Base Based Build City Class Com Construction Country Craft Create Eco Erver Event Events Everything Ill Inecraft Interesting Mine Minecraft Mini Open Play Plugin Plugins Pro Project Rol Role Roleplay Server Servers Sub Survival Multiplayer Vanilla Version

ITC Project. Minecraft server

Do you like vanilla Roleplay servers and the minimum number of plugins?
Minecraft server on version 1.15.2. Created based on the “Country of subscribers” from the five.
Build your city, be an ordinary resident, become president. All in your hands!
There are many interesting things from RP events to the construction of your own city, everything is in your hands.
Vanilla is just the beginning … And remember, “FROG IS WATCHING YOU”
The server was open on 06/16/20.

2000 Applications Apply Chest Death Difficulty Enchantments Factions Hardcore Lose Power Pvp Rare Role Survival


DO NOT ask for Staff Rank
You will be kicked if you ask please apply at website
About the Server
Hydra-Craft is a Minecraft Server with Custom Enchantments, Factions and PVP

What you Need to Know
Chests cant be locked
There is a Power death ban for 1 minute (if you lose all your power)
Custom enchantments are achieved rarely by enchantment tables
Difficulty is on HARD mode
and DO NOT ask for a admin role please go to our website for applications
Also Remember to Vote for $2000

Dutch English Extra Factions Fun Gon Kitpvp Lucky Maybe Mc Server Smart Stuff Tmc Wars Whitelisted


Welcome to our vote site of SmartMC.
Here you can vote for more stuff and maybe you will get a lucky vote.
Why we want that you gonna vote? Because we can get more players and then you will enjoy more than ever.
We have on the server: KitPvP, Factions, Skywars, But for people who can good build a (whitelisted) build server.
Welcome to the vote site of the SmartMC server.
Here you vote for extra stuff and perhaps the lucky vote.
Why do we want you to vote? So that we can get more players, making it more fun for you.
On the server we have: KitPvP, Factions, Skywars, But an extra for people who can build the (whitelisted) Build server.


Aves Caves Dating Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Protection No Resets Paid Russian Minecraft Trance Updating Vanilla Like Vanillacraft

VanillaCraft Minecraft Server

VanillaCraft is a unique minecraft server!
we do not have plugins and we play on version 1.16
Updating caves as well as hell.
Logging on to the server in two ways
1.Pay entrance can be paid on the website
2. On request # application-on-server.

Active Ass Class Difficult Difficulty Hard Lmao Pve Rvival Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Vanilla

VGM Survival

Survival on hard difficulty.

Age Ass Bed Bro Buy Buycraft Class Cloud Com Craft Cru Dun Eco Erver Inecraft Join Lin Link Mad Mage Mine Minecraft Plane Planet Planetminecraft Recruiting Server Sky Staff Store Style Survival Multiplayer Ter Tps Webstore


Hello Guys,msky here.I have made a server but I dont have any
staff.So I am recruiting some Planet Minecraft members to become my
[img]”[” (Link:[)/img]

Join The Sky Brothers At : (IP)
“The]]The” (Link: [url= Sky Brothers Store.[/url]

“Contact]]Contact” (Link: [url= Me.[/url]


Active Allowed Ass Blo Block Cheap Class Com Ect Erver Fun Grief Griefing Join Need Network New No Griefing Ops Please Pro Protect Protection Rvival Server Shop Shops Staff Straight Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Two Way

Survival Network

We are a new survival server! Block protection, No griefing allowed. Cheap shops and need staff [Wont accept straight away]

Please come and join in the fun

Comunity Current Exp Experience Factions Mini game Mini Games Minigames Op Prison Prison Ring Rpg Site Soon Welcome


Welcome to EPKGames.
We are offering you the best server experience for OP Prison, Factions and Minigames.
We are currently making new servers such as RPG and other mini games.
So come join our comunity.
Well hope to see you soon.
Website :


Ant Battles Bed Wars Build battle Castle Battles CS GO Deathrun Egg wars Hide and Seek Lucky Blocks Mario Party Minecraft Hunger Games Minecraft Paintball Minecraft Parkour Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Murder Mystery Quake TNT Run

❤️RapidMc Mods for every taste ❤️ Wipe Wipe Minecraft server

Description of the Avaritia server – the mod makes your game more interesting!
Applied Energistics 2 A modification that contains a large number of new content, mainly centered around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way.
Botania A large and unusual, magical-technical mode in which plants and the natural component must be used as resources. Flowers have mana, they can work like mechanisms, they can shoot.
BiomesOPlenty (Russian. The abundance of biomes) – a modification that extends the boundaries of research and travel in Minecraft. Adds a large number of different biomes
Industrial Craft 2 A modification that adds industrial production to the world
Forestry A modification for Minecraft specifically designed for use with
AE2 Stuff Applied Energistics 2 add-on that adds new die cutters, crystal growth chambers and more.
AFSU Supplement to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod, which will add energy storage for 1,000,000,000 Eu.
Currency Mod adding banknotes to the server, with the help of which the economy is built on the server
Botany Addon to Forestry, adding a huge amount of decor and plants.
Draconic Evolution Mod, adding new powerful tools, armor, cars and various elements that use Redstone Flux to work.
Dragons Radio Mod Mod that adds Radio to the game. With it, you can listen to radio streams through the URL.
Electro Magic Tools is a great gift for fans of industrial modifications. This mod adds a lot of new mechanical blocks and completely new tools. All of them work due to energy, crystals and electricity.
EnderIo is a very cool and rather large technical (industrial) mod for minecraft, a huge number of cars and features. Generate energy, spend it on machines and mechanisms that make your life easier and make the game much more interesting.
Extra Utilities modification without a specific theme, adding various useful objects and elements, such as pipes, generators and magic things.
Extra Bees Addon to Forestry, adding various hives to the generation of the world, new improvements for large hives and frames.
Extra Trees Addon to Forestry, adding the ability to bring out new species of different trees. Want a little cherry tree for your decor? Or maybe a huge sequoia? Yes please! Also, the addon includes quite a lot of decor blocks.
Forbiden Magic addon for the popular Thaumcraft mod, it adds more features with magic, a few new weapons and tools. This addon will add new types of fragments that are used in craft and are used in the main mode.
Super Solar Panel Mod that adds solar panels. Craft panels are complicated and to craft them you will need to study many other mods
Magic Bees Addon to Forestry, which everyone loves so much! With it, you can bring out a huge number of new bees, plant any genes on them, and indeed … It simplifies the life of beekeepers.
GlebiusVC Mod, adding the ability to communicate with other players through a microphone.
Gravitation Suite An addition to the IndustrialCraft 2 mod, adding several new types of armor and tools to the game.
Immersive Engineering modification with a sense of retro futurism, adding mechanisms, many beautiful and functional multi-block structures. The mechanisms use their own energy – Immersive Flux, which is converted to Redstone Flux with a ratio of 1: 1.
MineFactoryReloaded A wonderful industrial mod for automating the collection of resources and their sorting. He will add conveyors for transportation and machines for collecting and sorting resources.
Mouse Tweaker Mod allows you to easily and quickly manage your inventory.
TaintedMagic Mod adds a dark side to the study of magic
TcInventoryScan An addon to Thaumcraft, which allows you to study objects with a Taumometer directly in your inventory and chests.
TConstruct modification, allowing you to create tools and weapons from individual parts
ThaumCraft modification, adding to the world of sorcery and many related things. This modification provides a unique research system. In this modification, the player will be able to feel like a real magician, a sorcerer or even a sectarian.
units, liquid storage facilities and several steam engines and multi-unit structures.
Thermal Expansion A modification that adds to the game new mechanics of resource processing and the organization of automatic production, new resources, their processors, as well as energy and devices for its generation and storage.
Thaumic Energistics addition to the modifications Applied Energistics 2 and Thaumcraft 4. Adds the ability to store essence in the ME network and automate the production of items from ThaumCraft.
Thaumic Tinkerer add-on for Thaumcraft
UniDIct Mod combines ore ingots from different mods.

Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Craft Fac Faction Factions Host Hosted Inecraft Lin Link Mine Minecraft Need Needed Pro Raft Staff Taff Tps


Hosted by: “Prominecrafthost”
Link to”Prominecrafthost”:

Ass Class Http Las Lmao Network Ork Play Style Survival Multiplayer Two Work

Activator Network


Amplified Detail Details Egg Happy Mini Games Orb Respect Rule Splegg Survival Tail Tak Vanilla Zombie

iPlay aBlockhead – Vanilla

iPlayaBlockhead Minecraft Server
Amplified Plugged – Vanilla Survival 1.8.1
Contact KreatorB at for details!

Server Now running Minigames, Splegg or Spleef, Zombie vs Player and free for visitors to play. More Games Coming Soon!

Server Rules:
1.Never Ever Grief
2.Do Not Annoy Others
3.Always Ask Before Taking
4.Always Ask Before you PVP
5. Respect All Playera & Admin.
6.Have Fun, Be Happy & Play Nice!
7. Respect What Has Been Built By Others.

Ban Best Claim Class Cool Craft Eco End Fac Faction Fly Flying Friends Hack Hacking Hacks Head Ill Item Items Join Kill King Land Lit Market Mod Mods Play Player Players Playing Pvp Quest Region Regions Spawn Team Top


Team up with friends to become the best. A faction allows you to claim land and protect it. The market in the spawn allows you to sell items and become rich. Join for a non-stop PvP experience. You will be killed, robbed and stalked. If bugs such as glitching your way through regions, killing in no-pvp zones are questionable in your head, chances are its exploiting in ours. This goes without saying. You are not permitted to use mods and client side hacks that give you a large advantage over other players. This includes speedhacking, flying, X-Ray in any form, nuking, alias, and more. If you are found to be using one of these on WantedCraft you will be BANNED and likely never be unbanned. Do not risk it if you enjoy playing here. Stay cool.


Ass Class Com Craft Donation Erver Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Nation Official Private Raft Sea Seaworld Server Survival Multiplayer Ter Vanilla Wip Wipe World

Pirasea! Minecraft server

Server description Vanilla server without donation, private and wipes.

Creative Factions Gamemode Gameplay High Highquality Minecraft Game Minecraft Gameplay Mines New Minecraft Ores Prison Skywars Smite Survival Games


Welcome to Minesmite!

Minesmite is a new minecraft network which provides highquality minecraft gameplay with gamemodes such as:
– Skywars
– Skyblock
– KitPvP
– Factions
Survival Games
– Prison
– Creative
– Survival
And mores to come!

If you’re looking for a fun network to join, Minesmite is the place to be!

1vs1 Bounty Drugs Factions Food Free Fun Hunter Lobby Lucky Lucky Block Minigames Pvp Shops Survival

Arhenon World

▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌—Arhneon World– ▌▉ ▊ ▋ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂
➤ Tonight Big Droop with two events
➤ Events in PvP and Knowledge of Minecraft
➤ Valuable rewards
➤ Minigames:Bounty Hunters
➤ Split
➤ 1vs1 only the strongest remain
➤ Sky Wars
➤ Premium Survival Games-Hunger GAmes
➤ Sky Block — With its Lobby_em and its Shop and PvP_em
➤ Paintball-big arena
➤ KitPvP-extra fun on our Kit-pvp
➤ Lucky Block-discover your surprise for 30 minutes of fun
➤ Arhenon Efect —— Well known Effects only on Arhenon
➤ Separate MiniGames Lobby with arenas where Power is not lost
➤ Have fun with the Enchant Shop as well
➤ Potion Shop
➤ Drugs Shop
➤ Spawner Shop
➤ At Spawn Free items – Survival help items
➤ Factions-Factions Chat-TAg-Factions Wars
➤ Na Serveru Free food+Spawn Free food
➤ Everything we forgot to say, come and see for yourself
➤ Pleasant game and good fun on your archenon
❤❤❤❤❤–Arhenon World–❤❤❤❤❤
▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ ▉ ▊ ▋ ▌—Arhneon World– ▌▉ ▊ ▋ █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▃ ▂


Areas Challenging Compete Creative Door Doors Economy Murder Pete Public Pve Review Survival Wand Yes


“The lag is low; the uptime is high (24/7 of course); the plugins are balanced (yes, you have to earn those diamonds); the admins are more than competent; and the community is friendly except when it comes to the occasional murder and robbery. 9/10 would bang on people’s doors to recommend”

“Everyone is friendly and helpful, the plugins are a good balance between ‘fun’ and ‘challenging’, and the public areas (such as survival spawn, and the hub) are awe-inspiring — sometimes I’ll just wander around them to take in the sights. The staff is always quick to respond, whether it’s fixing a problem, listening to suggestions, or answering questions”

– Review posted by user(s)

Country Crops Custom Farming Girl Girls Leveling Music Plugins Polite Racing Ranch Ranching Selling Tags

Ranch `n Craft

HOWDY. n welcome to Ranch’n Craft. Where ranching and Minecraft collide. If you love county music, farming, ranching, horses, line dancing, or just the country views, then Ranch’n Craft is for you partner.

It’s filled with good ‘ole country boys and girls doing what they do best. Farming crops, raising, training, breeding, racing, and selling horses. With plugins allowing you to make saddles, nametags, and armor, buy and sell horses, custom race tracks, horse skill leveling, claiming and protecting of horses, Ranch’n Craft is an Equestrian’s dream. We tie in your good ‘ole fashioned Minecraft with A LOT of country. See our plugins page for more info.

We use a cutom made just for us plugin that allows you to claim, buy,sell, and level your horses speed, jump height, and health. See more more on this on our Plugin Page

So if you’re looking for a friendly staff, polite and courteous player base, and horse filled server then this is the place for you. Please join us.

(All Server address lead to same server)


Server Address Option 2:


BuildCraft Complex Server Dayz Divine RPG Draconic evolution Flan's Forestry Galacticraft GregTech HiTech Industrial Craft Lord of The Rings Lucky Block Millenaire Minecraft Cars Minecraft GTA Minecraft Thaumcraft Minecraft Weapons Minez Mo'Creatures Morph Pixelmon RailCraft RedPower Stalker Star Wars Twilight Forest Zombie Apocalypse

MagicRPG Minimum prohibitions. Own craft. Interesting Minecraft server

Welcome to the mystical MagicRPG server. With us you can feel like a truly great magician and wizard. With a unique selection of magic mods, this server will become one of your favorites. A huge number of new monsters are waiting for you in the game. Many new weapons and armor will allow you not to be killed by the claws of formidable creatures. The role of the magician is complex, but after going all the way to the end, you will discover incredible artifacts. Learn all the many available spell branches and become a real archmage. Engage in alchemy and taum engineering to be the best in all aspects. In general, choose for yourself – to remain a beginner or to become a server legend.
Divine RPG is one of the largest modifications for Minecraft. It expands the game en masse, adding a wide variety of mobs, measurements, tools, weapons, armor, blocks, items and much more to the world.

This modification massively expands the game, making it more fantastic and interesting. Many new dimensions appear with their unique mobs, ores, weapons, armor, generation, and much more. You are waiting for a really interesting player development system. Some of the reasons for this are the huge variety of characteristics of weapons and armor, as well as the number of new mobs and their various features. Therefore, the issue of choosing weapons, armor and equipment must be taken more seriously. Surviving will be much harder and more fun. You can choose light angelic armor with the ability to fly, or you can choose heavy halitic armor, in which you will be protected from the whole world. A huge number of enemies will appear, and against each of them it will be possible to come up with their own tactics of warfare. Everyone can create their own unique style in this huge and mysterious world of fashion Divine RPG.
Thaumсraft – a modification that adds sorcery and many things related to it to the world. This modification provides a unique research system. In this modification, the player will be able to feel like a real magician, a sorcerer or even a sectarian.

New mobs are spawned in the world, new buildings are generated and new objects appear. The player can subjugate golem assistants, study the elements of the elements and collect mystical energy. At the same time, new hostile mobs appear in the world, Crimson Sectarians – one of them. They do not tolerate strangers and kill them quickly; in the initial stages of the game, they can easily defeat the player.
A large and unusual, magical-technical mode, in which plants and the natural component must be used as resources.

Flowers have mana, they can work like mechanisms, they can shoot.

Ars Mcp Owny Pvp Rad Rading Survival Town Towny Towny Server Townypvp Trading War Wars Who

Town Wars Pvp

a towny server with pvp and trading, whose town will be the strongest?

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Setting up a Modded Minecraft Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!