1v1 Active Aids Ass Best Class Com Custom Erver Infinite Infinity Item Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Lag Map Nam Play Player Pvp Raid Raids Server Shop Tom Tournament Tournaments Welcome

InfiniteMC KitPVP


Welcome to the #1 KitPVP server! [1v1] [Brakcets] [Tournaments] [Custom Player Shop] [No Lag] [Best KitPVP Map]

Action Actions Ass Buy Buycraft Class Com Craft Dcraft Erver Fac Faction Factions Follow Free High Join Level Noop Open Power Raft Red Ree Ring Server Shop Style Welcome


Welcome to the PoweredCraft server.
Here we try to bring Factions to a higher level
Join now. Its free D


Action Active Ars Ass Class Creative Date Economy Erver Factions Lmao Network Owner Server Server Ip Star Survival This Two Version Versions Work

Action Allstars Network

Server IP:
This server is also UP TO DATE on it’s Versions.
Owners: Arshak13

Age Ars Class Craft Custom Death Emo End Friendly Fun Game Games Inecraft Mad Mage Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Noop Online Open Play Player Players Riendly Server Spleef Staff Style Time Tnt War Wars

GameMotionMC [Minigames][24/7]

GameMotionMC is a fun and completely custom made Mini-Game Server.

Deathrun, Spleef, Knockout, The Stomper, Armageddon, TNT Wars and lots more.

Friendly staff and enough players online at all times to play.


8.2 Action Actions Active Arena Ass Bar Class Core Craft Erver Fac Faction Factions Fun Hard Hardcore Hoe Kind King Looking Mob Moba Mobarena New Phoenix Phoenixcraft Plugin Plugins Raft Server Spleef Staff Survival Multiplayer Taff


We Are A New Server Looking To Making Your Stay On PhoenixCraft Fun! We Have Kind Staff And Many Fun Plugins.

We Are A Hardcore Factions Server

We Have:
Factions, MobArena, Spleef, And Many Many More!

Ass Class Com Evolution Follow Lmao Network Noop Open Play Style Survival Multiplayer Two Vol Work

Revolution Network


Active Admin Advertising Air Basic Block Cheat Cheating Class Com Creative Economy Ect Erver Factions Fair Fun Good Hack Hacking Heat King Mini Games Mod Moderator Network No hacking Play Power Rules Rvival Server Servers Sky Skyblock Survival

Nydus Network

Nydus Network
Nydus Network is a Survival, Creative and Skyblock server!
Basic Server Rules:
1: Have Fun
2: No Hacking/Exploiting/X-ray/Cheating
3: Respect everyone.
5: Play Fair
6: No Abusing Moderator/Admin power
7: NO Advertising other servers!
Have Fun and Good Luck!

Art Ass Beta Cash Chest Class Com Craft Ect Erver Home Inecraft Kit Login Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Plot Plots Pro Protect Random Register Rvival Server Sethome Shop Shops Star Start Style Survival Tpa War Warp Wild

MK Monopoly

Нов Македонски Minecraft Server 1.8 “Beta”
[ Survival, No Grifing, Shop, Plots, Chest Protect, sethome, tpa, warp wild random, Every day Cash, Kit Starter и другото е на пат ]
повеќе инфо на

За да влезете на серверот прво ќе ви треба да се регистрирате со:
командата /register и лозинка по избор
и после можете со командата /login и вашата лозинка што ја поставивте за да влезете, како и секој нареден пат.

На овој начин сте заштитени од крадење на корисничкото име.Исто така можете да користите и платена верзија и неплатена Minecraft, со тоа што секогаш на
овој начин ќе бидете заштитени од злоупотреба на вашето корисничко име во играта.


Active Aus Build Building Buildings Clan Clans Class Create Custom Eco Element Factions Game Ill Land Lore Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Pve Pvp Quest Rpg Server Survival Top Treasure Update Updated


MythQuest is a 24/7 Survival/Clans/RPG hybrid server. Our server is constantly being updated with custom plugins/buildings/books that not only add gameplay elements but also add to the server lore! Use our custom clans plugin, MythClans, to create your own clan and become the top dog on the server. Or use another one of our plugins, Stakes, to protect pieces of land for yourself. But hide your valuables, because other players will be on the lookout for any treasure troves they can hide. Choose your play-style: Alone, together, or somewhere inbetween. You can do it all on MythQuest!

Ass Chile Class End Erver Gam Game Games Gen Lmao Mine Play Server Style Survival Multiplayer


leuke server met veel verschilende dingen waar plezier voorop staat


Active Arena Ars Ass Ball Battle Block Boss Class Creative CTF Economy Erver Game Games Great Ill Kywars Mini Games Nks Pain Paint Paintball Ran Rank Ranks Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival Survival Games War Wars


A great server with:
• paintball
• skyblock
• skywars
• ctf
• battle arena
• ranks
survival games
• and much more

Abilities Ages Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Claim Claims Class Creative End Game Good Ill Kill Land Land Claim Lit Mcmmo Mining Mmo Money Mpet New Old Open Play Player Players Plot Plots Race Races Server Shop Shops Survival Town Towny World

Kaizen Worlds Towny Survival

Kaizen Worlds is a 6-year-old survival server for people of all ages.

Main features of the server:
Towny for player grouping and land claims
MCMMO to level up skill and gain new abilities
shops to ear and spend in-game money
creative plots in a separate world, in case you want to take a break from mining or want to test out a build idea
regular build competitions that can earn you goodies
And much more.

Important note.
Players on our server come from all over the world, are of all races, cultures, and genders. As such racism, sexism and homophobic behavior are not tolerated.


Action Actions Active Aids Arena Ark Ass Class Com Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Going Great Island Islands Join Land Lands Multi New Newer Open Park Parkour Pos Pvp Raid Raids Server Sit Sky Staff Survival Multiplayer World


Sky Islands!
Multi World

Newer server, going to be great! Member opinions greatly appreciated.
Come in and check us out! We have a few staff positions open!!

Factions! PVP! Raids!!! Join now!

Action Actions Ass Class Com Craft Crate Crates Enjin Fac Faction Factions Follow Lag Noop Open Opfactions Ops Raft Rat Rates Shop Shops Style Ter Tes Vote

XinsCraft OPFactions

XinsCraft – OP Factions – Voter Crates – Shops – 24/7 – No Lagg
IP :


Active Chat Claim Claims Color Craft End Event Fun Good Grief Help Home Homes Kitpvp Land Lore Mine Need Old Open Perks Play Player Players Prevention Rank Ranks Server Sethome Skyblock Smp Spawn Spawner Spawners Staff Survival World Zombies


Giant Zombies roam the world!

This is a NO RANKS server. Meaning all extra Perks and permissions are bought with in game money only! Buy extra commands like /craft /enderchest, use of colored text, ability to mine spawners, extra sethomes and many many more…

Few basic rules. Automatic grief prevention. Open SMP server where you can come in and have fun with other players. Find a good spot and claim your own protected land with a chest. After this you can hit the ground with a stick to see your claims. Use a golden shovel to expand your claim size – buy more space as you need. Behave in chat and treat people with respect – then you will be fine and have a good time here. There are no staff to help you out. YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN!!!

Action Apply Brand Class Com Construction Craft Creative Ect Erver Fac Faction Factions Gaming Great Gun Guns Hank Hub Inecraft Mine Minecraft Ming Need New Noop One Open Play Prison Server Staff Style Thanks Time Top Welcome

ShadowGaming HUB

Welcome to ShadowGaming. Our hub server is brand new and we have hopeful plans for it. We currently have Creative, Factions, OP Prison, and Guns. At the moment Prison and Guns are under construction. We are also in need of major staff so stop on by the server and get to know everyone then go to and apply in the Minecraft Section. We hope you come and stay on the server and have a great time. Thanks.


Active Ass Awesome Class Des Dude Eso Info Lin Lmao Noop Oli Pvp Som Survival Multiplayer




Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build City Class Enjin Essentials Event Explore Fun Game Games Grief Griefprevention Hate Home Ill Join Kill Killing Lore Mcmmo Mine Mini Games Mmo Noop Open Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pro Server Servers Survival Tea Team Teams


Simplicity… Only plugins to provide fun, entertaining game play. Build, mine, explore, whatever you want. No worry of griefers, no worry of people killing you for no reason, just play.

Some of our current plugins are, mcMMO, essentials, trails, teams, griefprevention, and more.

We currently only have one survival server, however once you join and join our site you can tell us what we should add, like mini-games, plugins, more servers, etc..

Hope to see you on.


Action Active Art Ass Base Based Build Class Com Conomy Couple Creation Creative Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Grief Growing Life Mcmmo Mmo Play Player Pve Real Red Server Servers Staff Survival Vis


Are you ready to build your dream? Are you tired of servers where your creations are griefed, where your materials are stolen, where rudeness is the norm? Come build with us! PaxArtifex is the realization of a real life couple’s vision. We are a factions/economy based MCMMO server with a fine staff and a growing player base. Come build your dream and grow with us!

Action Actions Ass Beta Class Com End Erver Fac Faction Factions Friend Friends Hub Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Need Network New Play Prison Pvp Riends Rvival Server Staff Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Two Welcome Work


[hub][Kitpvp][Survival][Prison][factions] AND MANY MORE…
Welcome to Gnetwork. a network for your friends.
Come play on oar new beta server..
theres is much to do.
we need staff so be quikle.



Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Prison Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!