Boost Building Conomy Creative Econom Elo Far Features Mall Ops Plot Shop Shops Small Survival World

BoostCraft Creative / Survival Server

This is a new small community server for fun. So far I have a creative plot building world and a survival world with economy and shops. Come hang out as we continue to develop and add new features!

Custom Customenchantments Customitems Custommobs Kitpvp Leaderboards Npcs Professions Pve Pvp Pvparena Quests Shops Smp Survival Vanillaplus

Hidden Sanctuary Open Beta


The Hidden Sanctuary Open Beta launched on 01/04/2023.
Hidden Sanctuary is 100% free to play. A true passion project.
All donations go straight to the improvement of the server!
We respect the terms of service of EULA.

Who is Knetterkoekje?

Please allow me to introduce myself^^ Hey! my name is Knetterkoekje. I started the first iteration of this serverproject over 4.5 years ago, CycleCraft was a server with a Custom SkyBlock mode. After CycleCraft was gone and done I revived the serverproject and gave it the name that it is known for today: Hidden Sanctuary. Over the years I have had several iterations of the Hidden Sanctuary serverproject. Over time my ideas and vision has grown to be more professional and realistic. Unfortunately, due to varying reasons I have never been able to finish the scope of my server-project and get the server to its official release state. This time things are different! I wont stray away untill the server is as much of a success as I envision it can be!

Over the years I have build up a steady network of competent Minecraft server owners, server and plugin developers. This means that if any difficult problems were to arise that I cant solve myself, there is always backup assistance! I am still looking for a couple more hands to help me get the server ready for its official release. If you are interested in contributing to Hidden Sanctuary please contact me on Discord!

What is Hidden Sanctuary?

Hidden Sanctuary is a FRESH 1.19.3 SMP Server. We have lands(claims), nations(combined claims), pvp, pve (bossing), PvPvE (bossing and pvp combined) extended vanilla progression with a custom nether, custom end, additional custom overworld generated by TERRA world generation. A pet system, professions, custom enchantments, a kudo system, boat racing, minigolf, and soooo much moreeee! We lay a heavy emphasis on the servers lore and all assets/content created for Hidden Sanctuary will be heavily influenced by our Hidden Sanctuary lore (learn more about this by exploring the server). This is just the tip of the iceberg however. To sum up the vision of Hidden Sanctuary, we are looking to expand, improve and add content to the vanilla base game we all love so passionately in an SMP environment, always thriving to make any addition feel like it has a place within the Minecraft universe.

As for promotion of Hidden Sanctuary, and to start building a following, playerbase and name, I am trying to grow myself on several platforms. You can expect me to make a ton of content about Hidden Sanctuary together with you guys as I stream live on Twitch almost every single day 😉 You can also find me (Knetterkoekje) on YouTube and TikTok.

We would love to invite you to get involved with us right now, on Discord. Our Discord is a community server that covers all sorts of topics gaming, but mainly Minecraft. We love to brainstorm and discuss ideas for the server! Even if you dont plan on playing Hidden Sanctuary, or I have yet to grab your interest, please have a look regardless.

We own pretty much every useful premium Java MC plugin. On board are several experienced Custom Mob/Map/Worldgen config developers and designers on board. We will be slowly adding more and more content
through various plugins. On top of that we utilize scripting logic, using a Minecraft scripting language called Skript with an additional library called SkriptBee. We have a great network, as such we are able to contact any of the developers of said important Java plugins to request features for our server in case we cannot achieve our goals using Skript or already exisitng features. Or in case of an emergency of course^^

If you have any questions regarding Hidden Sanctuary, me or well anything :D, feel free to DM Cracker cookie here on PMC, or (preferably) on Discord @ Knetterkoekje#6600 – However if the server sounds intruiging it is a better idea to actually have a first hand experience! <3


Hidden Sanctuary is hosted in Germany on a private dedicated machine (specs on Discord).
I would like to reiterate that we are in the Open Beta stage at the moment and are still finalizing some of our systems.
The ETA for the official release is July 2023.


Trailer of the Nether:
Timelapse of our first PvP arena:


Get involved with us today @

Crates Economy Faction Factions Fantasy Magic Magicwands New Newserver OP Gear Randomtp Shops Survival Voting Wands

NetherNation MagicFactions – Magic Wands!!

NetherNation MagicFactions - Magic Wands!! Minecraft Server

Welcome player,

Today I’m announcing that our new MagicFactions server is open for you to play.
It’s currently still in early-access.

For now it’s a normal factions server.
But we do have something else that noone does.

Magic Wands.

– Magic Wands
– No OP gear
– Economy
– Shops
– Voting
– RandomTP
– Crates

Future updates:
– Skills and levels
– More spells
– More custom weapons
– More fun!

This is an early access server. Things probably aren’t balanced the way they should yet.
Leave suggestions on the forums on how we can improve our overal gameplay quality!

I hope to see you around,



192 Awesome Com Come Eso Her Oxi Pro Som Survival Multiplayer Wes

Come here awesome server minecraft server

The server owner “Come here awesome server” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Auto Crate Crates Ian Job Jobs Love Ming Obs Rat Rates Soon Survival Tes Title



Slovenian Minecraft Server

Comming Soon


– Jobs

– Crates


Cosmetics Ecoarmor Ecobosses Ecoenchants Ecoitems Ecopets Ecoskills Itemsadder Jetsminions Jobsreborn Kixchatgames Mines Mythicmobs Pyrofishing Ranks Shopgui Superiorskyblock2 Tokens

Glistering Melon (Skyblock)

Version: 1.19.2 (Java version only)
(Lower versions are able to join but not recommended)

Glistering Melon brings a lot to the table when it comes to quality and how much fun one can have in Minecraft!

From jobs you can take to kickstart your climb through the economical ladder such as fishing which, based on the tier of your fishing rod can lure you Gold, Platinum or even the fabled Mythical Fish that sell for a very hefty price! Cobblestone and baslat generator upgrades available through you island will help you get ahead in the constant battle to be the best island out there and with the assistance if minions to make it all run efficiently while offline!

The community is made up of wonderful and unique players, friendly and welcoming to any that may wish to join us! Active admins that constantly update and implement new plugins all for the enjoyment of the player base!

Basic Rules:
No hacking.
No exploiting bugs/glitches. Be cool and report them =).
Do not ask for staff.
Do not spam chat please.
Be kind to other players and staff.

Come join our Glistering family:

Face Fres Hangout Mcmmo Oriented Pvp Resources Roll Survival Survivalserver Tir Towny Towny Server Travel Vie

Dies Irae | MC Survival Towny!

Hey there weary traveler!

If you’re tired of scrolling through all of the server lists, then do I have the place for you: Dies Irae!

What to expect:
– mcMMO
– Towny
– Economy
– Kits
– Resources
and many more to come!

So please, if you are looking for a fresh server, we are looking for fresh faces. Come by our Discord and hangout, join the server and make your town!

1.19.4 1.7.4 2023 Allcustom Bedwars Bestserver Custom Lobby Network Nolag Pvp Roleplay Server Skywars Upload


🥤StrawLandia Minecraft Server
Why just strawlandia?
– The server is totally custom and accessible with all versions of minecraft! 1.7.4 – 1.19.4
– StrawLandia has custom modes with daily rewards in all modes!
– Available Modes:
Roleplay (In Development)
StrawLandia (In Development)
KitPVP (In Development)

City Computer Display First Fur Furniture Gun Guns Map Meg Mega Older Pve Economy Serveur Uses

tazader server

tazadre server is a server that uses the tazader city map and the mods mr craifirst computer, furniture, guns, and lcd display


580 Addon Addons Club Cpvp Enchants Entertaining Ert Immersive In Minecraft Mechanics Middle Middle School Snow Survival

Middle School SnowClub

A chill server, with addons that will make the experience more entertaining. Such as custom ranks based on what you like to do most in minecraft.
The server would like to add custom enchants and custom pvp mechanics to make pvp more immersive, not just cpvp.

Aureliumskills Boss Bosses Clan Clans Cmi Economy Economysurvival Enchantments Events Fish Griefprevention Minigames Mythicmobs Pve Pvp Staff Survival Tag Tags Vault Vaults Vip Vips


The LiderCraft server is focused on survival, pvp, clans and RPG. New server, opened on 02/17/2023, with a well-organized staff, full of projects to improve the player’s experience. We have some things that are different, Boss systems to do with friends, event system with rewards for the first placed, enchantment progression system (players will be able to level up armor with protection 3 to protection 4 for example), fishing system more immersive than normal minecraft fishing, adding more fish, sizes and lures and modified mobs based on vanilla mobs.
Available from versions: 1.14 to 1.19.4!
Default port: 19132
We are waiting for you!

Battle Capture Minecolonies Mmorpg Pixelmon Pokemon Quark Quests Roleplay Rpg Smallships Teams Train Trainers Villain

Pixelmon I Roleplay I Catch I Train I Battle I Trade I Minecolonies


RACraft’s release of the hit Pokemon style mod Pixelmon! This modpack was released on January 1,2023. What better way to play pixelmon in minecraft.

You can Catch and trade pixelmon.

Battle pixelmon throughout the world, or battle trainers pixelmon!

You can build your own community from the ground up with minecolonies!

There is a vast amount of technology mods you can use for good and evil deeds, be wary all the villain’s roam your worlds.

~Keep Updated~

There are a few ways to keep up with RACraft they are listed as follows:

Official Discord : Join us to keep in touch with updates, chat, and just have fun

Youtube Channel : Our Official Channel to promote RACraft to the world

Official Places on the Web

width=75Join us on our Multi-Player Server!

Pixelmon I Roleplay I Catch I Train I Battle I Trade I Minecolonies Minecraft Server
width=75 ~Copyright Notice~

All Credit Goes to their Authors/Creators for making the content I have posted

I am not affiliated with the makers of Pokemon and therefore make it clear I do not own it.

1.2 4.7 Arg Best Est Grief Survival Multiplayer

MuhtarGrief – best grief server minecraft server

The owner of MuhtarGrief – best grief server has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

1.19.3 100 Cas Day Faction Pvp Feat Feature Features Lea Node Nodes Please Raidingfaction Title Try

Overcast Faction

Newly Faction Server (1.19.3)
Please Come And have fun we have alot of features in the server right now
we are trying to hit 100 player in 1 day so please join and have fun

Auctions Economy Essentials Essentialsx Mario Minecraft Minecraftserver My Minecraft Server Optional Plugins Simplerules Supersurvivio Survival Vanilla Vanillasurvival


I AM SUPER SURVIVIO WELCOME TO my minecraft server
it is vanilla survival with optional economy and auctions and simpl rules!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!please play i have been waiting here for 2 days

1.12.2 Ifesteal Java And Bedrock Latest Lifestea Lifesteal Minecraft Life Minecraft Lifesteal Minecraft Lifesteal Server Minecraft Version Pat Restart Rts Silver Survival


This is a fun minecraft lifesteal server with so many good plugins and can be joined on any minecraft version you like from (1.12.2 – latest) and is java and bedrock compatible so feel free to join the server we also have a discord for more info!

Adventure Banking Banks Brewing Colorful Contracts Fun Mmocore Mythicmob Mythicmobs Pve Roleplay Rpg Skills Survival


Ouroborion Minecraft Server

Welcome to Ouroborion, a vast, colorful world full of adventure ready to be explored! What part will you play in shaping this brand new world?

Play your part in shaping this vast, open world map. Team up with others and build up a nation, or go it alone and make your own mark in its history. Discover the secrets of the Ouroborion tower, and the magic it now seeps into the world beyond.

Map and Plugins
Our custom designed 16,000 x 16,000 map is packed full of countless new biomes and natural, unexplored terrain. Enhance your gameplay experience with popular and finely tuned plugins like Brewery, Contracts, Lands, MMOCore, MythicMobs, PhatLoots, QuickShop and more. We’re a growing community, and are always adapting to new changes and gameplay styles and open to incorporating any number of new and exciting experiences.

Nations and Towns
Ouroborion comprises five nations for you to build up and develop together. With fully built livable capitals, towns to set up, and wars to wage, you decide what role you want to play. All towns are player owned, constructed and governed. They are fully protected from outsiders and have strict protections against unwanted PvP, or open your gates and welcome the combat if you so choose!

Economy, Market & Banking
No world would be complete without a player run economy. Using the flexibility of QuickShop, merchants can ply their wares across all of Ouroborion. Get into character with physical currency, banks, contracts, and more! If you’re interested, find other ways to make a living. Accept bounties or small jobs with our Contracts plugin. Get fully immersed with our living, player-run world, where bandits run wild and hired protection is an agreement away.

RPG and PvE
RPG Skills and MMOCore lets players choose several paths to follow in their character’s development, all with their own benefits and advantages. Beware! This world is packed full with custom mobs and perilous locations – from the untamed wilderness between nations, or dungeons full of custom loot. It’s yours for the taking, if you have the skill to claim it!

Start your journey right – consider joining our Discord. As the hub of our community, you’ll find the latest news, events, forums, lore pieces, and official nation channels. Join us today:

Your journey starts here!

2023 260paypal Arcade Cern Economy Factions Nuclear Prison Prisons Pvp Roleplay Skyblock Storecredits Twitter Ucl

PvPArcade Network

Welcome to PvPArcade Network
– We are a Minecraft Network consisting of many different gamemodes such as; Skyblock, Factions, and Prisons. We strive for the most optimal player experience.

Connecting to our Network:

– You can connect with version 1.8 and higher.

🔗 Connect via:

Useful Links:
🐦 Twitter: (Coming Soon)
🖥️ Store:

[​Discord Server]:
If you have any concerns or queries, you can open a support ticket in create-ticket, a member of staff will then assist you.

Codex English Helper Helpers Irl Master Mc Server Minecraft Rust Scrim Server Share Survival Trust Twitch

Codexgami server

This is a new mc server

so new that not even all of the plugins are done yet and not even spawn have been build

for now we only have the spawn point and the 3 greate halls

Hall of rules where you can read all the rules and even see what rules the staff need to follow

hall of staff where you can see whos in the staff team

and right now theres 3 spots open

1 master builder

2 normal builders

then theres the hall of fame where the winners of the events can be found
my plan on the server when we hit 10-20 players whos playing on the same time, we will start an event where you can get ranks and gear

for the ranks on this server are 100% free for the way to get them is by winning an event

the same player can win an event more then 1 time
but only get one rank but your rank will be upgreaded to a better one

and all the events you win will be under your name in the hall of fame

if you get 10 wins or yt or twitch will be shared on the server

but if you on yt or twitch tells people to join then you will also get a shoud out on the server

there is 3 others kinds of staff for the server

admins (only people i know irl)

helpers (all who knows alot about mc and if i or an admin see you helping players alot then you will become a helper)

mod (helpers i belive i can trust will become that)

this is a 24/4 server

i know where is some bugs but if you find any then say it on this site i am gonna check

being build:

chest shop

chest shop for weapon and armor

Game Ini Mini Mini-game Pes Qui Squid Squid Game Survival Multiplayer Vip Win Winter Wip Wipe Year

s.-. Zima Vipes – MINI-GAME SQUID GAME Work of the year Minecraft server

Server owner ‘s .-. Winter Wipes – MINI-GAME SQUID GAME Work of the Year” hasn’t added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Good Survival Servers Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!