Action Actions Active Asia Ass Base Based Class Economy Erver Exp Fac Faction Factions Google Network Pro Pvp Raiding Run Server Survival Time Two Work

Javsrien Network

Javsrien Network is a Factions Server that runs 24/7 and based in Asia. We are constantly trying to improve the server and expand it as time goes by.

Active Ass Class Com Craft Discord Economy Google Join Lin Mcm Mcmmo Mine Miner Mmo Mod Mode Multi Multiversion Official Offline Pve Pvp Raft Roleplay Sit Site Sur Surival Survival Tps Version Website


Multiversion Compatible [1.8-1.15.2]
– Surival

Join our Discord:
Official Website:

Active Class Core Craft Currency Eco Economy End Enjoy Erver Experience Family Features Free Friends Game Good Google Has Inecraft Mcmmo Mean Mine Minecraft Nre Play Player Players Public Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Ring Server Time Vanilla


The Taco Republic is a server that is 100% FREE TO PLAY. We currently offer 15 ranks that are all purchased with in-game currency. Swing by to become part of our server. Bring your family and friends and have a good time on the Taco Republic. Enjoy the free server features and play Minecraft the way it was always meant to be played-free and unrestricted!
If you are not satisfied with your experience, take part in our public surveys! We value our players’ opinions and hand out surveys almost constantly.

Active Ass Class Com Community Craft End Enjoy Erver Exp Experience Friend Friendly Google Ill Inecraft Join Mine Minecraft Mini Minimal Mmu Ommunity Raft Riendly Rvival Server Staff Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Taff Vanilla War


Minecraft-Survival is a Vanilla Minecraft Server. We have minimal plug-ins so you can enjoy the Vanilla Minecraft experience! The staff is very friendly and we look forward to you joining our community!

Active Adventure Ass Blo Block Blocks Build Class Custom Dventure Economy End Erver Factions Fox Friends Game Google Home Interesting Item Items Lucky Lucky Block Lucky Blocks Make Mcmmo Plugin Plugins Pvp Raiding Riends Server Skyblock Ter Venture


Server with loads of plugins, the server is 1.15.2. Build your home, find friends and adventure. Make the game more interesting by trying out our custom items and Lucky blocks.

Active Ass Aus Australia Australian Back Class Cod Com Community Craft Crazy Create Easy Erver Google Inecraft Make Mature Mine Minecraft New Origin Original Pay Plugin Plugins Pro Rvival Server Staff Surviva Survival Traditional Vanilla


New Australian Minecraft server, originally created back in 2010-11 we are back ready to provide the same community focused server as previously.- No pay to win- More Traditional Survival – No crazy plugins that make it too easy- Community focused – Mature staff

Action Active Base Based Best Block Cash Class Competitive Core Creative Custom Event Events Fac Faction Factions Features Google Mechanics Ming Mpet Pay Payout Payouts Pet Play Season Server Servers Sky Skyblock Town Towny Website Weekly


HyGate’s core principal is based off of the word custom, most servers all are similar with similar ideas, similar events and similar mechanics, why play on a server with the best of all types?

– Competitive Skyblock with exclusive features
– Competitive Factions with exclusive features
– Towny coming soon!
– Seasonal and Weekly CASH PAYOUTS


Ass Block Class Com Comunity Creative Ect Erver Features Geo Global Huge Lab Lit Love Mad Meme Memes New One People Political Ring Rvival Server Spicy Staff Survival This Title Towny War World

The Global MC

The first geo-political Survival server to go all out on new features such as 1.15.2. and have a staff attentive to the comunity and its wishes. You wanted war? You got war, now available for everyone in our huge survival world. Come down and see for yourself.

Ps: Bring memes too, we take this seriusly but deep down; we all love some spicy memes

Made by Vieja & Co. to the people

<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

Active Arrow Car Class Com Die Eco Economy Emo Game Games Google Gun Guns Has Hey Ice Ill Item Items Law Mob Need Prison Pvp Rank Red Roleplay Rpg Solo Super Unique Vital War


1.14 – 1.8.
PrisonGames es un prison único en su tipo, tiene un pvp característico, en el cual podras jalar a tus enemigos para que no escapen (CLAWS) podrás ametrallar a tus rivales con una rafaga de flechas (GUNS) y cuando veas que estas en peligro de morir, solo hará falta de tomar una medicina que te revitalice instantaneamente (MEDICINE). ADEMAS cada rango apartir del F existe un mob super fuerte, al que tenemos que derrotar, y seremos recompensados con un alrededor de 50 items rpg o mas!

PrisonGames is a unique prison of its kind, it has a characteristic pvp, in which you can pull your enemies so they do not escape (CLAWS), a weapon game with a burst of arrows (Guns) and when you see that you are in danger of die, just need to take a medicine that revitalizes you instantly (MEDICINE). ALSO every rank from F there is a super strong mob, which we have to defeat, and we will be rewarded with a total of 50 items rpg or more!

Active Ass Base Based Better Class Com Community Craft Eco Ect Exp Experience Google Great Inecraft Job Jobs Lit Mcmmo Mine Minecraft Mmo Play Player Players Playing Pve Quality Survival Ter Town Towns Towny Wns

Othina Towny

Othina is based on having a quality community with a great experience while playing minecraft. We have towns which allows players to connect with other players to become closer together and have a better experience, as well we have jobs and mcmmo.

Action Actions Active Aids Ass Class Com Custom Day Enchant Enchantment Enchantments Fac Faction Factions Google Item Items Join Kit Kitpvp Kits Koth Mega Outpost Outposts Parkour Play Pos Post Pve Pvp Raid Raiding Raids Sts Survival Today Tom


-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- OMEGARAIDS -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
We have:

– Factions –
– Custom Enchantments –
– PVP –
– Custom Kits –
– Custom Items –
– Koth –
– Outposts –


Active Amazing Anything Ask Ass Class Com Community Economy End Erver Friendly Google Help Hey Ill Join Lin Make Mcmmo Nline Online Please Pve Pvp Quest Riendly Rvival Server Staff Surviva Survival Survival Games This Unique Vanilla

Azurite MC

A unique survival server with an active community and friendly staff, This server is online 24/7!

If you have any questions at all please make sure to join the server and ask our amazing staff, they will be willing to help with anything 😀

Active Ass Class Conomy Eco Econ Econom Economy Erver Esp Google Job Jobs Mcm Mcmmo Mine Mmo Owny Port Pure Pve Rad Roleplay Rvival Server Servidor Spanish Support Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Sus Ten Town Towny Traditional


MineClay is a pure and traditional Spanish survival server, with an economy supported by Jobs, mcMMO and Towny.

MineClay es un servidor español de survival puro y tradicional, con una economía sustentada por Jobs, mcMMO y Towny.

Active Advanced Ats Build Chill Class Craft Dimension Economy End Erver Explore Friends Google Hill History Ill Job King Level Long Lore Mcmmo Ming Mmo Money New Play Pve Rvival Server Stand Stats Story Survival Town Towny Welcoming


Play with friends to build a fantastical town, explore new dimensions in advanced gear, level stats with McMMO, earn money by working a job, or just hang around to chill. Hazecraft is a longstanding survival server with a rich history and a focus on being welcoming.

Active Awesome Build Class Community Craft Creative Dedicated Economy End Event Events Friends Great Inecraft Join Lit Lobby Mcmmo Mine Minecraft New Play Player Players Rank Ranks Server Servers Simple Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Vanilla Website Whitelist Who World

A Whole New World

A little about us…

AWNW started off as a simple Survival server, but over the last year we have grown to now support multiple servers all connected via one lobby. Want to just play Minecraft and hang out and meet new friends in a great community? We have SO many great players in our community, and a dedicated staff as well! We love to have mini-events, build contest, and are growing bigger everyday! Whether you like to play Survival, Skyblock, Creative, etc, we offer it all in one big community. So come see why AWNW is the #1 whitelist server and get welcomed into an awesome community of players!

Server Information…

– Server IP: (Read bottom for whitelisting info)
– Website: (Register here to be eligible for higher ranks)

How to join…

– Step 1: Visit and Register on our website
– Step 2: Once you register and login, go to and fill out the whitelist form
– Step 3: Be patient while our staff gets to your application to review and accept it
– Step 4: While waiting to be accepted, post here in this thread saying hi! You’ll get notified when added!

Active Amazing Awesome Block Class Crate Crates Custom Enchant Enchants End Erver Features Fly Free Friends Fun Google Join Make Mcmmo Mmo New Orbs People Pvp Ram Ring Server Sky Skyblock Sorb Spawn Spawner Spawners Welcome

Disorbs Skyblock

Welcome to Disorbs, an awesome Server with amazing people!
Here you can bring your friends or make new ones and begin your new journey or, if
you would rather, by yourself. Come and join the server today to have fun!

1.14+ Skyblock
Free /Fly
Custom Enchants (Engrams)
Server Crates
and More…

Active Ars Ass Buy Buycraft Class Com Craft Creative Discord End Epic Esp Game Gamer Gamers Google Inecraft Kitpvp Mine Minecraft Mod Modalidades Network Port Raft Servidor Skyblock Skywars Survival Survival Games Ter Tienda Tps Twitter Two Work


EPICGAMERS NETWORK – Somos un servidor de minecraft en crecimiento, con modalidades muy bien trabajadas, si quieres jugar modalidades totalmente únicas entonces debes venir y darle una oportunidad a EpicGamers, ¿Que esperas?


Active Ass Back Class Custom Dev Elo Erver Exp Experience Feed Giveaway Google Help Ice Mcmmo Mini Games Owny Plugin Plugins Pve Rad Roleplay Run Rvival Server Spice Sub Sur Surv Surviv Surviva Survival Town Towny Traditional Vanilla Way

Subliminal Survival

$45 Giveaway!

We would like your feedback or even your help to develop the server.

We aim to be a traditional towny experience with custom additions to spice things up. We’re running mostly custom plugins.

200 Active Ass Brasil Brasileiro Class Com Encantamentos Google Magi Magia Mcmmo Paradise Pet Pets Pve Pvp Rad Reviv Rpg Servidor Survival Tame

Eldian Paradise

Servidor brasileiro de sobrevivência, com magia, pets, rpg, mais de 200 encantamentos e muito mais.

Active Amazing Block Boss Bosses Car Class Community Discord Economy End Experience Game Kanto Legendary Pixelmon Play Playtime Rank Ranks Real Realm Region Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Spawn Spawns Staff Survival Tea Team Town Towny Update Updates Wns

Riolu Realms – Pixelmon 7.3.1 – Survival

Welcome to Riolu Realms!
We are a Pixelmon server offering many extras to make your experience amazing! Read below for more information.
What do Riolu Realms offer?
Survival Server/Towny/Skyblock
o Coming soon: Kanto Region gameplay!
 Server with constant updates,
 Shiny Starters
 Legendary and bosses spawns
 Safari
 Playtime Ranks
 And much more including a staff team that really cares about our community.

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Server Survival Java. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!