Action Active Brand Build Class Com Community Conomy Craft Custom Discord Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Game Ill Inecraft Join King Lol Looking Mine Minecraft Minecraft Survival New Old Pvp Rvival Server Shop Survival Vanilla


SaucyMC is a brand new vanilla faction minecraft survival server with a custom shop and economy! The server is less then a few days old and we are looking to build a community both ingame at and on our discord which you can join at Come check us out, couldent hurt 🙂

Auction Ban Build Building Claiming Combat Creative Custom End Faction Factions Fun Kitpvp Kits Leveling Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Multiplayer Network New Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Server Servers Shop Shops Skyblock Small Spawner Spawners Survival Survive Trading Unique Vanilla Worldedit

BananaCraft Network

BananaCraft Network
BananaCraft Network is a growing Minecraft server with a wide variety of gamemodes. BananaCraft Network launched in February of 2019 and is a reboot of the original BananaCraft. The network currently consists of KitPvP, Factions, Survival, Creative and Skyblock with more gamemodes and updates planned for the future. Our aim for this network is to make the network accessible for all types of players, whether you like PvP, survival or you simply want to hang out on the server, there is always something to do for you.

We also want our server to be as simple and straight forward as possible so you can start playing right away. To achieve this we write our own custom plugins to guide you through the servers while using as much GUIs as possible so you dont have to type a command for everything you want to do. Our server makes it easy for new players who are not familiar with Minecraft servers while also offering a lot for experienced players.

Survival 1.12
Our Survival servers offers an experience the way Minecraft is originally intended to play. We keep our Survival server mostly vanilla while adding a couple of features to enhance the multiplayer experience like claiming and trading. By keeping the server this way it allows us to easily upgrade to newer Minecraft versions so we keep up with the latest additions.

Our Factions server offers a great experience for players who are already familiar with factions while also providing helpful information for new players. Our Factions server is unique by offering all Minecraft features up to 1.13.2 while keeping the old combat mechanics for the classic combat play and feel. Besides that Factions has several other features such as a McMMO, an auction house, silkable spawners, breakable obsidian and most important: a fun Factions PvP experience.

In our Skyblock server you survive on a small island with limited resources. You start off with a small island and expand it by gathering resources and trading with other players. This server also provides a wide range of features including trading, a shop, ore generators and custom islands. Our Skyblock server is also fully GUI driven to keep it as simple as possible for the player.

Our Creative server offers a great build experience with 2 plot for every player by default. You can also build together with your friends and you have full access to all WorldEdit commands to help you with your building projects. We also allow you to download your plot so you can use it in your own world.

In our KitPvP server you progress through levels and unlock new kits by playing PvP with preset kits. We offer a wide range of features in this server including a progressive leveling system, buyable and upgradable kits and a battle tested anticheat to keep it fair for all players.

Future development
We are actively working on this server and adding new features to keep the server new and fresh for the player. We release frequent updates to all of our gamemodes.



Active Allowed Ass Aternos Chest Chests Class Com Community Craft End Erver Friend Friendly Hack Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mmu Ommunity Pixel Pvp Raft Riendly Rvival Server Sts Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter


A minecraft 1.15.2 Survival server with hidden chests, PvP, a friendly community, and more! (NO HACKERS ALLOWED!!)

Active Bedwars Capture Class Coop Craft Creative Diamond Economy Emo Enjoy Flag Free Fun Game Gamemode Inecraft Join Kit Kitpvp Lag Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mod Network Open Plot Plots Pvp Server Survival Survival Games Tnt War Wars

The Diamond Torch Network

We are a free open minecraft server with everything from kitpvp to bedwars. Join us in free creative plots as well as other fun gamemodes like tnt run, and also capture the flag. We hope you’ll be able to enjoy your self on this server and be able to keep this server on your server list.

Arena Ass Bar Chill City Class Com Craft Creative End Erver Fun Game Games Hill Hunger Hunger Games Ill Inecraft Land Mine Minecraft Mini Minigame Minigames Mob Mobarena Noop Open Plot Plotme Pro Pvp Rvival Server Spleef Style Survival Vast

EDA Minecraft

Je zoekt vast naar iets vernieuwends. Altijd. Deze server is dan iets voor jou. We hebben Survival, ingedeeld in verschillende eilanden. En Creative, met het geavanceerde systeem van PlotMe. Er zijn ook Minigames als PvP, Spleef, en er komen MobArena en Hunger Games. Je kunt ook Citys bezoeken, zoals EDA City. Have fun.

Onderdeel van EDA Film Productions 2013


Active Ass Aternos Class Creative Eat Erver Exp Explore Fun Has Kit Kitpv Kitpvp Lore Need Parkour Plugin Plugins Port Pvp Rvival Server Soon Support Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter This Version Versions Work

KitPVP/Survival And More

This Server Has Loads Of Fun Things To Explore Like Survival, KitPVP, Creative, And Loads More This Server Has All Your Needs


Ars Ass Better Block Class Com Different Erver Free Game Games Hunger Hungergames King Kit Kywars Lag Make Mini Minigame Network Noop Open Planet Prison Pvp Server Servers Sky Skyblock Skywar Skywars Style Two War Wars Website


Planetservers includes:
PvP Server
Skyblock Server
Skywars Server
Hungergames Server
Prison Server (Later)
Kit PvP Server (Later)

To keep the server lagg free, every minigame is on a different server.
We are working on the server everyday to make it even better.

More info:
Server ip:


Active Ats Balance Block Chest Class Coded Cool Custom Eco Econ Economy Fun Gadgets Gui Island Item Items Join Land Lit Mine Npc Pet Pets Plugin Pve Quest Quests Server Shop Sky Skyblock Survival Survival Games Survive Vanilla Voting

Reno Skyblock

skyblock server where you can get a island with little items and try and survive we have shop,npc,chests etc come and join and have fun
custom Ore Generators
Custom Coded Skyblock plugin
Custom Automine Block Hoppers
Custom Shop Gui
A balance Economy
Some Fun Gadgets,Pets,Hats And More
Voting For Some Cool Items ECT
So Come Along And Make Number One On The Scoreboard

Action Adventure Adventures Arena Ass Awesome Battle Beta Class Com Community Crack Cracked Dutch English Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Ill Join King Looking Mall Mcmmo Mmo Noop Online Open Please Server Small Style This Venture


This a bilingual server (Dutch and English). It features mcMMO, Factions, and Battle Arena. At the moment we are a small community, but we are looking to grow. Come join for some awesome adventures.
This is a cracked server that allows you to join the server without having an online account.
Please note that the server is in BETA, and files are still being setup.


Active Ages Claim Claiming Class Craft Drops Edit Event Events Giveaways Java Join Kit Kits Land Land Claim Marriage Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Money Old Play Player Players Server Spawn Spawner Spawners Store Survival Teleportation Town Towny Veinminer Website

Bone craft

Welcome to Bonecraft, a survival server and towny server running on Minecraft Java Edition 1.15.2
Join our server using our ip:
Visit our website using:
Our Store:

Some of the features we offer to players are McMMO, Veinminer, Silk Spawners, Golden Shovel Land Claiming, Kits, Wild Teleportation, Marriages, Money Drops, Events, and Giveaways.

Active Allowed Arcade Claim Class Craft Economy End Essentials Fac Faction Factions Friendly Game Good Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo New Nostalgia Old Pay Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Roleplay Server Staff War Wars Who

BlockArcade – Factions -Raid – PvP

Adventure Arena Ask Cat Chat Class Craft Creative Creativity End Enjin Experience Friends Game Games Head Hunger Games Iconomy Ill Join Land Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mod Moderator Noop Open Plugin Plugins Shop Shops Staff Survival Town Towny Vanilla World


Dexy Craft

Welcome to Dexy Craft, a vast land of creativity, adventure, survival, and enlightenment. Make friends, form alliances, and conquer the land of Dexy.
If youre not into survival, go ahead and be creative. We offer four different worlds these being creative, vanilla, towny, and hunger games.
Not mentioning our 50+ plugins, heres a few:

Chest Shop
Multi-World (In-Progress)
Mob Arena
And Many More…


We encourage you to join us and have the Dexy experience.


Owner – turbodog123
Co-Owner – Korzan7
Moderator – DSTAT20
Chat Monitor – Mstat14

We are currently accepting applications, but please do not just join and ask for mod… you will be kicked.
You can apply here:



Active Big Bungee Cat Class Creative Dedi Dedicated Development Dynamic Economy Fac Faction Factions Forge Fresh Great Home Ill King Mcmmo Mmo Mod New Play Plot Plots Red Server Servers Spawn Survival Tea Team Ungee Vote


Are you looking for a server to call home? Tired of the big crowded servers? Come and play on We have Creative mode, survival mode with McMMO, Plots, and a great dynamic team. We now have Factions and a new refreshed spawn. This is still a server under development, some issue may occur. Please leave me a message here or leave a message in the dedicated area on the server if you encounter any issue. We are sorry if it happens. We can’t wait to see you on board! Please, don’t forget to leave us a vote if you like our server!

Age Ass Class Craft Design Erver Fun Funcraft Lmao Mad Man Mana Manage People Raft Server Sign Sin Style Survival Multiplayer


our server is made by 2 people aged 9 and 14 we have managed to design an amasing fun server.


Ace Active Block Build Class Community Competition Craft Eco Econ Economy End Friendly Galaxy Great Hot Ill Inecraft Island Join Land Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mpet New Parkour Pet Play Player Players Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Survival

Solar Skyblock

Far far in the galaxy, is Solar Skyblock – the hottest new skyblock server around. Join the server, build an island, and have friendly competition with other players. The community is thriving, it is a great place to spend your time on minecraft. Make Solar Skyblock yours! Parkour, PVP, and Economy will keep you on your feet as you play! You wont want to miss out.

Action Active Chat Class Community Custom Dimension Duel Duels End Event Events Fac Faction Factions Friendly Ill Invite Kitpvp Koth Koths Mcmmo Mmo Plugin Plugins Pro Pvp React Rewards Riendly Sell Sellwands Staff Survival Tnt Wands War Weekly

Dimension PvP

DimensionPvP Factions What we offer – Sellwands – Harversterhoes – Genbuckets – Custom plugins – Proffesional Staff – Friendly community – Proffesional Management – Invite rewards – Weekly Events – KOTHS – MCMMO – TNTFill – Chatreact – Coinflip – Duels

Allowed Best Buycraft Class Cool Craft Diamond Donate End Fac Faction Factions Free Friends Fun Good Hack Help Item Lag Mcmmo Mmo Mod Money Need New Pvp Quest Raid Raiding Rank Ranks Rewards Server Sky Staff Vote War


Hey there are you searching for a good/fun PvP server?

Then, you are at the right place.
Destroy your enemies in SpacePvP When creating a faction with friends.
Ally with other factions to be the best and train your levels to kill your enemies,Vote here with your friends and get some cool rewards from it.
Having a bad day? Lost all your good stuff? Or you just want some extra features and support us? You can donate for some cool ranks,items or even McMMO levels.

You can also vote to help us growing, you will get 96 Bottle o Enchanting, 250$ In-Game money and 3 Diamond blocks if you vote.

We provide you a Lagg free, 24/7 Server with a total of 120 slots.

This is a brand new server so, we need lots of good PvPers and we need some staff but, please dont be a staffhunter.

We dont have many rules, our rules are:
1. Dont hack/cheat/glitch or use any mod (optifine is allowed)
2. Dont DDoS or threaten to DDoS.
3. Raiding/Scamming/Grieving is ALLOWED….
4. Dont Spam/advertise or talk in CAPS.

Any questions or want to apply for staff?
Skype me : antisecurity.exe
Donate site:

Thanks for reading and see you on the server.


Timmetje0168 (Owner SpacePvP)


Active Adventure Auction Auctions Build Building Class Craft Eco Econ Economy Ill Inecraft Join Kill King Kingdom Kingdoms Mcmmo Medieval Mine Minecraft Nation Nations Play Pro Pvp Quest Questing Raiding Roleplay Server Skills Survival Towny Venture War

Kingdom of Aecepia

Kingdom of Aecepia is a medieval Minecraft server, which provides questing, building kingdoms/nations, economy, skills, auctions, and even possible war upon other nations! Join now! to start your adventure!

Active Ass Block Class Discord End Enjoy Erver Free Friends High Kit Kitpvp Kits Lag Lit Ops Play Playing Pve Pvp Quality Ran Rank Ranks Ree Run Rvival Server Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Skypvp Skywars Survival This Version


Our Discord:

Highsurvival is a SkyPvP and Skyblock server. this server runs 24/7 with a high quality interned speed the server is also lagg free.

enjoy playing on Highsurvival with kits, ranks, SkyPvP, shops, Survival, Skyblock, PVP, PVE

Take your friends and play together!

Server’s IP: Version: 1.13

Ass Class Com Community Conomy Craft Eco Econ Econom Economy End Friendly Job Jobs Join Leplay Map Maps Mystery Ops Pet Pets Play Pvp Reward Rewards Riendly Rol Role Roleplay Rvival Shop Shops Style Super Survival Voting War


Survival/Roleplay/PVPMaps/Jobs/Economy/Rewards/Voting/MysteryGifts/Pets/Shops/And Many More… Come and join our friendly community…


Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Full Vanilla Minecraft Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!