100 Border Data Experiment Limited Link Mana Manage Management No Mods Noop Rce Resource Rime Survival

The Resource Experiment

This is a server where the world border is limited to 100 by 100. This is a experiment to see the resource management people are capable of. No mods, all vanilla. Discord:

Bot Enjoyable Goal Kitpvp Last Player Standing Level Rangers Rce Resource Resources Skyblock Stand Survival Survive Table


Welcome to the LevelPVP Network!

LevelPVP is a Minecraft Network consisting of two gamemodes: KitPVP and SkyBlock. KitPVP is a gamemode where you battle with your friends, strangers, or both and the goal is to be the last player standing. Can you win against all odds? SkyBlock is a gamemode where you survive in the sky while gathering resources to help you survive. There are shops and a mine that you can go to and constant updates to improve the gameplay experience.

Here at LevelPVP, our goal is simple. Make an experience that is unforgettable and enjoyable! We hope you consider our network and we hope to see you there!

Buildings Cities Civilized Empires Fun Gun Hermit Hermitcraft Minecraft Newsmp Serves Smp Smpsurvival Survival Trust

Limitless SMP (NEW!) Hermitcraft like server, build cities, create empires! Sell itmes in a shop! FRIENDLY SERVER

ο»ΏHey there! Welcome to Limitless SMP, owned and founded by PeepPlayz12. I hope that we can have great times on the server, there are no claims so we are trusting you not to grief/steal/insult any other players. Everyone deserves a fun time, right? Anyways, there is no world border so you can explore very far, I hope you have a great time on the server and I hope to see you there. Thanks, (and remember, the server has just begun so there are no buildings or anything yet πŸ™‚

Diamond Diamonds Discordserver Funithink Funserver Iron Mus Nether Netherite Pog Pogchamp Stone Survival Swearingallowed Wood


Why did I do this..


This SMP is a minecraft server that IS WHITELIST. (Join discord if u want to get whitelisted) This server has no plugins and is completely Vanilla.

When you join, get wood, get stone, get iron, get diamonds get netherite. We will all beat the game when I say so.

Challenging Fun Griefing Leaderboards Plugins Pvp Raiding Raids Rides Semianarchy Semivanilla Shop Skills Smp Survival

DarkxSmp Semi-Anarchy [ No hacks [ bosses [ clans [ custom enchants [ Custom Armor/weapons [ Griefing Allowed[ Raiding allowed [ free Speach Allowed.


Hello All, Would like to invite everyone to our new survival server/semi-anarchy server. The server has been Up for couple months now. and plan on keeping it up forever, we get a daily member count of around 5/15 at peak times and wish to grow that more and more! the server prides itselve on not being so protective, such as having no claiming, and free speach, no keep inventory in wild and raiding/griefing is allowed.
Before Creation i had experiences on other servers of admin abuse on myself. so admin abusing is not allowed and will never happen.
Who will be the strongest?


Our Minecraft Server DarkSmp offers many features which provide a fun
enviroment,Jump in and play alone or if u want to party up and play with friends
Meet new minecraft players in our Server Spawn area or discord which is actively Growing Larger.
Active Admins in game or discord for any Questions or Help.

NO HACKERS. we provide a anti hacking system with lets admins and owner
monitor players and catch anyone looking to abuse or hack their way to
the top on server

Our server Features include:

-PartyChat/ Friendslist


-anti hacking plugin

-spawn area

-The pit arena- with keep inv only in the arena


-Custom Op items/Armor/Weapons

-Boss Mobs – with chance of dropping Op Items

-suggestions taken – active admins or owners who actively look and hear feedback

And many more fun features

All type of players are accepted here from the less experience to the pvp
Gods to the builders and to the casuals, come join and have fun
Can You survive ?

Test Yourself
server IP

Discord Link/invite:

Easy Friendly Friendlystaff Friendlysurvival Homes Nocheat Nogrief Nolag Nopvp Nowhitelist Pvp Randomtp Respect Respectful Rtp Small Smp Survival Wild

Skeyecraft / SMP / Friendly & small / No grief / 1.17.1


Skeyecraft is a Minecraft 1.17 SMP.
Please familiarize yourself with these global rules.

1. Respect other players and their land.

2. No spamming or advertising.

3. No hacking or cheating.

4. No griefing or stealing. We can tell who did what.

5. No NSFW or related content.

6. No political debates.

7. No unsolicited direct messages which breach the other rules.

8. No abusive behaviour; no racism or hate speech.

9. Staff decisions are final.

10. Speak English only.

These rules apply to both Minecraft and Discord. By being a member of this server, you agree to follow the rules listed above.
Rules for the world:
* Avoid building within a few hundred blocks (about 500) from spawn unless you’re building for spawn. This is where the main area will be built.
* The world border currently stands at 15,200. The world will be expanded when 1.18 is released, and eventually 1.19 too.

Unique features

/homes. /home [set|tp|delete] (homename) – Each player has a maximum of 10 homes.
/warps – Warps can be purchased by putting valuable items into public chests at spawn.

/pvp toggleactionbar – Hide or show the actionbar that tells you if you have PVP enabled.
/pvp – Toggle your own PVP status. You are invincible by default
,/rtp, /wild – Randomly teleport.

117server 117vanilla Creators Drama Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Match Misa October Optimized Puresurvival Purevanilla Survival Tweaks Vanilla

(BRAND NEW) 1.17.1 Creators SMP ┃Pure Vanilla / HermitCraft-style┃Age Limit┃No Building Restrictions┃Great Community

Minecraft Private Vanilla 1.17.1+

We are an adult, semi-vanilla 1.17.1 Minecraft server network built to be a laid-back and drama-free place to unwind, get creative, and have a little fun.

We are pretty dedicated to an authentic survival experience and follow along loosely with what hermit-craft achieve in their SMP.
our server has as many minimal optimisations to match the vanilla experience of Minecraft, but improved and optimized to run smoothly in a multiplayer environment, with Vanilla tweaks of course!

Strict application policy means we can assure the safety of your vanilla builds/game-play!
play exactly how vanilla multiplayer was meant to be!

24/7 dedicated server
with minimal lag!


1.16.5 1v1 9.2 Going Green Hungergames Kitpvp Lands Minigames Need Staff Old Skywars Smp Survival Tak

GreenyLands {may take a sec to join} 1.16.5

join greenylands it may take a sec to join but have fun and dont worry but ineed staff right now so i wold love to have some players willng to have staff but i am going to tell you this is a good sevrer
so dont be rude i want nice communty for GreenyLands 1.16.5

Follow Guy Live Minecraft Survival Minecraft Survival Server News Noop Problems Roble Survival Twitch Vega Vis Witch

LeoXxlionxX server’s

hello, guys this is my minecraft survival server, please enter our discord for any problems and to know all the news about the server, and if you like come and visit us live.

see you in the game!



Aids Award Creative Extra Grid Mcmmo Plotsquared Raiding Raids Skygrid Surival Survival Team Pvp Teams Useful


-=[ πŸ…‚πŸ…„πŸ…πŸ……πŸ„ΈπŸ……πŸ„°πŸ„» / πŸ…πŸ„°πŸ„ΈπŸ„³πŸ…‚ / πŸ„²πŸ…πŸ„΄πŸ„°πŸ…ƒπŸ„ΈπŸ……πŸ„΄ / πŸ…‚πŸ„ΊπŸ…ˆπŸ„ΆπŸ…πŸ„ΈπŸ„³ ]=-

Utopia is a variety server with several worlds including survival/faction, creative plots, and Skygrid. In the surival world, each player can join one of three factions to fight the opposing factions for player kills. Once you reach 10 or more player kills, you can go to your faction headquarters to call a raid on an opposing faction, and all players on the team with 10 or more kills will receive an award! To rack up extra kills, visit the PVP arena to fight opposing faction members! If the teams and raids are not of interest to you, there is a whole world for you to explore. Go to spawn to find warps to other worlds, team recruiters, and other useful information. The server is complete with the latest MCMMO. Don’t forget to visit the rules room when you join! Have fun and help us create a Utopia!

Access Annoying Awaken Dimension Easy Econemy Going Hats Hidden Loot New World Power Rift Stories Survival

Dimensional Rift SMP BRAND NEW WORLD!

The rift has reawakened. with new power and stories to tell.

features of this world:

anti stress plugins. we take the annoying parts out of minecraft so you can play without hastle
a full working econemy system
hidden stories to discover
easy going staff
free to access loot crates
our discord

Bedbox Boiling Chairs Gens Genserver Hanks Minecraft Minecraftserver Prison Skyblock Skygames Survial Survival Warz Warzone


Welcome to SkyGamesOnline this is a server where u can play Survial, Bedbox, OnlineGens, skyblock, skywars, bedwars, Warzone, Prison.

Im looking for staff for my server!!

And a Website is comming soon πŸ™‚


18plus 18yearsold Active Activecommunity Activemoderators Activeowner Activeowners Activestaff Acuteloot Adult Adultserver Claim Claims Closecommunity Closeknit Community Communitybased Communitydriven Communityfocused Communityoriented Discord Dynmap Expandingworldborder Friendly Frpg Fun Growing Homestead Itemeconomy Lgbtqfriendly Mature Mmo Mmorpg Nogrief Nohacks Pve Rpg Smp Survival Welcoming

HomesteadCraft [SMP] {Discord} {21+} {RPG} {Claims} {Dynmap}

Welcome, Neighbors!


HomesteadCraft is an RPG-inspired adult MC server with a vanilla-feel; think vanilla ice cream with sprinkles. In order to create a server with that old-school RPG feel, we use a few plugins, including:

McMMO- A skill-leveling, perk-unlocking masterpiece! Such skills include Acrobatics, Archery, Unarmed, Excavation, Herbalism, Alchemy and many more.

Acuteloot- Adds literally BILLIONS of unique named items. With billions of names, over 15 different special effects (check out the arrow-riding enderbow or the timewalker boots!), different particle effects and a rarity system, the combinations are practically limitless. Find AcuteLoot items in naturally-spawned chests or get lucky when enchanting to roll the dice!

You’ll probably notice the health bars floating above mobs now, too. There’s also damage counters when you hit them.

Outside of the RPG-inspired plugins, we also use a claims plugin. Since this is a grief-free server (see rules below), you can imagine this one helps prevent a LOT of things. With an easy-to-use GUI, you can set permissions to control who may or may not build, open chests, place lava, break blocks or even set an enter/exit message to display to visitors inside each of your claimed areas.

We currently have a world border of 7k in each direction from spawn, making sure you’ll always have a place to build or explore, with future expansions planned for each major update.


With an admin team that strives to assure constant 20TPS, and a friendly and helpful mod team, we try to build a close-knit community of friends from all over the world who just want to hangout with other adults and play some Minecraft. We have an active Discord community (with integration between game chat and Discord that lets you see what’s going on in either), where you can set up trades, talk to everyone else or share screenshots of your builds. There’s even a dedicated meme channel! As with the server, our Discord server is for adults only. Both are 18+ because we’re not interested in dealing with kid-related drama.


Join us at

We look forward to seeing you on the Homestead, Neighbor!


As for our rules, we tried to keep them as simple and concise as possible;

1: Don’t be a D!/k.
2: 21+ only.
3: Even as an adult-only server, please limit profanity in chat.
4: Absolutely NO hateful or derogatory language will be tolerated. Full stop. If you have to ask if it counts, there’s a good chance it does.

We are a friendly community and strive to be inclusive of ALL minecraft players. Moderation staff reserves the right to ban any of those found to be breaking core rules.

Canada Dream Hermit Hermitcraft Lagfree Nolag Plugins Purevanilla Semivanilla Smp Smplive Survival Technoblade Tommyinnit Vanilla

πŸ”₯ Boredom SMP [17+ Mature Community] πŸ”₯ – 🧨 Private SMP Community Looking For More Members! 🧨

Mature Whitelisted Survival Community
πŸ‘Š ONLY 3 WEEKS OLD! Launched 8/14 πŸ‘Š

Server Information

  • Server Name: Boredom SMP
  • Host Location: North America – Montreal, Canada (Dedicated Server)
  • Server IP:
  • Version: Java Edition [​1.17+]
  • Apply Now in Discord

    Click this text to join our Discord and apply immediately.

    How we’re different

  • Vanilla Gameplay. Keeping the game the way it’s meant to be played, with some lag-related changes and some Hermit Craft-style data packs.
  • Highly active community with a 20-35 player average
  • We can easily determine who is responsible for grief/theft, and we can restore everything with just one command.
  • Everyone can view who is messing with their stuff using /co i (CoreProtect)
  • Proximity Chat is available to all, but it is optional and doesn’t affect vanilla players.
  • Consistent server-wide events to motivate the community to keep playing
  • Staff team of normal and rational people who are considerate.
  • View builds, people’s bases, and markers all on our server dynmap (
  • Donations that don’t give any gameplay advantages to donators.
  • Discord/Server Features

  • Place a marker visible on dynmap ( by using /markers in Discord
  • Sit on slabs, stairs, and more by right-clicking
  • Ability to ride goats and dolphins
  • Leash villagers like any other mob
  • See if someone stole or broke your stuff- use /co i and left/right-clicking to inspect blocks and containers.
  • Talk to people in-game by using proximity voice chat
  • Apply in our Discord by joining here! (

    Betterminecraft Bte Dank Deo Discordcommunity Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Ftbteams Hide Ideo Lookingforplayers Lookingforstaff Moddedserver Rtp Survival

    Danks Hideout

    Modded Java Server: Better Minecraft [PLUS]

    Survival world with friendly community

    Commands Such as: /sethome, /rtp, /tpa, /ftbteams, etc…

    changing modpack every month or two [or by popular deamand]



    Application Applicationsopen Build Building Casual Casualsurvival Datapacks Dynamicmap Dynmap Friendly Friendlycommunity Hermit Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Mature Maturecommunity Older Relaxed Scicraft Spectatormode Survival Technical Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist

    The Squirtle Squad | Vanilla Survival

    Welcome to the Squirtle Squad!

    We are a small group of players who enjoy everything survival, our server is fully vanilla with the exception of a handful of vanilla-friendly QoL datapacks (e.g. multiplayer sleep) and a Dynamic Map.

    If you’re interested in joining the server, please visit our Discord server below to find out more info, please be aware that there is an application process for this, we do try to get back to all applicants within a few hours though!

    The Squirtle Squad | Discord

    333 Bloodmoon Bloodmoons Bots Claim Crossplay High School Legit Monsters Pve Pvp Smp Superhard Survival Timber

    Junior High School

    βš”οΈ Welcome To Legit Smp βš”οΈ
    A super hard 24/7 7 GB RAM Cracked Survival server with a lot of features and an active community

    ・{ πŸ’° } Economy and Shop
    You can buy and sell almost everything
    ・{ πŸ”¨ } Jobs and quests
    You can earn money by completing them
    ・{ πŸ”‘ } Crates
    They give you random rewards (You can get keys from killing monsters)
    ・{ 🏘️ } Tpa, sethome
    Tp to others and set your home
    ・{ πŸ“™ } Custom Enchants (Cool One)
    55+ custom enchants
    ・{ 🏝️ } WILD
    Random teleport to start your journey
    ・{ 🌲 } Timber
    Break a block from the tree and it will break the whole tree
    ・{ ❌ } Non-P2W server
    Everything is only buy-able with in-game money
    ・{ πŸ”¨ } Land claiming
    claim your land and others can’t grief you
    ・{ πŸŽ‰ } Daily Giveaways
    Join our discord server to participate
    ・{ ⚑ } ANTI BOT RAID!!
    Bots cant raid our server!
    ・{ ⚑ } And more!
    What are you waiting for? Join Now and check them!

    ・{ πŸ—‘οΈ } PvP Always on!

    ・{ πŸ—‘οΈ } VERY HARD and CUSTOM Monsters!

    ・{ πŸ—‘οΈ } Bloodmoons!
    join with bedrock using this:
    Port: 25273

    7gb RAM, 200 player slots, no lag, via version!
    IP –
    Version – 1.16.5 – 1.17.1
    Discord –
    Rules – Do /rules in-game

    What are you waiting for? Try to survive now!!
    Middle school legit!

    Across Alia Aussie Aust Australia Australian Bedwars Cash Final Giveaway Minigames Perk Points Skyblock Survival

    CubeyyMC Australian Network (Survival, Bedwars, Skyblock, MiniGames)

    πŸŽ‡ πŸ₯³ We’re finally open! πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ

    We’re open with a bunch of fun Servers!
    πŸ’š Survival (1.17 vanilla with some helpful plugins)
    πŸ’™ Skyblock (AUS & US servers)
    πŸ’š Bedwars (with Discord integration)
    πŸ’™ MiniGames (20 various games!)


    Coming soon (As we are new!)
    πŸ’š VIP perks across all servers
    πŸ’™ Voting rewards (Start stacking points!)

    ➑️ More info:

    Epic Everything Going Island Journey Mai Oneblock Paw Ports Rts Skyblock Spawn Support Survival Versions


    OneBlockRequired is a server which the main plugin is oneblock, a skyblock type of plugin. you will spawn on an island which will provide you with everything you need to get going on your epic journey through the oneblock verse

    supports all versions of MC!

    189pvp Betaversion Causual Economy Farms Friendly Fun Islandtoppayouts New Pvp Ranks Skyblock Survival Viaversion Warzonepvp

    Quarantine-Gaming SkyBlock

    Quarantine-Gaming SkyBlock | 1.8.9+ | Economy | Quests | Island Tops

    Come join our friendly new SkyBlock server!

    Warzone PVP Coming soon and much more


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Original Skyblock Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!