Antigrief Boss Claim Claims Clan Color Custom Dimension Eco Economy End Fun Grief Head Heads Hermitcraft Home Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod Mods Multiplayer Open Play Player Plugin Plugins Pvp Quest Rewards Rol Server Survival Title Town Towny Vanilla Vanillasurvival War

Blood Italian – An Italian Minecraft Vanilla Server

BloodItalian è un server vanilla nato nel lontano 2011. Veniva hostato inizialmente tramite hamachi e solo fra amici, una piccola cerchia di giocatori che poi si è unita in un clan, BloodItalian per l’appunto. Dopo poco il server fu chiuso, per poi essere riaperto tramite server dedicato alla fine del 2019. È un server vanilla, e per questo non usa mod o plugin di sorta, ma non per questo si vieta nel proporre dungeon custom o pvp arene!

Come si gioca nel server

Ricapitolando, si può giocare nelle seguenti maniere dentro il server:
1. Survival Vanilla – Nulla di diverso dal solito noto.
2. Fazioni – Impossessati di un terreno e fallo tuo, crea il tuo castello e sfida le altre fazioni affinché solo la migliore abbia la meglio sulle altre!
3. Towny – Crea la tua città e diventane il sindaco, o unisciti alla città di qualche altro giocatore per avere il tuo appezzamento al sicuro.
4. PvP Arene – Gettati direttamente nelle arene e sfida gli altri giocatori, ottieni il miglior punteggio e fai prevalere la tua forza sugli altri!
5. Quest – Esplora il mondo di gioco armato come si deve e preparati a fronteggiare pericolosi nemici e boss ordinariamente sconosciuti.


Come già detto, questo è un server Vanilla, ovvero:
Un server si può reputare Vanilla se non utilizza alcun programma di terze parti che alterino la versione originale del gioco, quali plugins e/o mods.
Sono permessi ai fini di rimanere nella categoria Vanilla datapacks & command blocks, in quanto utensili interni al gioco.

Nel rispetto di ciò, il server utilizza le seguenti datapacks:

• Economy BloodItalian – Datapack che gestisce l’economia del server. Questo integra le due valute del game, ovvero i PR ed i $. I primi sono ottenibili uccidendo mobs&players, vincendo alle arene pvp, tramite il daily rewards oppure donando al server. I secondi sono ottenibili scambiando minerali in $, tramite il daily rewards oppure tramite il negozio Punti Rewards.
• Stake a Claim – Chunk [​BloodItalian Edition] – Datapack ideato da ZyRail e modificato affinché sia sufficiente per soddisfare i bisogni del server. Gestisce la possibilità dei giocatori di creare dei claims ed aquistare i plot, proteggendo tali aree in base agli id generati dai giocatori usando l’apposito libro. È connesso al datapack Economy in quanto usa i $.
• Home Lite [​BloodItalian Edition] – Datapack leggero che permette di creare un waypoint in qualsiasi dimensione, teletrasportarcisi ed in caso teletrasportarsi alo World Spawn. È connesso al datapak Economy in quanto usa i $.
• More Mob Heads – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7, aggiunge le teste di tutti i mob al gioco.
• Wandering Trades [​No Hermit Head] – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7, reworka i Wandering Trader o Mercanti Ambulanti affinché abbiano dei trade custom, i quali permettono di acquistare le versione teste di blocchi specifici.
• AntiGrief – Datapack che previene ai creepers, wither e ravangers la possibilità di distruggere le zone vicino ai claims. Inoltre disattiva la tnt, tnt dentro i minecart e gli end crystall vicino ai claims
• Multiplayer Sleep – Datapack provieniente direttamente dal Hermitcraft Season 7,
• Login BloodItalian – Datapack nativo del server. In quanto il server è aperto pure ai giocatori sp, ovvero coloro che hanno la versione crackata di minecraft, permette di controllare gli account in maniera tale che solo chi conosce la password di un account può giocare con esso. Funziona come Auth Me

In conclusione
Ora tocca a te!
Speriamo di vederti fra i nostri e giocare insieme

Apply Ark Block Build Builder Class Craft Discord Drop Dropper Erver Great Help Ill Kit Kitpvp Ming Mob Need Non Noop Open Park Parkour Plugin Pvp Rvival Server Shop Staff Survival Title Vanilla Youtube Youtuber

gumblecraft needs a dev



-Vanilla Survival



-Great Staff

-We’re applying for builder and helper

Coming Soon

-Mob Run

-Hopefully you 🙂


WE NEED YOU! none of thestaff are eccellent with plugin stuf so we need a dev.

we also have a youtuber so go check them out

Amazing Anti Anticheat Bedwars Block Bungeecord Class Community Craft Custom Discord Emo End Fac Faction Faction Pvp Factions Friendly Game Great Inecraft Mine Minecraft Mod Network Networkserver Noop Open Pvp Server Sky Skyblock Staff Store Title Uptime War Wars


Hello and welcome to the 101network!
We are a 1.8 minecraft server with great gamemodes like:
  • Factions
  • BedWars
  • SkyBlock
  • We also have:

  • A Discord server
  • An amazing, unbypassable custom anticheat ‘101AntiCheat’
  • 99.99% uptime
  • Friendly staff
  • A great community
  • Here is some information:

  • Our discord:
  • Our ip is
  • Our store is

  • Categories
    Ark Ass Auto Blo Block Challenge Challenges Chill Class Craft Dark Ect Eng Erver Hill Ill Iron Item Items Kill Light One Owner Pro Ran Rank Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival This Title Zombie Zombies


    This server, right now, is just a chill survival with some challenges to get you items (For example Kill 10 zombies get one iron ingot).

    The owner of this server is DarkLight303


    Apocalypse Ass Block Challenge Class Com Craft Ect Enjoy Erver Exp Experience Ill Inecraft Mine Minecraft Noop Open Plane Planet Planetminecraft Pro Project Pve Rvival Server Surviv Surviva Survival This Title World Zombie Zombie Apocalypse

    AndroMC ZombieCraft

    This server uses the open world zombie apocalypse to provide a PvE experience you will enjoy.

    Big Block Call Class Community Cube Custom Duty Eco Erver Experience Fun Game Games Gun Guns Help Join Mall Mini Minigame Minigames Network Play Premium Pro Pvp Server Shooter Small Style Texture Title Who Zombie Zombies

    Gun Cube (1.8- 1.15.2)

    A Minigame Network

    Zombies (Like Call of Duty, custom textures, fully automatic!)

    More to come VERY soon!

    Who Are We?
    Gun Cube is a small community network founded in late 2018. Our main goal is to
    provide fun, functional, custom minigames with a PREMIUM experience. We hope that
    you can join use and help to expand our community to become something bigger!

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Anti Anticheat Awesome Best Cheat Class Clearlag Craft Eco Essentials Essentialsx Fac Faction Factions Great Grief Griefing Ill Join Kill Lag Mod Mod: Spigot Offline Old Plugin Plugins Pvp Raid School Server Shop Shops Staff Survival Top Who

    ValCraft – Factions Raid!

    Server IP –

    ValCraft , JOIN NOW!


    This is an offline-mode, old school Factions, PvP and Griefing Server! Come join us and check it out yourself! You never know, you may like it! Lets see who the best faction is.

    Plugins installed on server: EssentialsX, Factions, AntiCheat, Authme, ClearLag, MassiveCore, PvPManager, Shops

    Ass Class Com Comunidad Content Craft Custom Economy End Ender Erver Exp Gun Hack Ill Inecraft Mascotas Mine Minecraft Mob Mobs Mod: Bukkit Nen Pay Persona Personal Pro Pve Pvp Roleplay Rvival Secure Server Servidor Stable Star Sub Survival Vanilla

    Secure Heaven

    Server IP –


    Secure Heaven es un servidor Survival de Minecraft 1.15.2 que tiene como objetivo crear una comunidad estable sin Pay2Win ni Hackers para pasar el rato jugando a Minecraft.
    Intentamos ofrecer una experiencia lo mas Vanilla posible, pero con la posibilidad de proteger tus pertenencias, subastar objetos, mobs custom, PvP y PvE mejorados. Todo esto sin la necesidad de aprenderse ningun comando complejo para mejorar la experiencia del usuario.

    Pasate por el servidor y dejanos tu opinion!

    Antigrief Ban Build Claim Community Creative Discord End Event Events Fun Grief Griefprevention Hack Landclaim Lgbt Lgbtq Mature Minecraft Mmo New Online Open Permanent Play Plugin Plugins Prevention Pve Pvp Raiding Ranks Semivanilla Server Servers Staff Survival Unique Vanilla



    AlteraCraft is a laidback, new semi-vanilla survival server run by college-aged kids. The AlteraCraft community is one of an enriching nature and provides steady streams of inspiration. You can team up with fellow players, or go solo; The choice is yours!

    Join our Discord!: [url=”“][/url]

    ~Things to know about AlteraCraft~

  • We have a very simple ranking system that functions based on time spent playing on the server (does not count AFK time). Start as a Cottager and work your way up the ranks to Royal!
  • We offer GriefPrevention to protect your treasured builds. Just do /Kit Tools and use that golden shovel to protect what is rightfully yours (ability to claim is granted after 15 minutes online).
  • With AlteraCraft’s staff being college-aged, the community is somewhat mature. Do not be surprised if you witness profanity.
  • ~AlteraCraft Rules~

  • No Griefing and No Raiding. We have anti-grief plugins set in place to prevent these events from taking place, but they still tend to happen. Any cases of grief or stealing will be met with a Ban
  • Be ethical and use common sense.
  • Swearing is permitted BUT, absolutely NO hate speech or harassment will be tolerated. AlteraCraft is accepting of all people and will not tolerate any hate speech, racial slurs, harmful slurs aimed towards the LGBTQ+ Community, hate speech towards any religion, etc. We believe in spreading love and positivity. Violating this rule will result in a permanent mute or ban.
  • Do not advertise other servers, despite their genre (just because we are survival does not mean you can promote a creative server). Violating this rule will result in a mute.
  • Do not exploit glitches or use hacked clients. Violating this rule will be met with jail time or ban.
  • Every disciplinary circumstance will be unique and consequences may vary. Regardless, staff has the final judgment.
  • <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Active Best Build Building Claim Community Craft Custom Discord Eco Econ Economy End Fly Forge Free Friendly Magic Minecraft Mod Mods Network Play Player Quest Quests Rank Ranks Server Servers Shop Shops Survival Tech Technic Unique Website World

    Kinetic Network

    Server IP –


    The Kinetic Network has been around for over two years now offering our own unique and custom modpacks and servers. All our modpacks come with edits and a host of our own custom mods you wont find in any other pack. Our community is active and friendly and you can get 24/7 support on our forms or Discord server.

    Our serves are build by mod makers and experienced backend developers. When building packs, we dont just put loads of mods into a folder and called it a day. We have added custom fixes and edits to make sure all the mods work seamlessly together.


    We currently have 4 modpacks.
    Mythic: Novus – Magic 1.12.2 modpack
    Mythic – Magic 1.7.10 modpack
    Colony – Space and Tech modpack
    Infinity – Space, tech and magic

    All our servers have advanced and customisable claim systems and have player shops, global trade economy, quests, friendship/group system, free ranks and more,

    You can find out more about our packs here:

    Mythic: Novus
    Mythic: Novus is a magic modpack crammed full of the best magic mods for 1.12.2. It also comes with custom mods, edits, quests for you check out and even custom music.


    Colony comes packed with all the best tech and space mods for Minecraft. Check out over 80 unique planets and build the factory of your dreams with the over 50 tech mods in the pack. The pack also comes with OTG and Biome Bundle so its worlds look beautiful and expansive.


    Infinity has a mix of magic, tech and space mods. Fly off to a distant moon, learn the art of thaumaturgy or build a huge factory… Its up to you.


    Mythic is a magic modpack for 1.7.10. It comes packed with Thaumcraft addons and all the best magic mods for 1.7.10.


    Thanks for reading! We hope to see you on the servers soon.

    Auction Community Crates Custom Discord Economy Enchantments Environment Envoys Faction Factions Fantasy Games Koth Mcmmo Minigame Minigames Mob Mobs Mod: Spigot Nether Network Perks Pvp Rank Rewards Roleplay Server Servers Store Survival Survival Games Trading Unique Vote Voteparty War World

    MactanPH Network

    Server IP –

    MactanPH Network

    We are a community providing balanced and unique
    environment for people to enjoy around the world.

    Offering high-quality overworld nether with gorgeous
    looking terrains that makes you want to walk around the world
    optimized mobs item stacking, 190 Custom Enchantments!
    Insane efficiency on cannoning no TPS Drop! KoTH and Envoys,
    Voteparty with Crates, Auction House and a Trading System,
    Daily rewards and Rank Perks and much more!

    Currently available servers:

    – Inferno Realm Faction 80 FTOP
    – Fantasy Realm Survival 30 STOP
    – Ethereal Realm Minigames coming soon!

    Forum: Https://
    Discord: Https://
    Facebook: Https://
    Store: Https://

    Auction Auctions Ban Claim Clan Clans Class Craft Dedicated Eco Econ Economy Event FTB Grief Item Items Land Land Claim Lucky Block Map Market Mod Mod: Spigot Online Prevention Pvp Rewards Server Servers Shop Shops Spawn Survival Top Vote War Website

    ProjectOzone3 – Kappa Mode by CraftersLand

    Server IP –

    Website: | Forum:

    Server address:

    Server Info:
    Grief Prevention island claim system.
    Economy – Server Shops, Market and Auctions.
    Maps on RAM drive for faster chunk load.
    Daily Backups.
    Random Spawn.
    Daily and Vote Rewards.
    Clans and PvP.
    Server Live map. Link on the server
    Few items banned. Link on the server
    Hosted in Data Center in Germany.
    Dedicated Server Online 24/7.

    Restricted items list:

    We run multiple servers, for details visit our website. All our servers are hosted on dedicated servers in data centers and they are online 24/7.

    Action Block Class Content Discord Economy Erver Fac Faction Factions Features Hub King Mcmmo Mod: Bukkit Network Networks New Opfactions Oppriso Opprison Play Player Players Prison Pve Pvp Rvival Server Sign Sky Skyblock Support Survival Trans Two Website


    Server IP –

    BreakingMC is part of the next generation of networks. Designed to be for the players. Always constantly adding new ideas. Designed to be transparent. Designed for all.
    We support 1.8 – 1.15.2

    – OPPrison
    – OPFactions
    – Skyblock


    Areashop Bedrock Beta Build Building Bukkit Chestshop Coreprotect Craft Elevators End Event Games Grief Griefprevention Java Mine Minecraft Need New Nogriefing Paper Play Player Plots Plugin Prevention Pvp Resources Server Shop Smp Spawn Spigot Survival Title Town War World

    Murica Gaming Java + Bedrock PUBLIC BETA

    We’re back, but in a wilder way! Join us via either edition of Minecraft, and enjoy sweet classic SMP gaming with your friends! If you’re on Bedrock, you will still need a paid Java account, but with that you can even connect and play using your phone!

    We’re now moving forward with a public beta, to help iron out all the kinks in the formula. As of the beta launch, we feature:

  • Personal land protection and logging (GriefPrevention, CoreProtect)
  • “Manifest Density” player spreading, to encourage town development and ensure new players can find what they need in the world (PopulationDensity)
  • Shop-building resources, as well as plots to rent at spawn (ChestShop, AreaShop)
  • Elevators! (Lift, the tried and true ancient plugin that will probably never break)

  • Categories
    Areashop Australia Build Craft Crates Crazy Creative Custom Discord Economy Essentials Free Hard Hardcore Hardcore Pvp Job Jobs Kit Market Mcmmo Minecraft Mmo Mod Network Play Player Plots Plugin Plugins Pve Pvp Rank Ranks Rankup Roleplay Server Shop Skyblock Survival Vanilla


    Server IP –

    BudgieNet is a growing Minecraft Server Network based in Australia.

    We provide a semi-vanilla survival experience with loads of enhancements.
    Features include:
    Custom ranks
    Player markets
    Monthly build competitions
    … And much more!

    We also provide:
    Creative mode starting with 2 plots 32×32 each
    Kit/Hardcore PVP arena

    Feel free to reach out to us through our discord:

    Plugins installed on server: Essentials, CrazyCrates, MCMMO, Rankup3, Jobs, QuickShop, AreaShop, Creative, PVPArena

    1152server 1152survival Coreprotect Cratekeys Crates Custom Customenchantments Customenchants Customplugins Discord Discordsrv Donate Donations Donorranks Dungeons Economy Economysurvival Lands Levels Mcmmo Mcmmosurvival Minecraft Minecraftserver New Newserver Newservers Nogrief Pve Pveeconomy Resourceworld Shopgui Shops Smp Spawners Survival Upgrades Votecrates Voting Votingkeys

    XCraft Survival

    XCraft Survival seeks to create and form new experiences for fans of old-school Minecraft. Our mission is to bring Minecraft servers back to their roots, with the classic Survival Gamemode. We strive to create an open and welcoming community so that all members can have an enjoyable experience. Many things are familiar, including McMMO, Economy, and Land Claiming; however, we have implemented brand new content that we like to call Vanilla+. Vanilla+ introduces Custom Dungeons, Enchantments, Utility Items, as well as a few quality of life changes!

    Join our Discord for updates!:

    <input type="text" readonly class="auto_select" value="" name="server" title="”>

    Amazing Block Class Community Craft Economy Emo Experience Fac Faction Factions Features Game Great Hard Inecraft King Mine Minecraft Mines Mod Mod: Bukkit Network Play Prison Pve Pvp Roleplay Server Sky Skyblock Staff Survival Survival Games Tea Team Top Unique Website


    Server IP –

    Minesharp is a top rated Minecraft Server with a lot of unique features! Thanks to our great community and hard working staff team, we are able to offer an amazing experience. Our gamemodes are Skyblock, Factions and Prison!

    Minesharp Network
    Server IP:

    Abilities Achievements Awesome Boss Bosses Community Contests Crates Create Custom Eco Economy End Farm Job Jobs Keys Map Mcmmo Mmo Mob Mobs Nether New Play Player Quest Quests Ranks Reset Rewards Server Shop Shops Skills Staff Survival Title War

    Wildrift Valley

    Wildrift Valley is a brand new Enhanced Survival experience! Our server has a fantastic community of helpful staff and players who are excited to meet you.

    Take a look at just some of the many features we offer on our server:
    – In-game Ranks: Rank up to gain access to better features!
    – Custom Crates: Win awesome prizes by earning crate keys!
    – McMMO and Jobs: Improve your skills to get money & abilities!
    – Community Fishing Contests: Catch the biggest fish and win big!
    – Quests & Achievements: Earn fantastic rewards by completing tasks!
    – Upgraded Bees: Upgrade your hives, name your bees, & more!
    – Artmap: Create your own paintings in-game!
    – Better Farms: Upgradeable automatic farms!
    – Player economy: Chest shops & Player warps!

    – Fully EULA compliant donator ranks: Non-P2W!
    – Resetting End/Nether/Resource Worlds: Never run out of resources!

    Come and check out our server today!

    Australia Class Community Craft Developed Eternal Fac Free FTB Gaming Ill Inecraft Join Lag Land Lit Lol Mine Minecraft Mod Modded Modpack Network New Open Play Player Players Server Servers Sky Staff Survival Survival Multiplayer Vanilla War Welcoming Who World

    Creation Reborn – Oceanic Minecraft Network – FTB Modpacks – Vanilla

    Welcome to the Creation Reborn Minecraft Server

    Creation Reborn is a New Zealand based gaming community and Minecraft network, born from the staff of (EST. 2011) which was shut down in June of 2019. The staff who have been hosting servers since 2011 take pride in delivering a high quality Minecraft experience to players around the world, including New Zealand, Australia, Asia, and the United States.

    As one of the largest Minecraft servers in New Zealand, and the largest modded Minecraft operator in Oceania, we have developed a reputation for a warm and welcoming community, with excellent staff and a lag-free experience.

    We offer multiple servers If you’d like to come check us out, you can join our server at: or check the list below

    Project Ozone 3 (KAPPA Mode)





    Sky Factory 4

    StoneBlock 2

    Glacial Awakening

    FTB DW20

    Vanilla Survival 1.15.1

    Action Ass Block Class Content Craft Creative Erver Event Fac Faction Factions Free Ftop Generator Grief Griefprevention Huge Lag Mcmmo Minigames Mmo Mod: Spigot Play Plot Plots Prevention Raid Raiding Ree Roleplay Rvival Server Sky Skyblock Survival Top

    Server IP –

    Survival with GriefPrevention and McMMO, SkyBlock with IS TOP, Factions McMMO, raiding, FTOP, Generators and more, Creative huge plots and more – 24/7, LAG-FREE!

    Minecraft Servers to Join

    The Minecraft servers are looking for dedicated players who will participate in their gaming community. Minecraft servers are completely free to play. Join today and play the best Minecraft servers in of the most popular games in the world! Players can join the server in a few different ways. First, you can download the Minecraft launcher, find the server and join with just a few clicks of your mouse. If you want to become a regular user of the Minecraft server, you can also apply to become a member of the community and make your presence known.

    Minecraft Servers List

    A Minecraft server (Java/Bedrock) is a server program that allows players to play the game of Minecraft. In this list you will find hundreds of online servers running the game of Minecraft. These servers offer players a safe place to play the game and have fun together. There are servers for just about any kind of game you can think of. This list contains many different types of top Minecraft servers and Best Minecraft Servers to Play. Each server on the list is unique, hosting a variety of custom mods, game modes, and features that cater to the diverse preferences of Minecraft players.

    Minecraft Servers Survival

    Survival is the most popular servers type for Minecraft to play. You can find a lot of mods for it, and its population is really high. Minecraft survival servers are based on a more realistic Minecraft, and players here get to play on a world that has a lot of possibilities for how the game will play out. You can play on these servers with friends, and with the same servers and its features, your session is going to be more or less unique. In addition, it is more complicated than the other Minecraft servers, and to play you are going to have to become familiar with the game.

    Minecraft Skins for Minecraft Servers

    Show off your unique skin in the world of Minecraft with this huge variety of Minecraft skins. No matter if you're diving into survival challenges, enjoying community games, or just exploring server lists, you can stand out with a skin that matches your personality. Minecraft skins have something for everyone - whether you prefer simple or intricate designs. Looking for a skin of a specific color? You can easily find Minecraft skins sorted by color, making your search quick and convenient. So go ahead, give your Minecraft skin a fresh look!