NO Hatefulness/Hate Speech
NO Hurtful/NSFW Images
PLEASE Respect Privacy
DONT be a troll
-No Abusing Spawn Protection
-Dont Kill Afks
-No Ofline Raiding
-No Hacking No Xray
-New Player Get 1 hour of Grace
-No Combat Logging
-No Spawn Camping/Farming
-No Selling Cords/Giving Coords In Spec
-No Lag Machines
-No Breaking Signed Contracts (Any contracts made should be ran by a admin with a the arming signing the book)
-No Putting Ender Dragon Egg In Your Ender Chest/Putting The Egg In A Shulker And Ecing It
-No Minimaps
-No Tping To Players In Spec Mode
May 5, 2023