116server Class Craft CTF Datapacks Dedicated Fair Haven Head Heads Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlikeserver Irl Join King Lit Map Mature Mission Mob Multiplayer New Open Play Player Players Quest Reset Server Simple Small Smp Sub Survival Title Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Who

CobbleSMP [Vanilla] {1.16 PRE-2} {Whitelist} {SMP} {HermitCraft Inspired} {18+ Members Only} (SEASON TWO)


Hey there, welcome to CobbleSMP! Cobblestone SMP, is a fairly new server. This server is season based, meaning after 4-5 months we will reset the map and the season will change to season 3 (I will say this once, we haven’t figured out the exact date the season will last! I just gave an example) our server as a whole decides when we feel like we’ve done all we can on the server. We will let you decide the date. Anyways, we are currently looking for mature 18+ members, which are respectful to all players and which are dedicated and won’t just leave after a week. We provide a data pack which is not a big change to the server (its just small little tweaks), as we want the server to be pretty vanilla. It includes, player heads, multiplayer sleep, more mob heads, double shulker shells, and plenty more.

Applying To Join CobbleSMP
To apply for Cobblestone SMP you must complete a quick simple form asking some questions on you and your intentions within the server, once completed the form we will get in touch with you within the next 24 hours of submission.

Apply Here :

Bees Community Communitydriven Craft Esssentials Friendlycommunity Friendlymembers Hermitcraft Paperspigot Shops Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Vanilla Vanillasurvival Whitelist Whitelisted Wild Wilderness

Bee Time

Bee Time is a friendly, growing vanilla community using no cheated items or abilities such as flight, teleportation (to a certain extent /spawn /home /wild) or claims. We do have plugins to protect our players and deal with those who dare do bother. We try our best to involve our whole community and create something truly unique. We are looking for more dedicated friendly survival players to join us.

We have a small whitelist application which all of our players have to fill. This application tries to prevent griefers, hackers, trolls from joining but also gives us a small introduction about the player.

Please apply in our discord:

Activecommunity Building Classic Events Freshmap Freshworld Nogrief Notpa Nowarps Oldschool Pve Pve Economy Pvp Pvpve Roleplay Smp Survival Vanilla

Novadia: Back to Basics – [1.16 Snapshots, No Plug-ins]

About Novadia:

Novadia is a no plug-in server that is geared towards creating an engaging vanilla Minecraft world with a vibrant community.

The server just recently updated to the 1.16 snapshots and we are currently playing on1.16 Pre-Release 2 with plans to continue updating to every subsequent snapshot and eventually the pre-releases as they become available. Additionally, Novadia features a brand new map with little to no progress by any of our players.

The server is centered around a social PvE dynamic, but PvP is still encouraged and always enabled. We encourage players to live in close proximity to each other, forming towns, and creating alies. There are no ranks on Novadia. All players are treated as equals, and everyone is meant to feel included.

Novadia seeks to capture everything that makes Minecraft great at it is core, and we hope that you will join our community.


  • Respect all players
  • No griefing or stealing from chests
  • No game altering mods or hacks
  • About Novadia:

  • 1.16 Pre-Release 2
  • Player shops
  • PvP always enabled
  • Hard difficulty
  • Periodic resets for End Cities
  • No plug-ins
  • IP:

  • Categories
    Aus Block Class Craft Create Destiny Discord End Friends Inecraft Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Non Nonexistent Noop Open Pit Play Player Real Secret Server Simp Small Smp Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Title Virtualreality Vivecraft Who


    Non-Existent SMP is a Minecraft survival multiplayer server that, believe it or not, exists. Despite what the name implies.
    It’s a small server created by a group of friends who just really want to play some Minecraft.

    The name Non-Existant SMP came to be simply because it was the only name we could agree on after like an hour of debating. We tried everything from PumkinSMP to Pyronim Destiny when out of nowhere Non-Existant SMP was chucked out there as a joke and we all just went “yeah ok”.

    Craft Custom Dungeons Eco Econ Economy End Event Events Friends Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Infernal Job Jobs Kit Kits Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs New Pay Play Pve Economy Pvp Rank Ranks Server Shop Smp Survival Title Unique


    A Unique Minecraft Experience
    1.15 | INFERNAL MOBS, Dungeons, Economy, Jobs, Ranks, MCMMO, Chest Shop, Custom Kits and Loot Boxes, etc.
    Enjoy a custom and unique minecraft server that aims to keep you interested by bringing you new content and custom events weekly.
    Play survival like you’ve never played before. Become the top rank and unlock commands, permissions, kits and more. Compete against your friends and other playes for the top Balance and MCMMO level.
    No Griefing, No pay to win ranks, No Hacking, No PvP in non Pvp areas and much more.

    Ban Build Competitive Currency Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Economychestshop Economysurvival End Environment Friendly Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlike Hermitcraftstyle Minecraft Mod Mods New Open Pay Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Shop Smp Spawn Survival Title Unique Vanilla Vanillalike Vanillasurvival War



    Economy | Arena | Vanilla+

    Minecraft 1.15.2: No Mods Required!

    RemsCraft is an economy-based server in minecraft 1.15.2 where players can build, trade, fight in weekly tournaments, and grow a business empire in a fully fledged banking system. Or simply play vanilla minecraft in a friendly moderated environment.

    Key Features:

    – Vanilla+ : RemsCraft is first and foremost a vanilla server, that means no tpa, no warp, no /spawn, no /pay. We a few plugins      that retain the vanilla feel, such as the banking system and moderation tools

    – Weekly PVP Tournament : We run a weekly PVP tournament in a large custom built arena with different prizes and game              modes every week

    – Economy : RemsCraft has a player-driven economy using diamonds as its currency. You can build a shop in the shopping      district or complete a contract from the contract board. We also have a full banking system where you can deposit      diamonds, earn interest and take out loans

    – Weekly Bounties : We have new competitive bounties every week where you win unique items


    Server is open everyday from 10 AM to 11 PM BST

    Amplified Block Brand Build Building Class Com Community Cool Coreprotect Craft Ect Erver Fly Host Inecraft Join Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mod New One Play Player Rvival Server Simp Simple Small Smp Solo Survival This Time Title

    Bushi Craft

    Bushi Craft is my response to rejoining Minecraft and wishing for the kind of server I used to play all the time in 2013. Building a tight community is my goal, and this is a simple SMP server. One cool thing is that everyone can /fly in survival mode, which can’t be done in solo Minecraft. Anyway, I hope you check out Bushi Craft and join, whether you’re a veteran player or brand new.

    Active Best Build Building Builds Community Create Creative Discord Elves Elytra End Freedom Fun Head Heads Minecraft Mmo Mob Mod Mods Multiplayer Nether New Open Play Player Raid Server Small Smp Spawn Survival Title Tweaks Vanilla Whitelist Who

    LegoWelt – Small Survival Server – 1.15.2

    LegoWelt [​Vanilla]{SMP}{Whitelist}{1.15.2}

    This is a small vanilla server with a few vanilla tweaks (none are final, we are just testing them out). We are a small group of friends from Germany in our mid 20s who have been enjoying Minecraft since our school years. We have always been keen on playing together and having fun in this virtual world.
    At this point in time, we have figured out, sharing this great experience with more people is even better, especially because not all of our school friends play Minecraft anymore.

    Living in a world not only by ourselves is a lot more enjoyable and fun! Seeing buildings grow and other things being built from other people is just a great feeling and gives so much joy.

    There are no set rules on where you have to be on the server, it would be cool if we are all closer together so we can see each other from time to time or build bigger projects together. We can always connect each other through the nether
    You have total freedom of everything as long as you respect the few rules that are stated on our discord server, like the use of common sense when doing something that could hurt someone else’s feelings or builds. Play on the server so everyone can have the best possible vanilla experience.

    We have grown into a small european community with people from all over Europe atm.
    We wanted to play snapshots at first but we had some issues with the Snapshots, therefore we created a new World with a new host in the 1.15.2 Version and will update as soon as 1.16 is out.


    – This is a vanilla server and there are no mods installed.
    – We will upgrade to 1.16 once it is out. Refresh Nether aswell.
    – We do everything in survival, no creative or other game modes.
    – There will be no commands for items/levels/spawning etc. Literally the scoreboard command will be used, because we like to see how often someone dies when pressing tab

    We are testing out some data packs(my first time ever), just to tweak the experience a tiny bit. These are not final and might be changed in the future, depending on what the majority thinks is too much or needs to be added.

    – Mob Heads have a chance of dropping on a kill (Reason: Fun)
    – Player Heads will drop if killed by a player (Reason: Fun)
    – The Enderdragon will drop an elytra (Reason: this helps the long marches through the end when it’s been raided for thousands of blocks already)
    – Shulkers drop 2 shells each (Reason: Same as above, but this might be too much)
    – XYZ and Time Display (Reason: Ability to show only the Coordinates and Direction instead of the whole F3 screen, which is overwhelmed by information and text)
    – AFK Display (Reason: To see if someone is afk and not active)
    Multiplayer Sleep (Reason: Only 1 person needs to sleep, like in Singleplayer)

    If you are interested just join our discord server: or leave a comment below to get in touch!


    To let this small community grow on its strong roots I am currently only accepting people with a European Timezone, to chat and play with each other more often.

    Claim Claims Community Craft Currency Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy Farm Fly Land Marriage Mcmmo Mmo New Open Perks Play Player Pve Pve Economy Pvp Safe Server Shop Silkspawners Smp Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Vanilla Vault Vaults Who World



    We are a brand new server looking to expand our community and grow. The server is heavily economy based, as in everything can be obtained through the in-game currency system. Through the custom level up system, many things can be unlocked so the server is very anti-P2W. As you level, you unlock more perks with the final perks unlocking /fly and /flyspeed. Claims are enabled naturally to protect your farms so you can safely earn money and get higher on /baltop. PVP is disabled by default, but for those who enjoy can /pvp on at any time, in any world, if you’d like to participate.


  • Custom tags
  • Claimed land
  • Marriage
  • McMMO
  • PlayerVaults
  • /shop
  • IP:


    Ars Ass Blo Block Chill Class Com Community Craft Discord Ect Erver Eth Everyone Fortnite Gaming Hill Ill Inecraft Join Mcserver Mine Minecraft Ming Ommunity One Play Ring Server Smp Star Survival Title

    Vague SMP

    Join the Vague Gaming community. Featuring Brawlhalla, Fortnite, Brawlstars, and now MINECRAFT! Introducing a chill SMP where everyone can come together and play!

    2020 Better Big Boy Everything Girl Girls Irl Kind Oys Pass Survival Swe Sweden Together

    EkCraft Survival!

    Hello and welcome to EkCraft! This is a survival server that was started in Sweden which opened on 2020-11-16! the owners of this server are very kind and we are ready to make this server very fun and do everything for you to enjoy! Come in now and play with us! We will do everything to make the server better with each passing day, and together we will get bigger and bigger!

    Have fun boys n girls!
    greetings owner

    1.14 1.8 Added Donate Free To Play Minecraft Mcd Minecraft Donate Minecraft Jail Minecraft Survival No Dupes Pvp Sit Site World Worlds

    MexWorld – 1.8 – 1.14 Minecraft server

    The owner of the server “MexWorld – 1.8 – 1.14” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Abilities Christ Christmas Customenchants Elder Factions Freeworld Guns Lightsabers Planets Roleplay Saber Star Wars Starwars Storyline

    Galaxies Horizon

    Star Wars! in Minecraft!
    We offer a custom storyline for you to follow, bounties, side-quests, etc.

    But to give you a reason to do that?


    Complete Bounties to gain money to upgrade yourself or maybe dominate the galaxy…

    With custom weapons abilities to turn you into a mandalorian, or lightsabers to become a force wielder…or maybe even guns to become a clone, rebel, you know the deal!

    Oh you can also explore over 10 planets!


    Beta Release is Christmas 2020, join the discord for more info!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    2020 Anarchy Anarchysurvival Construction Content Creative Hub Kitpvp Mid Midnight Night Survival Upload Vanilla Vanillasurvival

    Midnight MC

    Part of the KDN Gaming Network
    Currently Still Under Construction.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Community Communityserver Cut Entertainment Events Lets Modern Nature Rollback Short Survival Teleporting Unfair Vanillasurvival Worldedit

    Endeavorcraft – Survival – Almost Vanilla

    Welcome to Endeavorcraft! A brand new Vanilla-feel Community Survival experience with expected minor additions for Community value and entertainment. Mod free, and 98% Vanilla in nature, Endeavorcraft is a good fit for a survival experience without all the “shortcuts” of modern plugins overwhelming you…… No one has an unfair advantage in Endeavorcraft. Staff abilities only include teleporting to players for assistance in grief identifications and rollbacks…. No WorldEdit or creative… EVERYTHING will be built by players…… Come join in the fun, ad lets start a great new community!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Ags Ass Cent Class Com Des Lag Mcp Mcpe Oys Play Rip Server Minecraft Survival Multiplayer Wit

    JoyServ server Minecraft

    Server Description

    Apexminecrafthosting Bill Chest Chests Content Door Doors Fire Planet Planetminecraft Resource Resource Pack Survival Multiplayer Texture Wolf

    Firewolf Resource Pack Server

    The official server for the Firewolf Resource Pack. Currently completely vanilla but I will look at adding mods for locking chests/doors and adding an economy system.

    Server generousely donated by Apex Hosting. The official sponsor of the Firewolf Resource Pack.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    1000 лвл Ace Added Emc Has Keep Minecraft Pe Minecraft Pe Server Owner Peace Pers Rad Server Minecraft This Trade

    Minecraft PE Server Minecraft server

    The owner of the Minecraft PE Server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    Admins Comunidad Ert Imple Jet Mods Persona Personal Personalizado Proxima Rangos Servidor Tir Vip Vips


    Survival con plugins
    Admins activos
    Objetivo del servidor divertirse
    Comunidad activa en crecimiento
    Sistema de vips y objetos personalizados
    Rangos exclusivos
    Proximamente implementacion de mods

    Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Many Players Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft

    MixWorld Survival Server Minecraft

    The owner of the MixWorld Survival server has not yet added a description. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

    2b2t Anarchy Method No Resets Nohacks Noresets Purity Purityvanilla Pvp Semianarchy Survival Teleportation Traditional Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay

    Purity Vanilla – Vanilla Anarchy Without Hacks! [Anarchy] [PVP] [Survival] [No Resets]

    Welcome to Purity Vanilla!
    Visit Our New Website:
    Join our Discord:

    Purity Vanilla is a vanilla anarchy Minecraft server running since 23rd of March 2019, designed to give players total freedom to play Minecraft just as the developers intended, without hacks. This means there are no gameplay-alterting plugins, no teleportation, no map resets, no playerhomes and no pre-determined economy. Everything is left up to our players. Griefing and raiding are permitted and there are no grief-prevention methods.

    The server is much like a regular anarchy server with a twist: hacked clients are not allowed. This makes our server a unique blend of traditional anarchy Minecraft servers, like 2b2t, with pure vanilla gameplay.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Asia Asian Combine Gang Immersive Inclusive Mana Manage Management Opening Play Minecraft Survival Theme Themed Truly

    Asian Gang

    Asian Gang started off as an Asian themed Discord 18+ community that went live in 2020. As we have grown so fast and many members in our community play Minecraft, we have created an Asian themed Minecraft server!

    Run by a management team that has over 14 years of combined experience, we are bringing an immersive semi-RPG gameplay to Minecraft with a distinctive Asian theme.

    Join today and experience a truly inclusive and mind opening community!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    1.19 2020 9.2 Auto Bored Create Ect Improv Ored Pro Red Smp Survival Tat Title

    Notation MC [SMP]

    This is a new server created on 17/11/2020.

    I am still in the progress of improving it but you can hop on if you are bored.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Dclaim Economy Fun Grief Learn Nuclear Pve Pvp Share Social Survival Survivalpvp Ucl Vanilla Vanillasurvival

    Nuclear Networks | Survival MP | GriefProtect

    Nuclear Networks
    We are a semi-vanilla server that does the best at making it easy for you to start playing survival. We run on a high quality dedicated server for the best player experience.
    We have Grief Prevention Land Claiming, and use the additional commands /tpa /spawn, /sethome, and /home so you can get back to your build whenever you want.
    Nuclear Networks has a welcoming, kind, and social community. We want to provide the fun and classic Minecraft experience where you can build and explore like you’re in single player. Our server is filled with the beautiful builds made by our players who will share your love for the game.

    Join our discord
    Check out our website

    1.16.4 Ava Bran Brand Data First Follow Java Link Minecraft Java New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Players Survival Target

    Minecraft Java Server (1.16.4) (New)

    Brand New Minecraft Server! (Java)
    Come join and be the first players
    Have fun and also join the discord:

    Airbender Aranarth Arena Avatar Bender Bending Discord Discordsrv Elements Factions Korra Mcmmo Pvp Slimefun Survival


    Welcome to the Realm of Aranarth!
    Aranarth is a brand new Survival server where players are able to bend an element of their choice, just like in Avatar: The Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra. Additionally, all players have the chance of becoming the Avatar when the previous dies.

    Upon joining the server, players will be able to select the element they wish to be able to bend, bind the desired abilities, and begin their adventure in the Survival world. With a custom rank system, players are able to increase their rank by spending in-game currency. By doing so, they will unlock additional perks, such as additional bending abilities, the ability to create player shops, and additional commands.

    Protect your land and battle your enemies by creation a custom Faction, strengthen your tool and weapon skills with mcMMO, or set up an entire electricity network with SlimeFun!

    Want to help the server? Players can donate for one of the three tiers of Saint ranks! These ranks grant the players purely cosmetic perks – we want everyone to have fun!

    What are you waiting for?

    Join our Discord!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    10k Auctions Bedrock Bedrockedition Bosses Bounties Economy Geyser Java Javaedition Loot Mcmmo Parties Plots Survival

    UnitedWeCraft (Survival) Now on 1.16.4!

    Hi there, and welcome to UnitedWeCraft!

    UnitedWeCraft was originally a 1.12 factions server about 3-4 years ago. A few years later, we can safely say that we are back and better than ever before, featuring 1.16.4 survival!

    When joining the server for the first time, you are immediately greeted with an optional tutorial on all the main features of UWC. After selecting public survival, you are greeted to a fresh 1.16 map. The overworld has a 35k border, the nether has a 15k border, and the end has a 10k border. Each of these will be expanded with each new major minecraft update; we want to avoid any and all resets to preserve the history of the map.

    Some of the additional features we offer include:
    – Supporting Bedrock and Java Edition Clients! (GeyserMC)
    – Scheduled Boss Battles
    – Thunderstorm Chests
    – Network-wide Parties
    – mcMMO
    – Protected, Purchasable Plots
    – Auctions
    – Bounties
    – Anti-P2W

    And so, so much more.

    We hope you enjoy your stay at UnitedWeCraft!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    2.11 Advertising Nick Nicki No Cursing Pvp Survival Tekkit Tekkitlegends Tik Tiktok Troll Trolling Twitch


    welcome to the official server of nickige!
    Offical Links
    TikTok: TikTok/nickige_mc
    YouTube: Youtube/NICKIGE

    RULES of The Server

  • 1.No Griefing.
  • 2.No Spamming.
  • 3.No Advertising.
  • 4.No Cursing/No Constant Cursing.
  • 5.No Trolling/Flaming.
  • 6.No Banned Items(Tekkit Rule)
  • 7.No Asking for OP, Ranks, or Items.
  • Respect all Players.
  • Server Address:

    1.18 Anything Bro Crew Economy Explore House Lore Minigames Multiworld Nxc Please Pvp Survival Working


    Welcome to creative kingdom we are currently working On finishing setting up our server But if you would like to join and help out or come in and make a house or explore feel free to do so.
    Below is a list of things that have been done already and a list of issues to be fixed if you notice anything that should be added to this list please let us now ty



    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Cracked Faction Faction Pvp Factions Fit Hiring Mcmmo Network Nova Pvp Raiding Ranks Rankup Rankups Survival


    An always innovating server without any pay to win features, here you can rank up with in-game currency to gain better benefits and commands! We have a great community and we are always hosting events. We’re also hiring staff!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="″>

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!