We have a
Minecraft server!
Keep in mind the server reboots at midnight!
Our Minecraft server is a Forge 1.12.2 server running a couple of mods.
There are currently no moderators other than myself on the server and rules are
relaxed as this is intended to be somewhat of an anarchy server with a mod twist.
Intentionally crashing or lagging the server will earn you a ban however.
The intended theme of the server is building with some elements of war, hence the building mods
and weapons mods. However you may play any way you like.
How do i join?
Simply copy the website domain “wisheon.ix.tc” and paste it into the server section in multiplayer.
The mods for the server may be downloaded below. You will need to extract the .zip into the mods folder
in your “.minecraft” directory. If you have never modded minecraft before scroll to the bottom of the page
for a simple tutorial.
Download Mods.zip
If you are experiencing any issues with the server please dont hesistate to ask for help on our discord server!
Installed Mods:
Adds programmable computers and robots which are all upgradeable as well as many other gadgets!
Build Craft
Adds pipes, machines and new ores!
Industrial Craft 2
Adds wires, machines, tools and new ores and energy!
ICBM classic
Allows you to blow up other players with large missiles of times ranging from nuclear to antimatter!
Lost Cities
Adds abandoned buildings and cities which make the world a bit more interesting. some have loot!
MrCrayfish’s Guns
Adds modular guns to the game!
Modding your minecraft
Here is an easy to follow tutorial to help you get started
Modding Tutorial
<input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="wisheon.ix.tc" name="server" title="wisheon.ix.tc:25565″>