Admin Bull Dog Esp Grief Mini New New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Rat Res Strat Survival Multiplayer W Minecraft Wit

Bulldog server Minecraft

New minecraft server

* Without grief

* Responsive Administration

1.16 1.16.4 1.8 Come For You Game Games Hole Ini Mes Mini Survival Multiplayer Wait Waiting World

HoleWorld [1.8 – 1.16.4] Minecraft server

We have Mini – games!

Come in [1.8 – 1.16.4]

We are waiting for you!!

Admin Ast Cent Des Gas Gast Good Ini Ist Mini Rat Rip Server Minecraft Strat Survival Multiplayer

GastCraft server Minecraft

The server is very good and the administration is very good

Admin Ate Aternos Ini Ist Kind Mini Pers Person Persona Personal Rat Strat Survival Multiplayer Your

Kind Administration! IP- Minecraft server

Description of the server If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

Coming Eat Feat Feature Game Land Lands Ming Mini Mining Mod Mode Ore Pvp Survival

Zodiac Lands

Zodiac Lands is a up and coming server!

Right now we only have Mining but more game modes are coming in the feature!

Admin Ast Best Donation Emc Joke Kind Mini Nation Rad Rat Strat Survival Multiplayer The Best Trade

/ – / – / – / – LAST WORLD / – / – / – / – Minecraft server

The best server ever! Low donation, kind administration, distributions, jokes and much more. Come in, you won’t regret it !!!!!!!

1.5.2 2.0 Minecraft 64x64 Admin Creativ Creative Esp Free Mini Plot Plotworld Rat Ree Strat Version

PlotWorld 2.0 Minecraft server

● Responsive administration
● Free creative
● Version: 1.5.2
● Rafts 64×64

Cent Class Com Day Des Ence Ich Ini Men Mini Script Survival Multiplayer Wait Waiting World

ImmenceWorld Minecraft server

Dᴏᴩᴏᴦiᴇ dᴩuɜya, ʍy budᴇʍ ᴩᴀdy ʙidᴇᴛ ʙᴀᴄ nʙᴀᴄ nᴀɯᴇʍ ᴨᴩᴏᴇᴋᴛᴇ Ꮖʍʍᴇ nᴄᴇ Ꮃᴏ rld.

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Tᴀᴋzhᴇ ʙ ᴨᴧᴀnᴀkh: RP, Kᴩᴇᴀᴛiʙ, Aᴨᴏᴋᴀᴧiᴨᴄiᴄ, Mini-iᴦᴩy and ᴛд.

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Nᴀɯ ᴨᴩᴏᴇᴋᴛ ᴏᴛᴧichᴀᴇᴛᴄya ᴏᴄᴏby indiʙidᴀᴧnᴏᴄᴛyu, ᴄᴩᴇdi dᴩuᴦih.

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Waiting ʙᴀᴄ.

Admin Anarchy Com Come Erp Ini Ist Mini Pay Rat Rip Ros Strat анархия гриф

✓[Гриф, Анархия/ BLEYZ 1.1x]✓ Minecraft server

On the Server there is a Vulture, Anarchy Administration Horoshoya Come in !!!!

Ark Cool Daw Economy Factions Factions Server Games Mini Minigame Minigames Park Parkour Pvp Faction Rmc Stuff


This is factions server come and play faction server it cool server it have pvp factions parkour and other cool stuff dawg

Economy Factions Hardcore Kitpvp Parkour Pvp



Hustle SMP

With the summer vacations just around the corner for most, we've decided to launch a brand new SMP. On 26.05 the gates to a new, unforgettable one will be opened.

You have the opportunity to create your own factions or join existing ones.

You have the opportunity to decide your own lifestyle by being either pacifist or pro-war. Let your imagination and creativity run wild!

You have the opportunity to play on an SMP that is run and managed by experienced admins.

You'll have the opportunity to make new friends and embark on unforeseen adventures.

Since we rely on a mature community, you must first go through a short application process (

The server runs on Paper 1.20.4, is hosted from Europe and includes the following plugins and datapacks:

-Simple Voice Chat (highly desired)










Be part of our unforgettable experience and become a member of the Hustle SMP today:

Cross-Play Survival Whitelist


Welcome to our British-ran survival vanilla 1.20.4 smp server! It’s fairly active and is moderated. The server spawned from the Reddit UKonPlace r/place community and has been separate for a while. Must be 16+ to join, the link here will take you to a Discord where you can fill out a form to join.

Cross-Play Economy Pvp Survival

Neutine Network

Neutine Network is a Minecraft network that is made up of fine-tuned game servers, performance-optimized, and polished gameplay experience. Running on servers provided by Hostys.Cloud, located in the USA, you are sure to get the best performance and latency*


The Crew Minecraft

Join our discord channel to apply!

Welcome to our Minecraft Server, where creativity knows no bounds and community thrives! Throughout our 2 year historywe boast an active player base that is always eager to embark on our next adventure.

At the heart of our world lies the Create modalong with several other hand picked mods, to enhance the basic survival experience. Dive into a realm where imagination meets innovation, where every block laid is a step towards crafting your masterpiece.

But it's not just about building; it's about building together. The Officials of our Homeowners Association (HOA) meticulously craft minor rules and regulations aimed at elevating the aesthetic of our server, ensuring that each creation contributes to the beauty of our shared world. If an HOA isn't your cup of tea, no worries! Feel free to go off and establish a town of your own.

Join us and become part of a vibrant, whitelisted, community that values collaboration, innovation, and the shared passion for building remarkable creations.

Cross-Play Survival


Hello there! Are you talking to yourself right now and thinking: “I wonder if there are any good minecraft smps out there”? Then you are at the right place with your eyes right now! We offer a bunch of cool plugins and a user friendly interface etc. Our server just released! So feel free to join at any moment!

Cross-Play Factions Pvp Survival

Flame of Dragons

Welcome to Flame of Dragons, Adventurer!

Dive into an epic Minecraft journey with our Flame of Dragons server, now celebrating the grand unveiling of Season 2! Imagine a world crafted to offer the perfect blend of realism and survival gameplay, where every block, every mob, and every player action is part of a larger saga.
Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a curious newcomer, Flame of Dragons promises a server experience that’s engaging, challenging, and most importantly, fun. Join us as we venture into Season 2, and let your Minecraft adventures reach new levels!

Happy Mining, and see you in the realm of Flame of Dragons!


Crafters Odyssey

🔗 Server Links 🔗


Whitelist application:

Server Version: 1.20.4+

Welcome to Crafters Odyssey!

Hey! I'm excited you found our little corner of the Minecraft universe 🙂

I created this server to play Minecraft, have fun, relax, and share my creativity with others, and I hope you can share yours too!

We are an 18+ server and aim to keep the familiar feel of Minecraft while also introducing a few unique items to enhance the gameplay experience. (If a parent or family member is bringing you in, that's fine.)

Our server stays close to the core Minecraft experience, focusing on natural progression and the mechanics you’re used to. However, to make things exciting, we’ve added some custom features that blend with the game’s original spirit. You’ll find random teleportation scrolls that let you explore new areas effortlessly, the ability to set homes for easier travel, and a player market where you can trade items.

We also have other custom items designed to add a bit of extra fun without straying too far from the Minecrafty feel we all love. Whether you're building, adventuring, or trading, these additions are here to enhance your experience.

Dive in, explore, and craft your dreams anew. Welcome home, adventurer!

⭐ Main Features ⭐:

These are some of our main features. You can get some more info on each feature using their corresponding command or get a quick overview in /help or /commands.

🏆 In-Game Ranks:

15 In-Game Ranks to progress through. Rank up by Voting for the server. View all ranks and bonuses in /ranks

🏠 Land Claiming:

Claiming your land is easy with the golden shovel. Earn more claim blocks from crates and ranking up. For more claim help use /kit claimbook

🗓️ Daily Quests:

Complete 3 random quests each day and get rewards! With over 400+ different quests, there is always something to do. Check your quests with /dq

🪙 Odyssey Coins:

Earn Odyssey Coins in-game through crates, daily quests, voting, and more. These coins can get you powerful items that are only achievable in-game. These coins will never be for sale in our donor shop.

📦 Crates:

We have 3 different crates for you to spin! The Vote Crate, Loot Crate, and Tag Crate. Earn crate keys in-game or use Odyssey coins to try your luck! Spin your keys at /warp crates

🐲 Dragon 4 Everyone:

An important milestone in Minecraft is slaying the Ender Dragon. Upon your visit to the End there will be a dragon waiting for you. Also, get a special chat tag for your achievement!

🛠️ Custom Items:

Useful and fun items to help your Minecraft adventure. Win custom items from crates or purchase them from vendors at spawn using Odyssey Coins.

💰 Player Driven Economy:

Buy, Sell, and Trade with other players at /warp market. At in-game rank 4, you can set up your very own shop.

✨ Cosmetics:

Earn cool cosmetics as you rise in the ranks! Each rankup will give you cosmetic treasures. You can also win these from crates or purchase them from our donor shop. View your cosmetics in /cosmetics

Creative Mini Games Pixelmon Raiding


The ripMC Hub isn’t just another server; it’s a vibrant Pixelmon community. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow trainers, share tips and strategies, participate in events, and stay updated on the latest Pixelmon news. We are currently running on Pixelmon 9.1.11 and Minecraft 1.16.5!


Avis Junior High School

Avis SMP is a geopolitical SMP that revolves around Nations and in-game politics.

The story and future of Avis SMP lies in your hands. In Breeze, you can choose your own path. Whether that's joining a nation, making a substate, or living independent! Become anything from a peaceful farmer to a vicious tyrant. The choice is yours!

Forge alliances, negotiate treaties, and wage war. Compete against other civilizations and see who can become the most powerful on the server

Avis SMP's unique and well-thought additions to Minecraft create an immersive experience like no other. These additions allow players to create their own story and strive for greatness.

Breeze SMP has a dedicated community, embracing strategy, diplomacy, trade, and much more.

Don't miss your opportunity to create a legacy and leave your permanent mark on the history of Avis.

Add me on Discord if you're interested! Disc: masterofcorn



🍄 Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄

About Us

Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that strives to create the true vanilla experience. Over the past 4 years we have made an amazing dedicated group of players. We have a very friendly, welcoming community and we are always looking for new members and would love to have you on our server!
The server last reset 2 months ago with no plans to reset, this is a rare occurrence, we want to give our players time to work on builds and projects without a looming reset. Our top priority is providing a stable environment in the long run, keeping the world running as long as possible before ever considering a reset.


▶ 📜 Discord Invite

▶ 📷 Instagram Account (Screenshot gallery)


▶ Vanilla experience

We stay true to our semi-vanilla roots and hope to find like-minded people. The server runs on fabric, we never go beyond quality-of-life datapacks and never change or add anything that would change or break vanilla mechanics like technical changes or game changing plugins. Any changes that are made to the server are voted on and discussed beforehand.

▶ Community

We welcome all and any playstyles! We have a very diverse player-base. Many players form groups and close bonds and friendships lasting outside of the server. We deeply encourage community collaboration, whether that be through frequent community or group projects, minigames, server wide events, or more.

▶ Respect

We have a very trustworthy, respectful community and thus have laid back rules and keep drama to a minimum and ask the same of you.

How To Join

We have a strong, dedicated, trustworthy community right outside the gate and sets a standard for new players and applications. We except you to take your time on your application. If your application doesn't meet our standards, we do give you a chance to redo it.

Join our discord HERE and apply!



🏰 Declare Towny War on! 💣

IP: 🌎 Discord: 🎮 Boath: 19132 | Java: 25565

mcMMO – Towny – Raiding & WARTIME! – Voice Chat – Discord Live Chat – so much more!

🛡️ Play Your Way: We support all survival play styles! Whether you're all about PvP action, where battles are intense and oh-so-satisfying. Or if you enjoy a passive SMP – join or create a town that suits you!

💣 Event War: Own a town? You can declare war on your enemies! As long as at least two of a town's players are online, you can raid their loot! All blocks and buildings regenerate, so there's no risk of losing your builds.

🌲 Claim Your Part of the Wilderness: With Towny, you can stake your claim in the untamed wilderness and build your dream kingdom. Defend your town during Wartime and rise to the top!

🔝 No Pay-to-Win: We believe in fair play. By simply enjoying the server, you'll earn what you need to rank up and unlock fantastic perks, like Silk Touch Spawners!

🌎 All About Community: We're a growing, tightly-knit community – our vision is to create the ultimate SMP server where towns clash during Wartime.

💎 Still not convinced? Ask our community yourself! 😎 💎



Hi and welcome to the Prism SMP! Prism is a server run by teens, for teens! We have a vibrant and welcoming community that communicates through the simple voice chat mod, and we would love to have you. We have some datapacks that improve quality of life and add custom mob heads, and a interactive map. Interested? Well stop by the discord and take a peek!



The Yggdrasil Minecraft server:

We currently host 6
different modpacks as shown above with 430 active members in the discord
community. We have a variety of different modpacks that change according to the
player base. Apart from our community server (Valhelsia 6) which will stay to
showcase peoples builds etc. We run a monthly Minecraft bingo game with some
great prizes to be won!

If you’re interested in joining or hosting a modpack through or community, feel free to check out our discord here.


Arcturus Factions & KitPvP

Arcturus Factions & KitPvP ~

Server IP:

Arcturus is a 1.8.9-1.20.4 Java Minecraft Factions, KitPvP, and Practice PvP server.
~We never reset out servers~; you'll never lose progress and can return any time
Additionally, ~we never issue bans~. Instead, cheaters are kicked whilst in combat by our anticheat.

Looking forward to seeing you on Arcturus — Arcturus Development Team


  • Custom Prebuilt & Purchasable TNT Cannons 💞
  • Minemen Club 1.8.9–1.20.4 Practice PvP 💞
  • Custom Enchants based on PvP/move 💞

Quick Links

Note: Paypal FactionsTop (IRL $$) Payouts every month!

Some clips by our lovely players: and

Server IP:

Cross-Play Lifesteal Pvp


TheMineMC is a place where you can not only survive but also steal hearts from others! Our Minecraft server offers an exciting and challenging survival experience where you can team up with other players to explore and build your way to success.

In addition to our custom plugins and commands, we have unique events and challenges that will put your survival skills to the test. And if that’s not enough, our economy system allows you to buy and sell items with other players, making it easier for you to build up your inventory and thrive in the game.

But that’s not all – we also want to make sure that your time with us is unforgettable, which is why we’ve partnered with Tebex to offer you exclusive perks that will help you steal hearts from your fellow players. By donating, you can gain access to special kits, titles, and other features that will set you apart from the rest.

Your contribution will not only help us keep the server running smoothly but also ensure that we can continue to provide you with the best possible gaming experience. So, what are you waiting for? Join us on TheMineMC and show everyone how to survive and steal hearts like a pro!

Factions Lifesteal Raiding Survival

Guest SMP

This is a Cracked Lifesteal SMP Mainly Optimized For Smooth Performance! There happens to be an END WAR at the End Of Every Season! Its So Much Fun! Join Now To Experience.



Welcome to Toadcraft!

We are a brand new Minecraft SMP striving to create and community oriented server full of experience minecrafters! If you have ever watched hermitcraft, our server is very similar. We are a strictly 18+ (no exceptions!) server.

Interested in applying? Join our discord and message Lobew to get started. We will ask a few screen questions, and require voicechat to verify age and intent.

Happy Crafting!

Anarchy Pve Pvp Raiding Survival

Deep Anarchy

Deep anarchy was founded by JaxsonB25 on 5.22.24. It is a amazing anarchy server where there are absolutely NO RULES. Hacking is allowed and so is any form of pvp.

Anarchy Economy Factions Mcmmo Pvp Roleplay Survival

One pirate craft

Survival server with ONE PIECE theme in the purest RPG style with total freedom for the player, unlimited powers and stats, +50 devil fruits, ALL hakis, factions such as (pirate, marine, bounty hunter or revolutionary), combat styles, Customized items and ranks, special events, customizable mobs and formidable enemies that will offer a personal and difficult challenge to the player, protection system for your home, continuous updates, custom skins, control and personal assistance for the player.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!