080 800 Allies Creates Data Pack Data Packs Explora Exploration Interaction Lgbt Lgbtq Lgbtqia Survival Terralith Viewers

Allies Retreat

Allies Retreat is a cozy, tight knit, LGBTQIA+ friendly community founded by content creator SoderCreates and inhabited by his viewers and close friends.

We’re focused on exploration, friendly interactions and interesting builds. The server features modern world generation data packs like Terralith and RPG mods like McMMO. We want to keep the vanilla feel of Minecraft, but with incentives to keep on playing.

The server opened up August 17th 2022, so we’re open for feedback on what you want to see. Feel free to contact me or any of the mods via the /mail send command.

Welcome! <3

/ Soder

138 Arena Claims Family Family Friend Family Friendly Gon Hats Idea Jobs Magi Mob Arena Openworld Smp Survival

Whitebane MC

Whitebane MC

Your imagination. Your idea, build it. create it. conquor it.

WhitebaneMC is a Family Friendly SMP.

Claims, Jobs, Mob Arena and some more.

Rank up with playing and have input in whats gonna happen to the server.
Become a new member of our family today!

600 6000 Contest Contests Donations Nova Para Paradise Price Prices Regular Selection Survival Multiplayer Teams Useful

ParadisefLife server Minecraft

Paradise Life – Paradise Life!

What justifies this name is the lowest prices for donations, as well as convenient gameplay with a large selection of teams. The server has many useful privileges and even donat cases!

The cost of a regular case does not exceed 50₽

The server also differs from others by its really good Tech Support and responsive Administration.

Please note that various contests for donations are often held on the server.

1.19.2 Bettersleep Bettersleeping Clearlag Community Communitydriven Fun Gava Polls Prank Pranks Roads Smp Survival Vanilla

OmegaVanilla [SMP] [1.19.2] [Community-Oriented] [Whitelist] [13+]

Hi there!

OmegaVanilla is a community-run 1.19.2 (mostly) vanilla server. We truly believe in the community and value all of our members. We are extremely active on discord and have built a sense of camaraderie in our community. We often have random conversations throughout the day and even play other games together. We all love Minecraft and just want to have a fun time with the game. If you’re interested, feel free to check out our discord and whitelist there. The server isn’t perfect but it’s a work in progress that we are trying to improve through feedback and weekly polls. We are just now releasing our updated server for 1.19.2 so its a fresh and brand new world! It couldn’t be a better time to hop on the train! We’re looking for new members to add to our already existing community. We hope that you all join our discord and fill out an application so we can all play together and have fun on there.
Server Info

Game Version: 1.19.2
Difficulty: Hard
Hosting Location: Hosted from US-East
Map Start Date: 08 August 2022
Anti-Xray – Pretty self-explanatory
BetterSleeping – This allows us to skip the night without requiring everyone to sleep
ClearLag – Manages laggy chunks and items
CoreProtect – Allows us to rollback griefing, protects players
LWC – Chest protection plugin to prevent theft (can be disabled at user’s discretion)
WorldGuard – This allows us to protect the shopping district
QOL Datapacks – Small minor adjustments that improve the overall minecraft experience

  • Be Respectful towards all players. (No racism, sexism, or bigotry)
  • Cursing is allowed but in moderation. Excessive and offensive cursing will be considered a violation of the rules.
  • No griefing. (Taking someone’s items, destroying their builds, and any other unsolicited prank is considered griefing)
  • Any solicited and consensual pranks must end with both parties being happy. If the solicited prank causes any destruction of items or builds, you must be ready to replace it.
  • PVP must be consensual. Killing someone without getting permission to engage in a duel is not allowed.
  • No floating blocks. (This includes floating trees, dirt, and any other block that is randomly floating)
  • No destroying server property (roads, shopping district, nether portals)
  • No macroing or use of hacked clients. Small quality of life mods such as map mods and optifine are allowed. If you have any questions regarding if a mod is allowed please DM me.
  • Use common sense (this captures every rule on this list. As long as you use common sense you should never get into any trouble)
  • Shopping District

    The world spawn is turned into a hub of sorts for the server. It has a nether portal with access to the nether roof, the diamond stack (a place for diamond blocks to be placed for plot purchases), general information center, and a shopping district. The shopping district is subdivided into plots that are nearly a chunk large. These can be purchased with a diamond block each, it is encouraged for players to purchase a plot and build a shop so we can have a thriving economy! For more details look in the discord rules and DM or Mention an Admin!

    *Full List of Rules in Discord*

    Discord Link:
    Welcome to OmegaVanilla!

    Back Beta Days Enchant Enchants Faction Factions Server Love Nostalgic Pot Prize Prizes Raid Raiding Upcoming

    Factions Beta!

    An Upcoming Factions server looking to provide a great experience for those looking to enjoy the nostalgic days of factions. We have custom enchants, events, raiding, and are striving to bring back the factions that we love! Please help test our beta and potential win prizes at!

    Additional Economy Everything Fly Looking Nick Quest Quests Reward Rewards Sts Survival Things Uests Who

    Everything Survival

    We are a survival server in which you can play vanilla if you’d like, or you can do quests for rewards such as /fly, /nick, and more! Additionally, we are also looking for staff who play a lot right now. So come on in and have some fun!

    Architectural Creative Engineering False Fide Inspiration Jungle Los Angeles Parks San Diego Seattle Texturepack Transportation Urban Vancouver


    SummitX is a new community based on expanding the limits of realistic building within Minecraft. We aim to build, teach and help others throughout their architectural and engineering journey. Our plan is to build a large-scale city focussed on what a model community should look like, with green energy, public transportation and energy efficient buildings in mind. There may be no end product, but it’s the process that matters, and we are all for it.

    *About the Map*

    The city, Oasia, will be built on a 9k x 9k block map with access to expansion in the future. There are a couple neat features we have incorporated to make the building environment more difficult but will yield better finished products. The style for the city will be very west coast with inspirations from Vancouver, Seattle, San Diego, Los Angeles and more.

    *The Vision*

    We hope to show what a solid and sustainable community should have included, such as public transportation and more green efficient solutions to energy. The public transportation will be mainly inspired by Vancouver with TransLink and buses. There will also be an assortment of plaza’s and parks scattered around to encourage more time outside rather than in. Bike lanes are a must and we will not ignore them, alongside dedicated pedestrian paths. This city will not be a complete concrete jungle, but instead we want to show that it’s possible to change existing cities for the better of everything.


    Although I have yet to run a project this big, I do have experience with others and want to explore this area more. We will execute the project like this: it will be dependent on your skill in building what options you have to choose from. I can assign specific areas of construction based on your expertise such as; infrastructure, urban planning, public transportation or just building whatever you are good at. If you are confident in your ability nor meet the requirements, you will have access to a separate world where you can practice and be taught up to standards.

    *Resource Pack*

    We will be using the resource pack called Cubed Pack and you can download it from: [b=false][/b] (Works with optifine only). Keep in mind this is for 1.14.4 because biomes have changed since then and a lot of the blocks we need access to use biomes. There will be a tutorial on how to change biomes alongside a list of biome dependent blocks in our discord server. This pack takes a bit to get used to but is really helpful for what we’re aiming at.

    *Final Information*

    Lots of building and permissive related plugins, there is a suggestion channel for plugins you want me to add. Server Specs: 16GB ram, 80GB Storage.


    Custom Customplugin Example Factions Ghast Helpers Legion Lobby Minigames Mute Prisonserver Ranked Skyblock Skypvp Survival

    GhastLegion Network

    ★ Ghastlegion ★

    GhastLegion is a minecraft server dedicated to Prison, Skyblock, Skypvp and more fun gamemodes!.
    With a lot of some awesome plugins and also some custom made ones
    You should check it out!

    ★Server IP★

    You can join, the ip is: If that doesn’t work could you contact us. Go to the website:

    We have high ranked staff example: Moderators/admins/owners. And we have also low ranked staff: Helpers. Helpers are normal players they don’t scam you, but be carefull they can ban mute or kick you when you break the rules.


    Ghastlegion currently works on Prison and Skyblock but we’re planning to expand in the future!
    We’ve got custom plugins, maps, buildings, world and more!


    You can always contact us via the discord.
    site: DISCORD.IO/ghastlegion

    We hope to see you on our server.

    Kind regards,

    GhastLegion Staff Team!

    1.6 Banned Beautiful Cities Diamonds Discord Let's Market Marketplace Night Plugins Shops Tall Teleport Vanilla

    FriendlySMP Server Minecraft

    We are looking for good builders!

    You must be whitelisted to play on this server.

    Write to the discord to join the server:

    The server is completely vanilla, even though it has several plugins installed. There is a teleport home and you can skip the night.

    Let’s make this server beautiful! Let’s build base shops, cities!

    The server has a marketplace where you can buy items for diamonds. Theft excluded. The admin is able to find out who stole something. All violators will be banned.

    Classic Creative Flat Freebuild Lava Law Limits Minecraft Classic Offensive Plots Thor Water Weather Wings Wise

    ArthWorld: Freebuild

    ArthWorld: Freebuild is ArthWorld’s creative server, which is carefully designed to allow your inner creativity to blossom.
    The server is a modern reconstruction of the near-forgotten server systems that ran on Minecraft Classic 0.30 servers such as MCForge and MCLawl.

    Spread your creative wings

    – Enter one of the server’s public worlds, wherein everybody can build anything and anywhere they want (to the limits of griefing).
    – Use extra features such as water and lava that doesn’t flow, to create things you otherwise could not.
    – Create your own private world and get your very own space to do whatever you want with, whether it be a flat world or one that uses normal terrain.
    – Customize your world, change its time, weather, name and more – control who’s allowed and not allowed to visit and build on it.
    – Teleport to whomever you want, as long a they are not on a private world, you can teleport to anyone and see their creative mind in action.
    – Quickly place (or replace) a


    of blocks using our lag free world editing tool.

    General rules

    – Don’t cheat (not sure how you would manage to cheat at all on a server such as this, but the rule is there for good measure).
    – Don’t grief – should you decide to grief anyway, you will be be given the ‘Griefer’ rank, which will lock you out from many of the server’s features.
    – Spamming, being offensive, mean or otherwise obnoxious in the chat is not allowed.
    – Respect the authority and the decisions of the server’s staff.

    Auto Husky Huskyssmpserver Ice Lec Minecraftserver Nam Name Officer Officerhusky Put Smp Smp Server Survival Title

    Husky’s SMP Server


    Adminshop Ciytbuild Farmwelt Farmwelten Farmworld Games Hub Hubgames Hubserver Lobby Lobbygames Minigame Minigames Nether Netherupdate Playershops Plots Quickshop Shop Survival

    ❤️GamePlay.Vision⭐ CityBuild and Lobby Games ✅

    Hey, we are GamePlay.Vision
    We’re a small server network with a huge bang.

    you get to know us a bit, you will quickly notice that we are very
    are familiar. You will mostly become the two owners, Hutch79 and Baeumchen
    with other players on our TeamSpeak Server (IP: GamePlay.Vision)

    But why do we actually claim that we have a bang?
    Oh well,
    above all, Hutch79 often has crazy ideas that
    Unfortunately, implementation is always a different topic, because he can
    don’t program ^^
    But even Baeumchen can sometimes come up with pretty crazy ideas. And together, the two are unbeatable.

    By the way, I haven’t introduced myself yet!
    I’m GamePlay.Vision’s personal server goblin, and I go by the name Knuffel.
    I might annoy you a bit 😉
    That includes writing messages on your behalf, mixing up your items a bit, or otherwise getting on your nerves ^^
    But I have my good points too, don’t worry.

    Uff, it’s so late, I have to annoy a few players, or maybe give out a small reward.
    So hop onto the server and visit us at GamePlay.Vision, we look forward to seeing you!

    Our servers

    – King of the Leather – Try to be the first on the top and don’t let anyone push you down!

    Jump & Run – Nobody in the lobby? Jump & Run is a super
    Pastime, maybe you’ll make it to the top 5 list too.
    – Bomberman – Blow up your friends using TNT. But watch out, you only have 3 lives
    – Network-wide MSG system so you can message your friends anywhere

    – Player trading through crate shops
    – Adminshop (You cannot buy items, only sell them)
    – Skill Level System
    – Network-wide MSG system so you can message your friends anywhere
    – Farm worlds (Normal & Nether, you have to earn the end first)
    – Special admin kits which you can buy with ingame money
    – Various Vote rewards

    Ari Ass Aternos Center Class Count Cri Description Gar Has His Owner Survival Multiplayer Ter This

    minecraft server minecraft server

    Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    1.18.2 Better Information Lol Lore Love No Mods Pls Roleplay Rp Server Shit Smp Story Survival Whitelisted

    Anachrony SMP

    This is a 1.18.2 java rp server

    it is currently a blank slate. I have just finished making it. i want lore and shit so be active pls. the server is vanilla, no mods.

    join the discord to be whitelisted and for better information if youre interested.

    write your own story. make it count.

    with love,

    Backpack Backpacks Biome Biomes Biomesoplenty Elon Horse Jurassic Jurassicraft Library Moddedsurvival Offline Sever Survival Universal


    welcome to my jurassicraft server the other jurassicraft servers offline then play mine! message me @[email protected] for me too turn on the server don’t spam! mods: backpacks 1.10.2 – 3.5.5.jar1.36 MB
    BiomesOPlenty-1.10.2- MB
    if_1.10.2- kB
    JurassiCraft-2.1.3-Fix.jar14.49 MB
    llibrary-1.7.7-1.10.2.jar version 1.10.2

    Address Angle Earth Smp Fur Inventory Minion Minions Proximity Proximity Chat Save Smp Minecraft Survival Vehicle Vehicles Wfc

    Anchor Domain

    Anchor Domain is a Earth SMP Minecraft network and gaming community. This server has unique features like vein miner, proximity chat, crates, vehicles, and even minions and economy shop. If you’re looking for a fun Survival experience like none other, look no further. A special feature we include is Angle Chest, a plugin that’ll save a players inventory in a chest. We strive to create memories and experiences like no other server.



    2b2t Anarchy East Enemy Explore Guard Hate Mus Rce Resource Resources Rules Sleep Trap Traps

    Anarchy type 2b2t server Minecraft

    Anarchy without rules without Donat

    Anarchy is a world without rules, a world where you can do whatever you want. You can kill other players, build traps and explore the world, but you must be on your guard, the enemy does not sleep and will always be willing to feast on your resources.

    1.6 Bfa Fabric FTB Ifesteal Journeymap Library Lifes Lifesteal Lifestealsmp Mod Pack Modded Starter Starterkit Survival


    welcome to my life steal smp! the mod pack list: architectury-3.9.66.jar553.44 kB
    bfapi.jar165.68 kB
    collective-fabric-1.18.x-4.9.jar465.36 kB
    essential_commands-0.20.4-mc1.18.1.jar451.89 kB
    fabric-api-0.46.6+1.18.jar1.12 MB
    ftb-library-fabric-1801.3.5-build.109.jar549.77 kB
    ftb-ranks-fabric-1801.1.6-build.24.jar60.17 kB
    journeymap-1.18.1-5.8.1-fabric.jar6.98 MB
    lifesteal-2.0.0.jar42.73 kB
    starterkit-fabric_1.18.x-3.1.jar18.00 kB

    Away Dynmap Hermit Hermitcraft Hermitcraft Server Limited Problems Relax Relaxing Roble Sleep Survival Toxic Welcoming Xin


    Welcome to RunawayCraft. RunawayCraft is a HermitCraft server where you can “runaway” from your problems and spend time with our relaxing, non-toxic and welcoming community to have fun!

    Our server includes, but are not limited to plugins like: 1 player sleep, dynmap, anti grief,

    1.19.2 Adrenaline Apartment Booster Cards Cuboid Discrod Easter Eastereggs Minecraft 1.19 Polski Property Punch Survival Virus

    Polski Server Minecraft 1.19.2 Survival + Economy

    ▬▬▬▬▬ IP: ▬▬▬▬▬

    Do you like playing Minecraft and have a PREMIUM account? If so, be sure to visit us on server – IP:! You cannot miss it!

    What distinguishes us among typical, boring survival servers:

  • the possibility of securing your property by purchasing a cuboid
  • buying a flat / apartment on SPAWNIE!
  • mini entertainment, e.g. hotrun, spleef, hangman
  • hidden eastereggs on spawns
  • getting POKEMON cards from booster packs
  • purchase of various types of special items
  • contamination zone – feel like in the reign of the virus, guaranteed adrenaline!
  • running your own store in the Shopping Mall
  • daily daily, for which you will receive server currency – $
  • automatic punching of works: miner, hunter etc.


    So how do we see you on the server ?? Keep the information you need!

    Type: PREMIUM – you will not enter without the bonus

    Type: survival + plots


    Version: 1.19.2 (Latest)


    Below I will send you a link to the Discrod server:

    And here is the link to the ad on YouTube:

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Multiplayer Skyblock Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!