1.18 Atapacks Cern Data Pack Data Packs Datapack Datapacks Hermitcraft Latestversion Management Smp Survival Thoughts Vanilla Whitelist

Valrise Middle School

Valrise SMP is a private premium Vanilla Survival Server. We are running on 1.18 along with a few helpful data packs. If you wish to join our members and build your dream house or you simply want to have fun with your friends. What we offer:

  • Friendly management
  • 24/7 online server
  • Datapacks that makes your gameplay more enjoyable
  • Willingness to hear your thoughts and suggestions
  • If you wish to join us you can submit your application here –

    If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to join our community discord and ask –

    247uptime Activestaff Biome Building Community Communitysmp Fin Friendly Minecraftcavesandcliffs Nogrief Pass Raiding Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

    Evening Hills Vanilla SMP

    Hi there! Evening Hills is a whitelisted vanilla SMP. We have terrific staff, terrific specs and a terrific community. We dont do raiding and griefing here – if that’s your thing, that’s fine, but this isn’t the place for you. Want to join? Put a message down below with your in game name, how long youve been playing, favorite, biome, building block, passive mob, and why youd like to join. Hope to see you soon!

    Boss Currency Doom Dynamic Enchant Evolution Explore Faction Global Growing Lore Magi Reimagined Revolutionary Vol


    We are a revolutionary factions network offering an array of dynamic features for our players to explore. We have a global currency system, custom boss system, reimagined enchant system, loads of events, and much more. Hop on to check us out at We love to see new faces on the server and have a very tight-knit community that is growing rapidly.

    1.18 Construction Current Experiment Gen Legend Legends Real Realm Rime Run Running Survival Title Version

    Legends Realm – 1.18 (Experiment)

    Server is currently under construction and will go down from time to time but if you’d like you are more than welcome to join and try out version 1.18 of minecraft that it’s currently running.

    1.18 Aves Border Caves Cliffs Iffs Kings Minecraft 1.18 Minigames No hacking No Mods Pve Pvp Survival Vanilla

    Block Kings 1.18

    Fresh map with a 2,500,000 world border!

    We are a 100 percent Vanilla Minecraft server with simple rules and a friendly staff!

    Pure Vanilla – No Plugins, No Mods. Vanilla TPA, Sethome, and Home commands!
    Raid/Grief and PvP allowed.
    No Hacking, No Spamming, No Hate Speech.

    Server is always on the latest release
    Come chat with us on discord:

    1.18 118server 3000 Euro Europe European Exploration Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlikeserver How To Play Mature Smp Smp Minecraft Vanilla Vanillasmp

    POMMAC – an european vanilla SMP server

    Hi and welcome to POMMAC, a SMP Minecraft server for european players!
    Our goal is to have a social minecraft server with an active community. We all have our preferences in how to play the game and that’s the beauty of it. The only limit is to not ruin it for the other members. The focus of the server is not for PvP, though areas and events for such activities certainly will occur. We aim to have a mature server but not prude. Therefor we have an age restriction of 18+.

    This is a 100% vanilla server, with the command adjustments seen below;
    The server has a worldboarder, that expands each day until it reaches 3000 blocks. This is to make it harder to advance early and make members stay closer together. There will be events when the boarder will be removed for further exploration.
    Fire tick is turned off, so members can build with flammable blocks.
    Player sleep is set to 1.

    Right now the server is not active, but will restart on the 30/11 when 1.18 releases.

    We welcome all applications right now and hope to add more like-minded people to our community.

    Join our discord to apply:

    117server 117survival Bluemap Collaboration Community Contraption Mushroom Redstone Shroom Statue Statues Survival Vanilla Whitelist Whitelisted

    Terrashift – Whitelisted 1.17 vanilla server


    Server map:

    Who are we?
    Terrashift is a whitelisted vanilla 1.17.1 (soon 1.18) server, with a focus on collaboration, and building a community.

    If you are interested in starting fresh and would like play/build on a server similar to Hermitcraft with a focus on building a community feel free to apply with the form listed at the end of the post. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

    We are currently on season II with a new map starting with 1.17 release. If you feel like building and collaborating on giant redstone contraptions or just want to build a cozy hut somewhere and relax we got you covered. We are very builder-friendly and while it’s still a fresh new world there are great community cities and massive public farms in the works.

    Server rules are rather simple. The main guideline is: be nice and have fun! Rules are as follows:

    – no griefing
    – no stealing
    – no pvp without consent
    – no rudeness towards other members
    – no “hacking” such as x-ray/fly etc.

    The main goal of the server is to be a place where everyone can feel welcome and have fun together.
    We currently have 26 active members and are looking for people who share the same goals.

    All server changes/additions/removals are voted on by all members to make sure everyone has a say on the server direction as it develops in Discord.

    Currently while we try to keep gameplay as vanilla as possible server is running several datapacks:

    – home teleports
    – player head drops
    – more mob heads
    – afk display
    – armor statues
    – coordinates hud
    – item averages

    All of the changes related to datapacks are decided by voting so the list can change over time.

    With the new 1.17 world we are also making initial bases in a community city near spawn. The chosen seed has a giant mushroom continent at spawn which will be used to build themed community cities where everyone is welcome to contribute/build.

    How to apply:
    To apply , you can fill out the form at this link: Apply. We will reach out to you as soon as possible afterwards.

    170 Car Core Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Live Lives Lol Mcm Mcmmo Nothing Paw Short Spawn Ves

    Drax HardCore Faction Server

    Hardcore faction server.

    No fancy spawn no fancy plugins .

    You get 3 lives THEN IT IS OVER so be careful Mcmmo may help you.

    Enjoy your short stay LOL.

    Nothing more Nothing less.

    Adventure Claims Community Customenchants Discord Events Fun Pvp Quality Ranks Sieges Survival Unique Vanilla Voterewards

    Atlas MC 1.16.5 – SMP Server


    Welcome to Atlas MC, a brand new server that introduces a unique blend of 1.16.5 Vanilla Minecraft and custom-crafted features, aiming to create a competitive survival environment while preserving the vanilla feel. Claim your land and build your safe base intelligently, for everyone is subject to Sieges from other players. Customize your Weapons and Armor with over 50 Custom Enchants to better fit your playstyle. Slash and Axe your way through Weekly Events and Custom Bosses, and become the most powerful player in Atlas’ world!


    + 1.16.5 PvP Enabled everywhere in the Server, apart from Spawn
    + Land Claims to protect your base from Griefing
    + Sieges which allow certain blocks to be broken insid e an enemy’s Claim. No one is Safe!
    + Over 50 balanced handmade Enchants to Spice Up PvP fights while preserving a Vanilla feel
    + Weekly Events and Custom Boss Fights to participate in and show your Might
    + Server Lore & Backstory
    + 20k x 20k World to Explore and Conquer
    + Responsible Owners that judge fairly and protect the player-base from toxic interactions

    – No Safezones in claims, you can battle it out anywhere!
    – No God Items or “Sharpness XXX” swords – every feature is balanced!
    – No Hacks or Cheats to gain unfair advantages – May the best player Win!


    Server IP:

    Link to Atlas’ Official Discord

    Official Atlas Store

    1.18 118server Aves Caves Cliffs Hacking Iffs Lifes No Griefing No hacking Oli Small Smp Survival Zap

    Nolife SMP 1.18

    Nolife smp is a new 1.18 server with caves cliffs and a nice community the only rules are no hacking and no griefing we hope you have a fun time on the nolife smp

    1.18 Anything Hacking Hate Hosted Interaction Nameless No hacking Paper Release TERA Test Testing Vanilla Wise

    1.18 Vanilla [Nameless, just stress-testing my VPS until Paper 1.18 releases]

    The server is made to stress-test my VPS rather than anything else.
    Excuse the lack of interaction otherwise.

    Feel free to grief or whatever, the only rule is no hacking.

    Server is hosted on

    119 Bug Decoration Economy Feed Fur Furniture Latin Pet Pets Quests Survival Tree Trees Ush


    1.8-1.17.1, ⭐Quests, ⭐Ranks, ⭐Shops, ⭐Decoration Furniture, ⭐Jobs, ⭐Pets And more…

    Welcome to the Push Trees Minecraft server, The server is currently in beta mode and would like your feedback on what we can add or if there are any bugs relating to the server

    Cosmetic Cosmetics Exclusive Gamemodes New Game Osmetics Pay Prize Pub Public Public Smp Purchase Store Survival Tir


    JKeyMC is a 1.17+ Server Network with a public SMP, and many new gamemodes on the way! On our store you can purchase Ranks and other various cosmetics, which grant you exclusive privileges throughout the entire network. The funds earned from ranks are used to pay for servers, and community prize events! Please feel free to look around 🙂

    Data Different Eren Fol Follow Lin Link Minigame Minigame Server Noop Open Pva See Target Top

    The Tortopia Network

    Tortopia is a new minigame server.
    We have many different games for you and your friends to enjoy!

    We hope to see you there

    Join our discord!

    1.18 1.9 116server 117survival 8.2 Almost Imple Multiplay Multiplayer Simple Survival Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Survival Multiplayer Tip

    Falix Survival MP

    A simple survival multiplayer server that is almost vanilla!

    we are a survival minecraft server that can be joined on by any version (1.9+ and 1.18-)

    118server Anarchy Cavesandcliffs Chat Enviroment Friends Hacking Allowed Latestversion New Newserver Server Smp Survival Teams Vanilla


    DarkxCraft : caves and cliff update 1.18

    DarkxCraft is a new survival based server providing a fun enviroment for players to enjoy, our server isnt and will never be pay to win and we will be updating to caves and cliffs update on the hour for players to enjoy the new version and features within minecraft, We provide a fun enviroment for all types of players,

    Survival Mode: Our survival mode is a semi-vanilla survival world , we hope to do many pvp events in future to win different types of prizes, we have 0 hacking allowed and it will result in a 7 day ban for anyone seen cheating. DarkxCraft will have many other fun features to create a more enjoyable experience, griefing,raiding, killing and free speah will be allowed on the server.

    Players can create teams with friends or anyone they meet to teamup and have a private chat to talk and plan their journey together!




    -private chat

    -no admin abuse

    -anti hack

    -not many rules



    Civ Civilization Civilizations Earth Economy Government Landmark Minecraft Earth Minecraft Earth Server Pve Pvp Recreate Shop Survival Towny


    A 1:1000 Minecraft Earth Server. This server is a towny/economy server where you can recreate civilizations and form your own government with our Earth Map.

    Build Building Community Creative Decade End Flatland Freedom Freeop Guild Guilds History Nether Network Ops Overworld Plots Public Pve Pvp Roleplay Smp Survival

    Total Freedom

    Total Freedom
    -Over a decade old, and one of the oldest Minecraft servers in existence!
    -Multiple gamemodes, FreeOP (an original gamemode), and SMP!
    -Many fun plugins such as bending, and our own custom plugins!
    -Many large and detailed worlds to explore and places to build!

    Total Freedom is a decade-old server where players are free to explore, build, and chat with each other in a free-choice environment. All players have access to a variety of plugins including WorldEdit, TFGuilds, and CrackShot! We also use our own custom plugin, TotalFreedomMod, to allow all players permissions usually restricted for operators, such as changing gamemodes and giving unlimited items.

    Want to switch to survival for a PvP match? Go for it. Feel like free building with your friends? That’s encouraged. And whatever you decide to do, you don’t have to separate yourself from other players. Our guilds plugin, TFGuilds, allows users to collaborate and play together. You can build in creative in the same world as people who are PvPing! We offer a plot world for people who prefer a more organized approach to their fun, as well other maps you can freely switch between. Our oldest world, a map full of creations made over several years is free for all players to explore and interact with!

    TotalFreedom has been online since November of 2010, making it one of the oldest servers in the entire Minecraft community. Come join us. You get the choice of what you want to do here. Whether you want to build, chat, fight, use hacked clients, or anything else, it’s fair game. Want to play survival instead? We also have an SMP (Survival Multiplayer) if you prefer a more difficult survival adventure!

    You have the Freedom. If that’s something you would enjoy, then fire up Minecraft and join us! Our IP is – we can’t wait to see you!

    1.13 Alia Aus Aust Australia Ban Caught Hack Hacking Mods Nen Perma Permanent Survival Tall


    Come join Australia’s number 1 SMP server totally raw vanilla minecraft with no plug ins ,mods or any server rules except X-ray or hacking get caught doing so will lead to a permanent ban

    /r/ Competitive Corecraft Factions Grind Information Kills Mix Pvp Reddit Skill Skills Skyblock Sub Survival

    CoreCraft Network – Releases December 11th

    CoreCraft Network

    Improve on your PvP skills or grind to the top!

    Make sure to check out our sub-reddit for more information!



    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Free Minecraft Server Hosting With Custom Plugins. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!