Player Homes: Once a player has started building and setting up home, they are able to set a home location in that area with /sethome – This allowing the player to teleport back to the location using the /home command, which has a 2 minute cooldown. Players can also use the /bed command to teleport back to their last slept in bed. (/home and /bed may only be used in the overworld)
RTP: Whether a player has just started and is looking for somewhere to quickly set up a base or whether you’re just looking for a quick place to start exploring /rtp can do this. Teleporting you ~6000 blocks within the radius of spawn. Exploring further out from co-ords 6000 means it’s less likely a player will come across your builds! (RTP may only be used in the overworld)
TPA: Players can send requests to teleport players or teleport players to them using the commands, /tpa or /tpahere – To accept a teleport request simply type /tpyes and wait a few seconds until the teleport kicks in(make sure not to move and cancel the teleport).
Player Warps: Player Warps are obtained through voting for the server. Requiring a total of 100 vote points, 10 days worth of voting in total. A player warp can be toggled to be private or public, allowing a player to use this privately as a bonus home or if they choose to use it publicly, they are able to show off their builds or possibly create a public farm of sorts! (teleporting to a warp only works in the overworld)
Player Shops: Player Shops can be created when using a Shopkeeper Token, these tokens are obtained through voting on 5 sites or can be traded between players. These tokens are used to spawn a wandering villager NPC which is used as a shop keeper for your player shop. There are 4 different types of shops a player may set up – Trading, Selling, Buying or a Book shop. Each one has various purposes and does exactly what it says. (Trading for trading items->items, Selling for selling items for diamonds, Buying for buying items for diamonds, Book shop for selling books, although all can be done through the trading shopkeeper). Players can set-up shops anywhere within their own build or a shared build. The best way of allowing people access to your player shop is by obtaining yourself a Player Warp.