We are looking for any loyal, fun, nice, and common Minecrafters to join ShadowUniverse. We offer a diverse group of mini games for all to play, including: Public Survival, Factions, Bow Spleef, Creative Plot Building, Shadow (Survival) Games, Mob Arena, SkyWars, and a Private SMP. The Private SMP comes with a $5 entry fee, to ensure that the players apart of it will not grief the SMP, and it helps pay for the server so we can keep building and upgrading the server. YouTubers are also very welcome to join us, and we recommend Youtubers join, because we are a community that is more than willing to support small YouTubers trying to grow their channels. We will help you grow, and gain more subscribers. We offer a YouTuber group with a separate prefix so people will notice you on the server. Donate $2 a month for it. The Creative Build world is offered for builders to showcase their talents, so we can find more people to help build us great things on ShadowUniverse. We look forward to seeing you on ShadowUniverse, and what is in store ahead for all in our community.