Active Amazing Build Building Craft Donator Eco Econ Economy End Fac Faction Factions Forums Friendly Head Help Job Market Mine Minecraft Need New Perks Play Player Playing Pvp Server Servers Shop Shops Story Survival Website Who World


Welcome to MajestyCraft!
MajestyCraft’s IP Address:
MajestyCraft’s Website/Forums:
Hello everyone, I am x_Horus_xX, and welcome to the wonderful world of MajestyCraft. On all of our servers, you will find yourself lost in the enjoyment of playing Minecraft with many other players from around the world! We currently have a Survival/Economy server and a Factions server.
Check out our Survival/Economy server, where you can build to your wildest dreams. With local shops, magnificent creations, and friendly players all around you, you’ll never be alone! Become rich and make yourself know as the player who rules the server. We have a JobCenter, where players can go to and work so they can earn money to become one of the richest players on the server. There is a Market with many available items to be bought for personal use. We also have an 12-story Apartment building, where anyone can rent out a room or suite, so they can live with the wealthy! With Donator packs, like Majesty’s, you can even get a head start to your ticket to the top from the amazing perks and benefits that they have to offer! If you’re new to Survival/Economy based servers, have no fear, because we have a tutorials that can help you with all of you needs!

Active Air Aus Children Class Craft Donor Economy Fac Faction Factions Fair Hack Hacking Has Inecraft Irl King Mature Mcmmo Mean Mine Minecraft Mmo New Perk Perks Play Player Players Pvp Raiding Rules Staff Top

ExoticPvP Factions mcMMO

Come to ExoticPvP – where you’ll see a newer side of Minecraft – a side that isn’t full of hacking children and immature staff. Our staff know what they’re doing – and they’ll deal with everyone fairly.

Donating doesn’t mean you’re the top player – we treat ALL players equally. We believe that being a donor has its perks however, this doesn’t mean you can hack and get away with it. Just because you’re a donor doesn’t mean you don’t have to follow the rules!

Active Allowed Base Based Build Cat Chest Class Craft Creative Dedicated Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Grief Inecraft Item Items Mean Mine Minecraft Minecrat Mini Games Open Play Player Public Pvp Redstone Server Small Spawn Ssd Survival Uptime Website

Mental Minecraft Server

MentalMinecrat was the spawn of a small idea that I had in summer 2013. I have always wanted to set-up a Minecraft server and MentalMinecraft was my first public and 24/7 server. Read more here:

The server consists of:
4GB Dedicated RAM
SSD Storage
24/7 Uptime (Apart from occasional maintainence)
Low Latency
50 Player Slots

We are a Faction PVP based server so be sure to build as far away from the spawn as possible. Faction PVP means that people are allowed to grief. We allow Faction enemys to open chests, doors, use redstone items (Pressure plates, buttons etc.).

Any information about the server can be found at our website:

Build Challenge Claim Cmi Community Eco Economy End Enjin Event Friendly Good Greif Griefprevention Hard Hub Leveling Minigames Mod Mypet Mythicmobs Online Open Pets Play Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rpg Server Servers Skills Survival Survive Title Town Towns War Website

MythicMinerRPG / ShadowEmpire

Connect Address:
MythicMiner RPG style server is aimed to have a little bit of everything for everyone. Starting with its RPG style stat system, quests, economy and Companion pets that can also gain skills; these are just a few of the leading features that the vast world of MMRPG has to offer. Players are welcomed to claim land / towns to protect it from greifing (claims will expire if a player is not online for more than 2 weeks) or players are also welcome to raid and loot any unclaimed land they may find.

In short; MMRPG is a friendly Community based RPG style server that caters to all types of players, good or bad.

Connect Address:
Welcome to the ShadowEmpire hard challenge server, There are a few changes to the way players craft and build; Most importantly is the crafting restrictions such as no pickaxe, bucket, low-level item and enchantment table crafting. players must overcome these limitations to survive in SE. and eventually thrive.Players will find the Creeper Quarry to be a helpful starter to blast mining, and the servers only enchantment table atop Mount Doom should prove difficult to even the most veteran of crafters.

In short; SE is a hard challenge mode server with very little rules but multiple crafting restrictions forcing players to find alternate methods to solve everyday tasks and think outside the “cube”.

Players can connect to either server in-game by passing through the portal at /Warp HUB or by visiting the Ship of the Damned located at both server harbors.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Class Community Craft Creative Donor Empire End Enjin Friendly Games Good Map Market Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Money Multiverse New Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Server Shop Shops Spleef Staff Survival Town Towny Vault Vote World

Emerald Empire

Emerald Empire Minecraft Towny PVP/Raiding – Survival and Creative



New Maps Towny PVP with Raiding! There are 3 world gates at spwan; Creative, Survival, and Market. We have a friendly Community and good Staff. There are player owned shops available at the Market, and we have some mini-games, but they are still being set up, but will be available soon. You can vote for the server to get in-game money and there are donor benefits available.

Plugins Include: Towny, Vault, Multiverse, McMMO, VirtualPack, HeavySpleef, TimTheEnchanter, and more.

We hope to see see you!

Active Ass Class Com Erver Fou Ita Lmao Pit Roleplay Rule Rules Server Sit Site Survival Website

Colonizing Kapita

All of our server info can be found at our server website!

Bee Block Class Community Craft Emo Game Gamemode Games Hard Help Ill King Magic Minigame Minigames Mod New Noop Old Open Play Prison Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Skywars Staff Super Survival War Wars Who


BlackMagicCraft is een oude server, de staffs zijn altijd om je te helpen, de spelers zijn super aardig en ik hoop jou dalijk te zien in onze community.

Wat we hebben:
We hebben veel minigames, Bijvoorbeeld Skywars, Skyblock en binnenkort prison
We zijn een nieuwe gamemode aan het maken genaamd Hard Survival, dit is alleen survival zonder shop en je hebt anderen nodig.

BlackMagicCraft is a very old server, staffs are always ready to help you, the people who play are kind, and we hope you will be part of our community soon too.

What do we have
We have certain minigames, think off Skywars – SkyBlock etc. were adding Prison soon too.
Were currently making a new gamemode which is named Hard Survival, This is a gamemode without shop or other things which can help you. Youre on your own with the other people.


Active Arena Chat Chestshop Cool Coreprotect Dynmap Economy Edit Essentials Essentialschat King Lwc Map Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobarena Multiverse Nether Play Player Plugin Plugins Portals Server Shop Small Spawn Survival Vanilla Vault Vote Votifier Who World Worldedit Worldguard

Welcome to (Est. ‘2010) – We run as close to survival as possible with a couple enhancing plugins for those who want to participate. Other than this we are solely word of mouth, so if you are looking for a server to settle into, 0cool is the place for you! Especially if you are looking for a small server with a steady player base!

Plugins (22): zPermissions, WorldEdit, CoreProtect, Vault, ProtocolLib, Multiverse-Core, Vote, Votifier, LWC, MobArena, mcMMO, WorldGuard, dynmap, Essentials, MobCatcher, PreciousStones, EssentialsSpawn, EssentialsGeoIP, Multiverse-SignPortals, Multiverse-NetherPortals, ChestShop, EssentialsChat

Base Based Class Community Craft Custom Discord Emo Exciting Features Forge Fun Game Gamemode Great Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Server Servers Staff Time Unique


MineCentury Network

Were a fun Minecraft server network with custom plugins, a great community and exciting new gamemodes that are unique to us. We are always improving our network, adding more features and servers based around your feedback.

You can join our server through the following IP adress:
Dont forget to visit and register on our site:
Want to talk with other players or staff then you can join our Discord server:
Come visit us and you will have a great time. See you soon on MineCentury.


Action Active Art Ass Better Block Class Com Day Decent Eco Ect End Erver Fac Faction Factions Ice Ill Make Need Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Real Run Server Soon Staff Staffneeded Star Start Title Who


This Is A Factions Server That I Just Started! It Runs 24/7 We Will Be Adding Tons Of Plugins That Will Make You Wanna Play More Everyday!

WE NEED STAFF (Mainly Who Are Decent With Plugins) And Our Active!

Im Up For Any Advice Recommended To Make The Server Better !


Action Active Amazing Arena Bending Build Builder Builders Cat Civ Class Creative CTF Dedi Dedicated Economy End Fac Faction Factions Geo Interesting Kitpvp Lag Mini Games Ocean Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Spawn Staff Survival Games This

Oceanic Bending

Oceanic Bending Is A Bending, Factions / PvP / Bending, RP and Creative 1.8.1 No Lag server.
This server, with it’s empathetic, respectful, and civilized staff, it’s amazing builders, and interesting plugins, to keep players entertained daily.
dedicated and kind players, and a gorgeous spawn and arena for players to PvP with bending

Active Challenging Class Coded Economy Enjoy Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Grief Griefing Happy Help Home Ill Kitpvp Large Parkour Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Rules Server Sethome Simple Spawn Staff Tpa War


Welcome to Derpniverse! We are a PVP, raiding, and griefing server that uses Factions, as well as many other plugins! We have very simple rules, and not too many of them! Our spawn is also very large and functional, and was hand built. The spawn also has a challenging, yet somewhat rewarding parkour in it! Derpniverse has many hand coded ranks each with a set of essential commands, that are very useful to the game. As a default player, (Member) You will receive commands such as /home, /sethome, /tpa, and way more! All of our staff are exceptionally trustworthy and kind and are happy to help you in any way! (As long as you follow the rules)! We hope you enjoy our server.

Active Age Ages Ass Class Craft Economy Erver Family Inecraft Join King Looking Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server New Play Player Players Raft Ran Roleplay Server Survival Way


A Minecraft server for all ages! The server is ran by a family of minecraft. We are always looking for new players to join the family! JOIN NOW!!!!

Acid Acidisland Acidislands Ass Block Class Com Crate Crates Date Ect Erver Island Islands Land Lands Mcserver Mean Ming Ocean Plus Pro Server Soon Survival Survive Tag Tags Title Update Updates Vive Water Welcome


Welcome to GDIslands! GDIslands is an AcidIslands server. That means all water hurt you! You have to survive knowing that you cannot touch the water. There are crates, tags (coming soon), and updates! Plus, 100% of profits go to an ocean-related charity! I hope to see you there!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Active Staff Arena Arenas Ass Auto Class Conomy Cube Custom Customize Customized Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Family Friend Friendly Ill Plugin Plugins Pvp Riendly Rvival Server Spleef Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Tom


Cubeville is a 24/7 Family Friendly Survival server. Custom Plugins, Active staff, automated economy, PVP-Arenas with loadouts, customized Spleef, and so much more.

Admin Admins Apocalypse Ars Ass Class Com Craft Creeper Enjin Erver Fall Head Hub Ill Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Night Noop Open Owner Ree Rvival Server Shooter Soon Staff Style Surviva Survival Tea Team This Zombie Zombies

Trinity Minecraft

Trinity Minecraft is a survival minecraft server with much to offer, we will soon be making a hub server if this server is successful.
Our Staff Team:
Owner: Stinkingmars422
Co-Owner: Zombieshooter48
Head-Admin: RacistCreeper
Admins: Apocalypse12112, Nightfall900


Active Age Ages Allowed Ass Build Class Com Craft End Erver Free Friends Hank Ill Mature Mod Modded New Nks Play Player Players Please Pvp Ran Red Ree Ring Rvival Server Servers Spawn Survival Thanks This Vanilla Welcome


This is a survival, pvp vanilla server. Please don’t build too close to spawn, thanks! All ages are welcome! Mature players preferred. No modded clients allowed. New and veteran players welcome, please feel free to bring your friends!

Action Actions Active Ass Ats Class Craft Erver Euro Europe European Fac Faction Factions Inecraft Mine Minecraft Nks Play Player Players Pvp Raft Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Server Stats Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival

Minecraft server for European players

[7/24] , [PVP] , [Factions], [Survival], [Ranks], [Stats]

Active Ass Best Cat Class Dedi Dedicated Eam Economy Erver Exp Experience Extreme Hard Lms Mini Games Network One Premium Real Realm Realms Server Sit Site Staff Survival Taff Tea Team Two War Website Work Xtreme

Apple Realms

Apple Realms
IP =
website =
About Us:
Apple Realms is a network, focused on one goal. Your happiness! We want you to experience the best you can get. With premium hardware and an extremely dedicated staff team, We believe Apple Realms is the server for you.

Amazing Ass Class Craft Eat Eco Erver Free Great Has Join Raft Ree Server Sky Staff Style Taff This You


This server is an amazing server that has great staff. You can join now for free.


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Bedrock Server Codes. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!