1000 лвл Classic Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival Need Players No Anti Cheat No Dupes No Launcher No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft Vanilla Like

VAYLAND – A good server for a pleasant game! Minecraft server

Welcome to the VayLand game project. We took the best, discarded the excess and did interesting! There are many servers on our project. We have already made such servers as: SURVIVAL – I, SURVIVAL – II, Vanilla. Plans to open another Classic, Anarchy, SkyBlock. On the Survial server – there is a store, auction, pvp arena, game sets, daily bonus, cases, a convenient menu and much more … Also convenient interfaces for beginners were developed and a suitable store was created on spawn, spawn was made simply so that Beginners are not confused on it. On this server there are cases that can be opened for game currency, currency can be obtained by selling items in the store. Donut made very high quality, all teams work. Regarding the Administration, she is always ready to help, just write to her.

1.8 Active Ass Build Builds Byg Class Classic Economy Erver Lmao Mcmmo Server Smp Survival Ter


Gnyffens er en klassisk SMP server, der bygger på hvad Micsis efterlod.

Gnyffens is a classic SMP server, that builds upon what Micsis left behind.

Action Actions Anything Ark Ass Class Cloud Com Cool Esp Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Good Help Ill Mine Park Parkour Pvp Staff Style Taff Ultimate Unique


Ultimate factions experience. Check us out. We have a good pvp and a cool parkour… We have responsible staff that will like to help you with anything. Our factions experience is unique.


Action Active Awesome Big Class Community Creative Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Game Games Jump Land Lands Latest Mini Mini Games Minigame Minigames Perk Perks Pet Pvp Roleplay Server Sky Skyland Skylands Survival Vote Welcome World

The Big Dig

Welcome to The Big Dig! A Minigame/Factions server packed with features!

– Factions!
– Minigames!
– Awesome community!
– A 24/7 server always on the latest patch!
– Vote perks! Have a pet, /jump, xp boost and even more!
– Creative world!
– Skylands!
– And much much more!

Ass Best Build Castle Class Com Craft Eco Erver Fresh House Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Mon Monster Monsters Morph New Pve Rvival Server Style Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survive Ter Version Vive World


~ MorphWorld ~We are fresh and new server.The server is PVE Survival only.~ Build your own house or castle, Survive against monsters lurking around. Become the best. Minecraft Version 1.8.3


000 200 Antispam Ass Class Com Craft Erver Inecraft Magazine Mine Minecraft Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Nam Name Port Raft Robots Server Ter Unique Version

LimeDex server Minecraft

A unique server in the MC: PE field.
× IP
× Port 12000
× Version 1.1.x
× Any name

Active Allowed Amazing Build Builder Builders Building Class Community Craft Creative Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Explore Help Helpful House Item Items Lore Mining Play Plot Pvp Server Staff Store Survival Tale Town Towny Tree Wilderness


On DermCraft, you are given a plot, where you can build your house and store your items. Once you do some mining, tree chopping, and digging, you can explore other amazing sites on the server. Our staff consists of many very talented builders and helpful people.

We have further implemented Towny and an economy, and allowed PVP in the wilderness, further having events every weekend and a fantastic community to play with. Although we do focus on the roots of this server which is the creativeness of building!

Ass Ava Cat Class Com Craft Dom Dynmap Erver Good Ice Join King Kingdom Kings Lab Map Need Nks Nothing Pack People Raft Ran Rank Ranks Red Server Style


Kingdom server with not too many people.
Novice King (in) and get BOUWpacket as desired.
Dynmap available.
Kings are already divided, but we need more kings. (boundaries indicated (on the Dynmap))
Good ranks for nothing …


Active Build Builds Chest Class Com Community Core Coreprotect Craft Donator Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Experience Experienced Great Grief Lockette Non Perk Perks Play Pro Protect Protection Rank Ranks Rvival Server Staff Survival Town Towny Welcome


CasaCraft is a Towny, economy, survival server with a great community and experienced staff.
We offer donator ranks with great perks, but non-donators are more then welcome.

Grief Protection
– Towny: protects builds
– Lockette: locks chest
– CoreProtect: fixes grief

Ass Cat Class Com Conomy Craft Dedi Dedicated Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Great Help Ill Inecraft Isa Join Lag Lin Lit Lite Mine Minecraft One Play Player Players Polite Rvival Server Staff Style Surviva Survival Tumblr Way

iCraft Economy Survival Server

Hello fellow Minecraft players. Want to play on the greatest minecraft server ever? Well now is your chance. NO LAG, DEDICATED, 24/7, Economy Survival. We have a very polite, dedicated staff that is always willing to help anyone out. Join now. See you server side. You wont be disapointed.


Build Building Chat City Craft Create Currency Donate Eco Econ Economy End Family Friendly Good Grief Griefing Home Interesting Mine Minecraft Mod Play Player Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Resources Rol Server Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Teleportation Trade Vanilla World

Enceladus | Minecraft Private Server

Welcome to Enceladus, the world of your dream survival! The server is as close as possible to vanilla. There is everything for a comfortable and interesting game. Are you ready to become part of our large square family? Then come to us soon!

The server lives on through voluntary assistance, for which players receive many sincere thanks and a sponsor icon in the list of players.
Only honesty and consciousness. Your buildings are your property, always and everywhere. Griefing of any volumes is prohibited and very harshly punishable, rollback of griefing. The only exception is spawn.
None / tp, / home! Only old faithful legs and boats.
All players trade in barter mode. There are secret NPC merchants, but even their currency is crafted, not mined.
Server for the most comfortable and enjoyable game, without insults, obscenities, dirt. We are for healthy communication and a friendly atmosphere!
Fights between players by agreement of the parties. No sudden killings and clamor. Violators are punished with a stick-lagger painfully and for a long time.

The server has plugins installed that do not affect the gameplay. There is an opportunity to create a guild or join an existing one, but this does not give any advantages other than guild chat. Disabled protection from creepers, but Wizer’s call on the surface will not lead to anything good … All public lines were invented and created by players in survival mode with their resources.

We have all. Well, almost everything.
We are missing only you!

Active Admin Admins Adminshop Anti Ats Class Creative Dynamic Eco Econ Econom Economy Features Free Grief Griefing King Land Map Mcmmo Mmo Non Pro Protect Protection Pve Pvp Rank Ranking Rights Server Shop Stats Survival Time World Worlds


~ GumSurvival ~
Server Features:
– Stats – For personal achievement and brag rights 😀
– Anti X-ray
– Anti Griefing (Hawkeye)
– Dynamic Map of worlds
– Automatic Ranking (Overtime)
Survival World Features:
– mcMMO
– Economy/AdminShop
– Non-PvP
– Free Land Protection
– Anti-Griefing

1.7 1.7.5 Ass Class Cool Craft Erver Kurama Lmao Raft Ram Serv Server Style Survival Multiplayer


A cool 1.7.5 Server


Active Amazing Ass Bot Class Construction Craft Creative Eat End Erver Friend Friendly Great Inecraft Mine Minecraft Pvp Raft Riendly Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival World


A great friendly server with both a creative and survival world. Amazing constructions.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Based Class Communities Community Craft Creative Custom Developed Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hub Inecraft Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minez Minigame Minigames Mmo Mod Modded Modpack Network New Play Player Plot Rpg Server Survival Town Towny Twitch Unique

TekPK Minecraft

TekPK Minecraft focuses on being a community. We are mainly based off the combined communities of a few twitch streamers. Though at the moment we offer a hub, factions/mcmmo server, a creative plot server, and a unique player driven/developed towny survival server and a custom modpack server (TekPK Pack) we are new and growing quickly. Get in on the ground floor as the network expands.

Coming soon: Minigames, RPG Factions. More modded, MineZ, MC Rust etc.


Adventure Ass Ations Button Cat Class Cod Com Complex Craft Create Difficult Dventure Ect Elf Erver Has Ill Inecraft Interesting Magic Mine Minecraft Mod Modifications Nature Rat Rol Server Soon Survival Multiplayer Ter Time Venture Vote Weapons World


Description of the server Magic server has incorporated the most interesting, fascinating, sometimes even difficult and complex modifications.
Invent magic weapons, create golems, control nature,
come up with the most complicated schemes and mechanisms. Immerse yourself in the world of adventure, and believe me, you will not want to leave it soon.

41 VoteGet button code

Active Admin Best Challenge Class Eco Econ Economy Fac Faction Factions Forge Fun Game Help Home Item Join King Lit Maze Mazes Mini Games Mod Need Play Player Players Pvp Rank Ranking Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Survival Title War

Devils Syndicate

Devil’s Syndicate is a server on its way to the next level, we are running faction mod and are mostly based on PVP action. We have shops available throughout spawn, War-zones, Mazes, Treasure hunts, Secret shops, and specialty/novelty item shops located in War-zones so shop carefully there! We are confident enough with our economy to challenge others to find exploits (best of luck!)

Admin support will be on almost 24/7 so if you ever would need help there would more than likely be someone to help you. We also have a suggestion box, if you come up with an idea that we decide to implement you will be rewarded accordingly.

Once we get a larger player base we plan on upgrading the server accordingly to insure players get the best quality of game time and always have a slot available.

Come join us now, for once we get our ranking system up and running players that call Devil’s Syndicate home will be awarded a Special Title that will never be available again! and in closing, don’t forget to have fun!

Admin Admins Allowed Ban Craft Custom Fly Fun Greif Greifing Hack Hacking Hacks Head Heads King Land Lands Mine Minecraft Mod Mods Play Player Playerheads Players Plugin Plugins Protection Pvp Raid Raiding Rol Server Simple Spawn Vanilla World Worldguard

RebelPenguin – The Scablands

The scablands is a minecraft server by RebelPenguin. It features vanilla-like gameplay without too many over-the-top mods. All players are made to feel welcome right from the start, unless youre a shit troll.. Shit trolls are shit. Funny trolls are funny, so if you want to be welcomed, dont be a shit troll. Simple.

The Plugins:
– WorldGuard (For spawn only. Players do not have protections)
– PlayerHeads: Behead your enemies and keep their head as a trophy.

The Rules:
1. No Hacking or attempting to crash/flood the server. Your player & IP range will be banned.
2. Dont spam. Youll be kicked. If you carry on, you get a ban.
3. Dont ask for OP, youre not gonna get it. You keep asking, you get a ban.
4. Dont be a fucktard.

Thats it. There are no more rules.

So what can I actually do: Whatever you want, as long as its in line with the rules above. Greifing, PVP, raiding is allowed so go nuts and destroy each other, thats why were here

ADMIN ABUSE…: Are you sure its an admin and not just someone using Flyhacks? Our admins are: ThatDaveCarter, MandaO_o, Gaddaffis_Zombie and CustomerSupport


Amazing Awesome Crates Create Custom Discord Dungeons Eco Econ Economy End Faction Faction Pvp Factions Head Kit Kits Leaderboards Mine Mines Network Online Open Play Pvp Raid Rank Resources Rewards Server Sky Skyblock Survival Survive Title Vanilla Voting War World

[ShadowMC Network ] Economy – Survival – PvP-Factions

What do we have to offer?

– Our server is up 24/7 7 days a week!

– Op Skyblock| Create your Island with limited resources and get to the top of the leaderboards

– Op Prision| Collect ores complet dungeons to get ahead and get access to better mines and escape!

– Op Factions Get your friends together to be the top faction and raid others bases, be the strongest.

Survival| Come play and survive in this Semi-Vanilla server.

– Custom rank up in-game to unlock kits, permissions, and commands.

– Custom Voting Crates for awesome rewards!

– Balanced economy, You have to really earn your cash!

– Amazing world generated!


Versions: 1.8 – 1.15.1

ShadowMC-The Official Discord
15 Online
26 Members


Active Admin Arena Ask Ball Class Economy English Fac Faction Frozen Game Games Hack Hungergames Ill Kill Lag Mini Games Mod Moderator Nolag Nolagg Owner Paintball Parkour Plot Plotworld Pvp Pvparena Rank Ranks Rules Server Staff Survival Games World

Frozen Flames

Hello, i have a server called FrozenFlame it is 24/7 NoLagg.
It is English and Danish
We have, HungerGames, PaintBall, PlotWorld, PVP, PvpArena, Faction.
We have 2 owners, 1 admin, and 1 moderator
Co_Owner: Niklas926 Age:14
Owner: TheMarsterKiller Age: 14
1: No Hack
2: Dont Spam
3: Dont Ask For Ranks
4: Respect The Staff
5: Dont Be Racist
6: Dont Use Hack Client

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Pocket Edition Server Create. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!