1.8.9 400 Anarchy Competitive Economy Factions Ken Mpet Paid Payo Payout Payouts Professional Raiding Sun


SunkenMC! A new factions server coming real soon! 1.8.9 factions using the best plugins that are all paid for such as the factions core is worth 400$. The server will be on its first season real soon! The Staff are working on what type of factions the player want. We are also looking for competitive 1.8.9 faction players who are willing to win faction top to get Payouts! We are a professional server! Join the discord for more information.

24/7 Command Commands île List Lose Man Mine Server Mma Private Semi Soon Store Survival Multiplayer Tes

GloseMine server Minecraft

– No privates

– No privileges

– Server is active 24/7

– List of commands/cmds

– Store will be added soon

Ability Bedrock And Java Cross-Play Economy Function Functional Huge New Smp Npc Npcs Opening Qol Slots Spectacular Survival

FutoFo SMP

The FutoFo SMP is a brand new SMP, with spectacular features, including:
⭐️ A warm welcoming community
⭐️ Long-term playability
⭐️ Support For Bedrock And Java
⭐️ A Fully functional economy system
⭐️ Breath-taking builds
⭐️ Fully optimised QOL plugins
⭐️ NPCs
⭐️Custom Enchants
⭐️ Huge Events
⭐️ A staff team committed to keeping your experience fun and safe
⭐️ Active Members with more slots opening as the server grows

Join now at!

1.19.2 570 Combat Eset Guy Mix New Mobs Older Origins Origins Smp Pass Structure Structures Survival Tracking

Anarchy Origins SMP

1.19.2 Anarchy, Origins, Modded SMP!

Hey! Interested in joining my 1.19.2 SMP? Its modded, with conveniance mods+origins, and new mobs and structures! Also have combat mods, like player tracking compasses, TPA, and anticombat log! Sorta a mix of Better Minecraft + Origins SMP + Anarchy. Anything goes, kill anyone, steal from anyone, build anything. Recently reset too, so you wont be too behind the older members! If you are interested, join our Discord here:
I look foward to seeing you guys on the server!

Boss Fight Classes Economy Edu Engaging Farming Fights Leveling Mcmmo Open World Professions Pve Skyblock Stardew Valley Valley

Ethereal Skies

– RPG Classes & Leveling
– Player Skills w/ Special Effects
– Massive Worlds to Unlock and Explore
– Procedurally Generated RPG Equipment
– Epic Open World Boss Fights
– Custom Fishing Mechanic
– Stardew Valley Style Farming
– A Thriving and Balanced Economy
– Engaging and Rewarding Quests
– Team/Solo Islands with a Block Shop for Building
– 11+ Custom Professions/Lifeskills
– Collectable Combat Pets
– Involved/Responsive Development Team

Cobblemon Curse Curseforge Dio Ios Kcc Launcher Lemon Modpacks Pokemon Rings Studios Survival Technicpack Themed


PokeGlade is a Pokemon themed Modpack for 1.19.2. Featuring the brand new Cobblemon mod, this Modpack brings the world of Pokemon to Minecraft and now with an official server. (Developed by AffinityStudios)

Curseforge –>

Technic Launcher –>

PokeGlade Discord (AffinityStudios) –>

/enchant Free Fun Lookingforhelp Lookingforplayers Lookingforstaff Lookingforyoutubers New Newserver Proximity Server Shockbyte Survival Voicechat Vrsupport


VR4U is a Semi-OP survival server, with original survival plugins/gameplay but some super cool features as well. We also have Voicechat enabled, so you could talk with players that are nearby in the game ( proximity chat ) sort of like a discord call.

Other Features |
– /enchant
– /warp casino
– VR Gameplay!
– mobarena

Others |
– Active Staff
– Amazing Community
– Amazing Crates

1.5.2 Bat Battle Battle Royal Battle Royale Classic Hun Hunger Hunger Games Hunger Games Server Hungergame Hungergames Ken Milk Royale

Hunger Games Classic

Hunger Games server (Battle Royale style) based on the old Wincraft Hungergames server from 1.5.2. The Server bears many similarities to that server and includes new kits and features.

Auto Call Day Days Ect Fort Good Lec Nam Name Put Read Survival Title Type


this is a server called Good4Days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

/r/ 19x 2022 4b4t Anarchy Many Players Minecraftserver Minecraftservers Mounts Pvp Reddit Survival Tool Tools Twitter

4builders4tools [Anarchy] {PvP, No Rules, Community}

4b4t is an Anarchy Server. This means that we bring a server with no
rules with minimum gameplay changes, all while trying to be able to
hold as many players online as possible with low amounts of lag.
4b4t was created with the hopes of being better than every other
Anarchy server as there was a lack of playable servers, due to
them often having unplayable lag. It was created to be the best
Anarchy server that is more exciting, and lag-free.

The server’s map was reset as of June 22nd 2022

Vote –
Donate –
Reddit –
Twitter –

Server IP –
Server Versions – 1.8x-1.19x

1.19.2 260 600 Bedwars Cake Cakewars Content Creative Cross-Play Economy Mini Games Porte Quality Skyblock Survival


ContentVeen is a high quality Minecraft Survival, Skyblock, CakeWars and Creative server with unique content and great community, friendly staff and players like you!

» Survival
» Skywars
» CakeWars
» Creative

Java IP:
Bedrock IP: (Port 26006)

Supported 1.19 – 1.19.2!

Bigdoors Deathchest Elections Fable How To Get Jesus Lore Loresmp Nicknames Robin Roleplay Smp Survival Survivalmultiplayer Waves

Greenwood Fable SMP[1.19]

★★ What fable will you unfold? ★★

Welcome to the PMC page of Greenwood Fable, a spigot SMP server with lots of fun plugins! The SMP is whitelisted, but you can easily join our discord below to find out how to get whitelisted!

The Discord!

You’re on a boat..

..and its quiet. You feel the breeze.

“You’re ḥ̷̀e̶͆͆r̵̥̈́e̵͆͜?”

The hush of the ocean is all around you.

“H̶̼́ô̷̬w̵̲̾ ̶̔̈́à̵͕r̶̺̈ḙ̵͌ ̶̢̾ you here? A̴̺͋f̵̛̦t̸͔̔e̴̝͘r̷͔̓ I sent ẏ̷̭o̶͎̎u̷͙͝ ̴̤̈́ș̴͐õ̸̭ ̷̭̓f̵̗̎a̴̠̓r̴͖͒ away?”

Its a soft pleasantry, even the harsh waves cant break the silence.

“How c̷̝̑o̵̫͝u̷̖̇l̸̘̾d̶̢̐ ̸̖̀y̷̲͛o̸̠̊u̵͙̓ dare to return?”

And then, it’s bright.

You’re finally awake, adventurer. Welcome to Greenwood Fable, the next world to enjoy. What will you do this time?

Nicknames! We have a nickname plugin that can be used easily!
Trading Systems! You can use them via /trade
Smooth timber! To make cutting down trees easier and a bit more realistic!
Armor Stand Editor! You can use it by holding a piece of flint in your hand and rightclicking anywhere. It brings up a pretty easy to understand GUI, and after selections you can click on the armor stand to edit it!
Easy Travel! Teleportation and home setting!
DeathChest! If you can find where you died, your items will be waiting for a few minutes!
ChocoCoords! A coords made easy plugin!
BIG doors! You can learn how to use it by doing /BDM or /BigDoors
HeadDrop! When killed, a player may drop their own head!
Skills! Do things and level up your skills to get great perks!
BottleUp! Put your experience into bottles!
BetterPortals! Enjoy see-through portals!


TeenyPuff | Arin [Owner]

RayFade_ | Alec [Mod[
MossyRoads | Mossy/Ollie[Mod]
Flighhtt | Flight/Robin[Mod]
Dalket29 | Theo[Mod]
ambi_nyx | Nyx[Mod]
Shadomi | Soot[Mod]

Anarchy Discord Hungergames Lifesteal Maintained Mcmmo Minigames Network Origins Originssmp Runner Skywars Smp Speedrun Survival

BrickNet – Speedrunners, Lifesteal, Unique Minigames & MORE! (CROSSPLAY)

ʙʀɪᴋᴄɴᴇᴛ (19132)



Looking for a smaller, organised, efficient & highly maintained network? I can’t say without guarantee that’s the whole reason we’re here. BrickNet has been in development for over a year now, with 5+ years of experience leading up to this, we’re here to support you, we don’t pocket any donations, we’re constantly updating, maintaining & patching any bugs throughout the network, because we want to provide the best, highest quality experience we’re capable of, and we believe we’ve done that so far. But that doesn’t mean tomorrow, there’ll be even more improvement, because we’re always searching for room for improvement.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, I truly can not express the level of detail that went into this network to provide a seamless feel for Bedrock & Java, or as best as we can as of current tech. If you’d like to join, see above for our IP.

1.19.2 2023 Arena Clan Creative Factions Kywars Park Parkour Skyblock Skypvp Skywars Survival Survival Game Survival Games


CraftMania 2023 – Play.CraftMania.Ro

Survival Clan Wars 1.19.2
• Factions 1.8 AND
• Skyblock 1.19.2
• Creative 1.19.2
• Skywars 1.8+
• Survival Games 1.8+
• SkyPVP 1.8+
• Arena 1.8+
• Parkour 1.8+

+ many more!

Alc Ate Aternos Center Com Come Count Cri His Our Survival Multiplayer Survivalcraft Welcome

Welcome to the fSurvivalCraftng Minecraft server

The server owner “Welcome to fSurvivalCraftng” has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your account.

Antip2w Chill Community Diamonds Emivanilla Friends Fun Grian Hermitcarftlike Hermitcraft Hermitcraftlikesmp Mumbojumbo Nop2w Scar Shoppingdistrict Shops Slx Smp Survival Survivalsmp Vanilla Vanillasmp


Are you on the hunt for a fun and welcoming SMP? Well, you’ve found the right place. Whether you’re more technical, into redstone, or love creating majestic builds, you’re bound to find the right thing for you on SurvivalMC. We are heavily inspired by hermitcraft and their community as a whole. We have proximity chat and an installation guide for it. This gives us a much larger sense of community. Of course, proximity chat is optional and isn’t forced. We also have datapacks that enrich the vanilla experience. You can find out more about the server in our discord. We are whitelisted and we have a way to apply. We strive to be the best SMP one could ask for. With our expanding staff and playerbase, we’re always looking for new friends.


Join discord to apply!

Abilities Bosses Bossfights Customitems Custommobs Diablo Economy Farming Fishing Levels Mmorpg Rpg Skills Skyblock Survival

Ethereal Skies | Skyblock RPG

Ethereal Skies | Skyblock RPG Minecraft Server

1.18.2 -> 1.19.2

Ethereal Skies is a unique Skyblock RPG experience featuring tons of custom mobs, items, equipment, bosses and mechanics. Players have described gameplay as being like a combination of Stardew Valley and Diablo. It is truly a unique experience with a great community at it’s core.

Brief Feature List:

  • RPG Classes & Leveling
  • Player Skills w/ Special Effects
  • Massive Worlds to Unlock and Explore
  • Procedurally Generated RPG Equipment
  • Epic Open World Boss Fights
  • Custom Fishing Mechanic
  • Stardew Valley Style Farming
  • A Thriving and Balanced Economy
  • Engaging and Rewarding Quests
  • Team/Solo Islands with a Block Shop for Building
  • 11+ Custom Professions/Lifeskills
  • Collectable Combat Pets
  • Involved/Responsive Development Team
  • & Much More
  • Our server is truly a unique adventure that we hope you’ll come and experience firsthand. See you soon!

    Bro Broke Broken Building Dont Funny Ken Minecraft World Minecraftworld Protect Protection Pure Ten Vanilla Vis

    Minecraft World

    Welcome to Minecraft World! Pure Vanilla without grief (attention we log every single broken block so dont try our protection).
    Very funny to play with friends and building something that will remain for always!
    Come visit us!

    Ash Ashe Bran Brand Clash Gamemode Hut Kitpvp Nda New Game New Minecraft New Minecraft Server Oneblock Panda Survival

    Pandahut Network

    New minecraft server for the pandahut network,

    we have

    -kit pvp
    -cave clashers a brand new gamemode

    Community friendly


    1.20 2023 23w07a Boat Boats Clearlag Datapacks Display Graves Snap Snapshot Snapshots Survival Vanilla Vanillatweaks

    Redraxed Snapshots

    Redraxed Snapshots formally known as Solito Snapshots.
    We aim to provide a unique & fun snapshot experience.

    bat membranes
    adk display
    leaf decay
    leaf decay
    kill empty boats
    multiplayer sleep
    player head drops
    unlock all recipes

    World created on 16-02-2023.

    If you have any questions/issues please join our discord and open a ticket.
    1.20 – 23w07a – Snapshots – Voting – Datapacks – No Lag – Discord

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and mc Factions Servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!