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Just another BungeeCord – Forced Host Minecraft server

The owner of Just another BungeeCord – Forced Host has not added a description yet. If this is your server, add a description to it in your personal account.

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Antispam Auto-mine Cent Class Com Elo Gra Log Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Ram Rip Robots Server Minecraft Ter

KelogramServer Minecraft server

Server description Minecraft server KelogramServer!

/r/ Atapacks Beyond Chunks Datapack Datapacks Ftc Modifications Reddit Snap Snapshot Snapshots Subreddit Survival Multiplayer Wiki Minecraft server

Server description stormheart is a gaming community based around the Minecraft server Our community allows players to engage with developers during the creation process of the project. Within our server, we have documentation, notes, and channels designated for upcoming discussions about features ready to be implemented or modifications to existing packs.

Our server features a gigantic 20,000 x 20,000 custom terrain with many biomes and trees which are carefully crafted for stormheart. Outside of the custom map to the north and west vanilla chunks spawn and we have a world border beyond set to 40,000 blocks. We plan to create a custom nether and end biome to further the adventure. We have so much anticipated and are excited to have others share the journey with us and wish all new players happy mining in the world we have created.

The server runs entirely on vanilla Minecraft with datapacks. Using vanilla Minecraft allows us always to keep our server running with the latest-snapshot. These snapshots are perpetually updated and have the latest game features for Minecraft java edition. If you have trouble connecting change your Minecraft profile from latest-release to latest-snapshot. This server does not use bukkit, spigot, paper, or have access to plugins, so every modification is explicitly created for stormheart. There are excellent resources to learn about datapacks such as the commands subreddit and Minecraft wiki.

1.12 Interesting Minecraft Sky Block Minecraft Sky Wars Minecraft Spleef Mob Arena Mods Pixel Pixelmon Quest Quests Shadow Sts Uests Version

PixelMon 1.12 – New Pixelmon! Minecraft server

A new version of the game, mods and quests, even more interesting …

Cell Design Dex Exp Ign Inde Len Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Rip Server Minecraft Sign Survival Server World

IndexWorld server Minecraft

Excellent and well designed survival server

Classic Equal Mini-game Mini-games Ports Rts Smo Smooth Start Starter Survival Multiplayer Survive Teleport Teleports Vive

CLASSIC without privileges Minecraft server

Classic survival without privileges, starter kits, teleports, mini-games.
We are all equal: those who survived are smoother.

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Black Hole Galactic Galacticraft Galaxy Industrial Industrial Craft Industrialcraft Jet Jetpacks Kim Minecraft Weapons Planets Robot Thermal Trial ★ Universe Minecraft server

Absolutely unique space theme server. Quest line with a cool plot and tasks, many planets, technologies … Maybe it’s time for you to become a robot? Or visit a black hole, asteroids, other star systems? Choose your race and go on a journey!

➜ Galacticraft 3
➜ GalaxySpace 1.0.8
➜ IndustrialCraft 2
➜ Advanced Solar Panels
➜ Gravitation Suite
➜ Applied Energistics 2
➜ Thermal
➜ YukiMod
➜ YukiCases
➜ Matter Overdrive
➜ SG Craft
➜ OpenBlocks
➜ Simply Jetpacks

A New World Adventurer Balance Bug Gates Mom New World Pat Proper Research Robots Society Technic Technical Vast

BadCraft server Minecraft

Description of the server The gates of the server have opened, the path to a new world begins. We are waiting for everyone on our server. At the moment there is survival with a small set of plugins that will allow you to experience a pleasant and convenient gameplay. There is a place for everyone on the vast map, everyone will have the opportunity to experience the role of an adventurer and will be able to conduct research. A properly built technical system allows you to play without interruptions, lags and bugs. In its development, the server chose the path of a tube server with a strong society, balanced economy and the possibility of in-game development

Construction Creativity Diablo Extraction Magazine Minecraft Cases Minecraft Magic Necro New Items Nre Terraria Texture Vampires Thirst Warcraft World of Warcraft

NECROMIUM.RU | Survival RPG on version 1.15.2 Minecraft server

Do you like such RPGs as Diablo, World Of Warcraft, Terraria and other mastodons of the genre? Then maybe you will like our Necromium project. Necromium is not just an RPG – it is a Survival RPG that directly combines both vanilla minecraft survival with the construction and extraction of resources on the current version 1.15.2, and an RPG with more than 300 different new items, unique classes for each play style. a flexible and convenient system for pumping abilities, characteristics, its own enchantment system, as well as a beautiful and, not least, a unique texture pack. Add to this the fact that on our server there is no purchase of items, whales, game currency, creativity, admin panels and other things for donation and you will get a recipe for a solid RPG project. If we managed to interest you at least a little, then you can learn more about our server here:


116survival Anticreeper Antigrief Datapacks Diamondcurrency Diamondeco Diamondeconomy Familyfriendly Friendlycommunity Friendlystaff Hermitcraft Netherupdate Newestversion Nopvp Nopvpinallworlds Pve Rpg Survival Survivalvanilla Towny Tradeshop Trading Vanilla Vanillapve Vanillasurivival

DavillaMC – Survival Vanilla – 1.16.1 – Family Friend – PVE – NO PVP – Anti-Grief – Land Claiming –

Server Info:

Name: DavillaMC
Version: 1.16.1

This is a small community server inspired by the Hermitcraft community. It was released 8/1/2020. We plan to have a generally mature, but very friendly and helpful player base and ways to block grief, hacks, and harassment. The whole point of DavillaMC’s creation was to give Minecraft players the chance to survive, grind, and just interact with MANY other players. We hope to see mega projects, users with hundreds of hours into the server.

About our server:

Our server strives to keep the “Vanilla” aspect of the game within boundaries! We offer very few plugins, and Data Packs such as Anti-Enderman/Ghast/Creeper grief, and double shulkers!


Our server does not offer your average economy. We’re going with an item based economy. All of this shall be determined by the players.

Land Protection:

We offer our players the ability to claim their land! The claim tools are a Golden Shovel, and a stick. The golden shovel is used to create a claimed square. Your claim can be as big as you can afford! You may use a stick in order to see if a block, or an area, is claimed! You may view /help claiming in-game for more help!


The staff team of DavillaMC has multiple abilities and options to view logs of players. If you happen to have items stole, or your unclaimed land got griefed, staff can roll the area back and punish the offenders!


Donating is never needed… though DavillaMC is hoping to be community funded with time. Any donation will help towards that. You may view the monthly donation goal over on our store!

We guarantee the following:
+Player security – We, the staff team, the current community, will treat you as you deserve to be treated!
Anyone who is caught not following our rules will be punished!
+Protection from grief – If you claim your land properly, it’s nearly impossible to have your claim griefed. It something slips up, make a support ticket over on our discord!
+Friendly, helpful, and fair staff – The owner of DavillaMC, me, promises to have only the perfect staff for our server. We will choose our staff with precision!
+Absolutely no unfair/balance-breaking – Our staff has 0 commands/abilities that grant them any special game-play. Our donator perks consist of almost all cosmetic features!
+Absolutely no p2w elements – The whole server is run by our good community members. If something seems unfair, talk it over with our staff team over on our discord!

+Fair and thoroughly thought out rules – Our rules are made to make sure everything runs smoothly. We make it quick and easy to read so that you don’t spend time reading examples, but spend time reading what the exact rule is. If you feel a rule should be implemented, changed, or even removed, you may talk it over with our staff team within a ticket over on our discord.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, or even joining to check out our server! I cannot wait to welcome you all to our lovely server. – UwuItsDavid

Best Minecraft Best Minecraft Server Best Minecraft Servers Bored Easy Hole In Minecraft Minecraft Servers Plugins Powerful Sign Structure THC Zen Zenith

Zenith – the time at which something is most powerful or successful.
So we try our best to be most memorable server in Minecraft community. Most plugins are made by us, systems designed to be user-friendly, understandable and easy to use. Everything is simple and yet, filled with a lot of activities, that won’t allow to be bored in the server.
Our community will help everyone in need, systems designed to get help from support as fast as possible, everything has a structure with clear goal – bring the best experience in the whole network.
So don’t wait anymore, join one of the best Minecraft servers.


Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Mansion Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Survival Modifications Need Players No Launcher No Resets Pvp Russian Minecraft Spirit Vanilla Like Wine

Spirit craft Vanilla server .. 700 achievements Minecraft server

Server description VANILLA server is ideal for connoisseurs of classic gameplay, where there is no place for complex modifications. Choose from a variety of stunning biomes for your buildings! Build a huge mansion or build a cozy village. You can realize any of your fantasies, plunge into the special atmosphere of Minecraft. The extraction of resources and the implementation of the most daring construction plans are now closely intertwined with the interaction between players. Trade, exchange, and team up. Gather your comrades and enlist the support of other players. Conquer the vastness together.

1.16 Button Cod Code Com Est Ill Play Qué Quest Rip Survival Multiplayer Ter Vanilla Vote

✅McKinley1.16✅ | VANILLA | SURVIVAL | Minecraft server

Server description For all questions, write here: ->

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Dupes Fly Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Herobrine Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Launcher Pve Pvp Russian Minecraft

Mini-games. Free cases / free Minecraft server

Server Description✤ BedWars
✤ SkyWars
✤ Things of God and Dragon
✤ Clans
✤ Cases
✤ Works
✤ Weddings
✤ Auto-mine
✤ Pets
✤ Effects and gadgets
✤ Motorcycles, cars, tanks, helicopters
✤ Casino
✤ Trampolines
Donate purchase

Auto-mine Balance Balanced Case Developer Developers Development Donation Draw Minecraft Cases Minecraft Kit Start Mini-game Mini-games Minimal Robots

GriefLine server Minecraft

Server description Developers of the “GriefLine” project have made cases on our server,
balanced donation, good anti-cheat.
There will be no READERS on our server! The administration is trying to monitor this.
Server game mode: Grifer!
⎛grif – a unique Minecraft server of the current version of the game,
⎜ in which there are no restrictions.
⎜ The server is positioned as “good optimization, Balanced-minimal donation”
⎜and we are trying to support this slogan.

There are no INadequate players and INappropriate administrators on the server.
The administration tries to hold events, mini-games and donate cases every day. Come and see for yourself!
We hope for a return from you – namely “You”. Do not be lazy and go to the server, because you need to draw conclusions about the server from the real, and not from the description.
If you have read this description of the GriefLine server, please join the server. Good luck with your development!

Armor Beginner BuildCraft Fabric Factory Forestry Gravity HiTech Industrial Craft Minecraft With Mods Modern Newer Nolog RailCraft Techno


Server description Modern Server – Hi-Tech server on a newer version, here are all the most interesting and favorite mods. Craft new nano-armor or build your own fabric factory to collect enough iridium to create – quantum armor or even a gravity breastplate (with which you can fly). This server will be to the liking of beginners in technological builds of minecraft with mods.

1.17 1vs1 1vs1pvp Aesthetic Buycraft Ign Kywars Minapvp Servidor Skyblock Skywar Skywars Survival Tnt Tntrun


Bienvenido a Aesthetic
juntos por una pacion en

un servidor de


1000 лвл Dupes Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Grief Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Launcher Pvp Roleplay

Hades is here. Donate to everyone / FREE Minecraft server

Minecraft Server SuprimeMine
IP: [1.8-1.14]

The server also has:
• Donate without cheating
• Free donation
• Parkour
• Vape
• Alcohol
• Drugs
• Clans
• Marriage
• Nano Armor
• Pets
• Spinners!
• Binary options

VK group:
Donat’s website:

1000 лвл 127 лвл Fly Free Admin Free To Play Minecraft Grief Protected Minecraft Clans Minecraft Donate Minecraft Economy Minecraft Events Minecraft Jail Minecraft Marriages Minecraft Survival No Dupes No Launcher Pvp Russian Minecraft

⭐ FrineMine ⭐ Top Modes [NEW+] Minecraft server

Server description Minecraft 1.8-1.12.2 “IP:
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✪ FRINEMINE ✪ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Manage to buy a donate at a discount in our store
The promotion ends today at 23:59, so be sure to buy it!
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✪ FRINEMINE ✪ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
»Mini-games Spleef, SkyPVP
»King of the Hill
»Lucky Blocks with DONAT [/lucky]
»Cases [/warp case]
»Money for killing mobs / players
»No lags
»Trolling players
»Free donation
»Disguises of privileges
and much more on the server!
▬▬▬▬▬▬ ✪ FRINEMINE ✪ ▬▬▬▬▬▬
Follow the news in the VK group:
Donate to buy on the website

Bans Blast Bone Calm Cheats Free To Play Minecraft Minecraft Anarchy Minecraft Grief Minecraft Survival No Donations No Dupes No Mods No Protection Teleports Vanilla Like

Epic Dreams Minecraft server

Vanilla Minecraft server.
Server address:

– No mods, no privates, no donation.
– No teleports, weddings, minigames, etc. Vanilla.
– No cheats. Kicks for any cheat. There are no bans for cheats.
– The admin doesn’t interfere with the server, doesn’t build anything. Punishes only for destructive anti-cheat bypass.
– Neck. There are no rules. Steal, blast, dig to the bone, build lavacastas, destroy the Edge, whatever. No cheats.

Develop calmly, create clans, trade, griffer, travel, build farms, whatever. The server is free from cheaters.

Our discord channel:
VK group:

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Minecraft Server For Java Edition. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!