Active Staff Creative Day Great Hardcore Hey Mmu Mod Mode Oda Ommunity Pvp Taff Today Unity


Hey, you there! Join MineKee today, we’ve got loads of fun game modes, a great community, active staff, and more!

9.2 Claim Courage Ender Head Money Nen Rage Rts Shops Smart Survival Survival Minecraft Survival Minecraft Server Wild


Welcome to DownEnder Gaming, a new survival minecraft server the encourages everyone to use their own smarts and wits to get the upper hand, and overcome other players. head to the wild and make your claim on the wild, expand and gain more money with the in game shop. come visit DownEnder Gaming Today.


Bungee Cyber Economy Factions Little Paw Pve Pvp Rol Role Role Play Roleplay Ungee Wolf Working


wolfpaw-cybernetics id a open build role play and factions server bungee enabled also work in progress its not finished i am working on it little by little

Anarchy Anarchy Server Destroy Explore Free Fun Hard Survival Latest Ports Resources Sand Spigot Survival Upgrade Usa

Hard Survival Anarchy

Welcome to my official anarchy server. Here you can do what ever you want.
The server stays up to date with the latest version of minecraft and its really hard to lag. –
(will be in 1.16 when it comes out and when spigot supports it)
Hope you join and have fun. (I just upgraded the server so i hope you have fun.)
The server has been up for 4 months now an d its doing very well.
Go to 37 72 -30 for free resources to destroy spawn even more, or you can explore out to
the thousands, even the millions if your brave enough in this hard world.

Also for anyone that doesnt know what anarchy means – anarchy = do whatever


Added Arcade Button Cod Code Des Has Owner Rip Survival Multiplayer Ter This Vote World You

OmletArcadeWorld Minecraft Server

OmletArcadeWorld server owner has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

0 VoteGet button code

Actually Beasts Companies Competitive Economy Factions Gamble Largest Mcmmo Modifications Playing Minecraft Sèrie Sounds Survival T Series


Join a world built from the ground up to be fun.

When Minecraft servers were first created, they were simple beasts. Running few modifications and often not online 24/7 they were built by people who loved Minecraft and loved playing Minecraft. Fast-forward to 2017 and today most of the largest servers are run by companies, with the primary intention of making money. While this is a reasonable ambition, and the funding and input from these servers has helped evolve the server community, they can often sacrifice the fun of players and community for extra income.

We don’t think that’s right.

Argolia is an attempt at making the world of servers more open, free and fun for everyone to play on. Most importantly Argolia is not monetized. Each school term, we run a real-life (for-profit) event series which helps sustain and keep the server competitive, however we ask nothing from our players. There is no in-game rank system for donors – instead everyone gets treated fairly and equally, and there are no ways to gamble or buy item packs using real money. Instead of spending time working on these parts of the server, we can instead work on what people actually enjoy – the game. Our staff team works with the community to help build a server environment that everyone can enjoy, and that focuses on rich and rewarding player experiences.

If this sounds like a server that you’d like to play on, join now at

1.9 Ats Bored Creative Edit Edition Free Hats Limited Minigames Modified Ored Pvp Survival Towny

Excalistra [1.9 -1.15]


Excalistra is a towny server thats been modified to feel more like an RPG, but if youre bored of survival you can play Creative in the same world.

We are very new and because of that we are now offering a limited edition rank for players who are here from the beginning and actively play.


Dates Economy Helper Helpers Knight Mcmmo Meet Night Pve Pvp Ranking Sever Tag Updates Vanilla


Full PvP Server With Several New Features!
-Plots – / – Economy – / – Ranking – / – Constant Updates – / – Friendly Staff – / – Helpers – / – Mod’s Always On – / – Shop – / – Arena – / – Tag Myth – / – Mine PvP- / -Clan – / – Mina Lapis- /
And much more!! Come and meet our server and become an ally !!

Action Admin Admins Esp Fact Factions Factions Server Fres Fresh Latvia Minecraft Faction Minecraft Factions Minecraft Factions Server Tps Wit


Fresh Latvian minecraft factions server with responsive admins.


Animals Appearance BuildCraft Cells Decorative Experiment Experimental Forestry Industrial Industry Mob Arena React Sandbox Steam Engine Temperature Techno server Minecraft

Server DescriptionIndustrialCraft 2 Experimental – A modification that adds industrial production to the game (metallurgy, electrical engineering, agricultural industry), thanks to the appearance of various types of energy, new devices and tools.

Gravitation Suite – Addition to the modification of IndustrialCraft 2. Adds several new types of armor and tools to the game. All items added by this modification can only be charged from the MFE or MFSU.

Advanced Solar Panels – Supplement to IndustrialCraft 2, adding several new types of solar panels, which are noticeably better than conventional.

Nuclear Control – Addition to the IndustrialCraft2 mod, which allows you to create a system for monitoring and monitoring your nuclear reactors. With the help of added items, you can control the temperature and conditions of the reactor, the amount of energy in energy storages.

Mastermines – Modification generating iridium ore, as well as adding lime, many decorative building blocks and a system of transport rays.

BuildCraft – Modification that simplifies the extraction of resources, as well as the transportation and distribution of liquids and objects using pipes.

Forestry – Modification that adds new types of trees, solutions for automatic farms, beekeeping and much more.

Applied Energistics 2 – Modification containing a large number of new content, mainly centered around the concept of using and converting energy in a unique way. Most of the functions are connected with the ME network or are part of it.

Extra Cells – Addition to the Applied Energistics 2 mod, adding new, much more capacious hard drives, as well as new mechanisms.

Iron Chests – Modification adds improved chests and upgrades for them.

Project Red – Modification adds new ores, mechanisms, redstone wires, gates and much more. Makes the creation of mechanisms from redstone, and in general any actions associated with a redstone, is extremely convenient.

RailCraft – Modification modifies the rail crafting system, and also adds various types of new rails, logic systems for railway tracks, ways of transporting energy, materials, people and animals, many decorative blocks, liquid storage facilities and several steam engines and multi-unit structures.

Emerald Armor and Tools – Mod adds emerald armor and tools.

Bee Crate Crates Dead Deadly Dev Elo Kitpvp Mcp Nks Noob Noobs Rates Show Staff


A KitPvp Server With Crates, Ranks, And a Nice Staff. Come on to our server to have a good time with friends shreck noobs and play. We have been developing for over 3 months and now it is read to Show how deadly pvp really is.

Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Baltop Borders Crates Credits Custom Envoy Envoys Factions Free Overpowered Overworld Oys Plugins Wildtp


Unlike most networks we aim to maintain a completely free to play and play to win environment, meaning none of the things we sell on the store, have a significant advantage over gameplay, everybody is equal. We offer the same plugins and perks to everybody that plays.

We offer real cash prizes at the end of every season for top voter, /baltop, /mctop and /f top.

Everybody who joins is given free McMMO credits and crate keys to start the season off. Just /helpop.

AuroraRaids is a rebranded, UK-based factions server running on Minecraft 1.8.8. Our server works on any version upwards from 1.8.8 and contains McMMO, Envoys, Gen Buckets, Custom Enchantments and many more.

Our aim for running AuroraRaids is to have an ever-changing map so, one faction isnt too overpowered and wins every season. Players love this concept and it allows us to have a changing player base.

The world doesnt get boring though, the land is abandoned and, the claims are found throughout all three worlds. The world borders are: 10,000 x 10,000 : Overworld 2,500 x 2,500: Nether 2,500 x 2,500: The End.

We have various Factions plugins for all players including but not limited to, WildTP, Crazy Crates, Crazy Enchantments, McMMO, SilkSpawners, and many more. We have much more for players to enjoy and we hope you come and join us.

/f top will win 25 in cash and that prize is rising.


Dehydration Economy Inside Loot Open World Pve Pvp Realistic Roleplay Survival Texture Texture Pack Weapon Weapons Zombie

Abandon Arena

Abandon BETA v0.1

Abandon is an open world (BETA takes place only inside the city) zombie survival/PVP arena.

Featuring an in game texture pack, realistic loot, 3D weapons, shops, dehydration, custom zombie spawn, 95% PVP zones, leader boards, and much more to come

Keep in mind this server is in BETA so feedback and suggestions will be much appreciated.

Aco Classic Draco Draconic evolution Evolution Expansion Magic Minecraft Sky Block Mythic Mythical Stable Technic Technical Thermal Universe

MythicalWorld | SkyTech Minecraft Server

SkyTech is a SkyBlock-based server with ExNihilo, as well as Thermal Expansion, Draconic Evolution and other technical mods.

◆ Mythical World
◆ Server site:
◆ VK Group:

✔ Stable online
✔ Various builds
✔ Responsive Tech. support

Our servers:
● Classic
● Hi-Tech
● TechMagic
● Magic
● SkyTech
● MiniGames
Mythical World – Your Mythical Universe.

Access Bug Construction Egg Factions Hungergame Jump Kitpvp Levels Maintenance Parkour Prison Proper Survival Void

Wicked Realms

We operate the following 1.9 Servers:
OP-Prison – SkyBlock – SkyWars – ZombieCraft Factions – HungerGames – BuildMyThing – Parkour – Survival (3 Levels) – The Void – (Spleet, KitPvP, and Hardcore are currently in development)
Currently, we are looking for some dedicated individuals to become staff members. I am looking for someone knowledgeable in network operations, plugin maintenance, possible plugin authoring, and a lot more. Inquire by finding an admin. Don’t just join the server begging for access.

While the network is open….it is still very much under construction due to the 1.9 jump and all features may not be working properly. Please contact an admin ASAP if you run into a problem or bug. We are still waiting for some 1.9 plugin updates. Thanks!
Our entire network is professionally hosted by OVH!

2020 Ations Discord Donation Donations Group Groups Mage Nation Nations No Premium Oup Prem Premium Shops


WorldOfCraft Server 1.15.2 ( 24/7 – no premium )





Bov Drug Drugs Economy Enchanted Enchants Factions Gang Gangs Insane Intense Playershop Pvp Released Votifier

GangCentral Guns Drugs Gangs -Beta-

About us! We are a BRAND NEW SERVER for 1.8.8 (At this moment) and have so much to the server ITS INSANE!
Here are some of our feautres:-
-Custom enchants
-Explosive Pvp
– Custom Enchanted items
– Custom Drug Effects
Intense pvp action from all of the above!
========== Future ==================
The future of our server is looking great, We plan to work towards a better economy in terms of an auction and playershop plugin.
We also are working to get voting crates and votifier up and running! There is so much to our server and more to be added soon!
Come on and join us as we just released! So there will be bugs but a great time 🙂

Armor Coded Custom Developed Enchanted Free Hats Legendary Potion Potions Rules Selling Survival Traders Unlock

VKNG Survival

VKNG offers a simple survival experience with a twist

There is new additions onto the base game such as…

Legendary enchanted weapons & armour

Unlockable particle effects

Custom currency

Unique itemsTraders in spawn

Rewarding daily vote system

Custom loot tables

Much more to come

There is no rules other than dont cheat, feel free to raid and steal and fight your way to the top.

Take your time to look around spawn as there are many traders selling
custom coded items such as potions, event items, armor, weapons and
much more. Its simple survival with a twist, no chest locks, claims but
only a large world to travel out, settle down and explore. Its a new
server and a laid back community thats only going to continue to grow.
New additions updated regularly, so come check us out.

This server is a brand new project that will be continuously developed and growing over time


Basics Classic Dream Dreams Learn Magic Minecraft Thaumcraft Mythic Mythical New World Stable Twilight Forest Universe Wizard Wizards

MythicalWorld | Magic PVP server Minecraft

Description of the serverMagic – a server for natural wizards! Here you can learn the basics of magic, discover new worlds, and make your dreams come true. Magic will fulfill all your desires!

◆ Mythical World
◆ Server site:
◆ VK Group:

✔ Stable online
✔ Various builds
✔ Responsive Tech. support

Our servers:
● Classic
● Hi-Tech
● TechMagic
● Magic
● SkyTech
● MiniGames
Mythical World – Your Mythical Universe.

Access Builds Creative Creativity Donor Feature How To Kitpvp Matt Nitro Realms Regular Survival System Wait

Varsity Creative

Varsity is a small community server based around the realms of Creativity. We have a lot to offer including our Survival* and KitPvP Gamemodes. We also have very friendly Staff who are always willing to help you out no matter what. Another one of our unique features if our Rank System, you can rank up based on your Builds or Survival Effort, all ranks are free and there are no donor ranks.

So come join us! We can’t wait to start playing with you and having a great time!

*Survival is only accessible by Regular and up, ask a Staff Member in-game to how to can achieve this rank.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Mod Server Minecraft. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!