Bukkit Claim Claiming Community Communityoriented Custom Customplugins Discord Eco Economy Event Fun Grief Griefprevention Hack Hacking Job Jobs Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Network New Open Pay Play Prevention Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Smp Spigot Survival Title Voting War Website

Nexi [1.15.2] – Survival with XP based Claiming

Welcome to a brand new Minecraft Network and community called Nexi!

The main goal is to become a long running server that everyone enjoys playing on! 😊

Survival Server (1.15.2)
To switch it up and stand out from other servers, we developed a special chunk claiming system which uses EXP.


  • Custom coded Network.
  • Sell and buy items from other players on the market.
  • Easy grief prevention with a nexus using EXP.
  • Easiest server shop which is custom made.
  • Visit daily to claim rewards every day.
  • There are rewards for voting.
  • One hour PVP protection (You can turn this off).
  • mcMMO / Jobs
  • Not pay-to-win.
  • More stuff planned!
  • Rules

    No cheating, hacking, exploits, etc.
    If your client gives you an unfair advantage, consider it against the rules.

    Be respectful
    Don’t bully. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

    No advertising
    Don’t advertise, unless it is something related to Nexi

    Have fun!
    If you don’t have fun, please reply to this post! Thank you in advance!

    Server IP: NexiMC.comWebsite:

    Hopefully I will see you there!

    Also, if you have feedback it would be greatly appreciated!

    Active Allowed Auction Auctionhouse Ban Bans Build Chestshop Chestshops Claim Community Crates Custom Dedicated Eco Economy Essentials Essentialsx Event Grief Griefprevention Keys Minecraft New Play Plugin Prevention Ranks Rewards Server Shop Shops Skyblock Staff Survival Title Vanillaish Vote War


    MineRaver is a newly released Survival Minecraft Server with a Skyblock gamemode coming soon.

    Some of the features of this server are:

    » Economy – AuctionHouse plugin as well as ChestShops and EssentialsX. Duping is not allowed and there is a GUI Shop for items you might not be able to get.

    » Ranks – You can buy 6 Paid Ranks as well as other items to give you a more exciting experience

    » GriefPrevention – GriefPrevention plugin allows you to claim your builds and prevent griefers. Active staff will actively stop any grief attempts additionally.

    » Crates – This server features a crates feature, where you can vote for vote keys and obtain other keys for different crates, each with rewards like money, claimblocks, ores and customized tools.

    » Community – We make sure that our community isn’t toxic and are happy to help you in any way.

    » Staff – We have a staff team dedicated to make sure everyone follows the rules and bans rule-breakers.

    Interested in joining? Come over at

    Block Class Community Craft Crate Crates Create Custom Eco Econ Economy Enchants Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Farm Farming Game Great Inecraft Join King Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Server Title Vote World

    ⭐ ⚔️ Farming/Economy! ⚔️ Crates/Custom Enchants! ⚔️ Join Now! [1.15.2]

    Are you looking for a Factions server with tons and tons of things to do? We have it! At SolsticeFactions we have a great community with lots to do join us create your base and conquer the world! Join now!➥ Factions
    ➥ Raiding
    ➥ McMMO
    ➥ In-Game Ranks
    ➥ Crates
    ➥ VoteParties
    ➥ Custom Plugins
    ➥ Farming Economy

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Australia Australian Boss Bosses Challenge Custom Eco End Environment Fly Force Free Hard Head Heads Home Homes Lands Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs New Play Player Pvp Rewards Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Survival Title Vanilla War World Zombies

    Zero Gravity Gaming [1.15.2] – Multi-World Difficulty Progression – Custom Craftable Items, Harder Mobs

    Zero Gravity Gaming’s Minecraft Server is a world that’s designed to have a vanilla feel with a few added extras

    This is a multi-world environment, where once you’ve built and mined to your hearts content you can enter a new landscape. A completely different world where it’s always night and there are much harder mobs.

    Zombies that make other zombies, the evil versions of Silverfish and Endermites, Wither Skeletons that are always too close for comfort, a Queen Bee that sends reinforcements if attacked and a truly UnBearable kind of mob that sends you flying as well as so much more.

    Venture out to the far reaches of this world to meet the bosses, powerful mobs that will truly be a challenge unless you are well prepared and equipped with very strong armour, potions and weapons.

    These are tough challenges but the rewards are well worth it, with drops such as Baby Zombie Shoes, custom craftable armour and gemstones that power up your items to make them stronger as well as exclusive armour and weapons from each boss with it’s own abilities to become even stronger.

    All of this plus the following

    – Start with free bread and torches to get you on your way

    – PVP arena for more organised fights

    – Lockable chests

    – Custom Traders

    – Multiple Homes

    – Player Heads

    – Mine spawners with just a diamond pickaxe

    – Completely Non-P2W

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Best Bungeecord Chestshop Community Craft Discord End Essentials Europe European Event Events Free Friendly Fun Grief Griefprevention Hard Head Heads Mine Minecraft Mob Multiplayer New Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Ranks Server Shop Smp Survival Title Vanilla

    Vanilla Europa SMP | Survival | Friendly | Semi-Vanilla | 1.15.2


    Server IP:

    The Best European Survival Minecraft Server.

    Vanilla Europa’s main objective with Semi-Vanilla is to provide Minecraft players with a multiplayer experience as close to Vanilla Minecraft as possible, while carrying out anti grief measures, not allowing griefers and looters to wreak havoc on friendly users.

    The Vanilla Europa Community has been growing since November 2018, when the server first launched. Since then, the server has enjoyed many new events and player groups and public creations.

    The plugins in this semi vanilla server are designed to not intrude upon the Survival/Vanilla aspect of Minecraft while also providing a griefer-free and streamlined friendly community experience. We utilize GriefPrevention in order to stop grief. Chest Shop and Mob Head plugins are to add more fun and convenience for the survival experience on the server.
    The main plugins are…
    – Essentials
    – GriefPrevention
    – MobHeads
    – ChestShop

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Allowed Anarchy Apex Ass Auto Basic Blo Block Border Borders Call Cheat Class Dead Eat Ect Erver Eset Grief Griefing Heat Nam No Resets Reset Resets Server Staff Taff Ter Title Vanilla Vanillaish


    No resets;
    No borders;
    Griefing allowed.

    No interference from staff. Basically anarchy, but you can’t cheat.

    Beta Block Class Crazy Discord Eco Econ Economy Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Experience Great Has Help Ill Join King Map Mine Need Needstaffnewserver Network New Noop Ogprison Open Original Plugin Plugins Prison Server Staff Tail Title

    MineFreak (OGPRISON) out for BETA

    MineFreak Network

    Currently working on OGPrison!

    Hey guys, we are currently looking for staff and beta testers for our new Prison Server, OGPrison! We are about 90% done with the server right now but we are in need of staff members and beta testers to prepare for launch. This server has the feel of an original prison server from years past with no inflated economy, ridiculous enchantments, or other crazy things. However, there are some plugins and map details that will make your experience here great! If you would like to help out, join our discord at

    Autorank Block Cat Class Craft Dedicated End Enjin Experience Explore Friendly Game Gaming Inecraft Latest Lore Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pro Server Servers Staff Survival Title Town Towny Traditional Version Website

    Towny Origins

    Towny Origins is a Minecraft towny server which aims to bring the traditional aspects of towny servers back to the game. The server is kept on the latest version of Minecraft and runs many plugins for players to utilise and explore. Staff are friendly and experienced! Visit our website at

    We utlilise our very own dedicated server which provides optimum gameplay.

    Ace Active Best Block Casual Cat Chat Class Community Craft Discord End Enviro Environment Experience Features Friendly Fun Great Help Inecraft Mean Mine Minecraft Nature New Play Player Players Server Social Socialize Staff Survival Title Version


    Welcome to CatCraft!
    Minecraft Version 1.15.2
    Connect Using:

    CatCraft runs a fun survival experience with new features being added frequently.

    Why We’re One of the Best
    CatCraft is a great place to come and meet new people. This server has a very casual nature, which means we try to keep the environment clean and friendly for all. If you happen to lose something or have trouble due to a server bug, staff and the other members are almost always there to help you out.
    Not Just Another Server
    CatCraft has a great and friendly community that has a tendency of drawing in new people. We’re active over Discord as well, giving players another place to socialize, even when they’re not on the server. With chat rooms set up so you can talk to players on the server, you can be a part of the community anytime you want. Don’t just settle for any server. Stay a while and have some fun!

    Adventure City Clan Clans Combat Community Custom Desert End Enjin Fantasy Farm Forums Head Kingdom Latest Lore Medieval Minecraft New Open Play Plugin Plugins Popular Races Ranks Roleplay Server Servers Staff Story Tech Technology Title Unique War Wars Whitelist

    Thronecraft – Fantasy Roleplay Server

    Thronecraft is a Minecraft Fantasy Roleplay Server

    Boasting over 12,000 registered members, Thronecraft is a 7 year old roleplay community and one of the foremost popular minecraft servers. Each day, hundreds of unique players log on to enjoy the rich, vibrant roleplay-based community that TC has developed. And each week, more and more players join the ranks of our tight-knit group, bringing their own unique personality to a flourishing server. Roleplayers of all levels of experience are welcome on the server, and can find neverending opportunities to grow and explore a world more exciting than our own, filled to the brim with new friends and fellow roleplayers.

    Join thousands of other players as you all explore Thronecraft’s latest installment: Valoria. This expansive world, with a tailored, intricate, history, gives players the choice between four unique, wonderous cities— each possessing their own specific spirit and characteristics. The population of palyers on Thronecraft are dispersed across the cities and, thanks to the variety of timezones players come from, the server never sleeps. Register on the server forums to read the lore for each of the cities and figure out which one calls to you the most.

    Join the proud First Men in Fjoldr, a familial settlement of proud warriors and free spirits, and a part of the glorious Golden Empire, nestled in the icy northern shores. Stand in amazement at the imposing castle of Fjoldr, built on rocks jutting outward into the ocean: a true testament to the resilience of the Northerns. Though, perhaps you are most suited to the order and structure of civilization than the chaotic ways of clans of barbarians. Join the eastern city of Volgrad, the shining gem at the heart of the Golden Empire, to experience truly majestic high-society, and possibly even try your hand at its shadowy political game. Or, if you’d rather live your life the way you wish, free from oppressive Imperial rules and bylaws, join one of the two Protectorate cities: Glyndale or Khaz’mir. Glyndale has always been the crossroads for history: once the center of an ancient high elven dominion, the city has been raised from its ashes as a haven of virtuosity and valor. Join her legions of chivalrous Cyrillian Knights, and spread the honorable, enlightening ways of the Disciples of the White Tree while crushing out ne’er-do-wells and wrong-doers wherever they may hide. But if it is true luxury and clandestine beauty you seek, venture far south to Khaz’mir. A desert oasis of tan skin and silk robes; Khaz’mir offers players the chance to live in the most sought-after place in all of Valoria, and relish the comforts of wealth. And humans aren’t the only people to inhabit Valoria. Players are welcome to apply to play as a dwarf, a snow elf, wood elf, or high elf: relics of an ancient time. Though be careful, not every race is treated equally in Valoria.

    Once you’ve chosen your city you can make your character, and the choices are endless: you could be a simple farmer, bound to the sprawling amber fields of wheat in Volgrad, or perhaps the personal guard to the Grand Magistrate in Glyndale. If you choose to play a character that may, one day, see combat, our handmade, adaptable rolling mechanics systems allows every players a fair chance at glory.

    Thronecraft just recently underwent a massive revamp, introducing scores of new, custom-made, plugins to enhance every player’s experience of the server. All of these were added to a hand-craft, personally-designed, world for players to explore and enjoy, and supported by our top-tier, competitive, server hosting technology. The server is managed by a diligent, professional, staff team that makes sure to keep RP new and exciting for all players. They are always available and are more than willing to help out anyone, new or old, with any problems that may arise.

    So what’s stopping you? Head over to the Throncraft forums to begin filling out your very own whitelist application. After that gets accepted, you’re can begin your own RP adventure. See you soon!

    Join today by clicking the link below and clicking on JOIN NOW to apply for the whitelist!

    Block Claim Claims Class Craft Custom Custommodpack Donator End Forge Going Grief Griefing Harvestcraft Inecraft Land Land Claim Mature Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack Mods Noop Open Play Player Players Pve Rank Ranks Server Simple Survival Terrain Title Void

    Komi’s MC | No Grief | Custom Modpack | Twilight Forest, Tropicraft, and more!

    We have land claims, a no griefing rule, automatic backups, /back for all players, and many mods to enjoy.

    Requirements: At least 12 GB of Total RAM, 2.8 GHz quad core CPU, Nvidia 600 series GPU or better

    Some of the many, many mods: /dank/null, Twilight Forest, Tropicraft, Pam’s Harvestcraft, FutureMC, Tinker’s Construct, Ender IO, Thermal & Extensions for Thermal, Industrial Foregoing, Immersive Engineering, Forgiving Void, OTG (Open Terrain Generator), Refined Storage, Simple Harvest, Chance cubes, Chisel, & more!

    Modpack Link:

    Please come and play with us! Currently we have no donator ranks. 🙂

    Adult Base Based Block Chat Chill Claim Class Community Currency Easy End Friendly Fun Going Join Lag Land Land Claim Mad Map Mob Normal Nostalgia Oldschool Oldstyle Play Riendly Semivanilla Server Simple Spawn Survival Title Vanilla World

    V8MC 1.15.1

    A simple, friendly, community based land claim server! No currency, no lag, normal mob spawning rates! No world border. A very clean, easy chat, a clean, easy spawn. Our map was made on the 6th of December, 2016.

    Come join for some pure, unadulterated survival fun!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Ars Base Based Bee Block Build Builds Class Community Craft Date End Enjin Event Events Forums Game Has Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Noop Open Play Resource Server Servers Stable Title Update Updated Vanilla Video Website Weekly


    JustVanillaMC is a vanilla based minecraft server, we are strictly vanilla, we host weekly and weekend Saturday events. We have a well set community as the server has been running 4 years now! We have website and lots of activity on our forums as well. We’re always updated to current stable builds!

    To play here you will have to complete a quiz ingame once finished you will be able to play!

    Server IP:

    Air Bending Block Build Builds Chest Class Com Craft Earth Element End Erver Event Fire Grief Griefprevention Ice Inecraft Kor Korra Long Lwc Mine Minecraft Play Player Plugin Prevention Pro Project Protect Server Store Survival Title Water

    Midstol Revival [Project Korra BENDING]

    A 1.15 minecraft server where you can select and bend one of the four elements! Water, Earth, Fire, or Air: the choice is yours. We have a focus on player builds and use the griefprevention plugin to protect builds along with LWC to protect chests. You can also store your XP with /bottle. Come and master an element!

    Block Build Building Buildings Chest Chestshop Claim Class Coreprotect End Environment Essentials Event Forge Friendly Grief Griefing Griefprevention Item Items Land Mcmmo Mmo New Peace Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prevention Pro Rol Safe Server Shop Staff Survival Title

    Lone Oak Survival

    We are a new survival server that aims to provide a friendly environment for players. You can claim your land to have peace of mind that your items and buildings are safe. Our staff can also roll back any griefing should you forget to claim anything. Here are some of our plugins:






    …and a few more.

    Arenas Auction Block Bounties Class Craft Custom Customized Discord Duel Duels Fun House Inecraft Level Levels Make Mine Minecraft Mines Network Noop Open Play Player Plot Plots Prestige Prestigesystem Prison Prisons Pvping Server Title Tokens

    HaloMC Prison

    Halo prison is our first addition to the HaloMc Network, its everything you love about minecraft prisons with a few additions to make it more fun and customized including; tokens, prestige mines and prestige levels, auction house, plots, player duels and bounties, lotteries and more!

    Alternate IP:

    1142server 114server Bean Beans Beanscraft Community Communitydriven Communityoriented Datapacks Discord Economy Economysurvival Gravitree Griefprevention Hard Mechanics Physics Pillagers Playershop Playershops Plugins Pvp Resources Roleplay Roleplaying Rpg Semivanilla Shops Smp Survival Trade Vanillatweaks Villageandpillage Website

    Beanscraft: 1.15.2 SMP

    Beanscraft is a 1.15.2 Survival Multiplayer server. The server has an economy, GriefPrevention, optional pvp, enhanced mechanics, and everything you can experience in the latest version of Minecraft!

    There is no whitelist, nor are there any hoops to jump through to start off. Play with friends, play alone, you have plenty of freedom here. Aside from that, we also have a discord server! Please join Beanscraft and help us build a great community around this game we all love!

    IP Address:



    Block Children Chill Class Com Craft End Erver Friends Fun Good Hubserver Ill Inecraft Jump King Lit Long Looking Mine Minecraft New Play Player Players Please Pro Real Red Ring Server Survival Survivalpvp Time Title

    Shattered Reality

    We are a new server looking for players that are ready to jump in and have some fun! Server is still a work in progress but moving a long swiftly. Bring your friends, children, stangers! Bring anyone you want! Please do not be racist or rude, were all here for a good time.

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Abilities Achievements Build Claim Class Community Craft End Free Friendly Friends Fun Grief Head Join Land Land Claim Landclaim Latest Lwc Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mod Modern Play Plugin Plugins Protection Rpg Server Skills Staff Survival Title Trans Vanilla

    1.15.2 AzNation Survival (MCMMO, Land Claim, No-Grief, Achievements, Etc.)

    AzNation Minecraft Survival 1.15
  • No-Grief / Landclaim
  • LWC Chest Protections
  • Anti-Cheat/Anti-XRay
  • Keep Inventory
  • Friendly staff and community
  • Welcome to the AzNation Minecraft Server

    AzNation is the latest survival Minecraft server headed by many veteran Minecraft server owners and staff members and has now been reimagined for the modern Minecraft age. Join our server for one of the finest Minecraft survival experiences available.


    MCMMO – Play Minecraft with one of the largest RPG plugins available and level up your skills and unlock abilities.

    Land Claim – Protect and share your creations with friends while keeping griefers out.

    No Microtransactions – Play Minecraft the way Minecraft was meant to be played without boosts, loot boxes, and other nonsense.

    What are you waiting for?
    Join us now and get a free starter package!

    1152server 115server Apocalypse Bungee Creative Dayz Factions Kitpvp Minecraft Minecraftserver Minigames Network New Pvp Ranks Skyblock Skywars Spigot Survival Ungee Zombies

    PixelBlockMC – Free Ranks to First Few that Join – HIRING STAFF!

    PixelBlock Network is a Minecraft Server founded in 2020 with a large amount of minigames. The network currently runs as 1.15.2+ and is rising in popularity everyday. It also involves SkyBlock, Creative, Survival and more!

    Over 15 gamemodes including survival, survivalgames, creative, minigames, skywars, skyblock, factions, Apocalypse and more!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Bedrock Rpg Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!