Donator Economy Eye Grief Prevention Isa Mcmmo Persona Personal Prevention Rey Sable Simply Survival Voting Whitelist

Foreye Survival

We are simply a survival server with a small community, we also spend a lot of time on Discord, so if you enjoy communicating with people and getting to know them, this is a great server for you to spend your time on. Currently looking for builders and other staff.

Some Stuff:
– Survival- Online 24/7- Personal grief prevention- Mob griefing disabled- Friendly staff- No Whitelist- Latest Version- Economy- Jobs- Discord- Voting- Donator Rewards

Amazing Economy Enchant Enchants Imperial Jobs Lms Mcmmo Pve Pvp Rates Realms Survival Towny Towny Server

Imperial Realms

Imperial Realms is a brand new 1.16 Survival/Towny server!
We have Custom Enchants, Crates, Mcmmo, Jobs, many custom plugins and more to come!
Join our amazing community today!

1v1 Bedwars Economy Hide Hide and Seek Islands Mini Games Parkour Private Pvp Seek Skywars Survival Vanilla Xbox

ToxBox – Minecraft Nebulous Server

Welcome to the ToxBox server!

It is a server with a built-in whitelist – Only people who play the Nebulous game and are in the Poles clan have access!

The server focuses on the survival mode with islands, but has additions such as:
– SkyWars
– BedWars
– Hide and Seek
– 1v1
– TheWalls

The server is made for the fun of friends, not a million players. Please keep that in mind!

Players who do not have this game can play on the server in any mode, except for survival!

Day Eso Event Events Exciting Factions Growing Gun Guns Host Mc Server Mcmmo Pvp Raiding Today


Resonance is a Guns-Factions MC server.

We host events, have fun and exciting pvp, and are constantly growing as a community!

Join us today at!

8.3 Aim Claim Difficult Difficulty Easy Laim Private Pure Pvp Pvptoggle Survival System Vanilla Wit

Pure Survival

This server is a pure survival server with a few systems.
claim system
pvptoggle system
private block system
difficulty Easy

have fun

Afk Artmap Bettersleep Bettersleeping Economy Griefdefender Headdatabase Hob Homo Mcmmo Pve Sleeping Survival Swearing Vanilla

The Vanilla Experience

The Vanilla Experience, or MC-TVE is the best survival server you can play on in 1.16.1. Bring your friends, or make new ones here in our awesome community. TVE offers a vanilla survival experience, with no plugins interrupting how the core aspect of the game should be played. The best part of TVE is the tight-knit community!

We host a creative server, a 100% whitelisted vanilla server (ask on the Discord if you’re interested in this server!) and the semi-vanilla main survival server that’s been up for nearly 3 years! Featuring some of the best plugins for survival servers: Dynmap, ArtMap, mcMMO, Plan, HeadDatabase, BetterSleeping, MoreFish, GriefDefender and Shop – we do not use a virtual currency!

Our rules are simple and straight-forward; the most important ones are:
1) Hacking or exploiting bugs/glitches is not allowed.
2) Griefing/Stealing/Raiding/Scamming is not allowed.
3) You must respect players, their area & surrondings.
4) Swearing is allowed, but do not over do it.
5) Homophobic & Racist remarks are not allowed.
6) Using alts to gain an advantage is not allowed.
7) Do not avoid being kicked by the AFK timer.

Banned Claims Economy Exploit Rust Stand Steal Stealing Survival Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Trap Trapping Trust Vanilla


A survival minecraft server with claims, shops, and more. Griefing, stealing, scamming, and tp trapping are allowed so keep your wits and know who to trust.
Dont hack, exploit, or intentionally lag the server and youre generally in the clear.
That being said, outstandingly obnoxious players will probably get banned after long enough.
Good Luck!

Bruh Club Courage Economy Epic Maj Mature Paper Protection Pve Pvp Rage Survival Swag Towny

BRUH swag club

This is an epic server with a small community of mature individuals. It is survival on paper with cool plugins, and we mostly just banter and build.

Most of us are 18+. There is a protection plugin to protect your stuff and major griefing will be punished, though minor BS is okay. We encourage working together.

Blue Elon Factions Future Kitpvp Long Matt Mini Games Moon Nothing Parkour Raiding Survival Ush Vanilla

BlueMoon Network

Currently we have 4 game modes to start – factions, survival, parkour, and a kit pvp. In the future we also hope to implement prison, skyblock, and even a creative game mode.
Our goal is to make sure that everyone, staff or player, feels welcome and a sense of belonging no matter who you are. We strive to push for nothing but positivity and making sure that everyone feels at home!

Achievement Achievements Bungeecord Craftingstore Heart Mobarena Pvp Rebooted Reset Skyblock Skyblockislands Skyblockserver Survival Webstore Weekly

LionHeartMC Network

LionHeartMC is a friendly community that goes all the way back to 2012! Rebooted recently, we are currently offering Skyblock with plans to expand to other gamemodes. Unlike other servers, we put our focus on the community and the achievements players make, and therefore we don’t reset worlds or progress on a regular basis. We also host weekly events! Everyone is welcome and we hope to see you online!


Classic Minecraft Explore Hardcore Insta Lore Minecraft Survival Mobs Nether Survival Survival Game Survival Games Survive Tall Vanilla Wild


A classic Minecraft survival game with lots of mobs.Explore the new nether in 1.16. Multiple plugins installed. Join and have fun!

Across Coreprotect Creative Deal Economy Homes Hosted Kitpvp Land Claims Mcmmo Pot Sell Skyblock Survival Warp


Welcome to BlunderCraft.
We are a friendly new UK hosted server, and welcome you to join us at
– Skyblock
– Creative
Survival is our main focus and has McMMO, Jobs, Land Claims, and Economy (/sell hand + /warp shop).
You can also set 5 named homes across the server.
We run CoreProtect so any potential grief will be dealt with easily.

I am active on the server and I listen to ideas/requests.

1.16.1 100 Host Hosting Loja Magna Networks Paw Sale Social Spawn Store Survival Version Vip


Server in version 1.16.1 – Survival
– Sale of VIP’s
– Loja Spawn
– VIP Store
– We have Discord
– Social networks
– And much more, come to MAGNATAS

Creative Csgo Detail Detailed Economy F2p German Hub International Lobby Multigames Multigaming Skyblock Survival Tail

Schnitzeltreff Network

Schnitzeltreff is an international multigaming community, originating out of the csgo space and ventured into multigaming. We hope you find something of your interest in our community.

I opened up a multi gaming server for all people to enjoy. Enjoy all features, free of charge.
We will offer a variety of games, starting off with a creative,SMP and Skyblock world, with more to come.
Our Discord features even more games aside from Minecraft, and is open for everyone.

Later we will add more servers with minigames like skywars and all the other good stuff. Make sure to let us know what you like to play!

We would like to see you on the server, get involved in its development, and bring your friends while you are at it.
There is a friendly, young community waiting for you.

(Detailed description in progress…)

Army Epl Fort Hiring Immersive Ita Leplay Military Realistic Rol Role Roleplay Roleplay Server Sim Simulation

U.S ArmyRP | Fort Jefferson |

U.S ArmyRP is a military roleplay server in which it is to provide an immersive roleplay experience.
ArmyRP Will provide realistic military simulation.
We’re currently hiring for staff.
Join our discord for more update:

Auctionhouse Automation Crates Dynmap Jobs Mcmmo Parkour Playerwarp Playerwarps Pve Economy Ranks Rankups Towny Townyserver Tribe

TribeMC 1.16.1 – Towny | Rankups | Dynmap | McMMO/Jobs

TribeMC Information:

– IP:
– Dynmap:
– Discord:

– Store:
– Applications:

Server Launch Aug. 9th, 2020

TribeMC is a brand new 1.16.1 Towny server filled with custom features and familiar plugins! Level up through 50 levels to unlock new perks and bonuses, or grind your McMMO/Jobs levels to top the leaderboards. Create your very own shop and let anyone visit with a PlayerWarp, or sell your items to the admin /shop. TribeMC features a Resource overworld and Resource nether, allowing for Towns to be created in the new 1.16 Nether biomes! Check out TribeMC today to join a fun community, we hope you enjoy your stay!

– 50 Rankups : level up to unlock perks
– Towny & Dynmap : view your town from your web browser
– Jobs : grind to earn money and bonuses
– McMMO : RPG style plugin with skills and levels
– PlayerWarps : set your own warp
– Auctionhouse : sell items in a global auctionhouse
– Cosmetics : glows and trails unlocked in levels or our store
– Day Voting : vote for day without sleeping
– Parkour : earn rewards in the spawn parkour

Active Ate Date Disco Discord Economy Info Information Opé Open Opening Saga Sco Tps Vanilla

RoyalSaga for more information about the opening date.

8.2 Auto Chill Hill Jus Lec Mall Nam Name Small Smp Tim Time Title Vanilla

Chill Vanilla

Just small vanilla smp, join for a chill time, not much more to say!

Auction House Australia Australian Cgb Economy Factions Isa Mcmmo Mechanics New Zealand Pvp Region Sword Zeal Zealand


Welcome to the Improv network! We are currently offer the only 1.16.1 Faction Server within the Australian and New Zealand region. Other inclusions for the server are:

– 1.8 Combat Mechanics (No More waiting to swing your sword)
– Economy & Auction House

Join us today!

Minecraft Server Id:
Discord Server Link:

1161survival Building Community Discord Escape Events Eventscustom Fun Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Plugins Survival Vanilla Vanillaish Vanillasurvival Whitelisted

| LunarMC SMP | Mature Server | 1.16.1 Semi Vanilla | Minimal Plugins | Strong Fun Community! | Started 8/4/20 | No Resets! |

Are you looking for a server like Hermitcraft, How To Minecraft, or Cubecraft? Well look no further!

Well… let’s be honest… Chances are you are reading this and you’re like “oh another one of THESE servers.” But let me tell you something, our server is nowhere near like those other survival servers out there! We are not just a survival server, we are a family, we are a community, and together we can escape the outside world and build our own world and community!

So without further ado, I introduce….

What makes our server so good?Well, besides us being a family, we are keeping to true survival minecraft well having fun with some outside stuff. For example, we try to keep our server as Vanilla as possible but we also have a couple plugins for fun. As of this post we have a /spawn plugin, /bed plugin, players and mobs drop heads plugin, some donator plugins that don’t cause the server to be pay to win. These plugins include /pet, particle trails, arrow trails, and phantom toggles! We also have plugins that prevent cheaters, and even if someone does get away with something, we have rollback plugins to prevent anything from being lost forever! Your builds are safe with us! On top of all that, we have an AMAZING discord server run by some amazing people. Speaking of amazing people (which you will be when you join 🙂 we have some amazing admins who constantly are playing to make sure everything is safe and fair! But wait, there’s more! We also host our very own mini games with prizes. Some of the games are not even on any other server out there, also some involve custom built maps! and to put the icing on the cake, WE DO NOT RESET SO YOU WILL NEVER LOSE ANY BUILDS YOU MAKE!

A little about me: My in game name is I_Am_Orion and I started playing Minecraft all the way back in 2013 and have been playing for years since. But the one thing I always wanted was a server I could play on with people and build a community and actually create something amazing! The problem is that all the big servers reset eventually, and then the smaller ones eventually die off. I also am someone who fixes things so I fixed my own problem and now LUNARMC is born! I am also a Top 300 Overwatch player, and enjoy a bunch of other games as well!

Rules: We have very limited rules to keep the open to everyone’s creativity, however we also would like to insure everyone’s happiness and make sure everyone has fun!

-No Griefing: We allow pranks as long as they are easy to clean up. Do not touch others builds without their permission.

-No Stealing: Pretty simple, don’t take what isn’t yours. We will have a shop system so don’t take from shops either.

-No Building Close To Spawn: We have plans for spawn (shops), we can’t have bases super close to it.

-Respect Others: We will not condone racism, bullying, threats, or blackmails of any kind.

-No Hacking: This includes x-rays, kill auras, and auto swings. Duh

-No Clients: No unfair advantages (ask staff or owner about what is and isn’t allowed)

-Try To Avoid Lagging The Server: We understand some of us want huge farms which is totally allowed, but try not to lag everything.

-Don’t Abuse Bugs: Stuff like getting to the roof of the nether and breaking bedrock is fine. Don’t try to duplicate for example.
-Don’t Build Too Close To Spawn: We are reserving a 1000×1000 area (500 blocks in all directions of spawn) for nothing but shops. Build freely everywhere else, but spawn is just for shops and public buildings.

All pretty simple and basic stuff.

A Summary Incase You Don’t Like To Read
-Limited Rules to insure happiness, and fun
-Minimal plugins
-Poppin Discord
-Close Community
-No Resets
-1.16.1 Survival
-Server Location: Las Vegas (People get very good connection)
-No Pay To Win
-Mature Server (Yeah we curse like sailors)
-Server up 24/7
-Builds are protected!
-Mature Staff
-Just Start 8/4/20
-20+ People already!
                  /HOW TO JOIN! /

So how do you get onto this awesome server? Well it’s very simple, join our discord and fill our the application in the “whitelist-apps” channel. These are the questions you will receive!

In-Game Name:
Discord Tag: (Ex: name#1234)
Where did you find out about us?:
Why are you interested in joining?:
What is your favorite thing about minecraft?:
Do you agree to our server’s rules?:

Some important links:

Discord: (If discord link does not work, I will send it to you if you reply to this post 🙂
Voting Link:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Skyblock Servers With Friends. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!