP | Crates | 1.19.7 Minecraft Server

    Our server is open to all Minecraft players, regardless of your experience level. We have a dedicated and friendly team of moderators who are happy to help you with any questions or problems you may have.

    We invite you to join our Minecraft server and become part of our community. We are sure you will have a great time with us ๐Ÿ˜Š!

    Discord server:

    No mods are used you can just join))



    JAVA :


    Bedrock :


    port: 19132

    Server is cross-play: means the same server can run both Java and bedrock Edition at the same time.

    1.7 Asia Challenge Conquer Fat Fate In Minecraft Predict Skill Survival Terra Terrain Tren Ultimate Wild

    Asia Pacific Anarcy

    Looking for a real challenge in Minecraft? Join our anarchy server and test your survival skills like never before! With no rules or restrictions, it’s a free-for-all world where players create their own fate. Fight or ally with other players to conquer the wild and unpredictable terrain. Can you survive in this ultimate test of wits and strength? Join us now and find out!

    Banners Creative Entertainment Farmwelt Music Mvp Pocket Pocketgames Song Stands Tetris Tga Tik Tntrun Xbox

    Cacjs is a Creative Server and stands for Creative all can join Server.
    There are VIP and MVP ranks. There are many plugins for entertainment there.
    In order to be able to build in the city you need a permission that can be obtained,
    by sending an email to [email protected],
    which says in which area you want to build.


    -Plotwelt Creative
    -Plot World Survival

    Standard commands:
    / lobby | Go to the lobby
    /pocket |Open a menu with a large collection of games
    /sign | Sign an item
    /rewards | Collect your daily reward
    / music | Play notepad music
    / menu | Play Songs (Requires Resource Pack)
    /tf | Play Tetris
    /ball | Query account balance
    /pay | transfer money
    /bannermaker | create banners
    /p claims | claim plot
    /p delete | Clear Plot
    /gmenu main | Open gadget menu
    /warp | Teleport to a warp
    /msg | Write a private message

    Casino Dun Dungeon Dungeons Fres Fresh Geo Jobs Kills Myst Release Rift Skill Skills Survival

    Mysterion Survival RPG

    Mysterion Survival RPG [Beta Release]

    Come and join a new and fresh Survival Server with a lot of features!

    -The Rift
    and many more…

    Join now!

    1.19.4 Capture Community Communitysmp Communitysurvival Creation Creations Griefprevention Landclaim New World Semivanilla Smp Spirit Survival Vanilla

    Vanilla Vista SMP | Survival | Friendly | Semi-Vanilla | 1.19.4

    Welcome to Vanilla Vista, a semi-vanilla Minecraft server that provides an authentic survival server experience. Our SMP community is dedicated to providing a fun and friendly environment where players can explore, build, and interact with each other. With our land-claiming plugin, you can rest assured that there is no griefing and that your creations will remain safe.

    At Vanilla Vista, we believe in maintaining the true essence of Minecraft while still offering a few helpful plugins to enhance gameplay. Our goal is to provide an experience that captures the spirit of Minecraft’s survival server gameplay.

    Join us now and start your adventure in our brand-new world! Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, our community welcomes you to come and explore what our semi-vanilla Minecraft server has to offer.

    Axe Best Minecraft Bomb Bombs Bov Drops Keys Mining Monthly Prison Show Supplydrops Tour Tournament Tournaments


    Welcome to AzarkMC!

    Number 1 Axe PvP Prison server with tons of unique features. Our server is no doubt one of the best Minecraft Axe PvP Prison servers to ever exist, to show you what we mean, here is a list of things we provide above other servers to show you why we are the best:



    So what are you waiting for? Join Today!

    Join us on our discord server!

    Advanced Advancedenchantments Balance Emperor Enchantment Enchantments Guy Kingdoms Mines Myth Mythic Mythicmob Mythicmobs Professions Survival

    Eridia Kingdoms

    Welcome to Eridia Kingdoms!

    We are a roleplay, kingdoms pvp server.
    Our main focus is to provide a great balance between roleplay and PvP, join the server, choose your professions, create you kingdom and go to war to become Emperor or Empress of Eridia!
    Plugins we have:
    Regenerating mines!

    Hopefully you guys hop on by and enjoy the server!

    1.2 4.7 Survival Multiplayer

    Server server Minecraft

    The server owner ‘Server’ has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    2023 Chamber Country Giveaway Giveaways Proximity Proximity Chat Season Seasons Ship Ships Smp Minecraft Survival Talk Upload

    Chamberla SMP


    โ— โ€บโ€บ GREAT STAFF!โ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒโ€ƒ

    โ— โ€บโ€บ GREAT COMMUNITY!





    โ— โ€บโ€บ SERVER SEASONS!



    โ— โ€บโ€บ PROXIMITY CHAT!

    โ— โ€บโ€บ SO MUCH MORE!

    Discord: Chamberla

    Chamberla SMP Minecraft Server

    Annihilation Bed Wars Bridges Creative Criminal Csgo Defense Ghosts Hideandseek Jumps Mini Games Pvp Skyblock Survival Survive

    MineGames BRIDGES Hide and Seek DUELS KILLER SKY BEDS server Minecraft

    * Duels
    *Murder Mystery
    * Sky Wars
    * skyblock
    *Bed Wars
    * Survival
    * Build Battle
    * Hide And Seek
    * Destroyer
    Big server with mini games
    – Annihilation is a PvP game between 4 teams
    – Your team’s goal is to destroy the opponent’s crystal
    “Where can they collect resources, create defenses”
    * Duels
    – Mode for fans of PvP battles
    *Murder Mystery
    – Mystery killing games is a game where
    – One of the party members is secretly playing the killer
    – Arc plays a detective who needs to kill a criminal
    โ€œAnd the rest of the participants have to determine who the culprit is.โ€
    – And hide from him, or kill if they have a bow and arrow
    – Play the famous CS:GO in Minecraft!
    * Sky Wars
    – Battle on islands in the sky
    – Each player/team spawns on their own island
    – The goal is to be the last player or team alive
    – Kill players with weapons or knock them down
    * skyblock
    – Survive on the island with minimal resources available
    – Expand your island, develop farming and prosper
    – Earn points for your island
    *Bed Wars
    – Bed Wars – you and teammates spawn on islands
    – There is a bed on the island, your task is to protect it
    – The goal is to destroy opponents’ beds, kill them to win
    – Full access to creative mode
    * Survival
    – 5 worlds to survive: Normal, Fantastic, Village, Hell and Ender
    * BuildBattle – New
    Builder battle, in 5 minutes you must build the item from the task.
    * HideAndSeek – New
    There are Hide and Seek, there are Ghosts, there are Hunters and every team strives to win.
    * Bridge – New
    The goal of Bridge is to cross a one block wide bridge from your base to your opponent’s base and jump into their portal to score a goal. Each time a teammate jumps into the opposing team’s portal, your team earns a point and all players reappear at the starting gate.

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!