Active Ass Blo Block Chest Chestshop Class Dom Erver Ill King Kingdom Lag Level Levels Logblock Lwc Mcm Mcmmo Mmo Owny Plugin Plugins Pvp Red Rvival Server Shop Social Sts Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Ter Town Towny

Social Kingdom

Social Kingdom er en nordisk server som eies av Rudomeister og L1nd4. Serveren vår basserer seg på PvP og survival, og har flere populære plugins for å forsterke spillopplevelsen. Blant annet har vi mcMMO, LWC, chestshop, logblock og towny.

Vi er opptatt av at serveren skal være så brukervennelig som mulig. Derfor har vi lagt stor vekt på å redusere muligheter for juks blant spillere og staben.

Velkommen skal du være 🙂

Allowed Apply Ask Ban Base Bedrock Block Claim Class Diamond Eco Econ End Fac Faction Factions Hard Hardcore Ill Need Open Ortal Owner Play Player Players Portal Portals Pro Raid Server Spawn Staff Website

Faction Need Staff/Players

Hey guys we are just now opening our HardCore Factions, So here are a few things that you would probaly would like to know.
First off, We are HARDCORE FACTIONS, And in order to raid someones base you must over claim there base first then you can break there base. Second, You are only allowed to use blocks on your base that can be broken by a woodpick-diamondpick or any other kind of tool. For example, No Bedrock,end portals, and ETC like that.
We also have reliable staff and trustworthy staff, we work with our players daily and love to hang out with the, But if we are busy we wont interact witht he players, Like the owner xOptionsx Is always busy so he will enteract with you guys when posable. The other staff love to. If you need assitence just ask a staff member.
We are a 24/7 Server.
10/10 would bang……… xD


Active Boss Custom End Fac Faction Factions Fun Kit Kitpvp Map Mmo Mob Mobs New Play Player Players Plot Plots Pve Pvp Quest Quests Rank Rankup Reset Revive Roleplay Rpg Server Servers Store Story Survival Trade Unique Wilderness


RocketRPG is a newly started out RPG server, The map is custom made and is 500 by 500 blocks.
There are ‘resource plots’ dotted around the map, which reset at 5 minute intervals. Their are also several boss fights which range in difficulty. Mobs have custom items and amour, from uncommon to legendary tiers. You can sell items you have collected at various stores around the map, you can also buy items at some of these stores. To trade with other players, type /trade invite [name]. Once you have enough money you can type /rankup, to revive the next rank. Each rank has a different prefix, and a unique item. Also each rank has a book in which a chapter of the story line is written. Lastly the map has a ‘wilderness’, here PVP is on, and players can break and place blocks, so watch out!
We will be adding quests shortly.
Have fun!

Our other servers: KitPVP Server
RocketMIW- Factions server

Best Class Com Eco Erver Fly God Good Ill King Lit Looking Make Mixes Mod Music Need New Pay Paypal Play Please Pro Pvp Quality Real Server Showcase Style Sub Survival Multiplayer Tale This Time Trailer


Im looking for a god of the digital film works, as we are in need of a new trailer. Im looking for someone with real talent and time on there hands. Once submitted, a winnder(if more than one submit) will win $100 payed directly to there paypal. Here is an example of the expectations I am looking for. Good Luck

Please include a overall showcase of our server and try to make it appealing if it were to become an ad. You can be granted flymode if you can prove to me you have the talent to actually pull this off. I will only accept the very best and it must match the quality of the one below. Please dont use direct copywright music, most dubs/remixes are fine to use.


Classic Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Quests Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Resets Pve Pvp Roleplay Rpg Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ᅠ ⚔️ LATTYCRAFT ⚔️ Minecraft server

[Особенности ГРИФА]
║ ⋅ TNT works!
║ ⋅ All mobs spawn!
║ ⋅ The bar is working with pistons!
║ ⋅ Swords of grief!
║ ⋅ Pets for the neck!
║ ⋅ AntiRelog (With HP showing the opponent)
╠═══ [Общие особенности сервера]
║ ⋅ Gaming DUELS [1vs1]
║ ⋅ The best clan system!
║ ⋅ Trading floors! (Auction, shops)
║ ⋅ Skins work!
║ ⋅ Game cases during the game!
║ ⋅ Custom killings!
╠═══ [Ссылки]
║ ⋇ Our iP –
║ ⋇ Our site –
║ ⋇ Our VK group –

Active Cat Class Craft Dedi Dedicated Drop Drops Economy End Friendly Fun Help Ill Interesting Job Jobs Mcmmo Mmo Network New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Quest Server Staff Survival Town Towny Update Updates


ValkyrieCraft Towny is a server dedicated to its players. We have a friendly staff that will answer any of your questions, and help you get started. We have a wide variety of plugins that will keep you having fun for days. We constantly come out with new “updates” for the server to keep it interesting. Our main plugins include: Towny, mcMMO, Jobs, and DiabloDrops. We have many more plugins and we promote PvP. Come give us a try!

Active Balance Balanced Bee Best Cat Class Community Competitive Craft Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Enjoyable Experience Factions Great Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mpet Pet Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Popular Raiding Real Server Sign Staff Tea Team Who

GetWrecked is not an ordinary server. This server has been designed to be enjoyed by anyone who strives to be the best. With our competitive community and very balanced economy, you’re guaranteed to have a great experience. We take pride in knowing that we’ve been the first to design and use some of the most popular plugins used throughout the Minecraft community. is not only run by the staff team, but it is run by a group of experienced players that know what the community really wants for the server. We’re dedicated to bring you the most enjoyable Minecraft experience as possible and we hope you would join us.

Allowed Chat Community Craft End English Fac Faction Factions Friends Games Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Hub King Map Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Normal Old Perks Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Rol Server Servers Small Staff Vanilla Website


Server IP Address:
Server Website: Under Development

This is a small public Semi-Vanilla server. We have a very tight community and we have 10 plugins. We are tired of all the Factions, multi-games hub servers and want to take Minecraft back to its old roots. We like to think its Single-Player with friends.

Griefing is not allowed at all on our server and PvP, while enabled, is highly discouraged. All griefs will be rolled back.

Difficulty: Normal

Map Overview:

No asking for ranks or perks
Be polite (dont harrass anyone)
No spamming
No hacking or using hacked clients or cheat mods
No griefing EVER
Dont exploit any in-game glitches or bugs
Report any glitches or bugs to staff
Only speak in English in global chat

You can be reminded about these in game by doing /rules


Bed Wars Build battle Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

SunRise ★ Survival, Anarchy, BedWars | 1.1.X Minecraft Server

SunRise Server Description
Port: 19132

Free admin area:
»Play on the server for three hours and you will automatically be given an administrator.

Active Ass Awesome Calm Class Com Craft Date Economy Erver Eternal Exp Experience Factions Going Gym Hank Happy Host King Latest Lit Lite Lucky Network Pixelmon Rank Ranking Server Spawn Staff Survival Time Two Update


Hello lads and lasses.
We are a very calm and gracious server lucky enough to have Pixelmon 3.0.1 (The latest update) Installed on to our server.

We host a fine spawn, habit some awesome staff and right now we are going to be doing a Gym Leader/Elite 4 Ranking system!

If you could be so kind as to give up 5 minutes of your time just to check out our server. We would be eternally grateful and happy to know you have had some form of experience. 😛

Thank you. 😀

Arena Buycraft Class Com Craft Custom Donate Donation Donations Eco Erver Fac Grief Has Inecraft Join King Looking Mad Map Mine Minecraft Nation Nations Network Play Player Players Pvp Server Slots Style This Trust Upgrade Whitelist Who


This is the xHD Minecraft Server this server has 12 slots but soon were are hoping to upgrade from players donations when you donate you automaticlly become an op and get acces to most commands etc. This server is not a whitelist server and we are looking for players who we can trust in and not grief the server. also anyone can join. This map is custom made SUCH AS A PVP ARENA and Facions


8.2 Action Actions Active Adventure Ark Ass Attractions Class Com Craft Creative Custom Dnf Dventure Eco End Enhanced Exp Inecraft Mine Minecraft Optifine Park Raft Rol Roll Ter Theme Themepark Tom Venture Vis Youtube

AdventureCraft ThemePark

AdventureCraft is a minecraft custom themepark. We recomend you you use optifine for the most enhanced visual experiance. We have custom rollercosters and many other themepark attractions.

Apocalypse Ass Class Com Cow Craft Enjin Erver Extra Fly Flying Fun Ill Kill Loot Mcp Open Points Pro Rvival Server Stuff Style Surviv Surviva Survival Survivor Tea Team This Vote Website World Zombie Zombie Apocalypse


This server is a Survival Zombie Apocalypse server, (Open World)
Where you can either kill other Survivors for their loot or team up with them.
Vote to get points in our Website to get extra stuff and extra fun.


1000 лвл 127 лвл Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Duels Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Russian Minecraft

MegaCraft 1.8-1.15 + Mini-Games Minecraft Server

✑✑ Our Website for Donat Purchase –
✒✒ Our IP –
✑✑ Our group in VK –
✏ Mini games
-ʘ SkyWars Solo and Team
-ʘ BedWars Solo and Team
-ʘ EggWars (New!)
-ʘ Duel
-ʘ LuckyWars
-ʘ MurderMystery
-ʘ Hunger Games
-ʘ Annihilation (Annihilation)
-ʘ Gravity
-ʘ SkyBlock
-ʘ Creative
-ʘ TheBridge
-ʘ Anarchy
✏ Two survival servers: “Alpha” and “Beta” with 1000lvl + dup
✏ Unique economy and its own currency – MegaCoins / megaeco
✏ Best server players – / megatop
✏ Clans
✏ All blocks, mobs from 1.12
✏ X over head
✏ Cases with a donut – / case
✏ Random Teleport – / rtp
✏ Store – / warp shop
✏ Beautiful spawn built by yourself!
✏ Separate world of Naruto!
✏ Money for the kill!
✏ As well as a convenient menu – / menu
✏ Weddings
✏ Parkour
✏ Transport: helicopters, planes, tanks, submarines, cars, bikes and more
✏ Drugs / Alcohol / Alco
✏ The most interesting is waiting for you on the server itself! Come in and find out everything yourself;)
☑ Donut is bought forever and does not disappear after a wipe!
☑ Best Tech Support
☑ Low prices for Donat

Active Activestaff Block Class Cracked Craft Creative End English Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hub Hungergames Join Lag Land Mini Games Minigame Minigames Mod Nolag Nolagg Paintball Pixelmon Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Special Staff Survival Survivalgames Team Vote War Website


24/7 | ✔English | ✔Dutch | ✔Chaos PVP | ✔Survival| ✔SkyBlock | ✔Factions| ✔NoLagg | ✔HungerGames | ✔Creative | ✔Annihilation| ✔Cracked|✔Pixelmon|✔Hide And Seek|✔NoGrieving|✔ActiveStaff|✔Support|✔Forum|✔80GB|✔VoteReward|

De specialcraft hub is in 2 jaar tijd uit gegroeid tot bijna de grootste server die zich richt op nederland. Wij hebben dan ook een heel breed aanbod aan minigames en speelmodus. Zo kun je bij ons altijd tegen je vrienden vechten in de TeamFortress² Minigame of kun je een team vormen in onze zelfgemaakte CHAOSPVP minigame! Je kunt natuurlijk ook bij ons terecht als je op zoek bent naar SurvivalGames & Paintball, of als je lekker ouderwets wilt survivalen. Bij ons is ook aan de Creatieve spelers gedacht, wij hebben speciaal voor hun een hele Creative server in onze hub geprikt.

Verder kun je bij ons ook terecht voor Skyblock, Factions, Quake & Annihilation.. Jah dat lees je goed! Specialcraft heeft Annihilation… Ben je benieuwd naar onze server? Join dan snel op

Wij hebben ook een website:

Ace Ask Build Car Cards Class Country Craft Game Home Ill Inecraft Item Items Lag Land Mean Mine Minecraft Mini Mining Money Pit Planet Play Quest Resource Resources Space Survival Multiplayer Town Towns Trade Unknown Village Wns

IO Quest Jupiter

IO Quest Jupiter…you land on an unknown planet and your task is to reach your home IO the moon of Jupiter by means of mining for resources to build a home, town, village even a country so that your country can build Train Stations to Spacesports to travel from towns to towns and planets to planets until you get home.

You can also trade in game money for things like Gift Cards and other Minecraft items.


Ace Active Bros Class Community Craft Drop Easy Economy End Erver Event Events Factions Friendly FTB Fun Game Games Gym Gyms Ill Mall Ming New Ortal Parties Pixelmon Portal Portals Riendly Server Small Spawn Time

CraftBros 3.4.0 Pixelmon Server

CraftBros is a new up and coming pixelmon server

With currently a small but friendly community that awaits to grow!

We have a easy ready to go spawn , portals , Gyms etc

We have decided to choose Users from our community for Gym leaders and there are still many gym positions available , it could be you!

250 Ass Class Craft Gaming Inecraft Lmao Mine Minecraf Minecraft Ming Raft Style Survival Multiplayer Tga



Added Ass Bridge Class Craft Eco Erver Game Has Hypixel Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mini Minigame New Owner Pixel Quake Raft Server Ter This

⭐NEW! Bridge minigame with HyPixel ⭐ Minecraft server

Server Owner ⭐NEW! The Minigame Bridge with HyPixel ⭐ has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

Active Class Craft Custom Epic Fac Faction Factions Head Heads Intelligent Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Network Play Player Playerheads Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Rewards Server Servers Shop Store Super Tech Technology Tnt Top Vote Voting War Wilderness

Stux Network

Welcome to Stux Network, the leader in Minecraft innovation! Custom plugins are the name of the game, and we take pride in the fact that our efficient, custom code is of the highest quality.

Auto Wilderness Restore: We’re changing Factions servers forever with the introduction of our FactionsWildRestore plugin. Aside from Stux Network, only two other servers have a similar plugin, but this Stux exclusive has intelligent technology for regenerating chunks quickly with an advanced algorithm, ensuring a proper queue for what is to be restored.

Vote Suite: Next up is the Stux Network Vote Suite. We have taken the liberty of giving you the choice of what to be rewarded with when you vote. Using /shop allows you to redeem prizes ranging from Cash to TNT, from Super Gapples to Enchanting books. And when voting often, you have a higher possibility of a “lucky vote” that gives you bonus Vote Tokens! Our Vote Suite also keeps track of Consecutive Votes, which can give additional rewards on top of the initial vote rewards.

These are just a few of our custom plugins. We are always coding more epic plugins to make your stay at Stux Network more enjoyable than ever before. We also have plenty of classics that you know and love, such as mcMMO, PlayerHeads, and of course Factions! Come check us out!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Most Popular Minecraft Bedrock Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!