580 Ass Class Craft Eat Eng English Erver Feature Features French Fun Game Games Join Midnight Mini Minigame Minigames Night Nightcraft Raft Server Style You


MidnightCraft Is An English/French Server, We Have A lot of features and Minigames, so if you want to have fun, join us .


Active Age Base Based Class Com Community Craft Economy Erver Freindly FTB Great Grief Inecraft Join Kit Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack New Play Popular Pro Protect Protection Pve Release Released Server Staff Survival Tech Technic Tekkit


Tekkify is a popular modded Minecraft server, mainly based upon the Tekkit pack, which the server used to use until the new Technic Platform was released.

We have a great community, freindly staff, grief protection, and much more.

Join today!

Modpack Page:

100 Action Actions Active Admin Ass Beautiful Bukkit Class Eat Erver Fac Faction Factions Great Join Kit Mini New Newest Paw Play Player Players Plugin Plugins Pvp Rat Rvival Server Slots Spawn Sur Surviv Surviva Survival Survival Multiplayer


MC.PLAYME.LV Bukkit server PvP/FActions/Survival 24/7. 100 slots
great administration and great players.Newest bukkit plugins and new beautiful spawn. JOIN US NOW!


Active Auction Best Casino Class Cool Cracked Diamond End Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Games Great Greif Grief Hack Hacking Item King Lag Lottery Map Mini Games Network Networks New Online Play Pvp Raid Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Staff Survival Multiplayer Who


($Welcome to EnderNetworks$)
This is a server u don’t want to miss this server is a one of kind,it has 2 of the best cracked servers ever here at endernetworks we have highly trained staff to monitor our lovely visitors in the server.

($into ObsidianRealms$)
Obsidainrealms is mostly the server u don’t want to miss has the following rules no hacking and no cussing that’s it u can raid/grief Or make factions and yes this is a faction pvp this server has a lottery so u win money if u win with your ticket.and much more.we thank the ppl who made this happen our owner Black_Frid4y and our lovely co-owner Testadfh and also our staff.this server is constantly bring great new things into our server.if u r a person that hates lag and u always wanted a server that didn’t lag well this is your server to go later on they will add new great favorites
In mini games so make sure to be there.

($Into NOD or Nationofdestiny$)
This server is a non raid/non greif server which is the complete opposite of ObsidianRealms this server contains /lock for chest and chest shops for items u feel to sell and here u can auction items into ppl to bid for them with in game money they also have a casino a mall and so much is the same owner and staff as ObsidianRealms so I really hope to see u there and u have to check out the rest for your self see u there :D.

If u r new here u get these cool items
– full iron armor
– one diamond block
– 16 wood blocks
– and pork chops

This spawn isn’t a map Downloaded online this map was made by the only TabbyCakes ,Foxycoffee and our proud owner Black_Frid4y. So I hope to see u guys there bai 😀

Action Actions Active Ass Bend Bending Class Conomy Craft Dcraft Eco Econ Econom Economy End Erver Fac Faction Factions Inecraft Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Pvp Raft Server Survival Multiplayer


24/7 Minecraft Server With Factions, PvP, Economy, And Bending!

Achievements Action Better Class Cool Craft Crate Crates Custom End Event Experience Fac Faction Factions Friends Fun Generator Join King Kingdom Kingdoms Network Ored Play Real Realistic Red Special Style Survival War World

GrazyCraft Network

Join our network and play alone or with friends

We have survival, factions and kingdoms
All with a realistic world generator for a better and more fun experience.

We have custom achievements to prevent you from getting bored,
We also have custom crates and other cool and special reward

Join now at


Active Allowed Class Craft Creative Diamond Diamonds English Fac Faction Game Games Good Hack Has Help High Home Hot Ill Inecraft Join King Mine Minecraft Mini Games Norsk Play Rank Server Sethome Shop Spleef Survival Multiplayer Tpa Who World


Mine-king er en minecraft server jeg kan garantere du kommer til å like å spille på. Alt er lov, untatt noen ting som eks: hack, snakke stygt. Serveren har faction, tpa, sethome, back og masse mer. Vi har creative verden også. Man får høyere rank av den spilletiden man er på. Vi har også shop og spleef og flere mini games vil komme etter hvert. De første 10 som joiner får 10 diamanter. Hvis noen er noe spessielt god på photoshop eller annent, kan de få høyere rank hvis de hjelper serveren

Mine-king is a minecraft server i can guarantee you will like to play on. Everything is allowed, except for some things like hack and trash talk. The server has faction, tpa, sethome, back and lots of more stuff. We have creative world too. We also have shop and Spleef. The first 10 who joins gets 10 diamonds. If someone is good at photoshop they can get higher rank if they help the server.

Ass Class Com Craft Enjin Erver Follow God Godly Lmao Noop Open Raft Server Servers Style Survival Multiplayer


Active Ass Ations Bee Bit Charity Class Craft Create Ctm Different Donate Donation Donations Eat End Erver Event Events Has Help Host Ill Mon Money Nation Nations One Please Reward Save Server Staff Survival This War Way

Marblecraft 2.0

***MarbleCraft Charity Of The Month (CTM)***

Each month, we choose from 7 charities to donate to. Once the charity has been chosen, every single bit of money donated to the server gets saved, and at the end of the month all of the money saved from donations goes to the charity that was chosen.

Each month we will have a different charity. The staff will organise events on the server to try and raise the money for charity. Every month a different staff member will create and host the events, and for whichever month raises the most money, the staff and all event paricipants will get a reward.

Please help us out with this in any way that you can 🙂

Bath Block Blood Cat Challenging Chest Class Competition Competitions Cool Create Creativity Dedi End Friends Fun Future Hard Hardcore Money Mpet New Noop Open Pet Play Player Players Pro Sell Selling Server Sky Skyblock Tea Team Top

BloodBath Skyblock

BloodBath Skyblock is a new challenging and fun skyblock server for the ultimate hardcore skyblockers. Team up with friends or go solo on the tiny skyblock you create. Earn money by selling things you produce, and expand your skyblock into a massive, cool isle. Compete to be in /baltop, amongst the richest players on the server, and win the future competitions which requires you to use your creativity and dedication.


Active Build Builds Craft Dedicated Dungeon Eco Econ Economy Environment Games Grief Hunger Games Join Map Maze Mazes Mine Minecraft Multiplayer New Nice Old Parkour Play Player Plugin Protection Pvp Semivanilla Server Servers Spawn Survival Survival Multiplayer Tnt Trade Vanilla

Classic zDug Revamped

Tired of the same old minecraft servers? Sick of economy servers? Are you looking for the feel of vanilla minecraft in a multiplayer environment without having to worry about your builds being griefed? You’ve come to the right place!

The server is almost fully vanilla! We do have a very nice grief protection and trade plugin. TNT is enabled and lava flows (below sea level 😉 PvP is enabled on the entire 50,000×50,000 block map less the spawn area.

Supports the newest version of Minecraft with 100% completely vanilla Dungeon Mazes, Hunger Games, Parkour and other mini-games!

Now with dedicated voice server too! Join for details!
Additional Details
Tired of the same old minecraft servers? Sick of economy servers? Are you looking for the feel of vanilla minecraft in a multiplayer environment without having to worry about your builds being grief
Game Version: Minecraft 1.5
Tags: Survival, PvP, No Economy, Vanilla, SemiVanilla, Hunger Games

Build Builds Coreprotect Craft Create Deathchest Eco Econ Economy Event Forums Free Good Grief Griefing Hard Help Home Homes Land Lwc Map Mine Minecraft Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Protection Quest Resources Safe Server Staff Store Tpa Who


We run a variety of plugins to ensure that your experience on MCGuardians is no less than excellent. We promise youll want to keep coming back. Weve added plugins such as CoreProtect, LWC, and ProtectionStonesto ensure that all of your builds and items youve worked hard for are completely safe. There is a strict no griefing policy, so in the event that a grief does happen, the person at fault will be punished and whatever is lost in the process will be completely restored.

We also offer a live map. This will help you find the perfect spot for you to create your home or get the resources that you desire. Default users have the ability to set up to 3 /homes, allowing you to set a teleport to places you want to continue to go to again. We also allow you to /tpa to other players so its possible to go to their location at anytime with their permission.

There is an economy, to allow players to get items by other methods than just harvesting them. Its also in place to allow the purchase of protection stones. ProtectionStones is a plugin we use that allows the player to protect a specified area of land but is completely optional. Any grief that happens will be undone regardless if a ProtectionStone is used or not.

As far as staff goes, we dont accept anyone who is less than excellent. The staff arent quick to use their powers unless its necessary, we understand that mistakes are made at times. The one exception to this is of course, griefing. Other than that, you can expect leniency in most situations. There is no abuse here.

Hopefully this short write-up of our server is enough to give you a good idea of what to expect from us. If there are any other questions, feel free to post on the forums or ask them ingame. See you around.


Active Admin Arena Arenas Build Class Craft Custom Donator End Fac Faction Faction Pvp Friends Game Games Good Hungergames Ill Inecraft Jail Job King Kit Kits Lag Mine Minecraft Minigame Minigames Money New Nice Police Pvp Rules Server Special Survival Multiplayer

Creepers Universe MC

We are currently working on a Minecraft Server we will give info when it is up. Its a faction PvP server but its got MiniGames PvP Arenas And All That Good Stuff. If you dont want to build your own house you can buy one with in game money from an admin at a nice village where you can get your own custom built house. Donators get better kits to start off in MiniGames eg hungerGames and PvP Arenas Get better armor get better stuff meet new friends and rule the server with an iron fist as a President on this server gets elected every month, It can do special commands telling you how to live your life and rules but if you dont follow them the police will take you to jail and yes there is jail. Get your own job and live Life your way Crinimal or not its your life.

Active Cat Class Community Cool Craft Crazy Dedi Dedicated End Erver Experience Experienced Friendly Fun Game Gameplay Home Ill Inecraft Lit Make Mine Minecraft Mini Games Play Pve Riendly Semi Server Staff Survival Traditional Vanilla Vanilla Gameplay Website

MC Delirium


In the mood for a little traditional Minecraft? Come check us out! We are a crazy cool server dedicated to fun, Semi-Vanilla gameplay! Our experienced staff and friendly community are sure to make you feel right at home on our server. Want more information? Check our website at!

❈ ❉
( ゚ヮ゚)/

Active Ass Aus Class Craft End Erver Game Games Gen Inecraft Ken Mcm Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Minecraft Server Mmo Nen Raft Server Stadt Stand Survival Multiplayer Ten

* • » MineUp « • *

MineUp ist dein Minecraft Server ! Baue dein Haus in einer riesigen Stadt und zeige deine Stärken im Fähigkeiten-System McMMo oder sei ein Schnösel und gib mit einen Riesen Kontostand an . Spaß darf nicht fehlen bei tausenden Games !


Amazing Ass Buy Buycraft Class Craft Crate Crates Donate Follow Join Mine Mines Noop Open Owner Popular Prison Pvp Raft Rat Rates Smo Staff Style Taff Tes Youtube Youtuber

Cosmo Mines | OP Prison

OP Prison with Crates, PvP, and amazing staff. Join now. Owner is a popular YouTuber.


Action Active Adventure Ass Class Com Craft Custom Day Dventure Ect End Exp Experience Fac Faction Factions Fun Inecraft Island Join Land Link Map Mine Minecraft Ortal Planet Planetminecraft Portal Pro Project Survival Multiplayer Terra Terrain This Venture


EldariaCraft utilises a custom map to provide a fun experience for our users. A link the map is here—custom-terrain-mc-10—end-portal/. We chose this map to enrich our users experience. Join today for Factions, and adventure.

8.2 Action Actions Anarchypvpsurvivalfun Ass Bal Class Com Enjin Erver Essential Essentials Fac Faction Factions Follow Ice Job Jobs Mcm Mcmmo Mmo New Nice Noop Open Plugin Plugins Pvp Reward Rewards Server Staff Style Vote Votifier War


a New factions server with nice staff and nice plugins like: Mcmmo , jobs , essentials , factions , votifier so u can vote for rewards.


Ability Allowed Ark Block Claim Claiming Class Create Eco Econ Econom Economy Grief Griefing Hack Hacking Has King Laim Land Land Claim Lit Make Ming New Old Ops Rvival Server Shop Shops Smp Survival Texture Title World

Old World Survival

Old World Survival is a new survival server. It has an economy, the ability to create shops, and land claiming. The server is new, so come make your mark. Griefing, hacking, exploiting, using x-ray texture packs, and harassment aren’t allowed.

Active Build Class Community Craft Custom End Explore Great Grief Griefing Inecraft Join King Lore Mine Minecraft Minecraftserver Mod Old Open Play Player Players Protected Protection Rules Server Servers Stealing Survival Multiplayer Top War Welcoming Whitelist Whitelisted Wns World

Golden Creeper

Founded in 2010, this Minecraft Server has seen many of ups and
but over the years, its loyal and downs, passionate group of longtime players turned it into a very welcoming and inspiring world with a wonderful community and solid rules.

#1: Don’t be a dick!
#2: See rule Number 1.

This simply means that we don’t endure griefing, stealing and anything else that harms other players. Goldencreeper is a 16+ Server for a reason! Although we make exceptions depending on the maturity.

We also have a great custom world for you to explore and build.

Screenshots[email protected]/

If you want to join us, we will welcome you with open hearts and show you around!
To get whitelisted go to and write a short application for us. Or just ask an available mod for a whitelist.

We are looking forward to meeting you!!
Your Goldencreeper Community

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Free Minecraft Bedrock Server. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!