Action Anti Ass Best Class Cool Core Ddos Donate End Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Friendly Friends Game Gaming Hard Hardcore Intense Invite Lag Lit Ming Network Noop Open Pro Pvp Quality Riendly Server Servers Staff Style Two

Reflex Server

Intense PvP Factions Gaming Network
Hardcore game experience
Best quality servers
Invite your friends.
Cool things to donate for.
Friendly staff.
No lagg.
Anti DDoS.


100 Action Actions Arena Ass Ban Class Com Core Craft Ect Enjin Fac Faction Factions Follow Game Games Host Hosted Infected Koth Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Open Ores Pro Professional Pvp Ram Spleef Style Tdm Time Uptime

K Craft 1.8 Factions

24/7 uptime. Professionally hosted. 64 gig ram, 16 cores 100gig connection 2tb bandwidth ..


Active Ass Ations Build Class Com Creative Eat Ect Erver Exp Free Freebuild High Ill Owny Ree Server Sever Survival This Town Towny Wip World Worlds


This sever prioritises in Towny, however, it may feature other worlds such as FreeBuild.

This server is still WIP – so do not have high expectations.

Action Art Ass Bee Best Class Com Erver Fac Faction Game Gaming Kit Ming One Pvp Server Star Start Stuff Style Ter This Wild


This is a faction-pvp server.
We usually have dps and so,
I wish u the best luck:D. Gamingwolvez
U start with beeing a member. When you are a member you can do /Kit starter. When you have done /kit starter you get some ingame stuffs that is useful when ur out in the wild.


201 Active Ass Class Com Comunidad Craft Factions Inecraft Mine Minecraf Minecraft Mini Games Neo Ores Pvp Rad Raft Sand Servidor Survival Survival Games Usa

MineOver es una comunidad hispana de jugadores de Minecraft 1.6.4. El servidor fue inagurado en Agosto de 2013 y puedes entrar usando la IP en tu cliente de Minecraft.

Ace Allowed Class Craft Donator Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Fight Free Gaming Going Great Hack Hacking Ill Inecraft King Map Mine Minecraft Mod New Noop Old Online Open Pvp Rank Ranks Rules Server Simple Survival Survive World

CyberSpaceOnlineGaming (CSOG)

For those of you minecraft Maniacs be sure to keep an eye on the new Mineraft server will hold Faction,PVP,Economy,Free Ranks and Donator Ranks at great Prices No Multi world all one world Survival Of the Fittest If you think you are going to be Brave enough To fight off the donators and the long over achievers if you think you can beat them Come on in the Rules are simple Survive, NO Hacking Of any kind only Mod allowed mini-map, Be there if you think you are the Minecraftian Of all Time. Server Coming Soon.


Active Arena Bar Clan Class Community Craft Emo Fac Fun Game Games Hungergames Ill Inecraft Join Kill Level Map Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mob Mobarena Mod Online Parkour Plugin Pvp Rpg Server Servers Sign Skills Spleef Survival Survival Multiplayer Survivalgames War Whitelist

Frozen Cube

© Copyright by

Designed by Arko


Frozen, Cube, -, net, ., RPG, PvP, groß, RP, Community, onlinemode, true, offline, mode, offlinemode, episch, minecraft, server, list, minecraftserver, klassen, skill, skills, Zauber, class, level, heroes, hero, clan, war, clanwar, liste, fun, extrem, Mine, plugin, 24/7, no whitelist, Hungergames,,, Facebook, Mobarena, Parkour, Spleef, Jump pvp, Survival, Survivalgames, map

Ass Class Com Comunidad Craft Dedi End Erver Esp Event Evento Eventos Exp Follow Has Inecraft Ita Lag Mine Minecraft Noop Open Ores Parcelas Play Pvp Raft Rvival Server Servidor Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Tienda

NEXUS PVP – Survival Server

Somos un servidor de Minecraft en Español, nuestra meta es crear una comunidad y divertirnos en conjunto con nuestros jugadores. Nuestro servidor cuenta con Survival, Parcelas, Tienda, Eventos y muchas cosas mas. Ademas contamos con un servidor dedicado para ofrecer la maxima experiencia y evitar cualquier tipo de lag.


Active Allowed Ask Ban Class Craft CTF Enjoy Enjoyable Erver Great Grief Griefing Has Help Ill Item Items New Phoenix Play Player Players Playing Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Respectful Server Sign Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer Time Vanilla Who

Phoenix Craft

Phoenix Vanilla is a brand new vanilla server designed so that everyone has an enjoyable time playing. PvP, raiding, and griefing are allowed. Griefing of the spawn may happen, but those who do it will be perma banned. Don’t ask for any items from staff, you may ask for help or if you have any questions at any time. Be respectful to your fellow players. Have a great time on the server.

Action Age Base Call Class Craft Currency End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Features Fight Friends Hard High Huge Inecraft Item Make Mine Minecraft Non Noop Open Pvp Raid Resource Resources Server Stand Style Time Votifier Weapons World

Eon Factions

We are a potion PvP faction server. We go back to the roots of Minecraft factions and stay true to how it used to be. Nothing OP, all of it is regular. Fighting in a faction server can be quite hard, so calling your friends up gives you a huge advantage. Gather resources, make weapons, raid bases, and achieve a higher standing in the world of Eon. Come, try and beat time.
Non-OP PvP
Potion PvP
Item Currency
World Border


1vs1 Active Ars Battle Block Build Bungee Bungeecord Class Community Crack Cracked Eco Economy End Ffa Free Freebuild Game Games Kywars Mine Mini Games Notch Pie Premium Pvp Rvival Sky Skyblock Skypvp Skywars Super Survival Survivalgame Survivalgames Ungee War Wars Netzwerk

@Info: Wir haben ein super Premium System! Spieler, die Premium benutzen, müssen sich nicht registrieren oder einloggen! Das wird alles im BungeeCord Netzwerk automatisch gemacht! Und Cracked Spieler können keine Premium Accounts, wie “Notch”, etc. verwenden!

Wir bieten:
– SkyWars
– SurvivalGames
– SkyPVP
– Skyblock
– Community-Bereich
– FreeBuild
– 1vs1
– FreeBuild

Active Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ats Challenging Chill Class Competition Drop Dropparty End Fac Faction Factions Family Friends Good Ill Join King Lit Mcmmo Mmo Mpet Nice Noop Online Open Party Pet Play Player Players Pvp Real Server Staff


Zoek jij een leuke en uitdagende server met veel mensen?
Join dan snel
Het is een factions/mcmmo server met veel actieve mensen en een leuke staff.
De concurrentie tussen verschillende factions is moordend,
en dat is wat realitypvp de perfecte server maakt om met je vrienden en familie op te spelen.
Roep je vrienden bij elkaar. Maak een sterke en mooie base.
En zorg dat je elke dag om 19 uur online bent zodat je mee doet aan de dropparty,
waarbij veel goede spullen gedropt worden.

Join nu

Are you looking for a nice and challenging server with many active players?
Dont hesitate and join
Its a factions/mcmmo server with a lot of active players and a nice staff.
The competition between some factions are deadly and thats
what makes realitypvp the perfect server to play on with your friends and family.
Get your friends and family together. Make a strong and beautifull base.
And make sure you are online at 7PM GMT +1 every day to be present at the dropparty
where lots of good stuff get dropped

Now join


Active Allowed Boss Create End Faction Faction Pvp Factions Farm Friendly Grief Hard Hardcore Head Heads Kit Kitpvp Kits Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobarena New Perks Play Playerheads Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Raiding Ranks Rewards Server Skyblock Staff War Wars

Drug Wars

Drug Wars is a hardcore Faction PVP server. We also just added KitPVP and Skyblock!
Drug Wars info an plugins:
– Raiding, griefing, and stealing are allowed.
– Playerheads: Collect heads as a trophy when you kill someone.
– MobArena: Battle wave after wave of mobs to earn rewards.
– Factions: Create a faction, then go out and raid other factions.
– Mcmmo: Get skill points for everything you do in minecraft.
You’ll start as the rank of Addict, and you can buy new ranks (like Dealer, Druglord, and MobBoss) that give you kits and other perks. Just make a safe, hidden base and make a big farm.
– You start out a lowly recruit, and can advance your way to general and beyond!
– You even get potion effects for killstreaks!
If you have any questions ask our friendly staff for help!
Come on check us out at

Ability Active Ars Ask Beast Bukkit Cat Class Community Dedi Dedicated Enjoy Experience Forums FTB Fun Game Happy Join King Kit Lag Lit Mean Mod Modpack Play Plugin Plugins Pro Ram Safe Server Servers Survival Multiplayer Version World

ByB FTB Server

So you’re looking for an FTB server to play?
The ByBServers Garry’s mod community would like to offer you the ability to play our Feed the beast unleashed server. 6 years of running and maintaining servers ensures that you’ll be happy within our server!
We utilise bukkit and plugins to ensure you’re safe and happy within the world, allowing you to enjoy your FTB experience in comfort.
We run the 1.1.3 Feed the beast unleashed modpack
Game Version : 1.5.2
IP :
24/7 dedicated, 10 GB of ram meaning no lag/very very little.
We hope you join us and have fun! Hope to see you join us
any problems? ask on our forums at

Action Actions Ass Class Com Community End Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Friend Friends Invite King Looking Mmu New Noop Ommunity Open Play Player Players Please Pvp Riends Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival

Lapis MC

We are a new survival no-pvp factions server looking to get a community of 20-40 players, if you enjoy the server please invite your friends.


Action Actions Active Ass Block Class Cool Craft Daily Day Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Games Insta King Looking Make Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Network New Play Player Players Prison Prize Prizes Raiding Ran Server Sky Skyblock Two Vote

InstaCraft Network

Instacraft Network is a new network looking to grow
we range from 40-70 players a day looking to make that number grow

Vote for us daily and for cool prizes

Action Actions Ass Bid Class Com Commnity Craft Custom Erver Extra Fac Faction Factions Fanta Fantastic Fun Game Games Good Make Mini Minigame Minigames One Pvp Ran Rank Server Staff Style This Tom Youtube Youtuber


Bullycraft, one word fantastic. This commnity bids: MInigames, Factions and pvp

A lot of fun / Only good staff.

Are you a youtuber? Make a vid. more than 1k views? Custom rank see ingame for the extras.

Wanna be staff? come to our server1


Block Chat Class Craft Default End Friends Gui Hard Hub Hubs Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Mods Nomods Ored Play Red Server Servers Shop Shops Simp Simple Spawn Spawns Special Staff Survival Title Vanilla Wns

Penguins Simply Survival

If you are bored of all the heavily modded Minecraft servers like I am this is the server for you, as close to vanilla as it can get.

– Play with friends – Random spawns – Vanilla – Hard – Default chat look – Staff very hands off –

Just a simple survival server nothing to it, no hubs, no shops, no special mods

Check it out if you are bored of all the mods

Active Ass Class Com Craft Creative Erver Factions Gaming Icc Inecraft Kitpvp Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Server Ming Official Raft Server Survival


Come check out the official Minecraft server of OpTic Gaming!

Admin Aus Australia Based Class Community Dating End Friendly Help Item Items Join Latest Lit Lwc Nation New Noop Online Open Play Player Players Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Protection Server Small Spigot Version Voting Website World Worldguard


Welcome to aquaGlow MC..

Our Server is Based in Sydney Australia. (We also welcome International Players.) the server is online 24/7 ( Except when updating the server ).

– The Server runs on the latest version of Spigot. and the latest plugins that are available.
– We can offer zone protections ( like plots ) for anyone that asks for it using WorldGuard.
– You can protect your Chests automatically. As well as doors and various other items, with LWC

Being the Admin/Owner of this Server, i am always friendly to everyone that comes onto the server, we always welcome new people that join as well.

– Our Community Small but is Growing everyday, why not come and say hello and play for awhile, we sure would like to see you on our server.
– If you do like our little community please stay with us. and help us reach out to more places by voting.

Server IP:


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Servers For Java Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!