My journey begin within January of 2020. I was seeking a server similar to Hermitcraft, in which I discovered a gem upon Planet
Minecraft. I applied and was given a position within the community. It was quite amazing. However, overtime, members continued to join, and within a short period of time, 300 members were within the Discord server, 200 of which were whitelisted though inactive. The staff became corrupt, banning people consistently. I got into a conflict with a staff member before being accused wrongly of X-Ray.
I’m sure you’re aware as to where this story went. However, instead of being upset, it made me realize what was wrong with these types of ‘Hermitcraft-Like’ servers. They were TOO big and toxic. So, I eliminated any boredom I possessed through forming a small SMP server that was officially established as of yesterday. It is simple, possessing three main ranks: Owner, Moderator, and Member. It will have a small member count, and skilled builders, alongside positivity, which is what I strive for. In addition, it is tweaked slightly and possesses light plugins such as CoreProtect and Essentials.
• Skilled Craftsmanship [When applying, it is required that you submit photos of your past builds. This is the determining factor]
♢ Maturity [One must be respectful towards others and be capable of following the rules provided, and there aren’t many. While you can meme around, conflict may ensue depending on certain statements, which is why maturity is also required]
• A kind demeanor [The final ‘requirement’, I wish for one to act kind towards others and be positive and enthusiastic when it comes to builds. Don’t discriminate nor anything similar!]
Links: Discord
One will spawn in a village that is created and published by fWhip for download. I am not taking credit for it. The purpose of it being there is to prove the community a template to expand overtime.