Bedwars Best Class Community Craft Custom Customenchants Discord Economy Fac Faction Factions Games Griefing Hard Kit Kitpvp Map Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Mod Parkour Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Prison Pvp Server Team Tech Technology Title War


MeowMC [​1.8 – 1.15.2]

The server consists of 4 game modes; Factions, KitPVP, Prison and MiniGames. We are a brand server with completely custom plugins and fresh maps for our players to begin adventuring on. We make sure our community has the best Minecraft experience by listening to truly what matters for all of the people and not just for the people on the top!
Our server has an uptime of 99% and consist of the best hardware and software technology. If you have any issues please contact our support team on


114multiplayer 114release 114server Adult Bestserver Clan Clans Discord Domainprotection Donation Economy Events Fun Grief Grinders Hard Hardcore Hardmode Increased Mature Mob Playerheads Pvp Ranks Ranksystem Rewards Semivanilla Server Simplysurvival Spawners Spawns Staff Standard Survival Teamspeak Teen Vanilla Voting Votingranks Website

ITS SIMPLY SURVIVAL :: An Official 1.15.2 Minecraft Server

–= Its Simply Survival =–

Hello, Survivors

The time has finally come – ISS is now updated to Minecraft 1.15.2!
We have opened our brand new 1.15.2 Survival & Creative Worlds

Now Featuring:

– Standard & City Grief Protection
– Player driven economy with Player & Admin shops!

– TPA, RTP & Home Commands Enabled!
– Creative World Plot
– Adult Run / Mature Community
– More of our beloved ISS features to be added in the future!



Come join us for an official 1.15.2 Survival & Creative Experience!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Build Buildfree Community Communitysurvival Create Creative Freebuild Noclaims Nogrief Nogriefsurvival Ogminecraft Popular Populated Shop Survival Trade Vanilla Vanillasurvival

MCMP | Vanilla Minecraft Server 1.15.2

Welcome to MCMP, a completely vanilla freebuild anti-grief survival mode server that has been running for over 3 years.
MCMP is home to a welcoming community of players and admins, as we allow players to build whatever, whenever and wherever they like, as long as they don’t mess with other people’s things.

All of this…without the worry of grief! (All griefs that occur on the server can be rolled back in seconds!)

So come on the server and check the place out, there are some crazy cool things players have built over the years while the server has been up!

So please, make yourself at home and enjoy MCMP

Version: 1.15.2


Server Rules:
Respect other players on the server.
Respect Staff Members and their decisions. (They are trying their best)
Don’t grief other players builds. (That includes, Stealing, Breaking Blocks Others Have Placed and Lava/Water Flooding/)
Keep the chat clean. No harassment, advertising, abuse.
No hacks or cheats of any kind. If you are wondering about specific mods, please ask a staff member.
We have a strict no grief policy here at MCMP. All griefs are rolled back and players responsible will face PERMANENT bans!

Apocalypse Economy Faction Pvp Factions Mcmmo Minez Pve Pvp Survival Towns Towny Zombie Zombieapocalypse Zombies Zombiesurvival

DeadMC – SURVIVE & THRIVE! – Towns | Combat | Economy | Community – 1.15.2

Beware the zombies that come out at night to feast!
Defend, scavenge, and loot resources
Complete tasks for rewards
Build your town, claim your land, recruit members, and grow into an empire!
A competitive mindset will build your wealth and help you SURVIVE and THRIVE

Brand new zombie survival server!
Frequent updates & improvements

Visit our website:
Play today! Connect @

Now live on 1.15.2!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

2020server Alien Ambient Auctions Beta Casino Challenge Creative Dungeons Economy Factions Guilds Hardcore Legacy Legendary Level Newserver Pvp Ranks Store



Join the New World® Network. Home of unique and rare features combined together. Connect with friends and take your place in our awesome and fun community.

Major Features in the server
– AUCTION 2020
– RANK 2020
– LEVEL 2020
– GUILDS 2020
– ITEM SHOP 2020

Discord: Sloggi#7149 [​join our discord Server to stay updated]

Summer 2020 is almost at 100% so the NEW WORLD®.
Stay strong & Kill mosquitos
-New World® Network

Auctionhouse Best Bosses Bossmobs Community Crates Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Customplugins Donation Eco Economy Enchants Faction Factions Factionspvpraiding Forums Fun Hack Hard Leveling Lore Mcmmo Mmo New Play Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Ranks Server Servers Shop Spawners Staff Unique Voting


Welcome to DaylightPvP
a unique Factions/McMMO Experience. Our server is compatible with 1.8 and 1.9 clients, and we’ve engineered our server to provide a unique and outstanding PvP experience

How Are We Different From Other Servers?

Custom Enchants We have loads of custom enchants 200+! We have two custom enchants plugins to bring you loads of new enchants for each one of your items.
Unique McMMO
With our own experience curve and intensely configured and calculated drop rates, experience grants, ability stats, and more, we’ve tailored a McMMO system that further integrates life-based talents into the strategic realm of PvP, as well as making the leveling system far more rewarding without putting new players at a complete disadvantage.

Server-Integrated Economy
Our Economy features a strategically-priced and incredibly-organized GUI Shop (with Spawners) as well as a Player-Run AuctionHouse Board. We believe putting the economy in the hands of the players allows for a better all-around experience in the long run.

Community Functions & Forums (And Crates!!)
Our developers are always hard at work creating the best possible server, and the community is the most important element! Our forums are an integral part of the full server experience, which provides a place for players to talk, suggest changes, report abusive hackers and even staff, and so much more! In addition, we make sure to give back to our supportive community through well-established donation ranks as well as Crate keys for voting!

So what are you waiting for? Join Daylight now!

Server IP:

Best Christian Creative Discord Family Familyfriendly Friendly Fun Girl Girls Great Jobs Mcmmo Pvp Server Survival Vanilla


PickaxeMania is your new Minecraft home. We work hard to keep things semi-vanilla, while at the same time, providing a little extra special bonus just to keep things fun.

Our survival world features McMMO, Jobs, Dynmap and Land Claiming while at the same time keeping the vanilla experience we have all come to love.

Family-friendly server and great for players of all ages, young and old alike.

Join Us @

PS – We also have a Plotted creative world with WorldEdit.

Ass Auto Blo Block Class Com Ect Erver Faction Factions Factionspvp Ill Launch Nam Play Pve Pvp Rps Server Soon Survival This Title Unch Welcome

Unity Corps

Welcome to my server! I’m launching this as a playable platform. There will be more to come soon!

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Amazing Antigrief Awesome Best Build Chill Class Community Craft Creative Economy Inecraft King Laidback Map Mature Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minigames Modified Nice Online Play Pvp Quest Roads Rules Server Smp Survival Title Town Towns Website Wns

Z Server SMP

General Info

Online since May, 14, 2011.

Z Server SMP is a Minecraft server that strives to be the best of the best. You can build where ever you like while following the rules. We have towns to build in to have a close active community. We are a amazing server with a nice community and awesome looking map. If you have any other questions ask.

All the useful info is on the website.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

20w16a 20w17a 20w18a 20w19a 20w20b Block Class Content Craft Datapack Difficult Difficulty Hard Host Hot Inecraft Latest Latestversion Mine Minecraft Minecraftsurvivalserver Multi Multiplayer Network No Resets Play Player Reset Resets Server Servers Shot Snapshot Snapshots Title Vanilla Who World

Latest Minecraft Snapshot 20w20b! No Resets 1.16

Hosting the latest Minecraft Snapshots (1.16) for anyone who would like to play them on Multiplayer.

No world resets.

No world border.

Multiplayer sleep datapack.

Hard difficulty

Build Builds Chat Class Community Crates Custom Customenchants Discord Drug Drugs Economy Enchants End Event Events Friendly Games Join King Online Open Opprison Parkour Play Player Players Plot Plots Prison Rank Ranks React Server Staff Title Tokens Wands


Features –

– Friendly Staff
– Friendly Community that’s growing stronger daily!
– A-Z Ranks + Prestiges
– Drugs (With more coming out soon)
– Sell Wands (Right Click a chest to instantly sell it’s contents)
– Crates (Can be earned in-game numerous ways)
– Plots (Unlock after rank D)
– Boosters/Sell Multipliers
– Custom Enchants & E-Tokens
– Custom Builds
– Chat Reaction Games
– Events
– Parkour

This is just a taste of some of the things we offer. Come online and see for yourself why our players love to play on HypnoticMC!

We’re looking for staff as well, so come online and join our discord to apply for a staff position!

Server IP:


Boss Build Building Claim Clans Craft Crates Eco Econ Economy Fair Fun Grief Irl Job Jobs Land Land Claim Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Mob Mobs Mod New Play Player Pve Pvp Rol Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Title Vanilla

=-= Apheix =-= [ Semi-Vanilla Survival | Land Claim | Boss Mobs | mcMMO ] – Ultimate Minecraft Server!


Apheix is a fairly new and well maintained server made for all survival-mode lovers! We offer Semi-Vanilla experience designed for economy and very fun gameplay for everyone.

Our server is focused on role play gaming alongside with mcMMO and other PvE enhanced features.

We know people want to protect their buildings in survival from being griefed so we have Land Claim for that reason.

One of the many ways to earn money on our server is with jobs- the most effective option for everyone and shops so that the money can flow through players!

Join us and experience this type of survival!

Looking for builders!

1v1 Amazing Chestshop Classic Classicsb Community Creative Customenchants Discord Economy Element Elementsb Epic Epicsb Fly Free Freefly Good Great Holograms Hub Imgur Incredible Mcmmo Mobfarm Moondust Nongrief Opskyblock Parkour Pvp Reddit Skyblock Spleef Staff Survival Towny Voteparty Voterewards Youtube

MOONDUST â–º Peaceful Creative, Skyblock and Towny c:


If you’re looking for a relaxing, enjoyable, and friendly Skyblock server, then stop your search here because MoonDust is exactly what you’re looking for. Although new, we are growing fast. Our server community is just starting to form, and so far its looking pretty amazing. Our server is built upon the player experience. We pay close attention to what our players say about the server, and we edit based on those comments.
Our SkyBlock is structured in a way so it is enjoyable for both new and old players. While SkyBlock on its own is fun and easy to get the hang of, there is also the complex aspect of the game for more experienced players. We pay close attention to both of these, and we do our best to create a SkyBlock server that doesn’t get dull for anyone. We have a very balanced economy that is updated regularly its not too easy nor is it too difficult. Other features include SkyBlock PVP, SkyBlock Parkour with rewards, and an exciting event calendar.
Everything on MoonDust is custom-built, including our beautiful spawn, our expansive SkyBlock shop, our PVP arena, and much, much more. We also are constantly adding new areas for our players to explore. MoonDust is a plugin-based server. Our team hand-picks our plugins and tailors them to make the best user experience possible. Ranks are cosmetic, EULA compliant, and affordable. Our staff is chosen carefully, and there is a structured system to deal with pesky trolls and bad players.
We have some big goals set for ourself, and were confident that we will be able to reach them. Our main future endeavor is to create two separate SkyBlock gamemodes: a short-term competitively based SkyBlock with scheduled resets, competitions, and rewards and a long-term SkyBlock which would be just a tweaked version of our current setup. Our other big goal is to add additional types of games once the server grows, such as custom Kit PVP and Creative.
In conclusion, MoonDust is probably the best server youll ever play on. So why wait to join Well see you in-game soon.

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

115server Auction Build Claim Claiming Crates Creative Custom Dedicated Discord Eco Family Grief Hard Home Landclaim Latest Market Minecraft Network Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Safe Server Servers Shop Shops Skyblock Spawner Spawners Staff Survival Title Town Vanilla War

🔥 FamilyMC 1.15.2 Network 🔥 Survival, Creative, SkyBlock, Vanilla Full 1.15.2 Bees🔥

Welcome to the FamilyMC network! We are fully 1.15.2 release. We strive to provide a safe environment for everyone to play in 24/7 with 100% uptime and absolutely 0 lag.

We run across two high quality professional dedicated servers featuring our main machine with an overclocked i9-9900k running at 5.1GHz. Through our high performing hardware we are able to provide a high performing minecraft server even on the latest and most demanding minecraft releases!

We offer Survival, Creative, Vanilla, and SkyBlock servers.

Our Survival 1.15.2 server offers: Land claiming, player shops, player warps, in game ranks, and more!
We run a regular world in /warp OldTown and the Amplified 1.15.2 world at /spawn

Keep inventory is enabled
You can be randomly teleported into the wild to start playing, or look around spawn and find a place to build a shop.
Useful Commands:
/start – for a tutorial
/warp ClaimTutorial
/warp ShopTutorial

Our Vanilla 1.15.2 server offers: vanilla game play with no plugins, basic rules such as no griefing, and always running the latest version. If a grief ever occurs, message staff and they can have it completely fixed within seconds!

Our SkyBlock 1.14.4 is one of our favorites. It’s fully 1.14.4 and has custom islands, crates, spawners, an auction house, and a vast market place with every material and item you could possibly need!

We can’t wait to see you in game at!

Be sure to join our discord:

247server Amazing Auction Contests Crates Custom Donor Dungeons Eco Economy End Environment Friendly Fun Minecraft Mines Mod New Nogrief Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Ranks Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Sky Skyblock Spigot Staff Survival Title Vote War Website

GodWorld [SkyBlock] [Need Staff] [Custom Plugins]

Running on Spigot 1.15.2
SkyBlock – 24/7 – Staff Needed
Vote for In-Game Rewards

GodWorld is an Eco-SkyBlock based server featuring Dungeons, Auction House, NPC Shops, Public Mines, PVP Arena, Contests etc.

Regularly scheduled Contests & great prizes such as free donor-ranks, in-game items, etc.

Originally formed in the early days of 2016, and reopened 2020. Friendly environment. Courteous staff & amazing players. Reliable Server Host with almost 100% up time.

A highly desired feature is Dungeons, and Public Mines which allows players to avoid the struggles of a cobblestonegenerator, a new mode to have fun and achieve rewards for your game-time.

Donator Ranks available

PVP Arena

Crates & Economy

Public Mines & Dungeons!

More custom plugins.
Daily rewards.
New website.

Ass Base Based Block Class Com Community Craft Ect Erver Exp Experience Fit Ill Inecraft Live Mall Mine Minecraft Multi Multiplayer Play Player Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Selection Semivanilla Semivanillasmp Server Small Smp Survival Title Vanilla Welcome


Welcome to CraftVerse!

We are a small, community based server that hopes to deliver the finest minecraft experience possible. We have a small but useful selection of plugins. We aim to keep the spirit of vanilla minecraft, with the benefits of a close multiplayer community.

20tps Age Awesome Block Class Com Community Comunity Discord Dynmap Element Erver Essentials Features Friendly Game Lag Landclaim Life Link Lit Mall Mod Noop Open Paper Play Quality Rvival Semivanilla Server Small Survival Title Votifier Website Welcome Worldguard


Welcome to Survime!

We are a small, open comunity survival server

– Survival Mode
– No Lag (Average 20TPS)
– Quality of Game/Life elements
– Awesome Comunity
– Discord Server
– Website

Server IP –
Website –
Discord –

Askyblock Bexwing Custom Discord Donation Enjoyable Experience Free Freedom Friendly Fun Invite Join Lookingforstaff Mature Minecraft Money Paypal Players Plugins Rank Rewards Server Sirbikesalot Skyblock Skyblockislands Skyblocks Skyblockserver Skyblocksurvival Staff Version

Bexwing Skyblock [Paypal rewards] (Just reset)

We are now offering Paypal rewards for Island Top!
Server Important Information

Gamemode – Skyblock

Versions – 1.15.*

Location – US

IP –

Discord –

General Rules

Our server rules are very simple.

– Be respectful

– Listen to staff

– Swearing is allowed if it is not in a disrespectful manner

– No spamming, advertising, begging, trolling or hacking.

– most importantly, use common sense

IP – play.bexwing.comServer opens on April 3rd at 7pm CST

Allowed Build Building Chestshop Claiming Community Custom Death Dedicated Discord Economy Faction Factions Fun Grief Landclaiming Marriage Mcmmo Minecraft Minigame Mmo Mob Pets Play Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Quest Rewards Server Silkspawners Slimefun Spawners Spleef Survival Trading Vanilla Voting Website

Survival Rocks with Bees (anti-grief survival with economy and land claiming)

Survival Rocks is a 1.15.2 semi-vanilla anti-grief survival Minecraft server with a personal community, an economy, teleporting and land claiming. Bee nests are present all over the map! We focus on having a solid and stable survival core, with smooth working of plugins, mostly made by us.

On first join you get randomly teleported, where you can start building right away! The server is mainly PvE, but you can enable PvP if you’re into that with /pvp (both players need it enabled). Griefing is not allowed. To prevent griefing, you can claim land (/claim).

We do have /sethome (3), /tpa, /warps, /back (100 coins after death) and /wild (of course). Keep inventory is OFF. It’s only enabled during your first hour (so you can settle). Mob griefing is mostly on, only not for Creeper explosions: Creepers will trim grass.

Our server has an economy: ChestShop, AuctionHouse and Coins are installed. You can find all shops on the website. The economy exists out of integer coins, which you can get by: killing mobs, joining daily, trading (/trade), voting, trading stocks and creating your own shop. There is a server shop at /shop, but players also have cheaper shops at /warps. You can set a warp to your shop with /setwarp for 2,000 coins.

All player shops with sortable items are listed on our website!

A lot of information can be found on the website, we’re currently working on a features (wiki) page.

This server has experience from all going back to 2012, but recently went public!
Some players are even still here from 7 years ago!

Specifications: 16GB RAM, 4.4GHz, SSD, fully dedicated.
We do our best to make custom things too. Some addons we have:

  • Automatic Tree Cutdowns (for small trees),
  • SilkSpawners (20% chance drop with Silk Touch),
  • Spleef (ancient minigame, destroy blocks below players),
  • HealthBar (remaining health of mobs above their head),
  • Warps (by players; with sorting and rate system),
  • Trades (request a player to inventory-wise trade with you),
  • Scoreboard (small and basic; with your statistics),
  • Marriage (marry to someone which allows direct teleport),
  • Login Rewards (get coins for joining the server daily),
  • Chairs (sit down on slabs, stairs and carpets).
  • And many more small addons, mostly made by us!
  • Things we will never add:
    mcMMO, automated broadcasts, Slimefun, giving out non-obtainable items, Factions, MobStack, ClearLag

    Build Building Clans Custom Economy Events Grief Ill Items Kill Loot Map Open Openworld Ortal Pirate Portal Prevention Pve Pvp Raid Road Shops Spawn Special Survival Unique Weapons World

    Craft Citizen 1.15 Survival – Dungeon Bosses, PvP, Crates, Economy, Landclaiming

    Craft Citizen

    Version: 1.15.2

    The World
    Craftcitizen presents players with a vast world to explore, to adventure in, to meet friends
    potentially to make enemies.

    It’s a place where players can play out their fantasies of being of being a hero. It places players in the shoes of one of the citizen of this world.

    It’s a medieval world of swords and sorcery, a world of high fantasy and adventure.

    What comes to you
    You begin unassuming beginnings setting off to make your name in a world full of danger and great glory to be earned as you explore, as you do things like Dungeons, helping other players, build your very own base or do PvP.

    You gain power, you gain renown in many ways and by the end of that initial, players were had toppled some of the great threats facing this world just to see what is next and what great foe awaits around the corner.

    About us

    We opened our doors on 29th of november after developing what we think is a completely new kind of survival gameplay. The world is a permanent map that is not ever reset. Builds, Farms and all of your inventory will be kept and stay protected even if you decide to stop playing for several months. You can come back at any time and carry on!

    Our Staff acts polite and with respect. It will only intervene on demand. You will be left alone most of the time and you will have to write your own story.

    If you are searching for a server to call home, Craft Citizen is for you. Be prepared to die here and then from mobs or other players and to lose some stuff. This is survival, not a minigame.

    Joining us means you agree not to use hacks or cheats. Our staff is active and will ban anyone trying to abuse our trust in you to keep our server at the quality it deserves.

    Getting Started
    “There is nothing easier than that.”

    The spawn is small. You just need to grab a boat and sail in any direction to get started. You will spawn as a Peasant on a small farm. Did you had a rough night in the Flying Raven Tavern? Where is all your stuff?
    Gather resources and build yourself a place worth calling it your home.

    Features (brief summary):
    Open World

    Mythic Mobs Dungeons and Custom Skinned Items

    Economy & Shops

    Custom Items


    Rankup System

    Grief Prevention


    Daily PvP Events & Special Rewards

    Siege & PvP


    Custom Portals

    Custom Weapons

    Custom Roads

    and more!

    Version 1.14.4

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Craft Server ip. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!