1.10 1.14 Ascend Die Google Lore Medieval Pve Economy Quests Sites Social Theme Themed Uests Vie

Lands of Glory ⚔️- Version Beta

Lands of Glory
Join us in a fun, medieval-themed survival server where you
fight to survive. Complete quests for awesome custom
rewards and ascend the social hierarchy.

Get started knowing more:
Take a look at the map:

Hop on with any version 1.10-1.19.x

18plus 18server 18yearsold Chunks Drama Grieving One Block Skri Skript Survival Tower Towers Vanilla Verification Verified

FeralCraft +18 (Discord Verification)

Welcome to FeralCraft!
Are you looking for a community to join without the immaturity?

Yes? Then this server is for you!
Everyone is 18 years or older and verified through discord!
Hop right on and the server will give you a link to click on and a code to enter for verification!

When you first join the vanilla server through the hub, it will randomly teleport you. This allows players to explore on their own terms!

There are also Parties! I developed a custom party skript called Glow Parties and this allows you to be in parties with others and see where they are up to 10 chunks away!

If you find any bugs, please post them in the discord chat!



No one block towers, If you make them, remove them when you are done please!

There will be no grieving or pvp unless agreed upon between players.

This server is dedicated to showing each other respect and to enjoy the vanilla experience without the drama 🙂

AFK is allowed for your farms!

Create Mod Download Fabric Fabricserver Factions Java Meep Mods Origins Origins Mod Pmc Sun Survival Weapon Weapons Mod

MeepMC (Discord Unfinished)

MeepMC is a new fabric factions server that is modded with the create mod, the origins mod, and the MC dungeons weapons mod. The server is still fresh and unexplored! the discord is still being worked on for the time being but the server is online and ready.

ATTENTION! download mods under Mods-To-Join_Server to be able to join

Discord Link Here!

1.19.3 Anarchy Anarquicosurvival Clan First Home Nen Paw Pvp Rules Spawn Survival System Tall Vanilla

Minenox | Anarchy Vanilla 1.19.3 (NO RULES, NO TP, NO HOME AND NO SPAWN)

Minenox | Anarchy Vanilla 1.19.3 (NO RULES, NO TP, NO HOME AND NO SPAWN)

Welcome to minenox a new server, with our first anarchy game mode, totally vanilla no tp, no home, no rules and also has a clan system.

Claims Claimsurvival Community Communityserver Communitysmp Communitysurvival Essentials Geyser Luckperms Perms Survival Survivalmultiplayer Survivalserver Viaversion Votingrewards

Royal Society

Survival Minecraft Done Right.
It’s no secret that Minecraft was designed to play with friends. That’s why we strive me make your multiplayer survival crossplay experience our top priority.
We have a abunch of anti-grief plugins to insure your builds don’t get destroyed Advanced portals
Plugins installed on server: ViaVersion, Geyser, Essentials, World Guard, World Edit, LuckPerms, AdminCMDS

Ations City Civ Civilization Civilizations Earth Heir Lands Last Life Lastlife Life. Nation Place Scale Survival

Last Life Network

Welcome to Last Life!

Want to make your own nation or city on earth? Then you are at the right place for that!

Last Life allows players to roam the earth on a 1:924 scaled earth map and to create their own civilizations!

1.19.2 1192smp Allowed Anything Full Hank Hate Illegal Peace Peaceful Prop Rui Smp Survival Watch

LegencySMP 1.19.2 server vanilla

Come play a great peaceful SMP, where you can do whatever you want, but watch out for foes who want to ruin your life! Thankfully, you are not allowed to hack or harrass or do anything either illegal or inappropriate.

Account Add Added Cent Des Enter Las Ngrok Our Rip Script Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer You Your

minecraft server minecraft server

Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Bucket Chunkbuster Chunkbusters Chunks Faction Pvp Factions Factionsurvival Genbucket Genbuckets Grinders Mcmmofactions Pickaxe Sellwands Tren Wands

BytelessMC – Factions

Welcome to our listing, we are a brand new network of high quality servers. Our BytelessMC – Factions server is our first and we believe is of very high quality, also running on HQ server hardware for a lag free experience hosted in the UK. Whether you’re new to factions or not, we have created this server to be intuitive on both ends of the stick.

ChunkBusters – Quickly remove chunks to build a base that extends down to bedrock easily)

GenBuckets – Places blocks automatically to make the building experience less time consuming)

Factions Top – Compete against other factions in the race to be the richest and most powerful on the server

MFHoppers – Making mob grinders a lot more easier and automated, can be viewed in /shop in the special tab.

SellWands – Sell all of the contents of a chest with the right click of a button, this item is bought in /shop.

Trench Tools – PickAxes in the special tab in /shop to mine out large areas quickly (3×3 all the way to 7×7)

A lot more features you can find in game, these are just a few that make our server fun to play on.

1.19.2 Client Factions Gold Mod Pack Moddé Modded Moded Pve Pvp Server Servival Smp Survival Xray

Fields of Gold Modded SMP

Fields of Gold is a 1.19.2 Modded Factions Style SMP (Java)

Open for anyone to join!


Three main rules
1. No hack clients or xrays
2. What ever origin you choose is the one you keep
3. Have fun


Best Bestserver Blackpanther Blackwidow Bosses Captainamerica City Citybuild Daredevil Economy Hawkeye Hulk Ironman Marvel Marvelcraft Marvelmc Marvelminecraftuniverse Marvelserver Mcu Minecraft Mmo Mmorpg Newyork Nomods Openworld Optifine Plugins Pve Pvp Rpg Shehulk Spiderman Stanlee Super Supercraft Superheroes Supervillains Vanilla Wakanda

SuperCraft – Marvel Minecraft Server

SuperCraft is an open world Marvel themed server. You can explore our custom made map and obtain and or upgrade character suits with custom made abilities. Fight players, do quests, and play as your favorite Characters!

1986 Account Add Added Cent Des Enter Las Ngrok Rip Script Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer You Your

minecraft server minecraft server

Minecraft Server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

300 3000 Black Dead Decade Direct Faction Pvp Factions Final Minecraft War Oldschool Pvp Simple War Worldborder


It’s what it says on the tin. Dead simple factions with a blackstone platform as spawn. That’s it. No other plugins, and we like it that way. Worldborder is set at 3000, so 1500 in every direction from spawn.
Here’s the IP: crucible-factions.apexmc.coAnd the discord:
I played on the original Minecraft Wars server (the actual OG faction server) almost a decade ago and finally got the itch again. The server has no pop ups, kits, ads, etc. It’s just the raw faction experience. I hope you enjoy.

Bank Dungeons Extraction Fortnite Free Gear Guides Minecraftraiding Pve Pvp Raiding Raidingallowed Shards Shields Survival Tarkov

Minecraft Iron

Minecraft server and a vanilla survival Minecraft server.

About our Minecraft Server.

We find that too many servers are filled with spammy chats, too many colors and pointless features.

The Minecraft Iron Minecraft Server is a Minecraft raiding server with a custom survival experience and lots of exciting features to make your stay fun and exciting on Java, Bedrock and Pocket Edition.

Our Minecraft server is designed for you and your friends to gear up, build and fortify a strong base, raid other players’ bases, duel and fight other players and more.

We’d refer to our Minecraft server as the following: A Base Raiding, PVP & Duels and Survival server.

What you’ll find on our server.

CUSTOM ECONOMY ⁠— We chose not to go for a traditional economy system. Collect shards (in game item) from killing mobs and selling items to use at our market!

CUSTOM CRATES ⁠— Exciting custom crates that offer all our custom items, enchants, potions and coins to increase your power!

CUSTOM RAIDING ⁠— Experience a new and custom base raiding experience that makes the robbing experince much more exciting!

DROP PARTIES ⁠— Like the ‘good old days’ of Minecraft Servers, we run weekly drop parties at hub for free gear and coins!

PVP EXTRACTION ZONE ⁠— Experince a ‘Tarkov’ like PVP zone where you must reach an extraction point to leave the PVP arena.

ROB PLAYERS MONEY ⁠— Because all server currency (shards) are actual items, you can steal them when PVPing and raiding bases!

CUSTOM POTIONS ⁠— Get ready for battle with our custom potions with custom effects to use on yourself and on your enemies.

10K X 10K WORLD ⁠— We’ve pre-generated a huge 10,000 x 10,000 world. Hide your base and search for others in our mega world!

MED KITS & SHIELDS ⁠— Heal up quicker with our ‘Fortnite’ style health packs and shields for a more interesting PVP experience.

KILL LEADERBOARD ⁠— Reach the top of our kill leader board to earn rewards and gear in game! Visible on our site and at the hub.

MOB LEVELS ⁠— The monsters on our server have different levels and amounts of health to make things interesting!

Our server is also available on Bedrock!
You can join our Minecraft server on Bedrock as our server is cross-platform! Join our Bedrock Minecraft Raiding server using the following IP address and server port: PLAY.MINECRAFTIRON.COM:19001

Want free server ranks?
Read the article that we have linked here: How to get free Minecraft server ranks 2023 to get free Minecraft server ranks! Be quick, there are only a few free rank codes available.

Build Building Everyone Everything Find Hey île Jus People Pvp Soon Survival Tes Test Things

new test server it’s is coming soon

Hey im building a server and i just want it to come up now. So everyone can play on it while i work on things to fix things on it.

I want it up so people can find out if you will like the server well and more people will want to play on it when everything works

$5000 1.19.3 2023 Basicsurvival Bukkit Economy False Freespeech Friendlycommunity Griefprevention Landclaim Livemap Pvp Sethomes Survival

Freedom Survival Multiplayer

Welcome to Freedom SMP! We are Survival Multiplayer, ‘close-to-vanilla’ experience- (Basic Survival, Landclaim, PvP, with a functioning economy). Freedom SMP’s unique experience is a simple “run-from-spawn”, or /wild to start. There are 3 main roads leaving Spawn to increase player interaction- (by creating player shops, public amenities, etc.)– along each of the Spawn roads. So, be sure to get a claim near spawn!

All players will start with 1000 claim blocks, $5000 cash, and 3 /sethomes – so that each player has a comfortable starting experience. The starting opportunities of a lifetime!

Freedom SMP runs on FREEDOM. We pride ourselves that Freedom SMP is dedicated to upholding Free Speech– meaning, without staff censorship. Our mission is to allow player dialogue and discourse– the good, the bad, and the ugly. Freedom SMP is a server for ALL people- where ideas and free thought can prosper!

Official Launch is January 1st, 2023. Join today! 1.19.3


Livemap: [b=false][/b]

Discord: tQ7GECzYAQ

Added Air Blu Blue Clg Cop Get Heli Helicopter Las Nat Ngrok Survival Multiplayer Tak Take

blBluecCraft f .-..ll Donat f clGet the helicopter air server Minecraft

Server owner “blBluecCraft f .-..ll Donat f clTake helicopter air” has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Advertising Destroying Exception Floo Flood Glitch Offensive Racism Roof Semivanilla Skins Smp Spawnkill Survival Wood




1. No hacking or using mods which increase your advantage.
2. No destroying or robbing other players’ buildings.
3. No offensive builds, names or skins.
4. No advertising of any kind.
5. No spamming or flooding the chat.
6. No spawnkilling or destroying other players’ beds.
7. Do not use glitches. Nether roof is the exception.
9. Respect other players. Racism or any slurs are not allowed.

Addon Addons Best Of Dungeons Faction Factions Free Kingdoms Mcmmo Mobs Newest Original Pvp Rpg Smp


Custom Addons, Newest Updates, and best of all Single Ladies 😉 InfinitRealms is a RPG Factions based Java Server. We support 1.7.X to the newest releases! We offer plenty of exciting and new features, all while keeping the original Vanilla feel. Choose to start your own Kingdom and join up with others, all free of you!

Acid Acidisland Bedrock Customplugins Economy Java One Block Oneblock Oregenerators Shop Shopgui Skyblock Skygrid Spawnershop Survival

DoragonCraft Java Bedrock Compatible

Java and Bedrock compatible
Java IP:

Bedrock IP:

Brand New Looking for testers and players
Shop gui
Custom ore gens

Sky Block
Sky Grid
Acid Island
One Block

Come and take a look
Suggestions welcome

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Pokecraft ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!