

QuasarsSMP is a small semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP, with the perfect balance of enhanced gameplay and the timeless Minecraft feel. Forget about seasonal resets; we’re all about lasting builds and forming enduring friendships here. We're aiming for a group of 15-20 active players who value creativity and community. If that sounds like your kind of server, we’d love to see you there. Join our Discord today:


AutoTFCTech + Online

Hi people!

You may remember such a mod as TerraFirmaCraft, it was popular during 1.7.10. So, now it has been ported to new versions, for example to 1.20.1. And I had the idea to add other mods to this mod, for example – Create and Immersive Engineering.

In principle, the main purpose of the assembly is to combine three mods in one assembly. To achieve this, a lot of work has been done to change recipes and add new ones.

You will begin your journey by appearing in the harsh world of TFC, you will have to get a couple of stones and sticks to make your first tool and go on a long journey where you can develop from the most primitive tools to advanced automated mechanisms, the moment when the mechanisms will work for you . Build a railway and trains to reach your friends or use the railway for military purposes by building mobile artillery units.

You can also play multiplayer on the server, which works on this modpack. The modpack download link and detailed information are given below:

If you have any questions about the modpack, please leave them in the modpack discord or here in the comments


The Pole

CRACKEDDDDgood for smp's invite friends. Its a really powerful server with too much hardware support. Can be played from any version of 1.20x version below 1.20 can be possible to join but its not recommended. please do join the discord server as its gives a big support as we have a discordchat-to-minecraftchat plugin which can help u talk cross platform
Server ip


any suggestions would be heard fast af due to lack of players 🙂

Cow Grief Hard Pvp Roleplay Smp Survival Teampvp Vanilla Vanillasurvival

MonkeyCraft 1.20.4 – 1.20.X / Vanilla SMP / HermitCraft-like / Community Run / Active


MonkeyCraft is a 1.20.4 survival SMP server. MonkeyCraft is a community-run Minecraft server where the players get to decide everything. Get Whitelisted today at:

MonkeyCraft is a Vanilla Server

AFK Display
Armour Statues
Coordinates HUD
Double Shulker Shells
Kill Empty Boats
More Mob Heads
Multiplayer Sleep
Track raw Statistics
Unlock All Recipes
Wandering Trades



Janitor’s Closet SMP

Welcome to the Janitor's Closet!

We are a worldbuilding/roleplay based SMP! we want to give players a fun atmosphere where you can make your own culture, nation, story, and impact!

We don't necessarily follow a build theme, places can be of whatever era, genre, or style in their builds! We like it that way to be unique, as well as encouraging all sorts of story-building and roleplay!

While we think it's awesome that people can make their own religions and cultures and stuff, don't forget that there's always someone you can join!

Lastly, we like to hold fun events! These events vary from being lore-related to ingame fun, and you can also host these events once you have an idea and all!

Discord Info:

Joining our Discord is required, everyone who joins does have to fill out a quick app after reading the rules, this is so that we filter out any bad folks and goons.

Joining the discord is also just nice, we have a nice community where people organize their lore and events, and it's where all info and people are located!

Our Plugins!:

  • Dynmap
  • SimpleVC
  • SetHome
  • Deadchest
  • CombatLog
  • Brewery
  • And others!



The Createville Server

Allo! Looking for a friendly server to play with others? Well you have come to the right post, the Createville server is a safe and friendly community of players who come together and play in a central city and adjacent towns. They work together to build trains, sell items, chat, collaborate on projects and so much more, if all this sounds interesting to you join us!

Here's a short bullet point list to tell you things you can expect:

  • Shops and custom currency
  • Trains, Cars, Airplanes
  • Create and a few of it's addons
  • Organised community area
  • A little sprinkle of magic
  • Ingame voice chat

You'll need to install the modpack and get whitelisted to play:



Gapple Ultra-Hardcore

One life to live your best life. DoN'T DiE!

Ultra-Hardcore mining for 248 weeks in a row. Yippee Ki Yay, Miner Crafters.

If you die… you can earn a revive back to the Overworld by beating the weekly Sunday competition.

Sundays at 12CT there is also a special Team Competition, going now for 216 weeks now.

Current prize selections could include a revive on the persistent ultra-hardcore world, or an in-game advancement shout-out. Details in the discord channel.

Minecraft multi-player server:

Direct IP if you prefer

Goal: Stay alive and earn the most points doing it.

Score: +1 per minute you stay alive, +1 per experience point you earn.

Examples: killing a skeleton earns 3 points, and killing the dragon earns 12,000 points.

You will start in the Spawn Ship until you are ready to enter the world.

Hold a bone block to see the server's current top scoring players.

Server Rules:

Do we even need to mention play fair and friendly? That should be a given on every server.

Do not use client-side mods that give unfair advantages.

No hacking, xray resource packs, or hacked clients on our servers.

Apocalypse DataPack:

Players killed by a zombie will become a zombie.

10% of skeletons get an enhancement.

Bats bite, and can morph into an illusionist.

Spiders can spin webs.

Ox-Heads defend the pastures.

The Litch kills everything he touches, so repel him and stay away.

Herobrine is a veteran miner, and not to be trifled with.

Medusa guards the Nether. One look at her and you turn to stone.

Your Discord Invite:

A great summary typed up by Tfin:

This is UHC, but not the UHC you know! Read on to find out what's up here! I'll start with quotes from the MineCraft Wiki: Ultra Hardcore… the main difference being players cannot naturally regenerate health. Like regular Hardcore, players cannot respawn if they die. These are the important points. This is where we're coming from. This isn't one of those 30 minute speed UHCs, or even the collapsing border UHCs of later versions. GatKong created this MineCraft datapack in the spirit of that original UHC season, but made it more difficult with a few additions. On this server, this is how you'll be playing: There are no teams. Free-For-All is the order of business here. PvP is enabled, but you'll need to find other players if that's how you want to win. There's a whole world out there. No borders, shrinking or otherwise. Go see it! … There are a lot of customizations, So check out the tips and rules. Oh, and have fun!

Cross-Play Pvp Skyblock

NovaNexus Skyblock

Welcome to NovaNexus Skyblock!

NovaNexus Skyblock offers a thrilling twist on the classic Skyblock experience. Stranded on a small island suspended in the clouds, you’ll embark on your own written journey of creativity and survival. Choose from custom easy, normal, or hard islands to match your skill level and preferences.


[b]Island Customization:[/b] Build and shape your island into a masterpiece. From humble beginnings to towering citadels, the only limit is your imagination.

Resource Management: Gather resources from your island and beyond to thrive. Mine, farm, and trade to expand your island and unlock new possibilities.

Economy and Trading: Economy with a free ranking system. Climb the ranks or unlock exclusive perks with donor ranks by Donating to our server.

Jobs and Island Missions: Embark on Jobs and quests to earn rewards and money test your skills.

Community Interaction: Join forces with other players, compete in events, and conquer challenges together. Forge friendships and collaborate to reach new heights.

Anarchy Pvp Survival Vanilla

Anarchy PVP True Survival

Hello and Welcome to True Survival.

A Vanilla Java server that is dedicated to run forever.

Feel the freedom on this small Anarchy server with no rules, PVP and no Plugins.
The server is very new with only a couple of people having joined already. There isn’t much to say other than join in and check it out!

– The difficulty is set to Normal with Monsters turned on.
– We don’t make any Map resets and you can request the world data at any time!
– The server is open 24/7 and has 8 slots at the moment. Of course we plan on upgrading the server if the opportunity arises.
– The server is automatically updated to the newest version.
– We also have a Discord Server you may join if you want to.

Hope to see you guys in game!


The Barnyard!

🐷Welcome to the Barnyard! 🐷A cute, cozy farming SMP with genetic animals and bi-weekly auctions! The main mods we feature in our SMP is

  • Genetic Animals
  • -Realistic Horse Genetics
  • -Alex's Mobs,
  • -Get in the Bucket
  • -Farmer's Delight
  • -Tinker's Construct
  • And many more!! 🐎

  • We are a {Whitelist} server! Once you join our discord, you can fill out a whitelisting form to be allowed on the server! Please make sure to read our rules before you join, and we hope you enjoy the cozy gameplay! 🙂

Earth Economy Pvp

Soul Blade

Soul blade smp op rewards anf prices for event and many more things. Come join in server for fun and enjoy with us.



this is my survival life steal smp only for 999 players please join iam alone no one plays wih me please i am alone with no friends and this web site helps me to get new members in my server thanks. fROM:hDgAMEwARRIOR


Charged Creeper

Welcome to the Charged Creeper SMPCharged Creeper have to offer you; log in at any time, any place from any platform and see for yourself! Here are a few things we offer the community:

💎 QoL: Such as Public Warps, Personal Homes, Teleporting to Friends, etc.

💎 Lite RPG:

💎 Non-P2W store: Complete chat customization, portable music boxes, Join/Leave announcements, etc. NO gear is sold, nor is any playable content locked behind a paywall.

💎 Voting Perks: Gain random rewards each day for supporting our server through the /vote command.

💎 Economy: Completely player-owned and operated. Choose how you want to be paid / what to sell.

💎 Cross-play: Play with your friends on any platform!

💎 Professionalism: A staff that knows the game and can rapidly identify problems to prevent server lag, bug exploits & quickly engage hotfixes to minimalize downtime.

💎 No Whitelisting: That's right, come play any time restriction-free!

💎 Safety: Land claiming keeps your builds safe. We have the ability to restore corrupted inventories, rollback damage, keep daily backups and much more!

💎 Discord: A channel with tons of extra information for the community with regular updates!

Discord Channel

Java IP:

Bedrock Port: 25566


Pureland SMP

Welcome to Pureland SMP, where simplicity meets exploration in our brand new semi-vanilla survival server. Pureland is designed for players who appreciate minimal plugins and a close-knit community atmosphere. Discover the joy of a growing economy, user-friendly commands, and an interactive spawn town with rental plots.


Key Features:

  • Semi-Vanilla Survival: Enjoy Minecraft the way it's meant to be played—enhanced with just enough plugins to keep things interesting without overwhelming the core game.
  • Community-Centric: Claim your plot at spawn or venture out into the wild. Build alone or together in a friendly and respectful environment.
  • Economic System: Engage with our simple yet immersive economy. Use commands like /bal/baltop to track your financial progress. Exciting player shops coming soon!
  • Essential Commands: Ease your gameplay with commands like /spawn/sethome/home/playtime.
  • Active Discord Community: Join our Discord to connect with other players, get server updates, and participate in community events.

Whether you’re looking to master the economy, explore vast new landscapes, or simply enjoy a peaceful place to craft and build, Pureland SMP offers a welcoming space for all adventurers.

Join us today and create your own story in Pureland SMP, where every player matters and every moment is an opportunity for fun and adventure.


Discord: Use /discord in-game for an invite! OR here is the link ->

Citys Friendly Nocheat Nocheating Nogrief Nogriefing Seasons Smallserver Smallsurvivalserver Smp Smpsurvivalserver Spaceship Spaceships Survival Towns Tweaks Vanilla Vanillasmp Vanillasurivival

ForestCraft SMP 1.20.4

1.20.4 Vanilla with Expansion Datapack, Seasons and ToolTrims

There are a bunch of tweaks but u dont have to install anything. ElytraXArmour client side mod is recommended.


Server IP:


There are many QoL tweaks like VeinMine, Elytra+Armour & Mending+Infinity

No stealing and No explosions allowed unless it’s your own land 🙂 No PvP unless consensual

Plugins of note: all of the EssentialsX ones, Floodgate, Anti-Grief, Inventory Rollback, Anti-Hack, Anti-Xray

There are 3 Towns atm Floria, ICP, and Cerasia.

Controlled Wars *can* be waged between Towns.

Start your own town or join one!

Hosted on Java with Bedrock Support

Discord Integration


Harmony Reloaded

Server ad


Are you tired of joining server after server of “vanilla” servers, only to discover they aren’t vanilla at all and have land claim, economy, teleport, and more? Are you sick of joining anarchy servers to discover a spawn that’s impossible to escape and a chat full of slurs and toxicity? Have you ever wanted a server that got back to the basics and simpleness of real vanilla gameplay without being filled with hackers and cheaters? Well, look no further because this is the server for you.

Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. However after several successful years of running it had to be shut down due to the limitations of server hosting software at the time. True to the original vision of the first server, Harmony Reloaded hopes to capture the same magic you felt when you opened Minecraft for the first time. Before servers became polluted with plugins, flashy ranks, and pay to win mechanics. A time when the game was about exploration, creativity, and friendship.

This is what we have to offer. A blank slate for you and your friends to write your own adventures. Will you be a lone wolf who lives off the land in a hidden bunker? Will you join a larger community and help create a massive fortress? The choice is yours on Harmony Reloaded.


⁃ True vanilla gameplay
⁃ Active and growing community
⁃ Clean easily readable chat
⁃ Active moderation to prevent toxicity
⁃ No pay to win mechanics
⁃ Crossplay on all platforms
⁃ Difficulty: Hard
⁃ Hosting: US West
⁃ World Border: +/- 40,000 to encourage player interaction


Economy Fun Moddedserver Survival


Welcome to Ultrvival! The Ultra Survival server! This is a modded survival server with an economy, claiming, skills and much more!

(Note: Due to the server being Aternos it may be offline or lagging a bit!)




HexArchon is a Custom MMO-Inspired SMP with several gameplay features such as unique Custom Mobs, Items, Enchants, Boss Fights, Abilities, Quests, Worlds, and other areas to explore such as the Skylands and Dungeons.




📖Our Values

We are a group of people with the ambition of creating something new and unique. We are always committed to putting quality work into gameplay. We love listening to community feedback and creating something that people enjoy.

Here are some of the values that we have pledged to:

  • Community voice & transparency
    • We are fully committed to creating an environment where the community is heard. Anyone is welcome to provide suggestions, discuss them, and vote on them. We give updates to pending suggestions and are fully transparent about decisions made on the development of the server, as well as the reasonings. If there are any major changes up for debate, they will be voted on by the whole community.
  • Huge range of free-to-choose playstyles
    • There are so many different ways to play and progress on the server, thanks to the wide range and combinations of abilities, stats, and custom items. For instance, you are up to what path they take on abilities. They can focus on ranged abilities for the perfect mage build, abilities that empower melee attacks for the maximum melee damage output, healing and damage resistance for support potential, and so much more! There are also 7 different stats you can level up to help them progress on the server, including strength, dexterity, intelligence, health, stamina, resistance, and criticals. HexArchon also provides a massive catalog of custom items each with unique skills to choose from many different play styles and builds. There are different weapon types such as long swords and greatswords that provide slow but heavy hits, daggers for fast and high DPS, staffs and other magic items for mage capabilities, and many different bows for ranged play styles.
    • Does all of this seem too complicated? No problem! You are free to play casual survival, even with cosmetics such as custom-modeled furniture, pets, decorative heads, and a shop containing a huge category of building blocks and items to enhance your builds. What’s great is that these are all optional additions – there is nothing preventing you from enjoying Vanilla Minecraft.
  • Trust & respect
    • We are committed to being transparent, honest, and a group that you can personally trust. We will help players out, enforce rules if needed, and even have casual discussions.
  • Dedicated updates
    • We are always looking forward to adding new and fresh content to the server for an always-improving experience on HexArchon. This ranges from anything such as new items, mobs, boss fights, dungeons, and frequently, ideas from the community.


🎮Gameplay Mechanics

  • Custom Mobs – We take pride in the distinctive traits of each mob. Each of our custom mobs are drafted and developed from scratch, featuring their own unique skills and behaviors. There are over 200 different custom mobs in total.
    • Regular Mobs
    • There are plenty of custom mobs that spawn across the Overworld, Nether, and End, with unique traits including attacks and skills. Custom mobs can drop money, exp, ability points, and custom materials for crafting custom items!
    • World Bosses
    • You may also encounter mini-bosses when exploring. Mini bosses have a lot more health than regular mobs and have more challenging attacks than normal custom mobs. They also drop larger amounts of money, exp, ability points, and can drop custom materials and even exclusive items!
    • Mini Bosses
    • World bosses are bosses that can be summoned in the Overworld, Nether, and End. They may require teamwork to defeat as they have a lot of health and are more difficult than other bosses. World Bosses can drop custom materials used to craft exclusive, high-tier items.
    • Arena Bosses
    • Arena bosses can be challenged solo or with up to 4 players. You will encounter bosses of varying difficulties as you progress, so watch out! Defeat the arena bosses to unlock new regions to explore.
  • Custom Items – There are many different types of custom items you can obtain. There are different weapon types for each category of weapons. Melee weapons include swords, katanas, daggers, long swords, greatswords, thrusting swords, spears, greatstaffs, hammers, and axes. All item types have varying attributes; for instance, daggers can sustain high DPS due to their fast attack speed, and greatswords have slow attack speeds but high damage per-hit. Magic weapons include staffs, catalysts, wands, and consumables. All custom items have unique abilities that you can use and even combo with other abilities. Custom items can also be upgraded and have runes applied to them to enhance them even further.
  • Custom Enchants – There are more than 240 custom enchantments all geared toward unique builds and uses. There are a huge variety of ways to obtain custom enchantments. They can be obtained from the shop with in-game money, enchanting tables, villager trades, dungeon loot chests and completion rewards, crates, fishing, supply drops, daily rewards, and server events. Enchantments can be upgraded and stacked onto multiple armor pieces to grant even more power.
  • Dungeons – Unlock and explore dungeons to discover ruins and obtain various exclusive loot! Complete various objectives and battle with gatekeepers, mini-bosses, and defeat the final boss to complete the dungeon! There are many hidden side objectives as well, so keep your eyes out!
  • Quests – There are more than 180 quests of varying types and difficulties. There are three varying difficulty levels of daily quests that each include a full-completion bonus. There are repeatable quests that you can start and finish at any time. There are also hardcore quests that may take a lot of effort to accomplish, but pay out the most. Each quest may ask you to locate and slay certain mobs, mine ores, interact with mobs, defeat varying levels of bosses, and much more.
  • Abilities – Obtain points from slaying custom mobs and bosses, and use them to unlock and upgrade abilities! Some abilities may contribute to a ranged mage build, a close-range melee build, or any build that you want!
  • Stats – Use XP to upgrade 7 different stats of your character! Stats can grant boosters to your abilities and custom items, such as attack damage, cooldown reduction, health/mana regeneration, attack speed, and much more.
  • Auto Farms – Auto farms can be bought and utilized to ease the management of your farms. They feature upgrades such as crop growth speed, radius, and collection bin size. Make sure to keep them fueled!
  • Furnaces – Furnaces can be enchanted to grant them special attributes. This includes increased smelting speeds, smelting multipliers, fuel duration, and fuel conservation.
  • Furniture – You can purchase many different furniture models to further decorate your builds! Some furniture can also be interacted with.
  • Player Shops – Build and run your own shop to sell items to other players!
  • Pets – You can purchase a variety of modeled pets to follow you around! You can also rename them, ride them, and showcase them around.
  • Fishing – Fishing can be quite extraordinary on HexArchon! Try it and see… 🙂 May involve some creatures and deaths.
  • Quality-of-life Improvements –
    • Discord Link: Talk with in-game players from Discord!
    • Keep Inventory: Never lose your items. You will still lose a partial amount of money though, so watch out!
    • Rollbacks: Ability to track and roll back any griefs – just open a ticket!
    • Invisible Item Frames: Label your chests with invisible item frames that you can click through.
    • Custom Armor Stands: Tweak your armor stands to the perfect postures you want.
    • Ride Phantoms: You can ride phantoms and fly!



We strongly prioritize server performance and responsiveness. Not only do we put focus on resource utilization during development, but we also have powerful top-of-the-line hardware that the server runs on.

The server is run on dedicated hardware with the following specifications:
* CPU: AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
* RAM: 3200MHz 16GB
* Storage: 400GB NVME SSD
* Hosted on the US East Coast.

We guarantee strict, zero-lag gameplay. If you are having any issues with lag, open a ticket and we will gladly help you out – even if it’s not the server’s fault.



  • Server IP:
  • Supports Bedrock (Port 19132). This is experimental with many technical limitations.

Thanks for reading! We hope to see you on 🙂



It is a server, as the name says, it is a literal truth and it does not have protection yet when I published this but later if you take advantage of that
Only the admin can have op which would be me ibhar but also something else my server is 24/7 but sometimes I will turn off for some things that are me good
that was all

enjoy playing on the server :3



Welcome to Labcraft! We are a US based server offering a tight knit community driven survival experience complete with mods and datapacks to make your stay more enjoyable! But don't worry about the mods, you will always be able to join with a vanilla client.

Currently planned to continue our, still young, season 3 of Labcraft for the foreseeable future, you'll be sure to have time to get caught up and have tons of fun!

Find a few of our favorite pictures from our previous server here –

The Labcraft server features:

* Great community with top-notch builders

* Player driven shopping district

* Movable Tile Entities

* Cosmetic mods (Armor Stand Editor, Colored text, etc.)

* Player Heads

* Bluemap (3D map you can view on the web!)

* Discord / Minecraft chat bridge

* Creative Server with world edit

Quality Ensured

* 20 TPS average

* Active Development

* Helpful staff always working to improve the server

* Accepting to all types of players

* No redstone restrictions

Laid-back rules- just be mature and use common sense.

If you're looking to be part of something like this, please consider applying on our Discord!

Minecraft Servers to Join

The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

Minecraft Servers List

A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and new Minecraft servers. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

Minecraft Servers Survival

Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!