Active Amazing Anticheat Auction Auctions Chestshop Community Dedicated Eco Economy Faction Factions Grief Hungergames Minecraft Minigame Minigames Nether New Perks Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Rewards Rey Safe Server Servers Shop Skyblock Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Teamspeak Town Towny War

Safehaven Gaming

SafehavenGaming is a 1.7.9 Minecraft server Running on a Dedicated Server with 99.6% Server Uptime We Feature Teamspeak Voice Chat, Great Staff Support, Amazing Community, Survial, Skyblock , Factions , Minigames, HungerGames Servers, Great Donator Rewards, AntiCheating Plugins Much More!

Survival Server Features: Huge world, Towny, Greylist for new players, 15+ community, ChestShop with great economy, No Griefing / PvP, Regenerated Resource world every 3 days.

Skyblock Server Features: Auctions, Great Ranks, Regular Nether Regeneration, Economy, No age limit.

Factions Server Features: PvP, Factions, Auctions, Silk Touch spawners, Great donator perks, Destroyable obsidian with TnT, No age limit.

Teamspeak ip:

Ares Ass Blo Block Cat Class Com Community Dedi Dedicated Eat Erver Follow Great Join Mall Mmu Multi Noop Ommunity Open People Play Server Sky Skyblock Small Square Style Version Versions


Join SquareSky a dedicated SkyBlock server, we are a great small community of people we have multiple versions of skyblock for you to play


Allowed Craft Create CTF Discord Earth Edit English Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Hacks Java King Lag Map Mine Minecraft Mod Need Newzealand Open Play Player Players Race Reddit Rol Server Servers Staff Sub Survival Swearing Title Vanilla World Worldedit

Cake District

Cake District is a Java 1.14.4 vanilla survival server. We have a regular survival world, and the 1:4000 Minecraft Earth Map created by Mattias Brennecke. The server is made to be as vanilla as possible, with the players experience the utmost importance. | 1.14.4

[​SV] Regular survival world. 10k radius border.

[​ESV] Earth survival world. 1:4000 scale.


– Griefing is not allowed. Staff will roll back griefs and theft.

– Don’t start arguments with staff over things that don’t need arguing over.

– Swearing is allowed but any disrespectful comments and actions are not allowed and have no place here.

– English only – The staff can only speak english so they are unable to moderate non-english speaking players.

– Any racist, homophobic and anti-religious comments are extremely rude and are not allowed.

– Do not purposefully try to lag the server and create lag machines – they will be deleted with WorldEdit.

– Advertising other servers here is not welcome. You can advertise in DM’s however.

– No spam and unnecessary caps. You may be muted for at least 24 hours.

– No cheats and hacked clients are allowed. This includes: x-ray, movement hacks, tracers and auto clickers.

– Duping or hacking in illegal items is not allowed.

Discord: (you will need to have played on the server for a bit before talking here.)


Active Best Class Community Craft Create Creative Economy Emo End Ender Epic Experience Friends Fun Game Games Gaming Inecraft Join Life Lit Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Mods Multiplayer Network Online Play Player Playing Pvp Server Servers Survival

The EnderStorm Network

Welcome To EnderStorm
The EnderStorm Network is all about gameplay and community. We make epic Creative Survival gamemodes and mini-games made to play with or without friends and have fun, so you can simply hop on the server and start playing. Join now to have the best minecraft experience of your life!
This server has 1 purpose: To create an online gaming community and to have fun! Anyone is welcome!
The EnderStorm Network is a group of multiplayer servers for Minecraft that feature a collection of multiple high quality server-side mods focused on Survival, Creative Mini Games!

Active Anti Antigrief Antigriefing Build Building Class Coded Combat Craft Creative Custom Event Force Free Freebuild Freedom Grief Griefing Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mod Nation Play Plot Plots Plugin Plugins Pro Public Server Servers Simple Survival Multiplayer Top Whitelist

BeastsMC Creative

BeastsMC Creative is a simple approach to Creative Minecraft. We have NO WHITELIST and offer CREATIVE MODE plus FREEBUILD. Unlike many other servers, we don’t force you to use plots or apply just to play. You can join right now and be building within 5 minutes.

To prevent griefer, we use a range of antigriefing tools. Through a combination of the top public tools and a few custom coded plugins, we’re able to combat griefing without limiting your freedom to build.

Join today and start building!

Action Active Ass Class Com Erver Fac Faction Game Games Hun Hunger Hunger Games Ice Join Land Lands Make Need New Nice People Pvp Server Survival Multiplayer This


BadLands is a new server that is nice to all its members, we are hoping to make a hunger games on this server but first we need people to join, its a faction/pvp server and is waiting for you, so come try it out !

Ass Call Class Com Creative Eat Erver Game Games God Gods Hey Infinity Ming Mini Minigame Minigames New People Plot Plotme Quake Server Style Who World Ygo

Infinity god

Hey, Infinity god is a new server
With minigames coming up called Quake.
Creative world PlotMe for people who are a creative.


Active Ass Awesome Blo Block Class Com Community Cool End Erver Eso Factions Friend Friendly Fur Game Games King Kitpvp Looking Mini Mini game Mini Games Mmu Ommunity Riendly Server Sky Skyblock Staff Taff

Looking for a skyblock server with friendly staff, an awesome community, and cool Mini games? Well look no further, is the server for you!

Active Admin Admins Allowed Block Class Combat Craft Creative Future Has Ill Inecraft King Mature Mine Minecraft Mining Mod New Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Sell Selling Server Stealing Survival Multiplayer Tea Trading Update Updates Vanilla World

World Of Apollo

We are running a very active Vanilla 1.5.1 server and are looking for mature players. There are some plugins installed to combat x-ray and stealing. All blocks must be acquired by mining, buying, selling and trading. Creative Mode is not allowed and will not be used by admins. Admins will not give blocks either.

The world currently has a border at 7,000 blocks and the border will be expanded with future Minecraft updates that include new biomes and ores that will only generate in new chunks.

Active Ass Bed Bedrock Blo Block Class Craft Current Custom Discord Ect Erver Exp Fire Hard Ill King Looking Mod Play Player Rad Real Realm Rvival Server Sleep Surviv Surviva Survival Title Trade Traders Vanilla Way


Evercraft is a survival, vanilla+ (1-player sleep, fire spread off, and custom traders), HARD mode always enabled, 10-slot Bedrock realm. We currently have over 40 active members in our Discord, and are looking to expand!

Active Ass Cesium Cesiumcraft Class Com Craft Eam Erver Free Fun Game Games Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Pvp Pvpsurvival Ree Rvival Server Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Games Tea Team Teams Ter Towny World

Cesiumcraft Survival


A server for the cesium in all of us!

We have a survival world, but we also have a fun world for minigames like Free for all pvp, Teams pvpSurvival Games and more!

Action Actions Active Ass Class Com Eat End Erver Escape Fac Faction Factions Frendly Game Games Great Join Pvp Raid Raiding Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff This Welcome


Welcome to this amasing server we are frendly and have great staff we are a pvp survival server with factions and raiding come join now!

Active Age Asia Ass Build Class Com End Erver Exp Experience Friend Friendly Ill Lag Life Lin Mine Miner Riendly Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Survival Multiplayer Survive Taff Vive Welcome


Welcome to Alageasia!

Friendly Staffs and Peopel!

Come in and experience the most thrilling moment of your life!

Build n’ Survive >:))

Block Class Com Craft Custom Discord Ect Enjoy Erver Game Hub Ill Inecraft Join Link Mine Minecraft Mod Network New Noop Open Play Player Premier Prison Semi Server Sky Skyblock Soon Title Town Towny Two

UltimaRatoMC – Premier Hub Network – Prison – Skyblock – Towny

UltimaRatioMC – Premier Minecraft Hub Network

We are a brand new Minecraft hub network that is built around the player in mind. We have the following game-modes, and will be adding more soon! Come and join us and enjoy our server.

  • Semi-OP Prison
  • Custom Skyblock
  • Towny
  • Discord Link:

    000 200 Active Ass Base Based City Class Cloud Creative Economy Erver Exp Factions Server Servers Skyblock Sub Survival You


    MCExplode is a cloud-based server with many sub-servers. We have a 2000 slot capacity, so there is more than enough room for YOU!

    Action Ark Battle Class Com Community Craft Date Donate Erver Event Events Fac Faction Factions Game Games Hub Inecraft Kit Lobby Market Mine Minecraft Noop Open Pay Play Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Server Staff Style Survival Tournaments Update Updates


    De MagmaLobby Is Een Hub Server Met Onderandere Factions, KitBattle, Roleplay Survival, Games En Veel Meer. Er Zijn Regelmatig Updates. Neem Ook Gezellig Een Kijkje. (ER IS GEEN PAY-2-WIN.)
    Donate Site:
    Aardige Staff, Leuke Community, Geen Pay2Win, Regelmatig Events En Tournaments En Nog Veel Meer.


    Active Ash Ass Cash Class Core Craft Erver Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Lmao Plus Pvp Raft Raid Raiding Server Survival Multiplayer This Vote


    This server is hardcore PvP and raiding. Plus vote for cash

    Abilities Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Auction Craft Create Dedicated Diamond Donate Donator Essentials Fac Faction Factions Fun Good Help Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Need New Old Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Rank Ranks Server Silkspawners Spawn Spawner Spawners Trans Update Who

    Diamond MMO

    –Diamond MMO – A Multiplay Server–
    Who We Are
    We are a Server dedicated to bringing you, the Player, a good Factions experience.

    We aim to create a Minecraft Experienced that is fun for everyone. We are fully 1.8 compatible, allowing you to fully exploit all of the Bountiful Updates new features to enchance your gaming experience.

    What We Provide
    We provide a multitude of plugins to help maximise your gaming experience. These include (but are not limited to):
    – Essentials
    – Factions
    – floAuction
    – PvP Manager
    – SilkSpawners
    – mcMMO
    – Bounties
    – And Many More.
    We also translate the languages of players of different locales to remove language barriers. If you would prefer to speak in your primary language, simply use /translate [language] to set your preferred language. Any player of a different language will recieve your message and a copy that is translated for them and vice versa.

    In-Game Ranks
    Players will begin at the default rank. This will provide them with the basics which they need to have a good time. However, registering at will give them access to a larger range of features that will enhance their experience here at Diamond MMO.
    Players can also donate to recieve exclusive donator ranks, that will give them exclusive abilities. These ranks include:
    – Wood
    – Stone
    – Iron
    – Gold
    – Diamond


    Active Build Claim Create Diamond Donate Eco Econ Economy Enjin Event Fac Faction Factions Fair Fun Greif Greifing Hard Help Land Map New Parkour Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Protection Pvp Raid Raiding Rewards Server Simple Small Staff Tnt War


    RevCorpMc is a newly renovated server with experienced staff!
    We are a Factions based server with pvp, tnt, raiding and greifing enabled!
    Our server is small and growing fast! With a fresh new map come claim your land before anyone else!
    We kept one thing in mind when we created our server, keep it simple yet exciting!
    We have brought on just enough plugins to keep the game feeling unrestircted and fun with that faction/Raiding mindset.
    We have a well designed economy system to help you make money and buy materials to build and protect your hard earned diamonds!
    In the spirit of pvp we’ve added a few plugins that allow for fair play and rewards!
    We’ve added a few xray protection and cheat prevention plugins to ensure everyone plays fair.
    Check out the VIP packages at

    Ace Action Actions Ark Ass Build Class Com Creative Eat End Enjin Erver Fac Faction Factions Friends Has Ill List Noop Open Park Parkour Place Play Plot Plotme Plugin Plugins Riends Safe Server Servers Style This


    ctservers has a lot of things to play on for example we have creative (plotme plugin) this plugin will allow you to build in a safe place you can add friends and more

    Here a list of what we have Factions,Creative,parkour


    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Regular Skyblock Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!