Adventure Age Biomes Castle Class Com Eco Econ End Erver Friends Great Ill Japan Japanese Join King Lag Near New Noop Open Pixelmon Ring Server Spawn Star Start Style Survival Multiplayer This Time Town Venture Village Welcome Who


Hello everyone and welcome to PokéDynasty. We have started a new Pixelmon server and are excited to have it officially up and running. Once you log into the server you are spawned into the main village, a Japanese style castle town. From there you can either adventure off into the biomes and start your journey or travel into the secondary village nearby. Come join, bring friends and have a great time :3

Thanks to everyone whos making this possible.


Abilities Admin Ban Beta Build Building Custom Dayz Death Discord Eco Farm Farming Guns Hardcore Map Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mod Open Play Player Plugin Quest Raid Raiding Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Small Survival Thirst Title Youtube


MyDayZ is an early access server that is still in development, however, I would like you to invite to my server because it will be soon out of beta and ready to play!

The server is still in beta… You can access the server but you might expect some broken aspect of games etc

Discord server:

DayZ map “Bobtart12”

Guns from the texture pack

Feature list:

  • Admin login
  • Admin system (kick,ban,mute,etc)
  • Custom mobs with special abilities
  • GunSystem
    – Custom model weapons, ammo, weapon parts, custom reloading (not with right-click in hand or pushing key “R”)
  • Grenades
    – Smoke, Decoy, Molotow, Grenade
  • Custom items
    – Custom durabilities of items, receipts for items (like in Rust)
  • Custom crafting (this plugin does not use any official crafting system)
  • you can cook and bake!
    – in my custom crafting system, you can cook and bake
    – which means you have to gather materials to make bread, cook raw pork, etc
  • PlayerBody (you have to watch your body temperature, thirst, hunger if you have any broken bone, etc)
  • Trade System (you can trade with players)
  • Quest system
    – My quest system offers: dialog options, yes or no choice, multiple choices
  • BaseBuilding
    – you can build your own base, for that you will need a Toolcup board so your base does not decay.
    – Some aspect you can build: furnace, bake furnace, anvil, crafting table, code lock (for doors)
    – cut blade, fence, all kind of block, and much more…
  • Custom loot chests, trash cans, boxes on the ground, etc
    – you can find a custom block on the ground that contains random loot
    – but some loot is locked and you need a crowbar to unlock it.
  • Custom sound system
    – contains music background, weapon sounds, etc
  • SafeZones
    – if you’re in the safe zone you cant use your weapon, if zombies follow you
    – and you happen to be in the safe zone a guard will shoot the zombie
    – that is bothering you.
  • Custom shops
    – my shop system can buy/sell
    – the shop can run out of stock, so you will have to
    – wait one (in-game) day to shop get refiled.
  • The world has its own temperature
    – what does that mean? The world can be hot or cold…
    – by this, your character can sweat be slower or freeze to death.
  • Small statistics
    Number of items: 125
    Number of blocks: 42
    Number of guns: 26



    Farming things


    Gun parts






    Block you can build

    A showcase of weapons and grenades

    Aiming with a gun:

    Reading gun:

    Firing gun:



    Custom looting

    Custom looting

    Base raiding:

    Custom types of zombie

    I won’t show rest, it up to players to find them, I won’t spoiler everything

    Active Ass Class Craft Creative Criativo Dio Economy Emo End Eth Extreme Gui Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mini Games Mundo Nether Parkour Pirata Rat Reno Reviv Revive Rvival Servidor Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Ter Terrenos Vive Xtreme


    O RevTut é um servidor Extreme Survival aberto a Minecraft pirata. Sobreviver a noite seguinte será mais difícil que sobreviver a noite passada!
    Temos também um mundo criativo dividio por terrenos onde poderão mostrar a vossa criatividade!
    No total temos 4 mundos, o mundo survival, o mundo criativo, o nether e o end!

    Admin Arena Arenas Class Community Craft Dedicated End Friendly Friends Game Games Gaming Grief Join King Lag Mine Minecraft Mini Games Open Play Player Players Playing Plugin Plugins Pvp Rol Rules Safe Semi Server Simple Survival Team Tnt Whitelist Who


    Prime-Gaming is a friendly Minecraft Server. We are a semi-survival based server with no whitelist, no lag, 24/7 uptime and a dedicated administration team to make things run smoothly. No complicated commands or large restrictions, just a set of simple rules to keep everyone playing happily and safe.

    We offer Mini-Games for people who like playing survival but want to continue talking to the community and playing with friends. We allow NO pvp at all expect for arenas due to most players don’t like pvp.

    We also offer Anti-Grief plugins so your creations will be protect from trolls / griefers TNT is disable on Prime-Gaming due to grief / cause lag.

    Come and join us In-Game and join our community at:


    Action Active Age Allowed Anti Anticheat Block Cheat Class Core Craft Experience Fac Faction Factions Fire Gaming Grief Griefing Group Hard Hardcore Heat Join Logblock Ming Mission Missions Permissions Raid Raiding Survival Multiplayer Tnt Water

    Griefing/raiding is allowed
    Tnt is on
    Fire spread is on
    Lava is on
    Water is on
    Join now for a unqie hardcore gaming experience like no other!

    Group manager and much more

    Active Amazing Arena Awesome Best Community Craft Dedicated Eco Econ Edit Games Good Huge Irl Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mod Play Plugin Plugins Rank Ranking Rol Role Server Staff Survival Survival Games Survival Multiplayer Town Towns War Who Wns World


    Hello there, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls – and welcome to the minecraft survival extravaganza that is!

    We are a 24 slot, 24 hour dedicated survival server – catering to only the best of the minecraft community with the pinnacle of what the minecraft game has to offer.

    We have Voxelbox guests and members playing on the server, both as staff and just regular members, 3 dedicated plugineers who code our plugins with regular updates eah more amazing than the last, and all this stuff as well; Survival Games, Archery, Mob Arena, Towns, Economies, Voxelsniper, World edit, MCMMO – all these awesome things help contribute to the top of the range gaming experience available from

    On top of that huge, steaming pile of goodness we have an awesome dedicated ranking system, with which you can diversify your role on the server between architect and warrior – choose your path!

    You can also donate to gain access to special bonuses, such as world edit, gamemode 1, nicks, time of day, world edit – pretty much whatever your heart desires – we have it, and we’ll give it!

    Finally we have an active member improvement scheme so you can achieve your goals on the server – from a designated archtect helping to improve the server block by block, to a member of the amazing staff that we have here to watch over you as you release your inner minecrafter.

    All this, (and pretty much everything else!) is available to you as soon as you join and begin the journey of your minecraft lifetime!

    I look forward to seeing you soon!

    Action Active Admin Arena Arenas Cat Class Craft Dedi Dedicated Donation Drop Event Fac Faction Factions Free Greif Greifing Head Help Join Nation New Open Original Owner Party Pvp Raid Raiding Shop Spawn Store Survival Multiplayer

    Seventh Sanctum PvP

    Seventh Sanctum PvP, Raiding, and
    Greifing originally Sponge Craft)
    come join now while all the slots are open!
    NEW shop
    NEW spawn
    Drop Party’s every Friday!
    2 PvP Arenas!
    Free cookie Monday!
    (Forum up soon for donation and news)
    Owner: crowsplat18
    Co-Owner: jakegphelps
    Head-Admin: KatdudeT02

    Admin Allowed Ban Build Building Bukkit Citizens Community Creative Eco End Essentials Friendly Fun Hack Hacks Head Heads Lore Lottery Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mob New Play Playerheads Plugin Plugins Ranks Server Servers Shop Staff Teamspeak Tech Trading Votifier Website

    Tekkit – 4EG

    ~~~ TEKKIT for MINECRAFT 1.6.4 ~~~
    Currently 200 slots available.
    ~~~ We have ranks … Items/mods restricted by rank ~~~
    Click here to view Rank info: Tekkit Ranks
    ~~~ Running 24/7 – Auto Restart every 4 hours ~~~
    ~~~ Dont Forget our TeamSpeak3 Server ~~~
    TeamSpeak 3 Server :
    Four Elements Gaming website :
    Its recommended to get the new Technic Launcher.
    Technic Launcher : Technic Launcher Download site
    Select Tekkit as modpack to launch (blue space theme)
    Launcher settings/Tekkit options Manually select build Latest

    Server designed to teach the new Tekkit mods and how to use the machines/items.
    Ranking system unlocks mods/items as you rank up. Friendly/helpful staff. Few banned items.
    Community of like minded players, willing to assist/help.


    MultiWorld, RankList, GroupManager, WorldEdit, ItemRestrict, BukkitCompat, Vault, PlayerHeads, LWC, WorldGuard, ItemSlotMachine, ModReq, ProtectionStones, ColoredMotd, Lottery, Minigames, OpenInv, DailyBonus, MobCash, ProtocolLib, Votifier, RandomTP, GAListener, Rankup, Essentials, SimpleRegionMarket, Citizens, LiveChat, EssentialsSpawn, CreativeControl, SignShop, Enjin Minecraft Plugin, EssentialsChat

    Rules –

    1] No Spam : Including, Channels, Players, and commands.
    [2] No Offensive Buildings : Your structures must be friendly too.
    [3] No Discrimination/Racism : Speech is a right not a freedom.
    [4]No Client Mods : Mods or Hacks that give unfair, donator only, or any ability you should not have are not allowed here.
    [5] Report All Bugs : Finding bugs is fun, reporting them to staff is in the rules and fair for all players.
    [6] No Begging : Do your own work.
    [7] No Profanity : Cursing, Vulgar language not permitted
    [8]No advertising/spamming i.p. for other servers
    [9]Respect Staff
    [10] Follow Staff Directions

    Banned Items –

    Chunk Loader, Spot Loader, Chunk loader for steves carts, Teleport tether,
    Dimensional Anchor, Item Router

    Mods Removed – Trading Booth, Dimensional Doors, Mystcraft

    STAFF –

    COTTERMAN [Owner]
    ThePa9an [Owner]
    WayneFrancis [Admin]
    DemonKezzington [Moderator]
    senoc [Moderator]
    cesmaster [Moderator]
    T73 [Moderator]
    jRabago [Moderator]
    bleatinggoat [Moderator]
    Server250 [Moderator]
    Excrobic [Moderator]
    Rayman1046 [Moderator]


    Active Ages Class Community Craft Creative Fac Faction Factions Fun Game Games Great Happy Help King Kingdom Kingdoms Lag Latest Lit Mine Minecraft Mini Games Minigame Minigames Need Network Old Play Player Players Prison Pvp Server Staff Survival Survival Games Team

    The Kingdoms United Network

    Here at TheKingdomsUnited you will find a great all round experience. We cater for all ages and provide a stable community, in which we have many aspects to what you can do. We are capable of holding up to 500 players at any one time with little to no lag. We try to ensure that all of our players are happy, and content. Any issues or just need a helping hand no problem our active staff team are always on hand to help and assist you in whatever way they can

    Here is a list of all of our Network Features.

    – Server is 1.8 (Latest Minecraft Version)
    – Fun minigames!
    – Factions Server!
    – Prison Server!
    – Creative Server!
    Survival Server!

    Action Actions Active Apply Ass Class Com Craft Enjin Enjoy Erver Fac Faction Factions Forum Home King Kings Owner Pirate Raft Rat Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer Taff Ten Viking Vikings Welcome


    Welcome to VikingCraft Server !
    Its Factions/Survival !

    The Owners is PiratenPyro and Jizz !

    u can apply for staff on

    Go to Forum and Staff Apply !
    Hope u enjoy !

    Active Ass Back Class Erver Feed Forge Game Games Hun Hunger Hungergame Hungergames Ken New Normal Please Pos Positive Pvp Rvival Server Sit Sky Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer This Time


    My New Hungergames/Normal Survival pvp Server, We have Taken alot of time out on this server, so please only leave positive feedback!

    Ass Block Build Class Com Craft Economy Ect Erver Fac Job Jobs Join King Life Lin Make Mon Money Old One Power Pve Pve Economy Pvp Ranks Real Red Server Society Tax Title Towny Ves Way


    Tired of working for money in real life? Well then, come on over and make some fake money on SoldiCraft! Work your way through society and begin your journey through the governance or corporate track. If money is your motivator, choose the corporate track and build your wealth through jobs, investments, interest and factories! If you desire power, choose the governance track to influence server decisions, tax rates, or if you are feeling corrupt, take bribes from the corporates! Join now and begin your journey.

    Action Active Admin Admins Arena Class Community Core End Erver Essentials Fac Faction Factions Friendly Hard Hardcore Home Iconomy Ill Join Mcmmo Mmo New Plugin Plugins Riendly Rvival Server Sethome Shop Survival Survival Multiplayer Who

    weSK HC – Survival/P.v.P

    Admin Shop
    P.v.P Arena

    weSK Hardcore Survival/P.v.P

    We are a new server, ran by two knowledgeable previous server admins who have decided to give our own server a go.
    We have factions, McMMO, Admin Shop and many more plugins, and a friendly community.
    you are granted 2x Sethome, All info will be there for you upon joining the our server.

    Allowed Class Edit End Fresh Friendly Game Grief Griefing Guard Home Ill Item Items Lag Mpet Nation Nations Open Pet Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Semi Semi Vanilla Server Sethome Staff Suggestions Vanilla World Worldedit Worldguard

    MindEdge (SEMI VANILLA)

    MindEdge is a fresh Semi Vanilla server, we only have the most essential plugins like worldguard,worldedit,teleport and /sethome plugin. Our staff is very friendly and were always open to suggestions by players. We currently have 30slots and run on a 2gb ram server so no lags. Pvp is allowed on our server but griefing isnt, this way we can keep a competetive game but you wont lose all your items, wich is in our eyes ideal. I hope to see you ingame soon. Sincerely imaginations


    Ace Action Actions Active Ass Base Based Class Com Craft Ect Element Elements Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Immersive Inecraft King Light Lit Looking Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Place Play Player Pvp Quality Rpg Survival Multiplayer Time

    UujiCraft [Factions]

    Are you looking for a quality Minecraft multiplayer experience? Then you’ve come to the right place! UujiCraft offers a mix of elements, including PvP (faction based) and light RPG aspects to give you an immersive and most importantly, a fun time.

    Class Clearlag Craft Custom Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Essentials Event FTB Good Grief Griefing Griefprevention Head Heads Job Jobs King Kit Lag Lwc Mcmmo Mmo New Open Play Player Playerheads Players Plugin Plugins Prevention Staff Tekkit Vault Vote


    AnthenonCraft is a New No Griefing FTB Ultimate V1.1.2, We Are looking for Good Staff And dedicated players, We Have an economy and Other plugins such as:

    We may be Adding Mcmmo


    Active Ass Class Craft Custom Eat Economy Erver Feature Features Inecraft Map Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Pvp Raft Roleplay Server Sky Skyrim Spell Spells Tom Towny



    The Skyrim Minecraft Server.

    Features spells, shouts, and a entirely custom Skyrim map.


    Ace Active Anti Anticheat Balance Challenging Cheat Class Custom Difficult Difficulty Dwo End Experience Force Fun Hard Hardcore Has Increased Land Nether Normal Play Pro Protect Protection Pve Pvp Server Spawn Sub Survival Town World Worlds


    Pearlmc is a graylist, anticheat, survival server that offers balance between fun and challenging play. It has four worlds: Lokai, Dasmir, Essalo, and Ateph. Lokai offers a “normal” overworld experience with a spawn town and land protections. Dasmir offers a self-paced nether experience, also with land protection available. Essalo provides an endworld experience with increased difficulty and enforced PvP. Ateph is a custom-generated novelty world that offers a sub-hardcore atmosphere.

    Ace Active Ass Ava Beginner Class Com Craft End Erver Exp Experience Friend Friendly Gaming Gui Guide Ill Inecraft Join Lab Long Mc Server Mine Minecraft Ming Place Raft Riendly Server Staff Sur Survival Multiplayer Taff Welcome MC Server

    Server is up 24/7. All staff and users are friendly. We have staff places available for active users.
    Come and join, experience pleasure gaming!
    We welcome beginners and will guide them along their minecraft experience!

    Ace Active Big Build Building Chest Class Craft Easy End Free Friendly Friends Good Grief Help Lag Large Lockette Magic Mob Mobs Play Pro Protected Safe Sell Sign Spells Staff Survival Multiplayer Sword Town Towny Trade World


    Welcome to the CharlieCraft. [24/7] [LAG FREE] [GRIEF PROTECTED] Place where u can make friends, and play the way u want! World is big and without building restrictions! Want to sell your goods? Its easy at as sounds with Trade Signs! Bored of slaying mobs with your regular sword? Get yourself a blaze rod and use Magic Spells! Keeping your stuff safe with Lockette. Just place a sign on the chest and its all locked up! Make a large town and protect it using Towny! CCraft staff is very friendly and here to help you!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and One Block mc Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!