Amazing Build Building Class Color Community Craft Eco Econ Economy End Enjin Friendly Fun Head Job Jobs King Lit Mature Mine Minecraft Play Player Players Quest Realism Realistic Rol Role Roleplay Server Shop Shops Simple Survival Town Towny Website


[color=#00BF00][center][size=200]Arizel [/size]

Fellow minecraft players, if you are looking for a friendly mature community that offers a realistic atmosphere, then this is your place.

Arizel is a survival roleplay server that wants to offer the players the ability to experience realism. We do this by implementing plugs ins such as Economy, Jobs, Chest Shop [Coming Soon:Towny]. This allows the player to be able to work for something instead of simple building in a random space. All players are encourage to form bonds with one another, even communities. Wouldnt you agree that it is more fun to play with other people than being a lone wolf? Well here is your chance. Go ahead, form a bond, and build something amazing with a fellow player

Our Server Ip:

Our Website:

Have any questions? Let us know on the comments below. :D[/center][/color]


Allowed Ban Boss Build Claim Community Country Craft Create Creative Death Eco Econ End Farm Going Good Grief Griefing Hub Lag Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Multiplayer Nether New Normal Play Pvp Server Spawn Stealing Survival Title Wilderness World

(APPLY) Searching for Good builders in survival for a new Community!

Hi There!
I’ve created a survival server for good Minecraft builders that want to enjoy a survival world together with other creative builders. Read the rules and send me the following information if you’re interested:

– Username:
– Age:
– Time zone/country:
– Build style you’re good at:

Realm/Server Rules

– See something say something. e.g if you accidentally triggered a creeper at spawn, but can’t fix it. Let someone know.
– No cheating, stealing, griefing, glitching, duping, xraying or exploitation of any kind.
Don’t grief there is no point to it, it only wastes your time not ours. I will just undo everything you did as if you did not play on the server in half a second then ban you.
– Don’t lag the server.

– Don’t completely destroy wilderness terrain. (unless it’s your claimed area).
– Flatten wilderness areas when mass collecting blocks.
– Repair damage done to public/wilderness areas. E.g you made a creeper blow up at spawn by accident.
– Have a proper location for killing wither boss. Do not use the end portal or kill near spawn locations e.g the nether hub.
– Build in any theme you want.
– PvP must be agreed upon.


  • Mob grief is enable
  • Fire spread is off
  • Inventory drops upon death
  • Difficulty: Normal
  • I’m going to start with survival myself when the first start too!

    Kind regards,

    Based Best Boss Bosses Build Cat Chest City Class Craft Crafting Create Dungeon Dungeons Emo Free Great Ill Inecraft Item Items Kill Life Magic Magical Mine Minecraft Mob Mod Mods New Plugin Real Recipes Server Version Weapons World

    Magic 1.12 + ThaumCraft 6 on the new version of Minecraft server

    Server DescriptionMagic 1.12.2 is a server with ThaumCraft and Twilight Forest mods that will turn you into a real wizard. You can create a magic wand with which you can burn or freeze your enemies. Build your own world based on pure magic.

    ThaumCraft 6 – This is the best magic mod on the new version of Minecraft, adding sorcery and items related to it.
    Waila – It is a convenient informant that shows the amount of life of a mob and the damage you do to it.
    Iron Chests – Mod that adds more chest options that have more capacity
    Twilight Forest – Adds a Twilight Forest world with many bosses and dungeons.
    Astral Sorcery – Magical astronomy, stars, constellations – this is a great magical mod associated with astronomy.
    Botania – A great mod that adds magic through plants.
    Tinker’s Construct – a mod that adds weapons, tools and their individual parts.
    Blood Magic is a mod that adds bloody magic and demons to the Minecraft world.
    Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning – A modification that allows you to study items in your inventory using a taumometer, just grab a taumometer and point them at items in your inventory or in the chest.
    Thaumcraft NEI Plugin – Modification allowing you to view Thaumcraft crafting recipes directly through the NEI panel

    Active Amigos Ass Class Com Erver Factions Free Free OP Game Games Give Hard Ill Lone Mine Mini Games One Rat Ree Server Servidor Survival Survival Games


    Server 1.5.2. with tons of games. We give FREE OP.

    Servidor 1.5.2. con millones de juegos para pasar el rato
    y divertirte con amigos.

    Ace Active Amazing Block Build Building Class Dio Economy Elves Enjoy Erver Game Games Ios Mini Mini Games New Original Peace Peaceful Plot Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Spawn Staff Stones Studios Survival Sword Tea Team Vanilla World Youtube Youtuber

    Swords and stones

    Sword and Stones the NEW SKYblock, peaceful survival, plot world and mini-games server! We pride ourselves with a original spawn and amazing staff and building team. We are the go to server for Youtuber jbhstudios ( Take a look and Enjoy.

    Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Build Class Dark Eco Event Events Fantasy Fun Home Horde Join Mcmmo Medieval Minigame Mmo Mod Nation Nations Nether Network Old Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rank Rewards Robbers Safe Survive Top Vampire War Warp Weekly World

    NationZ-Network is the home to several worlds each featuring their own world specific plugins,competitions and more…..

    Join zombie nations to take part in the world apocalyptic fun with mass nightly world events and massive nightmare mode events for competitions weekly,how long can you survive? join the fight,take on the horde.

    Or try out some Mcmmo fun at our medieval world FantasyRealm where you can even upgrade your horses as well as your own character,battle other players to survive and keep your loot safe from robbers and thiefs,

    battle other players in our minigame world Dystopia( wip) fight for rewards and cash prizes.

    each world also has its own warped nether….climb and dig throught the twisted creation, hunt for ruins to find treasure, climb and build in the mushroom forests and more.

    or coming soon nightmare. a world where you really should fear the dark (think amnesia) become a vampire hunt to survive, or stay indoors scared…the choice is yours.

    each world holds its own competitions wekly/monthly for rank give aways,player plugin adds and loads more…


    Arena Ass Battle Battles Beautiful Best Big Clan Clans Class Com Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Everything Inecraft Lin Mine Minecraft Nline One Online Pirate Prison Pvp Rvival Server Spawn Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Ter

    TinyStone PvP / Clan Minecraft Server

    Best at 1.5.2 No Dup. Everything is as before. Comebcak 1.5.2 All the best is waiting for you on our server. Waiting for you! Beautiful spawn! Pvp arena! Splif and much more. Clan battles.

    Survival lvl 1000PiratePVPDonatPrivacy ClansPrisonEconomyBig online

    Access Active Amazing Ass Ations Cities Class Craft Creation Creative Different Economy Erver Ill Join List Map Maps Nks Play Player Plot Pve Ran Rank Ranks Ree Rules Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival Whitelist World


    DarCraft is a survival and creative server owned by DaRr3n911. We have three different maps and many player ranks, as well as cities and other amazing creations! There is no whitelist, but once you join should read the rules in order to know how the server works. Upon joining, you will be able to access the Plot World and the Survival World.

    Alliances Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Anti Ars Base Build Claim Class Craft Edit Fac Faction Factions Fight Fire Fireworks Forge Grief Griefing Help Jump Land Level Mcmmo Mmo Network Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Rol Server War Wars Who


    Welcome to the Fishcraft network.
    Fishcraft is a Factions server.
    With MCMMO you can level your skils.
    We even have doublejumps and fireworks you can ride.
    for help you can read out help book

    With this plugin players group up in Factions. You claim land as your own and build your base. Factions is a self serve anti griefing system. Leaders control who can can edit their faction land.

    Factions is also about diplomacy and war. You declare wars and forge alliances. You fight over land and manage your monetary expenses.


    Added Ass Class Com Craft Erver Has Inecraft Mine Minecraf Minecraft Minecraft Kit Start Minecraft Server Owner Raft Server Ter This World You

    World MinecapT 2 Minecraft Server

    The owner of the World MinecapT 2 server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description in your account to it.

    Active Arena Arenas Australia Australian Ban Build Community Craft Economy End Friendly Friends Fun Games Land Lore Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mob Mobs Old Open Play Player Protection Pvp Rol Server Spawn Spleef Store Survival Town Towny Trans Wilderness World


    Connect to the server using:

    Planet-craft is an australian minecraft server. Australian run, although we welcome everyone from around the globe!
    From the beginners to the old school experienced players.

    We have a Towny / Survival world where you and your friends have the choice of working together and saving up for a town and creating your own mini community.
    Or there the option for you to build in the wilderness with no towny protections, collect supplies and explore the wilderness.

    You can make money from killing Hostile and Friendly Mobs.

    We have a personal banking system! You can visit the bank in spawn and deposit, withdraw or transfer your money! You get interest on your total bank balance. As well as being able to store your money, you can store your xp in the bank.

    Last of all we have “Funland”! Our own amusement park on the server! Filled with all sorts of mini games and rides. We have things like Spleef, Mini Golf, PvP arenas and a few different rollercoasters. This world is open for everyone to explore any time! Open 24/7 😉

    Action Art Awesome Beautiful Class Com Empire End Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Friends Game Gamers Gaming Jail Join Ming New Open Ops Plugin Plugins Server Shop Shops Solo Spawn Staff Star Start Style Tea Team Wild Wilderness


    TrinityGamers is an awesome Factions server that is loaded with plugins and awesome staff. You can either run solo in the wilderness, team up with friends, or start your own Empire. Our spawn is absolutely beautiful with shops, a open jail, and an awesome new spawn. Come join today.


    Ace Allowed Anarchy Calm Class Core Craft Free Free To Play Minecraft Freedom Hard Hardcore Ill Inecraft Join Latest Mall Mine Minecraft Minecraft Clans Minecraft Economy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival New No Dupes Play Player Players Pvp Real Server Servers Small Version World Youtube

    Freedom Minecraft Server

    Description of the Freedom server – a place where you learn what real freedom is. Plunge into the world of minecraft anarchy on the latest version servers – 1.15.2. Wimps here is no place. Vulture and PvP are allowed, and a small world will never let you play calmly. Only anarchy, only hardcore!
    Ps YouTube is a free privilege, as well as new players for 1 month!
    IP –
    VK Group –

    Active Amazing Arena Arenas Ban Build Building Builds Buycraft Citizens Class Craft Economy Fresh Ftop Grief Iconomy Job Jobs Lit Mob Mod Moderator Moderators Play Pvp Redstone Server Shop Shops Speak Staff Survival Team Teamspeak Top Vote War World


    Welcome to the nostalgic terra of Nofftopia. A wonderful place to build, invent And mingle. While iConomy, Jobs and Shops keep building materials at your finger tips; BuyCraft gives you unlimited possibilities of game play. The first world you encounter, Terra Nova is filled with amazing builds, Pixel Art and Redstone contraptions! PVP Arenas and Mob Arenas keep the game play fresh and original. With LightVote and StarGate you can easily change the weather, Make Night into Day and Teleport just about anywhere.

    Griefers Beware! We also have a full staff of Veterans, Sheriffs and Moderators. Through the use of Citizens our staff can monitor Griefers and Thieves. Griefers and Thieves will be banned!

    TeamSpeak Server:

    You can also access our server via

    Speed Test Download: 60.93 Mb/s Upload: 11.64 Mb/s

    Additional Notes
    Welcome to the nostalgic terra of Nofftopia. A wonderful place to build, invent And mingle… We are a 24/7 server, and have been running for over 3 years!

    Action Actions Ass Class Com Ctm Custom Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Enhanced Enjin Erver Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Item Items Ked Mall Mature Mcserver Please Plugin Plugins Pro Quest Server Small Special Staff Style Swe Tmc Ves


    AddictMC is an Op Factions server that strives to give you an enhanced factions experience. We have many custom plugins and special items with custom enchantments. Our staff is handpicked, and all mature, ready to answer your questions and deal with any problems. We are a small server, but please give us a chance.


    Ant Battles Bed Wars Build battle Castle Battles CS GO Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Mario Party Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ ❗ HITECH 1.12 ❗ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ WIPE 2.04 ⚡ Minecraft server

    ❤️ HiTechCraft 1.12.2 – Industrial server with many mods for Minecraft version 1.12.2

    ❤️ On the server there are mods that are familiar to everyone, which have been transferred to the new version of minecraft, they all have significant changes and innovations, unlike their old counterparts, so everything will be new for you!

    ❤️ Installed mods

    Industrial Craft 2 – Modification that adds industrial production to the world (metallurgy, electrical engineering, etc.)
    AdvancedSolarPanel – Supplement for the IndustrialCraft 2 mod adding new, more powerful types of solar panels
    Advanced Machines – Supplement introducing improved mechanisms from the Industrial Craft 2 mod.
    Gravitation Suite – Addition to the mod IndustrialCraft 2, adding to the game several new types of armor and tools.
    Applied Energistics 2 – A modification that contains a large number of new content, mainly centered around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way. Most of the functions are connected with the ME network or are part of it.
    Lazy AE2 is an addition to Applied Energistics 2, in which there are auxiliary structures and mechanisms many times accelerating some operations.
    Thermal Expansion – adds to the game new mechanics of resource processing, the organization of automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage.
    Thermal Dynamics – is an add-on to the Thermal Expansion mod and adds pipes to the game for transporting objects, energy and liquids.
    Thermal Cultivation – thematically this mod is designed to add things related to agriculture and livestock.
    Thermal Innovation – Adds drills, magnets, injectors, saws and quivers to the alchemist.
    Thermal Foundation – an addition to the Thermal Expansion mod, adds a new type of ore, new tools and blocks to the game
    Draconic Evolution – A mod that adds powerful new tools, armor, cars and various elements that use Redstone Flux to work.
    Forestry – a modification for Minecraft, adding new types of trees, solutions for automatic farms, beekeeping and much more.
    Gendustry is a Forestry modification add-on that adds mechanisms for the genetic manipulation of bees, butterflies and trees
    Binnie’s Mods is an add-on for the Forestry mod, with support for multiplayer mode. Consists of 5 sections, which were previously separate modifications.
    Botany is an addon to the Forestry fashion, adding a huge amount of decor and plants.
    Extra Bees is an addon to the Forestry mod, adding various hives to the generation of the world, new improvements for large hives and frames.
    Extra Trees is an addon to the Forestry mod, adding the ability to bring out new types of different trees. Want a little cherry tree for your decor? Or maybe a huge sequoia? Yes please! Also, the addon includes many blocks of decor.
    Genetics is an addon to the Forestry mod that everyone loves so much! With it, you can bring out a huge number of new bees, plant any genes on them, and indeed … The mod greatly simplifies the life of beekeepers.
    CustomNPC – Modification that adds mobs (non-game characters, NPCs) to the game, which are initially programmed by the server administrator. It makes the Minecraft world more vibrant and atmospheric, filling it with quests and much more.
    OpenComputers – adds computers and robots to the game, which can be programmed in the Lua language.
    Computronics is an addon for the OpenComputers mod that adds several new items and an API for working with them.
    Elevator Mod – Adds the use of elevators in different colors.
    Emoticons Mod – Just words aren’t enough to convey information, right? But with this mod, you can show your emotions.
    IronChest – a mod that adds new chests to the game in which you can store up to 108 different items.
    JAOPCA is a mod whose purpose is to add compatibility when processing ore from different versions.
    Scannable is a small addition to the clever explorer’s tool belt.
    JourneyMap – the mod will add a map and a radar, according to which you can easily navigate in a huge cubic world.
    Chisel – Mod will add a huge number of various decorative blocks to minecraft.
    FluxNetworks – Modification will allow the player to use wireless energy systems that will be easily configured.
    JEI – The mod displays all the items that are in the game, so you can look at crafting any item with the R key and find out what can be crafted from this item with the U key.
    Voice Chat Reloaded – A mod that adds the ability to communicate with other players through a microphone.
    OnlinePictureFrame – with the help of this mod you can transfer your favorite picture to the game minecraft.

    Action Active Base Based Class Coded Creative Custom Customcoded Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hunger Hunger Games Kit Kitpvp Kits Mini Games Minigame Minigames Monsters Park Parkour Plot Plots Pvp Ring Server Survival Survival Games Survivalgame Survivalgames Vip

    WayPVP MiniGames And PVP

    WayPVP is a PVP based PVP server. Almost all games are in PVP. WaySurvivalGames (CustomCoded Hunger Games)
    CakePoke (PVP while Parkouring)
    Mutant Factions (PVP while infected monsters come for U)
    Creative (Just another Plots)
    KitPVP (Get User Kits and Buy VIP and + to get more kits)

    170 Ass Class Com Farm Farms Item Items Lmao Make Plot Plotme Sell Style Survival Multiplayer You

    Plotme Farms

    Make your plotme and sell items.
    Make your plotme and sell items.
    Make your plotme and sell items.
    Make your plotme and sell items.


    Admin Anti Ats Aus Australia Ban Block Cat Class Craft Dedicated Diamond Discord Faction Pvp Free Fresh Gaming Going Hard Hardcore Help Ill King Lag Mod Network Old Pay Plugin Plugins Pro Rank Ranking Ranks Server Spigot Staff Title War


    Just a Fresh server working out the bugs feel free to help test. Im currently Setting up. Wanting some people to help test and see whats going on some ideas would appreacated
    Any Ideas and or Plugins that you would like please let me know and ill see what can be done ill make a discord for the server aswell
    Benifits are all cosmetic so the server is not pay to win
    Working on the ranks
    Coal [Default]


    This server is located in australia
    Running on 2x Xeon processors with 64GB ram on dedicated Server hardware. on the NBN fibre network.
    If there is any lag or issues please let me know in gaming im currently working out a discord server and all the plugins to go along with. we do have a ranking system at the moment the ranks are unavaliable. due to the server not being 110 complete

    I will also be running a hardcore server. that will mean you get banned once you die along side this one but will sort that one out shortly
    Plugins installed on server: Spigot and more

    Active Anarchy Ass Class Com Community Eat Economy Erver Good Great Infinity Lmao Mmu Ommunity Prison Pvp Server Staff Taff Tim Time You


    OP Prison Server
    Good Staff and Great Community I hope you have a good time!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Free Java Server Hosting. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!