Best Chat Class Community Eco End Enjin Fac Faction Factions Fight Friends Game Games Head Horde Hub King Kit Lit Money Network Noop Open Parkour Play Playing Pvp Quest Race Raid Relax Server Survive Team Weapons World Zombie Zombies

Zurinthia Network

Welcome to Zurinthia Network. We are glad to have you on our server. This server is made for one reason: your enjoyment. While you are on this server, we hope you enjoy playing our different games. Play Zombies, and fight endless hordes of zombies to survive as long as possible. Play Kit PvP, and fight others in your quest to be the best. Start with a basic kit of weapons and armor, and fight to get more gear and money. Upgrade and be the best. In Factions, form a group of friends, establish a base, and become the strongest community on the server. Raid others, defend yourself, and fight to survive in a world of danger. Looking for something to relax? Try out Parkour Blitz, and race your friends up parkour, struggling to be the fastest among us. Looking to just chat with friends? Head over to the hub, and chat until youre ready for more. No matter what youre looking for, this is the server for you.

The Zurinthia Team


2020new 2020server Aetherlegacy Aethermod Best Block Bukkit Car Class Cracked Craft Create Date Easy Experience Game Gameplay Has Ill Inecraft Join Kit Mine Minecraft New Old Play Plugin Plugins Pro Ring Server Survival Title Update Updated

New Aether Survival Server Updated

This server is for everyone even if you don’t have a Minecraft account!

New and Improvement the Aether has returned in Minecraft 1.12.2!

Server hosted with 10GB of RAM for ultra-smooth gameplay while exploring the Aether!

The server runs on Bukkit with a total of 25 plugins all carefully selected for the best possible experience.

p.s. when you join you will create a 4 digit PIN don’t worry! Its so easy even your grandma could do it, BLINDFOLDED.

Active Adult Ass Bcraft Casual Cat Class Com Conomy Craft Dedi Dedicated East Eco Econ Econom Economy Ect Erver Free Home Homes Inecraft Mine Minecraft One Pro Protect Protected Pve Pvp Raft Ree Residence Server Survival Multiplayer World


Casual, adult minecraft server. Economy and protected homes via residence. Entire west dedicated to PvP. Entire east is PvP free zone dedicated to PvE.

Active Ass Ats Bat City Clan Clans Class Com Combat Creative Eat Erver Free Join Mcp Plot Plots Ree Rvival Server Share Strike Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This World

117 Combatstrikeunit

Join 117CSU and feel free to join the server. there are also 2 other clans that share this server. We have survival, plots, creative, and city world

Active Arena Arenas Arrow Ass Ats Class Craft Dcraft Different Drop Ect Erver Exp Explosives Gun Guns Hats Map Mob Mob Arena New Pve Pvp Raft Rvival Server Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Unique Ves Zombie


New server thats pve with pvp arenas and mob arenas. 17 different effect arrows. Zombie survival map.GUNS AND EXPLOSIVES FOR ALL!!! Unique server drop in and check us out.

Active Ass Bauen Build Class Com Deutsch Deutschsprachig Die Economy Erver Event Free Freebuild Grief Griefprevention Kreativ Lang Mini Games Nen One Parkour Pie Plugin Prevention Pvp Ree Run Server Sol Speak Survival Tea Team Teams Teamspeak Ter Zen


Dieser Server ist ein Freebuild Server und hauptsächlich deutschsprachig. Ihr könnt bauen, wo ihr möchtet, solange ihr unsere Regeln befolgt.

Gegen Griefer kann man sich mit Grundstücken (plugin: GriefPrevention) schützen. Alle weiteren Informationen findet ihr im Spiel.
Der Rest ist eurer Kreativität überlassen.
Ich wünsche euch viel Spaß.

Wir bieten auch einen TeamSpeak 3 Server an ( IP: )

Active Admin Anti Build Builds Bukkit Class Craft Creative Custom Dedicated Eco Econ Economy End Extreme Fac Faction Factions Forums Friendly Inecraft King Kit Loot Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Server Staff Survival Version Website World

Lazuli MC

Welcome to Lazuli PvP!

– Factions
– Access to a creative world!
– Friendly Staff!
– Stable economy!
– Custom Loot
– Anti-cheating tools
– Dedicated server with 24/7 uptime, a website, and forums!
– We use dev builds of plugins and bukkit to stay up to date with the most recent version of minecraft!
– The Administration is extremely active, making sure the server is Stable and up to date!

Ages Air Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Balance Balanced Class Community Craft Credits Edit End Enjin Explore Fac Faction Fair Free Fun Game Inecraft Item Items Large Lore Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Noop Open Plugin Plugins Pro Shop Shops Stable

Mern Craft

We have an ingame shop where you can spend your earned credits or even sell items. Mern craft strives to host a fun minecraft community where there are no unfair advantages and where everything is balanced for optimal satisfaction. With no wolrd boundries, feel free to explore the minecraft universe to your limits. We also have a large collections of plugins to improve the game and increase immersion such as stables and mcmmo.


Ace Active Admin Arena Art Ass Build Car Class Conomy Creativity Dynmap Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Free Good Help Kreativ Map Mine People Place Real Ree Ring Server Shop Survival Multiplayer Two Who World

Alfi’s World

We are a young free server, searching for good people and admin’s, who are interested to help build, set and maintain the server.
We have actually two arena’s any place to realize your creativity and we are preparing economy, shop, mine cart, dynmap and many more.

Sme mladý a začínajúci free server, hľadajúci šikovných ľudí a aj adminov, ktorý majú záujem pomocť vybudovať a udržiavať server.
Ponúkame zatiaľ dve Arény a veľa miesta pre kreativitu a pripravujeme ekonomiku, shop, minecart, dynmap a plno daľších zaujímavých vecí.

Active Ass Class Com Des Eam Ide Info Las Lmao Rei Survival Multiplayer Tab Tea Team


Action Active Admin Admins Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Class Com Combat Donor Erver Essentials Fac Faction Factions Fun Ill Mcmmo Mmo Network Networks New Noop Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Premium Pvp Rank Ranks Red Server Style Supreme Website

ConjuredNetworks Factions PVP

Conjured Networks Factions PVP Server.

Important Plugins:
– Factions
– CombatLog
– Essentials
and many more.

We have donor ranks that supply the player with a wide varitey of new thing to do..

Donor Ranks–
– Donor
– Premium
– Supreme
– Conjurer

Admins are Active.

Come on and have some fun.
We will see you there.

Thank You,



Abilities Anarchy Anti Build Building Class Craft Crafting Create Creative End Free Fun Game Games Help Hungergames Ill Kit Kitpvp Kits Lit Mini Games Mining Open Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Servers Spawn Sword Top Unique Vanilla


Active Admin Admins Arena Arenas Ass Class Craft Custom Erver Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Inecraft Map Maps Mine Minecraft Minecraft Hunger Games Raft Server Survival Multiplayer Time Tom Uptime War Warfare

Hg Of Minecraft

HG Of MineCraft
A Minecraft Hunger games and bow warfare server,
Very active admins!
Custom Arenas!
99.9% Uptime
Lots Of Maps!

Best Class Classic Com Community Construction Craft Create Download Easy Eco Game Industrial Inecraft King Kit Mad Mine Minecraft Mod Modpack Mods Noop One Open Pack Power Ring Sandbox Style Survival Multiplayer Tea Team Tech Technic Tekkit World Worlds

Tekkit classic

Created by the Technic team, Tekkit Classic is a modpack for the record breaking sandbox construction game Minecraft. It brings together some of the best mods from the Minecraft community for automating, industrializing and powering your worlds and bundles them into one easy download.


Ace Active Ban Block Build Chest Claim Class Craft Help Ill Inecraft Kill Land Loot Map Mine Minecraft Money Multi Multiplayer Online Permanent Play Player Pvp Region Rules Sell Selling Server Smp Space Staff Star Survival Survival Multiplayer Wild

Spacebug Survival Server

This is a Wild West SMP type of server (Survival Multiplayer). On this server you are on your own. Do not expect any staff to come and help if you get killed and looted.


Come in, find a suited place to live and place a Chest to claim your starter region. From here you can mine and build – get more money by selling blocks to the server and claim even more land for yourself.

PvP is part of this server, so watch your back!

View Livemap at:

Server started feb 6th 2013

Server runs mostly without staff online – Though there are still rules to follow: – Failure to follow them, will most likely result in a permanent ban. So be sure to follow them.

Adult Allowed Amazing Ban Bans Build Building City Community Creative Deathchest Dynmap Earth Eco End Events Friendly Fun Grief Hack Hacking Hacking Allowed Homes Mature Minecraft Mmo Mob Online Play Plots Plugin Plugins Quest Ranks Server Servers Spawns Staff Tech

THE GRID Creative Minecraft Se

1. There is absolutely no griefing or hacking allowed. Griefing or Hacking = Instant Perma Ban.
2. Do not beg for promotions. Politely request staff for reviews. Others may share opinions but the staff always has the final word.
3. Treat one another with respect and follow all staff members instructions.
4. Be mature. That means NO Racism, Homophobia, Sexism or Harrasment of any kind.
5. Dont spam or advertise in chat. You will be kicked until you stop or banned if you dont.
6. Offensive builds are NOT allowed Such as Swastikas, Genitalia, Offensive Words or Signs.
7. Be mindful of your neighbors when you build. If you plan to build big, be sure theres room for you to expand.
8. Extensive railway systems that leave your build area/town/city is not allowed.

▪ 500+ copies of server backups equipped with RAID 1 to ensure that your work is never lost.
▪ PlotMe plots are always protected whether you are online or not.
▪ Any form of griefing can be rolled back by our friendly staff.
▪ An amazing community of mature players who love to socialize and have fun.
▪ We do NOT tolerate nor encourage elitism which unfortunately is common among many other Minecraft servers.
▪ Unlimited plots, homes and space for your imagination to flourish.
▪ Ideal server for young adults to adults. Chat is adult/mature-oriented. Not recommended for children. You have been warned.
▪ A comprehensive list of commands at your disposal to experience all that Minecraft has to offer. COMMAND LIST]

Server Specs:
i7 2600k OCed to 4.7GHz
1TB SSD for server
Two 3TB HDDs in RAID 1 for backups
24/7 Uptime

Spawn: Community-built world for newcomers.
Trial: PlotMe world for Builder ranks.
Gallery: Exceptional Trial builds are shown here for Builders to see.
GRID 1.0: Naturally generated land pre-1.7 biome update. Accessible to Architects and above.
GRID 2.0: Amplified generated land post-1.7 biome update. Accessible to Architects and above.
Outer Space: “The final frontier…” Accessible to Architects and above.
Flatlands: 128 x 128 PlotMe world. Accessible to Architects and above.
Earth: 1:1500 scale map of the Earth. Accessible to Dreamers and above.
VS & WE Training: VoxelSniper and WorldEdit training ground for Dreamers and above.

ALL Explosive Damage, Fire spread, Lava Flow, Monsters, Mob Egg Spawns, Melting Ice, Weather

Core Plugins:
WorldGuard: Become an Architect and we can protect your builds
CoreProtect: Block-logger. Admins and Mods can rollback any griefing
Mcbans: Keeps those pesky griefers, hackers and trolls out. Minimum required reputation is 8
NoCheat+: Detects and prevents cheaters and hackers from exploiting the server
Dynmap: Dynamic real-time Day and Night map, refreshed in real-time
PlotMe: Plot manager that allows players to claim their own plots
WorldEdit: Earn Dreamer rank and this will become available to you.
VoxelSniper: Already a Dreamer and want more? Donate for this massive terraforming/sculpting tool.

FUN Plugins:
JumpBlocks: Toggle on and bounce on sponges like trampolines
Travel Portals: Link your world with others and instantly jump back and forth
Chairs: Sit in chairs and enjoy a chat with your buddies
neoPaintingSwitch: Scroll-able paintings. Mouse scroll to find the painting you want
Microblocks: Quick and easy decorative heads
EasyElevator: “Ding.” Real, working elevators for your buildings

Cant chat or modify the world. Must read all signs and accept rules to become Builder.
Access to Trial PlotMe world in creative mode. Impress us with your trial build and we will promote you to the next rank up.
Access to all Architect worlds via /warp hub and a large list of additional commands become available.
Access to ALL our worlds. This rank allows you to use WorldEdit and VoxelSniper in Dreamer specific worlds.
Evaluates builds and promotes Builders.
Bans rule-breakers, rolls back griefs and keeps the community running smoothly.
Administrates server, fixes technical issues and finds ways to improve the server.


Active Adventure Ass Awesome Class Craft Creative Erver High Ill Inecraft Join Jumbo King Mine Minecraft Mod Moderator Need Need Players New Normal Play Player Players Please Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Ranks Rvival Server Survival Survival Multiplayer Venture

JumboCraft 24/7

JumboCraft is a new minecraft server with a lot of plugins!
It is 24/7 and it is pretty awesome!
Please join, we need players and in 20 players we will be ranking up players to Moderator and higher ranks! (You can get other normal ranks before too!) !
JumboCraft 24/7 [Creative-Survival-Adventure and more]

Ace Active Ass Ations Cat Class Craft End Erver Event Events Everyone Fac Facebook Friend Friends Fun Game Group Inecraft Join Life Make Mine Minecraft One Oup Raft Ran Rat Real Riends Server Sol Survival Multiplayer

Kratos Minecraft

A server focused solely on having fun and hanging out. Join the Facebook group for all notifications of in game events and make some real life friends! The server is very informal and we focus on letting everyone just do their own thing.

Art Ass Class Craft Die Erver Geld Gen Hun Ijd Inecraft Ken Loot Make Mine Minecraft Nen Plugin Plugins Pro Raft Server Star Start Style Top Win

Minecraft Topia

Onze server is een gezellige, grote server, waar wij veel tijd in steken.
Ook in onze leden steken wij veel tijd, en we proberen er met hun een gezellige server van te maken.

Samen met leuke plugins, kunnen jullie op pad gaan, om jullie eigen stad b.v.b te maken, met al het geld.

Start je eigen winkel, en verdien geld.

Of vermoord jij liever mensen, voor de loot?

Maak je keuze, op Minecraft Topia.


Action Active Age Aids Anti Auction Auctions Buycraft Cat Class Com Conomy Craft Ddos Dedi Dedicated Eco Econ Econom Economy Enjin Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Great Mcmmo Mmo Open Play Pvp Raid Raids Server Slots Staff Survival Multiplayer Welcome

SmackPVP Factions 1.6.4

SmackPVP 1.6.4
Welcome To SmackPVP’s Server Page! We hope you enjoy your stay on our server!
– Factions
– Raids
– Economy
– Auctions
– Buycraft/Enjin
– 24/7 Dedicated
– Anti – DDoS
– Great Staff (Staff Slots Open)

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server With Modpack. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!