There are almost no rules, do what you want!
Version – 1.15.2
IP –
We have an old battle!
1. Killaura, Fly, BoatFly, Elytra +, X-ray, AutoDisconnect, NoFallDamage, Jetpack, ESP (any types), SpeedHack, AntiWater, AntiKnockBack, EntitySpeed, AutoTotem, AntiCactus, AntiHoney, Reach, Inventory +, BetterNameTags, AutoHE or whatever, well, in general, so that hunger is spent less), FastRegen, NoSlowDown, AutoBlock, AimbotAura, AuraWalls, ClickAimBot, Criticals, AutoSoup, AutoSword, BowAimBot, FastBow, FastClick (TripleClick, DoubleClick and others), LeftClick, AutoMineArmor, Regen, Sprint FastPlace, FastBreak, FakeLag, Spider, Nuker, AntiAim are strictly prohibited, attention – finding loopholes like “that killaura + you can use this or killaura” will lead to even worse consequences for you
2. Dup is prohibited